Just let her do her tips especially with the bleaching that needs to be done. My daughter and me talked and compromised with this. It was exactly great.
I have been coloring my daughter’s hair since she was about 4… She loves to be able to wear different colors in her hair… If its not hurting anyone go for it. And bleaching her hair isnt the end all… Just make sure not to leave it in too long and condition afterward.
I did highlights to my daughters hair when she was in middle school. She tans really dark over the summer and has dark hair. The highlights just brighten her up a bit . She’s not huge on make up or any other really girlie stuff so I’m ok with dying. We do it maybe twice a year.
It’s just hair, it will grow back. I’ve let my daughter dye her hair twice so far. She’s 9.
Just recently she wanted her hair cut short “like a boy” she said…guess what I let her get her hair that short. Best decision I’ve ever made, no more battles about grooming her hair. It’s a couple brushes and hair putty, and she’s on her way.
Its only hair! It grows back!!! (When I was a kid that was the only thing my parents never said no to)
The school district where my children went to school do not allow colored hair. One of my daughters colored her hair burgundy in high school and was sent home. Had to color her hair back to light brown or they wouldn’t let her back in school.
We started at age 7. For a kid who has had a hard time fitting in, this has been wonderful. It helps her feel more comfortable and realize that different is a good thing and it’s a talking point for making new friends.
Get it done professionally, but I’d let her do it. It’s just hair and it will grow back. My daughter is 3 and she picks out colors of the temporary stuff to do all the time (but she’s pretty blonde so it shows up well). As a child/teenager I wasn’t allowed to do anything with my hair and later on my family absolutely hated anything I did even if it was semi normal, so I’m of the philosophy that my kids can do what they want with their hair, because with hair it’s not permanent.
I have 3 kids a boy 11 a girl 9 and another girl 1… my 9 year old and 11 year old have both died their hair multiple times. My son has gotten highlights (that’s as much bleach as I would allow) and he has done a few funky colors, blue and currently purple… I would rather them dye their hair than rebel against me in some stupid way. Its how they want to express themselves and they aren’t hurting anyone
Maybe consider a style like Charlie DAmelio. Her hair is dark. She’s left the top half normal and bleached and colored the bottom half. It looks pretty cool with the color peeking out all over the place. Plus as it grows out you won’t have to redye it to keep it from looking funny because there’s a layer of natural hair over the top.
I believe that letting kids express themselves is very important. If at that age she is asking for color in her hair it shows what a individual she wants to be, and that is so important for her confidence. So you should let her do her own thing.
Mine is 6 I would never allow bleach at the roots or near her scalp. She used to have really long hair so I let her bleach/dye her tips purple because she dark brown hair. When school started back we just snipped them.
They have those weird chalk dyes and thing like that for children. bleaching is an intense process and burns and stings. Wigs are also cool. Wear different colors every day and you can color wigs. Chemicals stuff is kind of iffy for a child.
I think it’s recommended to wait till after they start puberty. I think she is to young to dye her hair personally. Maybe get some of the hair chalk so she can add some fun colors.
Be happ6 with what. You have,your hair will change sooner than you think!!! Besides that is way to young child will grow up to never be happy with there color natural color that is
My daughter is 5 and we get the semi permanent dye so no developer and she is light blonde so no bleach. You can try some natural lightening methods that are less harmful like lemon and heat or I think peroxide and something else to lighten it a little bit so that your color will show without damage. Or take her to a pro for a light bleaching to bring the color up a few shades so that your vibrant colors will stick
You shouldn’t dye her hair at all. Let her wait till she’s all grown up and at an age where she’s getting gray. She may want to dye her hair then. Hair dyes are toxic. Even da ones at da health food store I don’t trust completely. Think they are better then the ones you bury in da regular store. Henna is okay though but can make your hair very red
My mom didn’t let me until I started my period. She told mom lies and told me it wouldn’t stick until I started my period lol
I used kool -aid on my 8 year old! Fun colors and it washes out after some time!
