What age should girls start birth control?

Cheapest is a babysitting a screaming colicky baby

I started when I got my monthly at 15 to help with the hormone levels

Hm I didnā€™t start taking birth control pills until I was 18 . But I guess if youā€™re daughter is having issues with her period and a doctor said it be better if she went on birth control then when ever that becomes an issue for her. Other than itā€™s your choice as parent to decide that . I didnā€™t have a choice in the matter . If I asked about my parents would have flipped out. Lol didnā€™t matter if I had a boyfriend not had the sex talk at 13 I think I donā€™t remember. & mom that told me the scary thing that could happened if I got pregnant as a teenager. Iā€™m 32 with no children and she honestly never wanted grand children so yah . Good luck

Birth control isnt just for pregnancy preventionā€¦acneā€¦bad periodsā€¦pcosā€¦bad crampsā€¦etcā€¦

Every girl is differentā€¦

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Iā€™d say when they start their period is a good time. It will help regulate them and also protect them.

When they start being sexually active

Age is nothingā€¦if yā€™all decide 16 make sure she didnā€™t start fucking at 14 or last week

Some girls start it earlier for regulating their cycle and to help reduce menstrual pain. Every girl is different though, if you want your daughter on it for the purpose of protection from pregnancy I would first talk about being sexually active. If that is a concern or reason I say better to give it to them than not, however itā€™s not fully effective and obviously doesnā€™t protect from stds. I think for each family/household it can be very difficult as to when to start. I do think talking to a pediatrician and possibly setting a gyno appt is a good thing when a girl begins menstruating.

In my country the legal age for sexual consent is 16 Years Old. I will be having a talk with my daughter and from there it depends what she wants to do with her body.

I was 18. I shouldā€™ve started earlier, but that was when I had my first serious boyfriend, so I got it.

I would probably start at 15 or 16. Earlier if she has bad cramps or heavy periods, to help with those issues. I would also start earlier if sheā€™s having sex.

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Donā€™t start her early just for the heck of it. Birth control messes her body up. Can also cause her to have depression & other mental health issues. My mom started me at 12 because both my siblings were teen parents. It made my periods rougher, caused heart issues, depression (other factors as well). The pill didnā€™t prevent pregnancy. I have 2 ā€œpill babiesā€. Teach her to respect her body & not have sex until sheā€™s truly ready. Not because she feels pressured. If you find out sheā€™s active discuss options with her Dr.


Iā€™ve never used chemical birth control. My Mum was put under huge pressure by her friends to put me on the Pill and I always argued it wasnā€™t needed! (It wasnā€™t). If itā€™s needed medically then anytime is fine. Otherwise, it shouldnā€™t be a parental decision. If theyā€™re old enough to need it, theyā€™re old enough to be making the decision!

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When they start having sex

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This boggles my mind. Why are you and your husband making that decision FOR them? Birth control can be a good thing for many reasons, but itā€™s also a very personal choice regarding oneā€™s personal health and sex life. Your daughters should get on birth control if and when they and their doctors think itā€™s necessary?! This is not the 1940ā€™s and thatā€™s a decision THEY should be making, not you.


My mom put me on it at 13. My periods were extremely heavy and it helped a lot.

I was 16ā€¦ with my first bf

I used to think only after they started having sex or you worrying they are but my 15 year old been asking because she been told by girls at school it helped with they PMS so she been wanting it for that but I am worry about side effects.

14-16 depending on the child . If you suspect somthing is going on younger then 16 better to be safe then sorry

There are risks associated with starting birth control too earlyā€¦ Also possible side effects depending on the method and hormone levels etc. I started when I was 16 on the pill because my periods were awful, painful and heavy but I ended up with fibroadenomas by the time I was 18ā€¦maybe related because they are growths driven by hormones, especially estrogen. I would say do some research and pick the right option for your daughter with whatā€™s going on with her periods and whether sheā€™s wanting to become active or notā€¦

Honestly I would have the talk with your daughter not your husband. Ask her what she wants give her options and let her know different forms of birth control, and teach her about safe sex. Talk about stds ect. Have her make her own decision maybe she wouldnt want a pill and rather just by condoms.


Depends. Some girls start early before they are sexually active to control their cycle or other health issues. I was 15 but I was sexually active.

I put my daughter in it at 15. Mainly because her cramps were so bad she couldnā€™t get out of bedā€¦ though with having a bf is was something I would have planned on anyway.

Birth control isnā€™t just for when youā€™re sexually active, itā€™s to help manage periods. I started it at 13


My daughter started taking it at 13. She was having issues with her cycle. I took her to a pediatric gynecologist and they recommended it. Now her cycle is regular and her face is clear of zits.

