What age should girls start birth control?

They should start taking birth control when the eight because in today’s world that’s when they start having sex at 8 years old


I feel like it’s dependent on the child. If she’s sexually active id say then would be a good time.

When they start having sex.

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I started at 13 but mostly to regulate my period.

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well it depends. i had to be out on birth control at 13 for medical reasons not for sexual.

Everyone says teach good morals. But I was put on it at 13. I wasn’t sexually active. I would soak thru pads in minutes. I would go to the bathroom when I felt the clots & I would still get it on the back if my pants. My dad had a hard time, but my mom explained what I was going thru and why the doctor recommended it to help with my menstrual.

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I don’t think any child should be forced to take birth control ever. Have the conversation with them. Be open. Explain to them how a teen pregnancy can affect them long term, tell them how no means no, and explain other contraceptives as well. Parents are advocates to their children. Teach them correctly instead of just making the decision for them. Be transparent. Allow them to make that decision


Talk with her Dr…they can guide you…or call your own ob/gyn they can advise as well

Taking birth control to prevent rape pregnancy ( i have read a couple comments) seems like you should teach her to fight back and the boys to have respect no girl should have to take birth control to just incase prevent rape pregnancy

It should be the girls choice because she’s ready to have sex starting to young can cause problems later in life (depending on the type of birth control)
So whenever she says hey mom I am ready that when you get her birth control and condoms

Took my daughter in at 16 for the arm birth control. She is good till she is 19. I waited till then because that is when she got her first boyfriend. I was a teen mom. No blinders on my eyes.


My mom had me on it after I got my first pap around 14 or 15 because it helps keep your monthlys regular.

As soon as the start having monthly periods


I’m 34 & never been on birth control in my life. I would’ve been very upset with my mother if she’d done that to me

When they start having sex I talked to my mom about getting on birth control but at the same time there’s also other means of contraception if you don’t want your daughter to be on a hormonal birth control and gain a substantial amount of weight since most teenage girls do gain a lot of weight while or after using hormonal birth control

Once they get their period. Or sexually active. 14 and up because it can be really bad to take unless you really need to

I started having sex at 15. And my parents didn’t even mention birth control. I was never talked to about periods or having sex from my parents. I had to learn it on my own. I started my period in the 3rd grade. I was at school, and went to the bathroom, and there was blood. I was crying, and my teacher told me what was happening. It was scary for me not knowing anything about it. I lived with my grandma at the time, and she didn’t even explain anything to me. She just made me feel ashamed for leaving bloody pads in the trash can. My periods were long, painful, and heavy, and I endured that with no birth control until just a few weeks ago. I got a hysterectomy. I am so much better now lol.

I’m 28 and have never been on birth control but my friends that started at 16 a few of them have found out they can not have kids due to birth control and being on it so long it’s put them through early menopause :pensive:

Depends on the maturity of the child and the mom


For health reasons - when the doctors recommend. Any other reason - when sexually active. (Hopefully after they’re old enough to handle and manage the responsibility)

I started at 14 due to horrible periods, I didn’t start being sexually active until I was 20


I started birth control when I was 14 because of pcos. There is no set age to start birth control and while there are many side effects, the pros out weigh the cons of not being on it

Honestly, I don’t think it’s about age. Once her period starts, that’s when I would be looking into it. It’s not only for “birth” control. It can help keep her regular, not have extreme flows and even with cramping.


When they start being sexually active; or to help with bad menstrual cramping, menstrual irregularity, or bad acne.


I would say around 14 only bc I was sexually curious and all that starting around 15 bc all my “friends” where sexually active in school. But honestly I would just talk to my daughter about it around age 14-15 and ask her if she would like to start it. And give her the option to choose which one she would prefer. And explain the reasonings behind birth control… also dads what to keep that purity and innocence in their daughters. But honestly just sit down with you daughter and talk to her. Then If she decides she would like it then you two talk to her doctor together and come up with a plan together.

I had to start as soon as i got my period. If my period was late at all I would throw up everything for the length of my period. So i feel like each kid is different, some may need it sooner or some may need it later.

