What age should kids be left home alone?

Hes a little young for me. But I would talk to his dad first before you make any calls. You dont know what’s going on and the dad might need the help. Tall to him first.


Depends on the child. I would talk to the dad and say you are here to help if needed.

Where I live there is no she so long as the child is capable and mature enought to be left alone. My 14 year old is hardly mature enough but my 13 year old was handling it at 12. And my 7 year old ha. I don’t think I’ll be able to leave him alone at 16. And I would never leave them home at night

In most states, it is illegal to leave a child younger than 12 home alone. I would call the local social services line. That is neglect and endangerment all day long.


Do the right thing. Dad at work? Single parent. Whatever. Takes a village.


Thank God you have a husband and don’t have to understand single parenting doesn’t always come with choices.


I think it depends on the child.however I couldn’t see leaving any of mine alone at night at that age.the dad may not have anyone so it may be a case of necessity. If you notice it maybe offer to the dad to help.


Some states have laws about what age kids can be left at home alone. Most states don’t. Check your state. I leave my 16 year old, 13 year old twins and my 9 year old home for only an hour or two, while I am shopping, the few times we have left them at home to stay the night we have had our adult daughter stay with them.

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Maybe invite him to eat dinner with you now an then he is alone and needs a friend maybe parents can’t afford a babysitter maybe ask him to bake cookies with you now and then parents might be struggling to make ends meet so a little kindness can go along way


Every child is different. Some states have an age minimum some don’t. My oldest I started at 10 for a half hour, hour the most. Now he is 12 maybe 2 hours. Even if I’m shopping all day and running errands. I’ll still stop by and check in and see if he needs anything. I haven’t left him home alone all day yet. I have had him watch my younger son whose 7 for a half hour or hour the most. Same with my 3 year old maybe a half hour while I ran to the store if she was still sleeping. Our pediatrician office offers babysitting classes for kids 11 and up and teaches them CPR and other things. It’s a 3 hour class. Extremely beneficial.

I think our local laws recommend 12, though it states any age where the parents deem the child responsible enough. I feel like my 10 year old is responsible enough to leave her with her siblings while I take a shower but it will be several years before I leave her alone.

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I think age 13 if the kid is mature and has a phone to check in on and to use in case of an emergency. Sometimes parents have to do what they have to do though.


I’ve left my 9 year old at home alone in between my husband going to work and me getting home before I pick up my younger boys. She has a phone and can call if she needs me and also my neighbors numbers if she needs help right away. She’s very smart girl and it’s only about an hour. Was nobody here a latch key kid? I remember being in 2nd grade home alone til mom n dad got home from work and my younger sister was with me :woman_shrugging:t3:


Dad, is trying the best he can. But obviously has no support system. Offer to be that support. Keep trying to befriend the boy. Getting authorities involved in this situation would be truly heartbreaking.


Talk to the Dad. Let him know you are concerned and willing to help. If nothing else, just to make sure he eats and does homework and gets to bed on time, and knows there is an adult he can go to if the need arises.


No offense but I’d just worry about myself. You could effectively start something foul without even meaning to by talking to said neighbor. Hes probably a mature 9 amd dad is probably doing the best he can. It’s not for us all to judge or decide what’s right for his world.


I think lots of things play in to leaving a child home alone, some 12 yr olds are more responsible than some 16 yr olds , as others have said it happens when parents have to work and don’t have other options, and I’m not saying that’s ok maybe talk to dad🤔


Why don’t you talk to the dad about it first. Single parents struggle with babysitting.


Too many unknown circumstances today. Check your state’s laws. That will help you decide next step.

I know someone who left their kid alone at 8 but the apartment manager would come and check on the kid.

Too young to be left alone especially at night… my children are 13 11 and 9. I never leave them alone at night. Too dangerous.


I’m sorry but I feel that is way too young to be home alone at night!! Good thing you are close by should anything happen. I didn’t even like letting my 13 year old daughters home alone for a few hours in the evening but I always had a neighbor check on them.

Get to know his dad and talk to him. Find out what his story is and offer support. Ask what you can do to help

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I don’t and wouldn’t let my 11 year old home alone for any amount of time.

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It all depends on the kid.
Japan leaves their kids alone VERY young. Kids are taught in different ways, so like I said it all depends .

Or depends on the state laws.

I was left alone that young… I guess its more of not the age but the mentality and maturity…but I wouldnt leave my kids alone that young.


Each child is different…

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Stop helicopter momming someone else’s kid just cause you’re not teaching your child to be capable. You don’t know what their struggle is, at least he’s at work and not shooting dope in his veins. Mind your own business.


Not your child, not your business :woman_shrugging:t3: if that is the only way the father can work to provide for that child then stay out of it.

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I leave my 9 and 8 year old girls home while I run an errand such as going to pick some things up from the grocery store. I make sure the doors are locked and they both have phones

I hate it even went and my kids out of my sight when they were in their teens I now have a six-year-old a 3 year old I don’t want them out of my sight

I could leave my oldest for 2 or 3 hours and it would be fine but he was very grown up and every parent on the cul de sac would keep eyes out. But 39 years ago life was different

I do think it depends on the maturity of the child and if the child is aware off not opening the door for a stranger and if the phone ECT something the younger ones are more responsible than the older ones , this generation there many kids are key lock kids come home from school no one home ECT they adapt too what they find normal I’ve left my 8 and 9 yr old home alone for 3 or 4 hours that was yrs ago but the 8 was so much smart and they even managed too peel and chop veggies ECT all alone but they were fine it was a one off for us but sometimes parents don’t have a choice you do what you have too

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Night owl is really cheap if they must leave there are other ways to supervise

Depending on which state you live in 9 is legally ok to be left

That is too young to b by themselves. I didn’t let my kids b by themselves until the last 6 months or so they just turned 14 &15

Her in Michigan it’s what you see fit. There is no age. My kids are not left alone except my 16 year old. She was slowly able to at 14. I know people who leave their now ten year old to run

I think the law is 12 or 13 but I dont think 9 . Not sure

9 is way to young yes I agree with talk to dad maybe you could help him

Idk…it’s hard to to tell other parents how to parent. Some people don’t take critcritisim very well…even if it comes from a good place

To young at 9 alnight anything could happen

He needs to know that his child needs to be 14 to be able to be home alone not 9. Does he know about the smoke alarms going off?

Maybe offer to babysit while dad at work these days no matter how old a child is should neva be left alone do many kids going missing

Depends on the child or children’s maturity

Talk to the parent. He needs a little support in his situation.


Omg that poor thing shouldn’t be left alone like that


Mind your business and tend to your own kids.


Offer to watch the child❤


Iv got a 9 yr old daughter. She would be petrified.

Too young. 12 minimum but still not all night.

Depends on where you are

Id ask if I could help. If he refuses help Id tell him u will be forced to call someone for everyones safety

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Like they say you cant raise kids like you did in the old days. I wouldnt do it

This situation is extremely sad and sometimes single parents have to make tough decisions. NIne is a little young to be left alone. I would recommend trying to become neighborly with the father. Gradually, make his acquaintance, nothing too sudden. If you are truly concerned, then volunteer to watch the child while the father is at work.

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You should talk to his dad and offer to maybe babysit him to help a single dad out instead of discussing it behind their back🙄Some kids are more responsible than others and can be left at home depending on the law too tho.


Oh my god! Mind your own damn business!!! How lucky you are not to be in that situation! Stop judging others who are! I’m 34 and I have the smoke alarms going off all the time. That means NOTHING!!! I’m so sick and tired of goody two shoes trying to police other families who don’t do things the same way! FUCK OFF!!!