I was 12 when I started birth control but it was for unmanageable periods and ovarian cysts that kept rupturing. It helped me so much and cut out the monthly ER trips

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I started when I was 13 because my periods were so irregular. It isnā€™t about being sexually active all the time. These comments are hilarious.

My sister has been on bc since she was 13 I believe because of her periods. I was 17 and with my first serious bf. I believe it depends on the person and their own circumstances.

Whenever they are sexually active. Better to be on it than have an unplanned pregnancy.

Letā€™s just all remember birth control isnā€™t used just for pregnancy prevention. Women use it for other things as well. Maybe talk to your husband about that as well. If sheā€™s wanting it, it may not be because sheā€™s having sex.

I started at 15 but I think it depends on ur daughter if you have reason to think she needs it earlier than do it but by 15 better safe than sorry

I think it depends why. If the questions arise talk with her doctor he can probably better guide you based off your own personal reasons. (Not knocking you for asking on a forum though :slightly_smiling_face: )

12 and 13 for my girls. But it was for period relief

It depends on the situation. Iā€™d start having regular open conversations with her prior to starting her period. Make sure sheā€™s aware of what birth control is and why she needs it. You also want to let her know that she should be on birth control for atleast 4 weeks before sheā€™s sexually active for it to be effective. Let her know she can always come to you when she feels she needs it and give her options of confidential resources she can access it at in case she doesnā€™t want to come to you.

If sheā€™s having trouble with per periods Iā€™d put her on it regardless.

If your kids having sex and they ask you for contraception let them. Itā€™s much better then them coming home pregnant


Iā€™m in the same situation. I am gonna put her on the pill for her periods but I donā€™t want her to know that itā€™s birth control.

Would he rather she be pregnant?


i got on birth control young because i had really really bad periods to the point i was missing too much school.

In my opinion never. Teach your kids about condoms and safe sex donā€™t pump their body full of added hormones just because. Those hormones could potentially do more harm then good later in life. It can make your daughter infertile. Plus the side affects of birth control in my opinion arenā€™t worth it. Yes I used to be on birth control but not by my choice. My periods completely fucked up. On one of them I almost died. Once I was an adult and could make my own decisions medically I got off it and was having constant miscarriages for a year due to being on birth control. Plus birth control wonā€™t stop STDs which is worse then getting pregnant :woman_shrugging:t3:

I would discuss this with your doctor, and focus on educating her on disease prevention.

I was 9 when I started having periods and with them came ovarian cysts I think we waited until closer to the age of 10 to start BC but I know I started it younger than most

Iā€™d look into the pros and cons of birth control.
Birth control really isnā€™t healthy. Some studies shows that the depo shot causes cervical cancer. PLEASE do your research on any birth control yā€™all choose to give her. Please consider none at all.

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Whenever their doctor recommends.

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I started at 13 because of highly painful and irregular periods. Iā€™d check with your childā€™s primary physician.

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depends i went on it very very early because of the cramps whenever you feel comfortable

When they start becoming sexually active. My mom just told me. ā€œLet me know when you want to get on some birth control and we will get you someā€ this was easy for me because I just told her one day I would like to get on some and she didnā€™t ask any questions just took me to the dr and that was that


The age when they become sexually active :woman_shrugging:t4:


Whenever they get into a steady relationship.

In a perfect world, we could teach our children about self respect and self control/discipline, and avoid modern medicine that alters our reproductive systems. But our world is not perfect.

Iā€™m 60, and remember starting periods at age 9 and being overwhelmingly curious about sex by age 11. My birth control was the fear of God and the fear of embarrassing and/or enraging my parents to the point that they would disown me. That fear doesnā€™t seem to exist anymore for our children.

So we live in a world where medications and condoms are the answers.

Donā€™t get me wrong. I believe as parents it is our responsibility to educate and protect our children, and to help them prevent making life altering decisions while they are still too young to fully grasp the consequences of their actions. I would much rather see a young person choose to use birth control, instead of being faced with choosing an abortion. The best gauge to use is the childā€™s curiosity. When they start asking questions & showing interest, itā€™s time to talk.

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If you know your child is sexually active take her to the doctors and have the talk about her options and let her make an informed decision as to what she thinks is best for her body (what type of contraception she comfortable with) its important she understands not only the benefits but the risks that come with it too

Doctor recommend the earliest is a year after their first period

I probably wouldnā€™t want my girl to start it too early. We would have a serious talk with her doctor. My body is so screwed up due to birth control, and the losses, and I would want to make sure she is safe and whatever sheā€™d be taking is safe.

So itā€™s def a case by case basis. Iā€™d def talk to her about condoms and safe sex and all that too.


Depends on the situation. I was on it from a young age due to endometriosis.