When they start having interest in sex… talk to them at a young age… my daughter came out and asked me for BC…
if you are taking it for bad “periods”… maybe you should first start to look at diet… all the processed foods and sugars they are injecting… I know pcos and endometriosis…

Soon as they start their period


When they start having sex unless they have bad periods then before
13 to 15.

My girls are 17 and 18 and I will not put their bodies through that. Having real honest talks about sex and how their body works has worked to keep mine from unwanted pregnancy. Unless there is already a hormonal issue I think messing with the hormones in your body causes long lasting health issues. :woman_shrugging: just the opinion of 1 mom who started birth control at 14 and have yet to recover from the side-effects.


I hate how unnatural Birth Control is that I’ve been inconsistent at being on it myself. I don’t want my baby on it😭. I want to hear when it’s appropriate though.

It would probably be best to sit down with her and talk about it. If she feels like she needs it, then it
shouldn’t matter if the parents are uncomfortable with it. Better safe than sorry.

I’ve been on birthcontrol since I was 13 because although I definitely wasn’t sexually active, my periods were all over the place and would cause me to be physically sick. Ovarian cysts added on top of it and it was a no brainer. :woman_shrugging:
My sister on the other hand, didn’t feel like she needed it until she was 16. Everyone is different.

I started when i was 14

10/10 as soon as they get their period. There are too many groomers and predators out there, even in their own age range.

idk about age… but when i was 15 i started nexplanon and i had my period for 2 years. now i don’t have one at all. my suggestion is to start with the pill and to make sure you read the side effects. be ready for whatever she gets, to change her emotions like it’s nothing. birth control is stressful :weary:

Depends are you paying attention to your child I would say 14

I started birth control when I was 14 to regulate my period.
If she is sexually active, get her an iud or implant. (Whatever will work best for her) in my opinion

Once you are wanting to be sexually active

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They can be on it whenever they start getting their period. I’d recommend giving them a year to regulate their cycle naturally before adding birth control.

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Personally I would get a girl on birth control as soon as she starts her period it can help calm the pains and make periods lighter, helps with acne and good to get in a habit of it young. I personally don’t have girls I have boys but I had my first child at 17 and was sexually active young without thought or knowledge and it’s good to get a good talk in there to x

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Its not about their age. Its about when their bodies are ready for it. She has a period then shes ready for those types of meds

Once periods start. Helps with cycle and other affects of cycle including sexual interest.

Once they’re ready to be sexually active

Also this is a discussion you should also have with the child because it is their body as well and they should know and understand the side effects of birth control.

I know some people who were put on BC at a young age and it had really bad consequences for their body. So they should also have a say in when and if they want to start birth control

When they first get their period. Why is this even up for debate :joy::joy:


While you are making life altering decisions for your child-
Why don’t you talk to her/your family doctor instead of soliciting advice from random stranger on a finger nail art Facebook page?


tbh no one should be on bc because it’s not the best for our bodies.


I started at 16 due to extreme heavy irregular periods…I didn’t have sex til 19.

I wouldn’t put my daughter on it. I would highly educate her about sex and babies…but definitely don’t put her in it just because

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For sure by 14. It helps big time with acne, cramps, staying on a schedule every month. Men have no true idea what all females cope with. Being protected by birth control is wise also. Times are not as safe as they use to be. A rapist can have visitation to your grandchild now! There’s another law trying to pass that will allow the rapist the right to stop his victim from abortion if they choose it.

I’ve never been on birth control I don’t think it’s necessary but I was taught at a very young age that sex could produce a child , I never had issues with acne, pains from my cycle till I was in my 30’s

I started the patch at 16. It really depends on the girls body. You should include her in the discussion and decision as well.

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I started when I was 15 or so, due to the fact I had cramps that hurt really bad, cold sweats, passed out a few times etc. I had to argue with my father and he never let me have it. Finally got it and I can have painless periods. Sometimes it’s best to give it to them, because they need it for more than what you think

This is one of those topics that will give you so many peoples opinions and ideas it’ll make your head spin and you’ll be no closer to a way to help you and your husband make a decision. This is something best left to a discussion with you both, your daughters doctor and your daughter. No amount of Facebook opinions will help you make a decision on what’s best for your child nor should it. Ever.


