What age should I let my daughter get her nose pierced?

Mine got hers done at 13 with her best friend.

I was 11 and again at 13 when I had mine done. My hair ripped it out then first time. I told her if she consistently wants it for good amount of time then fine. She can get it. I made a deal with her that she can get it at 13 which is in a couple of months. She’s been asking for almost 2 straight years. She also had her second holes done for her birthday like 2 years ago and did a great job at cleaning them. We made it a point to clean our piercings together to make sure they were done enough and the proper way.

I was 12 / 13 when i got mine done

I had mine done at 12/13.

Nose and belly button… 15/16… it’s just a piercing… but that’s just me… :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Letting my daughter get hers done in January for her 13th bday :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Eh piercings close, I’d probably around 14

I was 15 when I did my belly button and 16 first tattoo :see_no_evil:

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We told my daughter she had to wait until she was 18

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My daughter just got hers at 15

I was 15 when my mom let me get mine done

How old is she? I don’t think a nose stud is a big deal, not different from asking to get ears pierced. My mom always told me when I was 18, shed rip it out. I got mine done the first time probably around 35. My mom loves it lol.
That coming from the woman who pierced my ears as a baby.

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Just let my 11 year old get hers done


guess i’m late to the game - i got mine done at 60!

I got my nose pierced at 16

Mine got hers for her 14th birthday

My oldest was 15, then got her belly button at 16. No tattoos or other permanent mods until 18 but piercings aren’t something I’m going to fight about. You do you, boo.

My daughter wants hers done I said when she is 13 lol I am all for expressing yourself. I don’t want her to wait till see is almost 40 like me haha. Each to their own tho I got my tongue pierced at 14

The way I see it is- hair dye and piercings can go away if they change their minds.
I understand not everyone feels this way but while they are young, if they choose to express themselves that way I see no harm in it.

A child shouldn’t be allowed to make adult decisions, jmo

My older daughter got her nose done at 13 and her tongue done at 15 my younger daughter got her septum done at 15. She wants her eyebrow done. I told her at 17. I have a handful of piercings myself.

13/14 I’d allow a nose piercing

My daughter was 14 when she got it done

Not being smart but weren’t u a teenager once and u were going to do it anyway would u prefer a professional or a sewing needle in one her friends bathroom

My daughter, her godmother and myself all went and got it done together when my daughter turned 13 :joy:

When they’re adults and can make their own decisions


I was 13 when my mom let me

I’d say when it’s legal for her to go alone (16 in my state). That’s when I did it. My state also says 14 with a guardian so :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: I think high school for sure.

Side note I’ve had mine since 16 and I’m now 28 so I get where she’s coming from! Maybe see if belly button or something in her ears would make her happy until that age. Facial piercings DO scar so I wouldn’t go any younger.

When she is old enough to not need a parents signature :joy: just kidding. I let my daughter at 16. And yes as a parent you do what you feel is comfortable, don’t listen to anyone else’s opinion. But definitely make sure she’s responsible enough to keep it cleaned.

My daughter got her nose done when she turned 13

There are clip-nose rings available.
Maybe try that first

My daughter is 14, and we just did ours together 🫶🏼

I’m also interested in what people think. My 4 year old has both ears pierced twice and asked for another🤨

My daughter wanted her septum done and I made her wait until she was 16. It’s a painful piercing with a long healing period. I would have let her at 13 if she wanted her nostril done. Less pain, quicker healing.

Piercings are easily removed and heal fairly quickly if you have it done and change your minds. But a little nostril stud is super cute!!


I got mine done when I was 12

Depends on the state because there are age requirements

I think you need to decide what age is appropriate for your daughter specifically.

Check your state laws and school dress code. Last thing you need is her getting it and having a teacher make her take it out. Also about the laws talk to a piercer. Then decide.


Mine got hers done at 12. Usually i’d say that’s a bit young but each child is different and i felt mine was mature enough.

It’s not like it’s a tattoo. You can take it out and the hole will (somewhat) close. If she’s old enough to take care of it I would let her.

Well- and if dad ok. With it.

I let my kids get whatever they want as long as they can handle cleaning it themselves

Is she can clean it and care for it let her do it.

I got my nose at 12 and belly button at 13 I still have them done at almost 30. If your daughter is responsible and can take care of it then I say go for it

When she wants.

It’s literally a tiny hole. She can take it out at any time

My daughter got hers at 12.

No point when they’re in secondary school,they will make them either take it out. Or place child in isolation…

Never. Next will be more stuff. She can do all that when she is on her own.


I think that’s up to you. If she can take care of it, then she’s old enough

My mom let me get mine at 14 or 15. My sophomore year of high school

My daughter is 14, she has both nostrils pierced, belly button, and 2 on each ear, 2nd holes she did herself

My 10 year old has been asking for a while now… like 7months… I might do hers for her 11th birthday she will only have like 2 and a half weeks of school left and it will have all summer to heal to use a clear one next year if needed

I brought my step daughter to get her belly button at 13, and nose at 14

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I’d say anything 12 and up would be okay. Either way it’ll be okay, it’s no different than an ear piercing honestly.

I was 12 when I had mine done didn’t last long it annoyed me

I think 13 seems a little young in my opinion.


My daughter was 14/15 when she got her nose pierced.

If you asking, she’s to young.


I was 16 when I got mine (bday present)

I wouldn’t say a specific age, it all depends on there maturity, how responsible they are, do they get good grades, good at school? Etc no specific age.

When they are old enough to sign the papers. I got mine done at 22 years old.

12, for nose, only thing I would say NO to is tongue. Can cause dental issues.