When they become or are thinking about becoming sexually active. Or if they need help with painful periods. I feel like this isnā€™t a direct age. Just have open and honest communication with your daughter and tell her what you guys are thinking and see what she says.

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I was 12 when I was put on birth control. I had bad periods. Talk to your daughter and doctor. Keep and open communication with your daughter let her know itā€™s ok to start it. Itā€™s not important if you and your husband are ready, its if your daughter is ready.

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If itā€™s to help with her periods then it shouldnā€™t matter her age. If she is having sex than she needs it now unless you want to be grandparents.


I did the same thing for my daughter that my mom did for all her daughtersā€¦15 years old regardless of whether they say they are sexually active or not. Earlier if your child tells you they are sexually active or if they have really horrible periodsā€¦ but 15 was when we did it. Not all kids will tell their parents what theyā€™re up toā€¦also birth control is NOT giving permission to be sexually activeā€¦ they are gonna do it anyways at some pointā€¦ might as well keep them safe


As soon as Menstruation starts. It can help to regulate periods, reduce cramping and bleeding, reduces acne, and has been said to help with hormonal changes. I think thereā€™s more benefits than just negating a potential pregnancy.

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When the period is started and the child needs it? If you have a menstruating child who is expression theyā€™re interested in having sex with a person with opposite genitalia then you put them on birth control. Itā€™s that or you have someone too young to be a parent :woman_facepalming:t2:


Iā€™ll never put my daughter on birth control. Some birth control will mess up your body permanently and when she is old enough to have a baby I never wanna be the cause of her not being able to get pregnant. I feel like Iā€™d talk to her about safe sex and Iā€™d trust her to do the right thing. But thatā€™s only my opinion.


My daughters, not sexualy active at all. Started at 12 and 13. One has pcos and the other was to induce periods and then to block it for health reasons.

When they actually need it. Some need it for medical reasons but other than that unless they are or planning to be sexually active soon they shouldnā€™t be on it at all.


Iā€™m torn with this. Because preventing pregnancy is ultimate at that age. But I believe hormonal birth control really messed me up throughout my life.


It depends on the child. I have almost 18 year old twins and I have a very open relationship with them. Neither are sexually active. They leave for college in late August and we have had the discussion of them both going on birth control before leaving for college, just in case. The younger of the twins was given the pill by her pediatrician when she was about 14 to help regulate her periods, but she chose not to take it. Instead of sitting down with your husband and deciding when your daughter should go on birth control, you should sit down with your daughter and decide when she should go on birth control. Unless there is a medical reason, such as irregular/heavy periods, or if she is at the age where she is ready to become sexually active, there is no need for it. Be open with her, be honest with her and most importantly do not judge her or try to force anything on her. We were all teenagers once and we all know that teenagers will find a way to do what they want to do. My mother tried with rules and punishments and all of that, and I still found a way. I went a different route with my daughters and have a very open relationship with them. They donā€™t hide anything and I donā€™t judge anything they tell me.


Sit her down and be open. Ask if sheā€™s sexually active. If so then start. If not then no way would I start. Long term use has proven to be bad


This is a loaded question because there should be discussions regarding this If itā€™s medically necessary than as soon as reasonable. If for sexual relationships tha you need to discuss healthy relationships and consent and STIs. Birth control isnā€™t a one size fits all option and if you want it to work the way itā€™s designed you need to find one thatā€™s easy to use and remember . I was always a fan of IUDs they are long term options that donā€™t cause lots of issues and and lessen periods. Talk to your doctor and good luck.


Whenever they start dating, kids having kids is torture for everyone involved.

As soon as they start their periods, around 13 is a good time.

I was 14 I believe and have changed pills but have always been on one. I also have premenstrual dysphoric disorder and without a regulated period I was in constant pain and my depression/anxiety skyrocketed the week before, burning, and after my period. I was lucky to get one good week a month.

I was put on the depo shot at 12. My parents made me out of precautions just in case I was to do anything but mainly to help with my periods.

I was 13 but i had irregular periods

It can help with period issues like cramps and how heavy it is. Itā€™s not always about sex. My daughter is gay but Iā€™m discussing the option with her because she has bad periods like I do. Sheā€™ll be 14 soon. Sheā€™s not sure she can remember to take medicine on time.

Itā€™s going to be completely up to my child. When they want it my answers yes

I would want a relationship with my kids where they know when to come to me when they start thinking about sex so we can start those apt talk about safe sex

Talk with a Dr to see if birth control is right for your daughter, sometimes it can be used for more than just sexual activity and can regulate and lessen the severity of the period and is different for everyone

When my child needs/wants it. I would NEVER force my child to be on it.

