What age should girls start birth control?

Be sure to include the child on this decision stop force feeding kids to science I’m a teen mom by the way stop playing god no matter how hard u stress and try to deter WE as children found/find a way to do the things we want u have to parent and trust that the story of life is already written what happens is suppose to happen with reason the good the bad and the ugly


As soon as the period starts. Regulate that shit. There is no medical reason ANYONE has to bleed once a month.

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My mom made me when I was 12 and I resented it :woman_shrugging: I think you should sit down with her and discuss all the types of birth control and her options and their side effects and help her make an informed decision.

I got in birth control in hs and got on the wrong one because I didn’t know my family history and I wasn’t able to ask my mom because she was super religious. These things should be discussed openly. I gained 30 lbs and got sick on the medication.

Depending on her health. It does have side effects so if she’s not in need maybe ask her?

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It depends on why you think she needs it. Sexually active? Yes. Periods awful and out of wack/excessive/heavy and painful? sure, go with doctors recommendation. Is she asking for it? Go ahead but explain all side effects and definitely give sex talk. Anything non emergency? Then don’t bother. But talk to her doctor before making decisions


I got put on when I was about 14/15 only cause I was bleeding alot.

Your answer is when you think your child can start having sex or when you believe she has started.


Birth control is used for other reasons. So if she’s having any problems related to her period or severe acne no matter what he age is you and her should talk to the gynecologist. Birth control is not just for when she starts having sex


Whenever the kid wants to start! So many benefits and risks to BC. Always educate fully with a Dr, list the pros and cons, and give the child as much control over their body with the information and understanding.


I think around 14 is a good age. Level out the periods … and well … ya know … teenagers

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It depends on many things,

  • if the girl agrees to it and understands fully what it is including all side effects.
  • if the girl is having irregular or heavy periods and wants to use birth control to help with that.
  • if the girl wants it as a way of contraception, and she is aware of everything to do with sex and knows all about consent and everything that comes with that.
  • Also her health and making sure she’s not going to be negatively affected by it (the doctor would do checks for this anyway)
  • Also if it is for contraception reasons make sure she’s aware there’s other ways too. (Discuss all options etc)

It’s not about age. They should start when they start thinking of becoming sexually active. My daughter started at 13 to control heavy bleeding and cramps so bad she was missing school.

My daughter DID come to me and expressed a need. She was 14. She chose the implant. After that we had a tremendously difficult year that I wrote off to moody teen. She is 18 and just got her 2nd implant. She came to me and expressed that it was making her feel strong anger/sadness then guilt. We went directly to the doctor and are currently trying different methods. I believe it happened the first time and we just thought it was teen angst. Whatever you choose make sure you can have hard conversations with your daughter and believe her when she says something isn’t right.

When it’s needed. Every child is different.


I started birth control as a joint decision with my parents maybe a year after starting my periods. I had horrible cramping, irritability, mood swings, and bloating with mine every month. After hearing all the positive effects it could have on me, a very young teen who wouldn’t he sexually active still for many years, we decided it was the best option for me to feel my best all month long not just 3 of the 4 weeks out of it. The regulating effects the BC had on my moods was life changing! So much better for me and everyone in my home.

Once they are sexually active or thinking of being sexually active.


When I was younger my mom was stupid against it “if I don’t give you birth control you won’t have sex”
Big dummy head i went and got the shot at 16

And then At 18 she took me to get an IUD
I would just say communicate with your chILD when they think its appropriate
Make sure they feel comfortable coming to you and asking for it

I’m gonna say hold off until as close to high school as possible. And if you can until it’s needed. But it all depends on relationship you have with your children


As soon as she starts her period

When they get their period.

I was immediately put on it at 13-14 shortly after my first period.

Welp. You can start your daughter on bc after 2 period cycle at puberty. State it’s to keep them regular.
Cause even though I had the “talk”, and regularly at that, I wished I put my daughter on bc early. Kids are going to be sexually active. They are going to do dumb things like the pull out method or dont realize that sperm travels,and whatnot. The boys dont carry condoms as its embarrassing to buy or dont even know how to use them.
You just want your daughter protected. Either from misadventure and curiousity, or a crime.
I have a grandchild now that I love beyond measure, but my daughters life went off the rails. You want to avoid this.

SOON AS SHES ON HER PERIOD !!! so u ain’t taken care of surprise babies!!