My daughter was 11 when we first used 30 wash to dye her hair purple. I would start there and see if she likes it first
I am 62 I dyed my hair alot now its falling out. I did that when I was younger.I reccomend dont do it you will regret it when you get older.Also a beautician told me this
Meh it’s hair. Let her do it! Better to experiment now then in your 30’s and have to go to work half bald cuz you though bleaching your hair was the cat’s meow.
I let mine have electric blue and then purple when she was 7. Now she is 19 and she has it her natural color. see how that works?
I had to wait until I was 12, my hair dresser told my mom to wait until my hair had matured and then it would be ok. I just kinda follow that and my daughter will be allowed to color her hair at 12 years old as well. I’m not sure if that’s even true, but it never bothered me & I never questioned it:blush: I’m all about the healthy hair healthy skin so I teach my daughter young to practice proper skin care & hair care
Have you tried the temporary hair chalk stuff to make sure she likes it first? Just being so young I’d hate for her to have a bad experience with something that can be so fun.
I have 3 sons. The older 2 were 17 and 13 respectively when they first experimented with hair dye. My eldest dyed his hair black and my middle son dyed his blonde. They both did pretty well with it. No crazy colors, but that was their choice. I like crazy colors myself!
My son was 8 the first time we bleached his hair. He is allowed to bleach his hair once a year and spends 3 months with different colors. He came to me at 8 and wanted pink hair for breast cancer awareness month in October, he had a good reason, I felt. And since he turned 10 and lost his grand father to pancreatic cancer he dyes it purple in November for that. December he picks what ever color he wants and then in January we cut all his bleached and dyed hair off.
Most adults cannot have fun colored hair because of job restrictions, most schools don’t allow fun colors once kids reach a certain age.
If you can’t have fun with your hair as a child you may never get a chance.
Hair will grow back, hair will change on its own as well over time.
Make sure it is done correctly as to not break all of the hair off and enjoy the smile on her face once it’s finished.
I have let my kids choose their hair styles since they were old enough to make that decision themselves. Its their hair they should be able to Express themselves how they want.
It’s just hair, it will grow back. my daughter is 11 and she’s been choosing to shave her head since she was 6. She’s also died it a dark purple. They’re kids let them have fun and find themselves.
I look at it this way… if that’s the worst they do let them express themselves. It’s only hair. There are so much other things in today’s world to worry about
Let her dye her hair. Bleach it. Let her express herself while she’s young and doesn’t have to have natural colored hair for work. There are way worse things she could be wanting to do.
I dyed my 7 year olds hair red with cherry kool-aid…just the tips (about 2-3" - her is was about mid back)…it’s cheap and easy to do. She has brown hair and she loved it. When she didn’t want it…we trimmed her hair professionally. No harsh bleaches or smelly chemicals.
I personally wouldn’t allow bleach on such a young child; the most I would compromise on would be highlighting chunks. Not nearly the damage as a full color.
My oldest daughter has med blondish hair, & had a few highlights put in at age 12. They looked amazing- done by a professional. I colored my youngest daughters med brown hair black. It looked amazing, but didn’t fade. It had to grow out.
My child is 4. She wanted purple in it and we did it at 3. Washes out within 4 washes. Bleach is another story… the damage it does… when I feel she is mature enough to understand.
Up to you. Your kid, your choice. I personally won’t let my daughter color her hair. I told her once she has a job and can afford her own haircut, she can do whatever she wants. Until then, I’m not gonna pay for all that.
My daughter was in 8th grade she had Ombré done. Loved it.
I’d do a few strips or at least the strip behind her ear, my daughter’s 8 and would only bleach a strip or a few
It is their body and I see literally no reason to not allow them to do what they want with their hair. The people saying “not till they are adults”… they are going to go nuts with their hair after they turn 18. Why be so controlling it’s just hair.