16 if u r on birth control to long it will prevent u from getting pregnant later in live

Depends really. Birth control can be so for many different reasons even certain health conditions that birth control can help manage. An earlier age can be good if they have a health condition that has impacted the girl’s life. Like I said depends

Birth control messed my period up and 8 yrs ago I got pregnant with my daughter, and now to this day I still haven’t been able to get pregnant because I found out I have pcos , I wouldn’t start birth control just saying

Is this a nail group or mom group?


I was 16 when I started the pill. Stayed on it until I got married at age 24. No problems with conceiving. After two births I got an IUD for the next 15 years. No problems at all.

I wasn’t sexually active till I was 19. However, that was not the issue. My period was not regular each month and the pain was unbearable. That is why the doctors agreed it would help me. Which I did. I would involve both your daughter and her pediatrician in the conversation to see if it is necessary.

I started at 16 because my periods were so awful helped a lot and mom and I got along better cuz it controlled the PMS… lol

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Never. Educate about sex and babies. And if it’s about controlling a bad period then there are natural herbs that can help with that and not affect the natural cycle.


Birthcontrol for girls does not prevent STDs!!!

I started as soon as I turned 16 but I was also a late bloomer I didn’t even get my period until I was 14 and I lost my virginity at 15 but I didn’t start really having sex until I was 16

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Id say 13 because the teen pregnancy rates are so high

I know 3 people who got pregnant at 13 so id say maybe even starting birth contral at 12

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Are they sexually active?

Do they have wicked cramps or endometriosis?

I went on 'the pill" at age 13 because my cycle was horrible… the bleeding was bad as a 13 yr old…

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I started pills when I was 14… not because I was being active but because of irregular/HEAVY periods. I feel like it is different for every teenager though and just having the open, honest talk with your daughter about sex, children, and STD’s is a good place to start and going from there if you feel as if your child is sexually active.

When they are ready.

Depends on the child if she has difficult cycle start her young that’s why I started young 14 so it regulated my stuff if she has a normal ok cycle 15 16 offer but don’t force

I was about 14 when my mom had me put on birth control because I had God awful periods and it helped a lot. There’s various reasons to be on birth control but honestly teenagers are having sex its better to be safe than sorry and give them to tools to not get pregnant before they’re ready.

I was either 14 or 15 when my mom started me on BC.

16 if she is reasonable! Have the talk!

Talk to your Dr and with your child. I started my child at 12 but it was for medical purposes. It was too help control the bleeding BUT there were other affects that caused us to stop using it

10 or 11 is to young I started my sophomore with birth control

When they start having sex. You can’t control at what age a girl will start having sex, but you can have an open enough relationship with her that you can tell her all the reasons she should wait til she’s a bit older but that she is ultimately the one that makes that choice, and that you are there for her for whatever birth control she may want to use.

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Should? Never. It’s awful for us. When is it a good idea to because we have no other option when young? Probably 13-14.


Condoms cost $10/dozen
Diapers cost $10/DAILY


It depends whether it’s for birth control, or to help regulate periods and her age.

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My girls started it around 13 yrs. Not for the “birth” control part… they have extremely irregular and heavy periods

From this post im assuming its not because you need to regulate her menstrual cycle, so if thats the case, id say not at all. If your concerned with her being sexually active, i think a talk about self care and how sex isnt a good decision as a teen and go from there.


Oh wow…boy do i feel old…just reading these posts…makes me feel super old…i had a couple of fears growing up…my parents this was a healthy fear…God…authority figures…pregnancy…and not necessarily in that order…i knew that sex lead to pregnancy at a very young age…which caused a great deal of fear in the other things…so it was kinda a self correcting problem…so yep i guess im old…

This day and age I would say age 11


Talk to her doctor. Hormones effect us all differently, it’s not always about just preventing pregnancy.

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My daughter was 14 because she had problems with irregular cycles.

All due respect, your husband has no say in this. If your child requires it, for whatever reason, you provide it.