Well, is she having sex? That would make up my mind

My daughter has been on it since 7th grade

Let your child know she can come to you if she has a boyfriend & explain to her things can happen if she can come to you & let you know it’s time you do have another option if you don’t put her on something & she gets pragnant she will suffer in many ways all through her life


I say ask her physician, not social media.


The only way I started my period was when I started birth control. I was 14 and hadn’t started my period. They found out I had more testosterone then estrogen so they said birth control will level it all out. After a month taking it started my period at 14. At 16 finally started to grow boobs. Always talk to her doctor about it.

As a Dad, I view this a little differently. So many young girls go on the pill and feel like it is ok for a guy to finish inside them because they are on the pill. Well, the pill isn’t going to protect them from HIV, Hep C and every other STD out there


I would say as soon as she starts her first period.

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My daughter is not sexually active but is on birth control due to her periods making her extremely sick… she’s 12 years old. There are many different reasons to start bc

I’m not a parent but in my opinion once they get interested in boy’s it’s definitely time to think about birth control

Personal opinion!! Also unpopular opinion. 14. You can’t stop your kid from having sex but you can help prevent pregnancy. Most of the time, daughter’s won’t talk to their parents about having sex, especially the first time so better to be safe than sorry. 14 is a pretty average age to start having sex.


I started on it at 11 when I started my period but, I did only bc I had cysts on my ovaries that caused pain. Not bc I was sexually active at that age. I feel it’s different for every girl. I think whenever it feels right or if she’s sexually active then definitely but explain it doesn’t help prevent STDs

that’s more of a doctor question. I was put on birth control at 12 when my cycle started because the pain was intense and I couldn’t function. with that being said, I wasn’t sexually active until I was 17 or 18. I don’t think there is a ‘right age’ to be on birth control and i also don’t think its necessary for everyone. talk to your daughter and talk with her doctor and go from there.

I communicated well with my daughter and she trusted me enough to tell me she was sexually active and so we decided together to put her on the depo. She is nearly 17

I think if it’s for a medical reason it should not be up to dad or mom it should be a given to help there daughter and if the daughter is asking for it she is trying to be safe and there needs to be another conversation about sex and when she is ready you can’t stop them from having sex but you can keep your daughter safe.

I can’t believe these comments… I am so glad I have boys… no way in hell I would let my daughter go on the pill so young( if I had one )… kids these days are getting there periods at 11 and 12 fk no!! Me personally have told my now 15 year old son that he is not allowed to be sexually active until he is sixteen and the girl has to be 16 for legal reasons… I don’t want any bull💩 at my door

How about dont start birth control. All it did was mess my body up.

As early as child thinks is nessary. It’s important for them to realized and make choices for their body and parents should support and help them ask /answer questions they wouldn’t think to ask. Teach them to care for their self


At the age when you think your daughter might be getting into sex. Only you know your kid well enough to know the answer. I believe its different for different kids. Even if its to soon, better safe than sorry. Our doctor tried to talk us out of it when I asked. My daughter was 16. He had the nerve to pull me aside and scold me for even mentioning it. I know my kids and I know when it’s time!!:woman_shrugging:

All you should do is give her the information so she can make that decision, she is a woman now and has a right to decide what to do on her own. Let her know you are there if she needs help getting it. Have a doctor talk to her about all her options

I’ve been on the pill since I was 17, when I was officially diagnosed with pcos

I started my daughter at 11 because she was anemic and helped control her periods. My other daughter is 12 and I’m going to start her on it as well :slightly_smiling_face:

I started birth control when I was 12 because I had very heavy and very painful cycles that were irregular. So it all depends is it medically necessary or is it just to prevent pregnancy you can always talk to your OBGYN and get their medical opinion

Before she is pregnant. Sounds stupid but not everyone is the same. I would rather have them on it at birth than to wait too long and let them ruin their youth with a baby

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Whenever the girl feels it is necessary. No one knows her body as well as she does

Around 14 is a good time to start in my opinion. I never used it because birth control doesn’t seem to work (grandmother 3 times, aunt 5 times, mom 3 times, cousin once)

However, I have a concern over some of these “as soon as the first period.” I started mine at around 9 and I don’t think hormonal birth control should be given to someone that young given the things it does to older women.

Some kids have to be on birth control to ease pain and keep their periods regular. Gotta do what the best decision is for your situation and family. I wish parenting came with a book that gave u all the answers! Good luck!

As soon as she starts menstruation, it will help her be regular

As soon as she start having sex.

Personal choice. I briefly only put my daughter on BC to get her regulating. Otherwise, a lot of her peers that took BC took it as a ticket to have sex all they wanted.