I got my nose pierced at 14 and I still have it at 27 lol


Nose piercings are from a hog whose nose is pierced to keep it from rooting. Do you want to be like a hog?

My daughter got hers done she is 12

We did our daughter’s at 13 and 14

My daughter’s keep asking for it , they are 13 & 14. I let my 14 yr old get a second piercing on her ear at 14 , I’m not comfortable with her having a nose ring til maybe 16. I have tattoos and got piercings when I was 17. I think 16 would be a happy medium. Hopefully by then she changes her mind :woozy_face:

I let my daughter get hers done at 15

Never. I hate nose, lips, tongue, eyebrow piercing. They looks absolutely awful disgusting and essential the ones on the nose like bull rings. They are a complete turn off. What’s the idea of them anyway.

I say if they would let them get their ears pierced why not let them get their nose pierced? Taking it out is always an option.

15+… I let my son get an ear pierced at 13 but face is different to me

Mine is eleven and wanted it done for her birthday, I called around to set an appointment and she has to wait until she is twelve so she settled for double ear piercings until next year.

I let mine do it when they were 12 yrs old I don’t see any harm as long as both parents agree is really up to you. They also want a belly piercing I told them when you are 16 so far I have 2 with it one is 17 one is 16.


Personally I wouldn’t allow it until she’s an adult and can get it herself. But I’m old and think it’s horrible, especially those where it looks like they have boogers hanging out of their noses :smile:

My husband and I will be letting our children get piercings starting as early as they want for ears, for others 12+ depending on which piercing. Hair dye as early as they want also. Both him and I are constantly dying our hair and I have a ton of piercings so we will be choosing to let our children express themselves however they’d like. For nose piercing, we personally say 12 years old.

We were allowed to start piercing at 14. Got my tongue done first then at 15 my belly button.

Depends on where you live. I’m from Utah and you can’t get any kind of piercing or a tattoo even with parents permission until you’re 18. Having said that it would depend on if the child is mature enough to keep it clean if so, then go ahead and do it. 

I went behind my parents back when I was 14 to get my belly button pierced. So when I told them I wanted my nose done they took me. I was 16. I think around 13 is the age where girls start wanting stuff like that. If my daughter wants a piercing around that age I’ll let her get it.

Never. I wanted one so badly when a teenager. My dad told me not while living in his house. After college I didn’t want one anymore and now see adults with a permanent hole in their nose from the piercing they don’t wear anymore or a permanent scar tissue bump on their nose from it. After my teenage years I had no desire for it and am so glad now as an adult I didn’t get it. Use a fake magnet one for the look without the permanent hole and possibility of scar tissue bump that will never go away.


I’m letting my girls get their noses done when they’re 16 if they want to. I feel like at that age they’ll clean it properly and take care of it and if they decide they don’t want it anymore they can just take it out and it’ll close

I allowed my daughter to get hers when she was 14 years old, she still has it over a decade later!

When she is able to understand the importance of proper cleaning and taking care of it.


Mine got her belly button done at 13 and her nose at 16 I think, only because school wouldn’t allow it.

I was 12 when I had my first professional piercing done and it was my lip, the labret. I wouldn’t ever recommend facial piercings that young except the nose. I’ve told my daughter that I will pierce her nostril at 13 if she still wants it done by then. (She’s 10 and I am a moderately experienced piercer.)


my daughter was just shy of her 14th birthday. she’s now 15 and has both side of the nose done and is getting the septum done soon as well. her father had no say in what i did. my fiancé was fine with it.

If my 11 yr old wanted it, I’d allow it

I got mine done at 14. I think that’s fine if shes willing to care for it

Whenever she can keep it clean. However old that is depends.

16+. Some schools don’t allow it, some sports don’t allow it.

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My daughter did at 14 :woman_shrugging:

I’d say 15 or 16. And it depends on the piercing, maturity level, grades

I would give it 6 months to a year from when she first brought it up. if she still wants to do it then, then I say let her.

I let both of my daughters when they were 14

My daughter is turning 13 on Saturday and I asked her if she wanted to get her ears pierced a second time and she was like nah, not feeling it. I feel like when they are old enough to properly care for the piercing and it’s not like on an eyebrow or cheek ( I’m just not into those piercings) she can get it and I’d happily sign for her. I guess just use your best judgement. Just make sure the place you take them too is super clean and legit.

Do you ever have to remind her to do homework or chores? Does she follow all rules set for the household and family? Have you asked her why she wants it? Has she expressed intelligently the reasons for it? Children are trying to be grown up in the wrong ways as proven by pregnancy and delinquency rates.

  1. I would have regretted it myself any younger. I was 30 when I got my nose pierced. Kids change their minds A LOT. What they want one minute they don’t the next. If she asks and asks and asks and never changes her mind from 13/14. Tell her she has to wait 3 months at least and if she does you’ll take her and pay for it (as long as dad agrees too). I have ADHD, and if I don’t wait, I barge face first in to decisions that I should have waited to do.
    Not all kids are the same, but waiting for a while is a good habit to get in to :heart: xx

Whenever she decides she wants it. It’s her body

My daughter was 14 when I took her for her nose piercing. Then redid it at 15

15-16 years old.
But if she plays sports I’d say not at all explain the risks of it getting snagged/infected and work of having to tap it for gym/sports some will make you take it right out which means it’ll close up too… but if she’s responsible in your eyes it can be done without issue lots of teens have them :blush:
I did my own and it took a month to heal, but typically it takes months, I’d wait atleast 6 months to a year for jewelry swap outs and go to a tattoo shop that’s clean and has someone specifically for piercings :blush:
Best of luck!

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What about school? My daughters school would make her take it out

If she is a teenager, I think it’s fine.