What age should I let my daughter get her nose pierced?

I tikd my daughterbshe could at 14 or 15

14 for nose. I was 14 when I got my belly button pierced. They did ot on the wrong place and no where near deep enough. I wish i would have done the belly button.

My sisters got theirs at 15 and 16

My niece got hers done at 14. Depending on the kind of kid she is, (whether she’s responsible enough to keep it clean and take care of it etc) I’d let her! Have her think on it for a few months-a year, whatever you and dad are comfortable with, and if she still wants it than go for it. No matter where you go you’re going to get very different opinions. She’s YOUR kid. Not theirs.

All 3 of mine were allowed at 13. It’s a hole, it can close. They are figuring out who they are. 🫶🏼

Highschool. 14 is appropriate imo

I would say 15-16 if they ask if not they may just do it on their own…

I’d say 14-15 is a good age.

When they’re old enough to take care of it.

I started getting pricing at 14 as long as I kept my grades up

My son is 13 and in 7th grade and says some girls in his grade have theirs done

Regardless of the age, please make sure that you bring her to a professional piercer that will use a hollowed needle. You do not want them using an ear piercing gun, which even those actually do damage to yours as well. A hollow needle should be used for any piercing on any part of the body. Also check her school hand book some schools will not allow any visible body piercings and she could be suspended for the piercing. how old is she and do you feel that she is responsible enough to properly take care of the piercing as well? I’d say 13+ but that is also going off of my child’s maturity level right now she’s 5 and is my only child some people may say 12 if the child is mature for their age and responsible enough. Take your time don’t rush the decision and for now just tell her to give you time to really think about and maybe as a early Christmas gift you or her father could bring her or even both of you bring her if that is possible

No piercing til she’s at least 18. Just my opinion!!

13+. Let her have her autonomy!


I was 16 but I waited so I could pay for it myself

Definitely child dependent! I would say 11-13 :slightly_smiling_face:


I may eventually change my mind but for now I’m not signing for any face piercings. My oldest (almost 14) wants her nose done and I’m not comfortable with that right now. I won’t say I’ll never allow it bc I may change my mind one day but for now its a NO from me. I have so many piercing scars from my younger days and I regret every single one of them and just hate for her to deal with that but at the same time I have to remember shes her own person and eventually shes going to have to make and learn from her own mistakes.


my mom let me get mine done at 15, she said how could she tell me no when it’s something she has done. :woman_shrugging:t3:
I will say it’s a pain in the ass if it violates the school dress code. I wore a clear one for years during school. :roll_eyes:

16 years is okay, that was the year my mother said I can start dating, but boys had to knock on our door to pick me up. No problem there.

I’d say at least 14. My mom said I could get one at 16. I think if my daughter want some when she’s older I’m going to tell her she can do it at 15 or 16.

I think I was around 20 or 21 when I first got my nose piercing. But I was young and dumb and wore tons of makeup to my appointment and my piercing ended up getting infected so I had to let the area heal before getting it pierced again. The second time I got it pierced, I was around 24 or 25. I’m 36 now and have had zero issues. My daughter can do anything she wants to do… But she has to be 18 first.

I let my daughter get hers done at 12yrs old🤷‍♀️ Not a big deal she loved it for the first month then couldn’t be bothered putting a ring in when one fell out…it grew over in about 5 weeks, cant even tell it was done. I think it’s great to experiment and a nose piercing is harmless. She got it out of her system and hasn’t asked for anymore piercings.

Age is not as important as whether you and your co-parent agree, and whether or not she is mature enough to properly care for her piercing. If you agree, and she is mature enough to follow instructions for proper healing, let her have the bodily autonomy.

16 for a piercing 18 for a Tattoo

After reading these comments, I feel mean. We made our daughter wait until 18.

I got mine at 16. It’s really not a big deal. It’s a tiny little hole.

  1. So Medicare can pay for the surgery to clean the infection and remove it.

Unpopular opinion around here, but self expression is a good thing. Teaching kids to embrace who they are is healthy, as long as it’s within your boundaries. A small piercing can close up if she doesn’t want it later. I vote yes! But you set the boundaries. If her grade slip, she starts abusing her phone privileges, sneaking out, lying, etc. that piercing is the first thing to go. And stick to it. Don’t make empty threats, make solid promises.

Is she a teenager? If she has good grades, and both parents are okay, which is very important, like you said. And you say she is a good kiddo. I don’t see why not. It can heal if she doesn’t like it.

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Wouldn’t even consider it until grade 9

My daughter is 13 and she has it done. Not a big deal.

  1. After she’s a legal adult, she can make all of the dumb decisions she wants.

I would say depends on the child. But 13,14ish. It’s just a piercing. She can take it out later if she doesn’t want it. But it’s her body and she’s not hurting anyone else with it.

Mine got hers at 12
We went to a tattoo shop and she had to save her chore money to pay for it

Where I live they have to be 14 with parents consent…

My mom took me to get my tongue at 15. I feel like if a kid wants it bad enough and you don’t take them to a professional, they might get it done by a friend. And that is a scary thought to me, I knew a lot of people who got tattoos and piercings done by their friends and they got stuck with poorly done, uneven work and also risking hitting nerves and using dirty needles. I told my daughter once she’s old enough to understand how to properly care for the tattoos and piercings to talk to me about wanting it so we can take her to a professional.