But to answer your question, medically, when periods start they can get on birth control. I also have opted to keep these kids of things between me and my daughter. I would be surprised if my mom even knows she’s getting herself on BC.

I started when I was 14. Was and roughly the time you hit high school and it’s talked about.
I might ask your daughter that question. I think it should be a mother daughter conversation then a mom and dad conversation about it.

My daughter was 13 but it was to regulate her period as she was bleeding every 2 weeks

Tbh I would say 16. My mom was a psycho Christian and wouldn’t let me on BC until I turned 18 because I was in so much pain.

From what some of you are saying if a 9 yr old gets her period she should go on birth control?? Dear Lord my niece is 9 yrs old and just got her period she has no business being on birth control or having sex for that matter…I don’t think kids should be having sex…and yes I know we are in the 21 st century…what do children know about sex and it’s responsibilities?. So sad that 14 year olds and younger are having sex babies having babies.

Have talk with her too and c explaine how it work but that’s it’s good to use a codon too to protect against stds. When my step daughter moved in with us here mom wanted her to start bc and I thought it was a good idea since she was going in to freshmen year. I thought she would know and her mom would of told her but when I asked if she wanted me call in a refill she told me she thought she just had to finish the packet 1 time and it was done. After that I made sure to explain and check on things with her.

Is this a family planning page or what? All I’ve seen are birth control and pregnancy posts. Yet the page name is not pregnancy and birth control.

Before they hit high school or when their period starts.

It’s worth it if they have truly painful periods or are diagnosed with something and birth control is effective in helping it. Can’t just say for sex because you also wanna get in their minds the risks of stds cause I’m sure a lot of teenage girls assume it helps protect against that. School isn’t very effective on teaching about sexual health, it seems like they’re uncomfortable teaching it and wanna get it over with and most teens never take them seriously. If both you and dad can talk with her about it so she’s not uncomfortable then I’d think she’d process it better than just mom. It helps when both parents talk to their child and it’s important to teach them things young and keep discussing those things as she gets older. Ik im going to teach my daughter all these things at an earlier age because having parents that say “you better not do this” or “you better not wind up pregnant” makes them even more curious and makes them wanna go behind your back! Plus with how the world is today, I’m sure it’s gonna be worse in 10 years so it’s always a great idea to educate them at a younger age rather than right at 16-18.

Every circumstance is different. It’s between the parent, child and doctor. Period.

You need to know all of the facts. I had a friend that was put on BC because the Dr told her it would help with her debilitating periods. However, they either had the wrong one or wrong dose and it also made her suicidal. I would weigh your benefits against the possible side effects very carefully and pick what’s best for the child in the end.

When my daughter is thinking about becoming sexually active, she can get on it. Unless she has horrible symptoms with her period. I’m not putting her on that crap for ‘‘just in case’’ or no reason at all

I would have this conversation with your daughter and an ob/gyn.


Um, legal age? What a dumbass question. Or when your doctor says they should be. Is your child having unprotected sex at age 10? If so, you should be in jail. If not, what age are they having sex yet? Not at legal age? In that case - how do you know and why the hell have you let it get to this point???

I was 15 or 16, and I just wanted it because they said it would regulate my period and such. I didn’t have sex till just before my 18th bday.

Put your sons on birth control and leave your daughter alone


Be the parent that makes your child want to talk to you. That will ensure that if the times comes for the need they will ask beforehand. However if periods are bad then it helps at any age:

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Be realistic…what age did boys start trying to get in your pants…then go 2 years younger for her.


Never. It is poison and toxic


I personally started at 13. Due to hormonal issues.

My oldest was 13 she was diagnosed with PMDD they really helped her. My youngest was 14 she was having migraines associated with her periods. Depends on the situations! The doctor will help you decide

I’d say around 15 is old enough as long as the dr agrees but really depends on the child. My oldest is 17 and literally just goes to school and comes home and does a part time job during the summer. Not interested in dating or anything so no birth control has been started

I think it depends on your daughter, who she is hanging around, and if you guys want to be grandparent at a young age. Have an open and honest talk with her. Talk about sex and the good and the bad. Ask her were she is at and feeling with all of it. Of course she will probably say no, but if she is hanging and talking about guys might be a good thing to talk about doing, because in this day in age the average girl now has sex by 13. With social media and apps they are doing cray things over the phone now. Just talk. Start creating a strong and open bond with your child.