I know they were all on it by 16, I was 14. If they have a period and are ā€œtalkingā€ to boys. Good enough age for me.

Coming from a person who was a teen mom have a honest conversation with your child and her dr if thatā€™s not possible or you think thatā€™s not gonna give you honest answers talk to your dr my mom couldnā€™t ever be convinced I should be on birth control before I was 18 well I ended up having my son at 16

Thereā€™s lots of reasons to start birth control other than it prevents babies. It can help control your flow/how often you get it, it can help with acne, it definitely has its downfalls and needs to be researched and you may need to try a few before you find one you like. Iā€™d say 14 is a reasonable age to start for those reasons if itā€™s really bad, though you never know, kids seem to be doing it younger and younger every year.

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Depends on what itā€™s necessary for. It has other therapeutic purposes.

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Iā€™m going to be open and honest about everything with my daughter. If she wants to take it for bad periods when she starts (I was 12), Iā€™m fully okay with it. Itā€™s her body. If she comes to me later about sex, then absolutely. We should all take charge of our own birth control.

In my opinion, When they start being alone with boys. A lot of my friends had sex for the first time before me & I was only 14 about to be 15 when I engaged in sexual activity. (My closest friends parents always thought their daughter was a good girl :joy: went to church regularly/ had good grades)
I agree with these other comentors though! It can be a great help for bad periods and acne as well

If for medical reasons as soon as they show signs of needing it. Or when your child starts becoming sexually active

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As much as this is gonna sound rude why should your husband have a say as to what happens with your daughters reproductive hormones if she has started her period then birth control should be discussed and education on proper hygiene during her period should be discussed as well as what should be a normal period I didnt talk to my mom about my period I went straight to my doctor instead I didnt need my nother permission for birth control but I was also 14 when I finally started mine

When I started my period, periods were heavy, a lot of cramps, and irregular and u canā€™t always trust her to be honest when she starts having sex better safe than find yourselves in a situation

Ring before ding-a-ling

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My daughter is 13 and her doctor wanted to start her on because her severe acne.

When my daughter decides she needs it or wants it. Her body her choice. I will be adamant though that if she is going to be thinking about sex then she needs to find some sort of birth control that works for her.


When even they want to start being sexually active

if they are old enough to get pregnant they are old enough for bc. Iā€™d do lots of research on what is good for preteens and teens because the side effects can be rough. and Iā€™d let it be their choice. obviously having healthy conversations about sex and babies is a must imo. This absence nonsense that is preached is not sex education. I have 2 daughters and obviously I dont want them having sex as teenagers, but Iā€™m also not delusional enough to think that they wont possibly be sexually active.

Encouraging a healthy understanding of sex and pregnancy is not advocating for teenagers to have sex. js

Started mine about 3 to 6 months after menstruation started. I was a teen mom. I didnā€™t want that for them. Easy decision for me. And my hubby was on board too. Even though he felt they were too young

my daughter was diagnosed with PCOS and HAD to be placed on birth control. Sometimes it is done to regulate & make periods more regular. I wouldnā€™t necessarily place an arbitrary age on it!

My daughter had just turned 15 when she started the pill. She started on the pill to ease the cramping she struggled with during her period. Itā€™s made a immense difference. It has nothing to do with being used as a birth control method and everything to do with helping her.
If my daughter was into dating, Iā€™d be all over getting her off and running before itā€™s ā€œneeded.ā€
I would also stress that when the day comes that she had sex, they still need to use condoms. Making sure she fully understands that babies still happen on the pill!
Most men are cool with giving their son the condom talk but when faced with birth control and their daughters, they freak. Itā€™s a culture we need to extinguish.

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I wish I knew about how birth control helped my periods at a young age. I wouldnā€™t of been embarrassed by my teachers telling me to clean my seat in front of the whole class when I secretly asked for cleaning supplies and to go to the nurseā€™s office. I wasnā€™t sexually active till 19.

Well Iā€™d delay as long as possible . Most BC it terrible for our bodies.
Iā€™d avoid it unless itā€™s being used to correct hormone levels or other issues.
I tell my girls about condoms, spermaside and sponges, all available at the local drug store and Iā€™d be ok with picking them up if they ever need it.
I wonā€™t have to worry about it with my oldest becuse they prefer girls and my youngest still thinks boys are gross.
We have had many discussions about how all that works and have open communication.

Now days it just depends. Some may need for medical reasons and then some need because of being sexually active. I would say talk with the child and find out if they are sexually active and go from there.

For one if she even wants to start bc, itā€™s her body. And two, I started bc to help with my periods and didnā€™t become sexually active till I was 19/20 years old.

Usually when they get their period. Every family is different though. If I had a daughter, I would about then as well. I have boys though.