Ears- whenever they ask
Nose- 13+
Most facial piercings- 15+

I think 12/13 is fine for piercings. They come out if they don’t like them

for MY KIDS< NEVER but, your kid is “your kid”

Nose isn’t a big deal imo. It’s been the new ear type piercing for a while. I’d say 12-13 depending on the kid. Is she going to be responsible? Not rough house and get it caught on something, clean it and care for it properly?

when she is 18 and paying her own way.

I said to my daughter whenever she wants but has to ask her dad aswel they are 7, 9 and 10 years old all have ears pierced but my 9 year old wants it done x its their body and they can always take it out in my opinion xx i had 3 piercings in each ear done by friends lol my nose pierced at 16 but my belly pierced at 13 and tattoo at 16 x i was allowed piercings and ive still got them all, i dont wear them all the time but as and when i want too

when she is out on her own and I don’t have to see it. Bulls get nose piercings not people.

My daughter was 13 she is 16 now still has it

I wasn’t allowed to do body mods until I was 16 and it was a naval piercing. Then my mom liked it so much (on me) that she lied to a tattoo place so my 14 year old sister could get it too. So weird.

Screw the fans. It’s your kid. Your choice on what age you think is appropriate. Don’t matter what ANYONE else thinks.

It’s a nose :woman_shrugging:

People peirce infant ears.

My daughter is 8 and just asked to get her ears done, we are taking her. If she asked for her nose I’d let her do that to. It’s a tiny hole that will close up if she decides she no longer likes it.

It’s not like she asking for a nipple piercing :rofl::rofl:

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Call your local shops, most of them have an age requirement. Wouldn’t do it before 16 personally. Kids don’t truly understand the risk of infection etc.

Our local piercing shop will not pierce non-ear body parts until 18 yo and outer cartilage/lobes only for under 18 and verbal consent is needed for younger kids.

When they are 18 old enough to sign for it and can pay for it themselves.

I got my belly button, tongue and industrial done at 13… first tattoo at 14. I won’t let me daughters do any of that until they’re adults now because I regret everything I did as a teen and hate them all. My belly button holes never healed and my tattoos are just dumb to me now lol

When they’re out of the house on their own

I waited till 30 for me own ,my mum used to say If god wants holes in ya ears ,he would of made ya with erm lol 7 later,but for my ears 11 yrs old ,I made me daughter to wait for belly button,till she was 16,
But ears pierced at 6 mths old, depends on what they would like done, she also has a piercing on her front with a tattoo,going lengths way between her chest bones, …I personally think it’s up to the parents of children under age, but at least they have spoken to you about it,

I did mine myself at 12 with my step sister who was a year younger. We ofcourse got in trouble and had to take it out. But i threw a fit because my sister ended up getting to keep hers so i got to keep mine as well. :rofl: I’m glad your daughter is coming to you instead of doing what I did. Haha.

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We’ve said 14 for nose peircing.
No eyebrows, lips or dermal until 16+, mostly because they are super active and the scarring if it was to be ripped out, would suck

18 that way people won’t think your stupid for letting her…

18 when she old enough to sign for it so she can’t blame you 10 years down the road that you signed for her to do it

Nose rings are for hogs to prevent the. From rooting out holes under
The fence…please don’t make kids. Look more like hogs.

This mom on tiktok got her 9yo nostril pierced and gets nothing but hate and backlash. She even shares that cps was called on her. But its 100% legal. Tattoo/piercing shops wont turn her down cos she is with her legal parent/gaurdian. Its just like an earpiercing except on the nose. I say go for it. But be ready for the judgement from people who think they can parent your children better through a screen.

I think they are stupid ears only I don’t like any other

Get a fake one to try out 1st

Whatever the legal age is in your state at an accredited piercing shop. Stay away from any “cheap” place as they are usually not educated on blood born pathogens & sterilization.

Had 13 kids 1 you get married 18 and on not sineing.2. Tattoos 18 . Priceing 18.what we do as kids well hate later

Can’t wear them at school

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Both my girl were 12 when they got their first nose piercing. My oldest (17) now has her belly button both nostrils and septum. My 14 has nose, belly button and will most likely get another piercing for her 15 birthday. I am pretty lenient when it comes to piercings, hair color and honestly some tattoos (my 17 yo has a couple very meaningful ones) I was never allowed to express myself as a child and I promised myself that I would never be that parent.

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I did mine with a thumb tac in the bathroom at 11. Still have it at 32. (Would not recommend a tac)


My daughter did hers at 14. I did mine at 40 lol

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My oldest started getting piercings at 14. I would do 13 for a simple side. My 15yr old now has it & snake bites. I said only 1 more on her face. They’re content with what they have for now

I would be fine with any of my kids getting theirs at 13 if they wanted. My nephew got his done earlier this year, he’s 14.

:heart: I just took my 17 year old to a tattoo place and got her nose pierced. I’d say teenager at least :heart:

My daughter was 14 we got it for one of her Christmas presents.

I got my first facial piercing at 16. I’d say 13/14 is a good age as long as she’s responsible and cleans it :slightly_smiling_face:

I got my lip pierced at 13 my mom took me after finding out I passed all my test . Asking as your okay with it. Then no problem to what anymore thinks

My daughter got her nose pierced at 14 I guess it’s really what you and father thinks . It’s up to you both as her parents .

my right side i got done at 13 and left at 14!

16 if she really really want sto