I started at 14 due to cramps

Purely depends on the reason for it, I mean it could be because she is sexual active? Or period related, I went on birth control at the age of 15 and that was for both reasons, you’re the parent! When people say you need to ask your child I do not agree, they don’t fully understand untill they’re a lot older, kids lie you just don’t know when they’re sexually active or not… would becoming a parent at such a young age sit right with you an your husband? :blush:

I don’t think there’s a certain age. Depends on when the child needs or wants birth control.

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Definitely before she has sex not after. :woman_facepalming:t3:


My daughter was on it at the age of 15/16 for super painful periods. She had severe side effects tho so stopped because neither of us wanted her to keep experimenting with different ones. I don’t think there’s a specific age to start but I would say keep communication open because it can bring on depression and other issues that me and my daughter monitored because her Dr didn’t.

I was 14. Still ended up a teen mother. It is a decision you have to speak openly with your child about. See what works for her and allow her to have a voice.


Birth control literally messed me up! Please research!

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Open a line of communication with your child about this subject find out how she feels about it

I started mine at 15. Not only does it protect her it also can help prevent ovarian cysts. Young girls get them a lot and cause a lot of pain. But really mama it’s your choice and when you feel comfortable with it.

My daughter is 15 and she has been on the pill since 13 only because of.bad.period cramps and irregular periods… then she started spotting and bleeding for like 2 weeks on 2 days off and 2 weeks bleeding… she now has the bar in her arm… her moods have been better and no more spotting Nd bleeding… she still isn’t sexually active …

My mom forced me at 13. I wasn’t sexually active yet either

When she comes to you and asks for it cuz she’s thinking about sex. However… the use of condoms must be discussed as well!


Having good interaction with daughter on subject is good start…but as mothers of 5 son’s and 2 daughter’s…Our " talk" included…both taking responsibility…Plus…Pregnancy isn’t only thing to worry about…after having little brother pass from AIDS …Told mine to make sure it’s protected…

When you decide that your influence as a parent will not carry over, when you decide to then give her time alone with boys, when you have tried all you can do to instill in her the value of remaining a virgin until she is ready to commit to an adult relationship, that is the time to add chemical control to the equation.

If needed for medical reasons otherwise as soon as there is a boyfriend on the scene

13 I had cystic acne and horrible cramps. PCOS at it’s finest.

2 options
pimp her out as babysitter until she hates kids and she will get Birth control behind your back
or that will backfire and cause her to get prego

I was 16 when I started the pill. I was 12 when I started my period and they were horrible. I begged my mother to put me on it for years. It made my periods regular and I still ended up with a teenage pregnancy because they don’t tell you that antibiotics make birth control not work. In the last 30 years I’ve been on the depo shot, an iud, several different kinds of pills,an ablation and now the nexplanon. I like the nexplanon the best. It lasts for 3 years no periods and no babies.

I started taking my birth control at 16. My mom thought it was the best course of action because I wanted to lose my virginity safely, and I don’t want kids. Ever. So she did the right thing and got me put on birth control as soon as I asked for it. Trust them, be there for them, and I know this is an unpopular opinion, but be their friend. Be their parent too, but also be their friend and they will literally tell you anything and everything. And that folks, is how to have a good relationship with your child.
And also, a lot of people still don’t understand but birth control is for more than just preventing babies. It helps control your period cycle, it helps with acne and other things too. It’s not all about teenagers having sex and wanting to prevent pregnancy.

My sister started at 13 because of ovarian cysts. Has nothing to do with sex.

  1. I told her it was to regulate her period. As a former middle school teacher they were having sex at a very young age.

I was put on birth control at 13 when I started my period because it was so heavy and painful. Birth-control was a lifesaver at that point I was in so much pain I had a hard time going to school and just living life but the birth control took care of it.

When a child becomes sexually active is a good place to start. Also, if the child comes to you about wanting to be sexually active. However whatever that age is for your child, always consult with her doctor. Not knowing the age and reason, it’d be best to just talk with her doc to see what’s right for her. IF she IS sexually active, then definitely make that call asap to better protect her now.

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Once she is sexually active!!

I was with a long term boyfriend at 14 (no bashing) On and off for a few years and I was on the pill, my body, my choice.

I kept forgetting to take the pill but was luckily enough not to get pregnant at a young age so I went and had the implant in my arm xx

My daughter was 15 years old when she informed me that she had a steady boyfriend. So I took her to get birth control including condoms and I told her that I was not giving her permission to have sex but I was a teenager once and a teen mom and I know that things can happen even when you aren’t planning on it. So I would rather her be protected than sorry later. She had her first child at 23.