There is no blanket rule in my opinion. Different ages, stages and scenarios come into play here. Ultimately the groundwork of communication between parents/caregivers and child, should have started long before this question is asked, which sets a foundation of honesty, trust and ultimately creates the ability to make an informed decision by all parties involved, including supporting your tamariki to seek professional guidance from their GP :blush:

Yeah, I’ve got no answer for that one. I didnt start having sex till 17 but my period was pretty regular and started at 11, never been on it and still have no children at 29. My stepsister however had her first p at 12 and sex at 12, 30 with 6 kids. Theres really no telling. I hope you know you’re daughter well and should ease into a conversation about it with her. Treat her like she can make her own decisions and it might go better than you expect.

This post should have been what should I make sure my daughter knows about sex and her own body and what do you all wish you had know about your body and sex. Well educated kids make better decisions

Right now these kids are so different so id say as soon as they have understanding.cuz dem sooo fast


Personal experience: my parents had me on it at 13. I wasn’t active though. It was simply to help me regulate monthly’s.

There are many factors to consider but ill just say this. My 14 year old niece in 8th grade is 3 months PREGNANT. If you feel it’s time for birth control, then don’t wait.

I started on birth control when I was 16/17 due to extreme period cramps that had me on the floor. I wasn’t sexually active but it was a definite need


When you and your daughter have talked about it and she’s inquiring and you’re inquiring if you as a mother know what is best then make an appointment with her doctor and go together and if she’s comfortable taking birth control by all means my aunt put me on the shot when i was 16 and I couldn’t have been and more safe than what i was doing before so lets just say if you’re daughter is suggesting it than she’s thinking about or having intercourse

Is it for the prevention of conception or cycle related issues?

Many parents turn a blind eye to this, resulting in unwanted teen pregnancy. The youngest I’ve seen in my career was 11, but often times it was 13/14 year olds who “have never had sex.” It starts earlier than many people realize, and unless you have amazing, honest communication with her, she’s likely to hide it especially if she feels she’ll be punished if she tells the truth. Another thing to educate (I recommend having a GYN speak to her) is that birth control will not prevent STDs. They need to be educated in safe sex as well.

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If you believe she’s sexually active… telling her not to isn’t going to prevent anything. You should definitely discuss pregnancy and stds because a pill only prevents pregnancy. It’s actually not up to you so why don’t you both ask your daughter what she wants to put into her body and why she feels the need to or not to use birth control.


I started at 16 & stayed on it for 10 years.
I had fertility issues when I got off the pill. I wouldn’t recommend it. My cycles took a long time to come back (2 years, the dr had to induce one with medication), and even when they finally did - they were completely anovulatory and irregular. My cycles were normal before going on the pill- every 30 days like clockwork and I’d feel myself ovulate on the left. I went on the pill because I was dating and starting to mess around with boys.
After getting off the pill, I never would have imagined that I wouldn’t see a period for 2 years, and find out I wasn’t ovulating anymore at all. I ended up having to get ivf to get pregnant. It took me 4 years to conceive.
I don’t know if being on the pill for so long was the direct cause, but I do think it contributed. The pill blocks the signal to your brain that tells your body to grow an egg and ovulate. My signal never returned once I got off the pill. It messes with your hypothalamic pituitary axis in your brain. It’s not healthy. It’s fake hormones and a fake period every month too. You need your natural period to protect your body from osteoporosis. I’m sure I lost bone density on the pill.
If my child is a girl, I won’t be recommending the pill for her when she gets in her teens. Just teaching her to be safe is what I’ll recommend. I’m hoping my cycles return to normal after child birth, but I don’t know. I feel like my body got so screwed up. If I could go back I would have never went on birth control.

Right after they get married!!


I was open with my parents and my step mom put me on birth control at 15. I only ever used birth control when I knew I was going to be sexually active. AND I used condoms. I would stress how important condoms are even if you put your daughter on birth control. Condoms are the only way to help prevent HPV and STD’s. :slight_smile:

As someone who gained a lot of weight and got a liver tumor with a high chance of turning malignant because of birth control use, I always say not at all. For anyone. IMO, unless it’s life and death one thing you don’t want to be playing with is synthetic hormones.


Preferably before it’s too late.


I got my period at 10, had to get on BC at 11 because my period cramps would make me curl up in a ball and i couldn’t come out. I was in so much pain, it was the only thing that helped. If it’s not pain or sexually concerned related, I don’t think it’s necessary just yet!