I like to allow my kids to express themselves, my son has had blue hair on and off since he was 5. He’s 8 now and he loves his hair so much and gets so many compliments. It makes him happy and doesn’t hurt anyone or anything so I’m not sure why someone would say something like that needed to wait till a certain age?? What does age have to do with it? My daughter saw my son getting his hair died and wanted color in her hair too. She’s two years old so I bought a temporary die and put pink in the bottom 4 inches of her hair.
My daughter got her hair dyed for the first time for her 12th birthday. She wanted all over and I said no for the first time as her hair is very dark and we would have had to bleach it all so she got 7 or 8 small areas bleached and dyed hot pink.
I dye my boys hair funky colors. Youngest is 6. I wouldn’t bleach her whole head but a few inches on the bottom to show pink would be cute!
So I’m pretty strict about hair dye with my kids. The reason I am is because it damages your hair and the sooner you start using it the more damage it does. I do let them choose their hairstyles, use spray in color or hair chalk. I figure the longer they wait their hair will be healthier when they are old enough to start using it. In my opinion I don’t think it’s a good idea to introduce hair dye to children until they’re at least in their older teens but every family is different and has different views.
You have to have places where you draw lines. Hair isn’t one of them. Hair comes and hair goes. It’s one of those places where freedom of expression can be a fun thing. When my youngest decided he wanted blue hair I suggested trying a colored gel first (washes right out) to see if he’d like blue. Then he dyed it. Piercings, to me, fell under that line as well, so the boys had pierced ears, eyebrows, etc. Piercings are another thing that can come and go. I drew the line at tats with the comment that “Your body belongs to me until you’re 18, after that it’s yours to do with as you will.” That satisfied them, but they will test to see how far you’re willing to go. BTW, they’re both bald now, shave their heads LOL and have their own teenagers to deal with.
My 5 yr old daughters hair is blue rn. I started dying my sons mohawk when he was 5 as well
Part of growing up is trying new things over the years. If you start out big at 7, what’s next? Makeup at 8? Push-up bra at 9? Tattoos at 10? There’s lots of time for all that stuff after she’s learned to love herself.
I say go for it. They’re only young once, you know? Let them have fun with it. It’s just hair
Definitely not 7… she is still a CHILD… they have pretend colors at most toy stores you can buy for temporary color… it washes right back out… no 7 year old should even be thinking of dying her hair…
Probably once they were in middle school. My daughter decided to dye a few strips blue in 7th or 8th grade, I think. It’s just hair- it will grow out. No big deal.
My mother did not let me until I was an adult and didnt have to ask her permission (if I had asked even as an adult, she would have said no lol)
My daughters 11. Has bleached hair and an undercut. Its only hair. It grows back.
10 or 11 for permanent, school age for the kind that washes out in one wash.
I do non permanent hair dye that stays in for a week or so. Nothing permanent untill 16
At seven I would not allow bleach. An alternative may be to ask a hairdresser to put one blonde streak hair extension in.
My daughter was three when she told me she wanted some pink hair ( has on older teenage brother who changes his color) we did about 3 or 4 curls sections. It looked lovely and she felt amazing.
Unless it’s a non-permanent, gentler dye, I’d say 14-ish? I wouldn’t recommend bleaching for most people, regardless of age. Maintenance is more difficult and expensive with bleach. If you do bleach on dark hair, I’d definitely suggest going to a professional to avoid completely frying it.
My daughter had hers done for her 15th birthday she is already blonde but wanted a little lighter I think any age below this is too young
If she just wants streaks of a color…get SPLAT… its temporary/permanent… Lasts a LOOONG TIME. once the color is out its blonde as if it was colored that way. However…im not sure about 7… Maybe a couple streaks…ect…but a whole head - Idk. Im kinda old fashioned tho
They have hair dye that only last a few weeks… let her try it out and play with it.
I dyed my 9 year old daughters hair. In September
I let my babies express themselves through their hair. 9,8, & 4! Your the mama.
When my girls were eight and nine years old they wanted a pink in their blonde hair so I told them if they could keep their grades all A’s and B’s the entire school year at the beginning of the summer we would go and get the pink hair their pink hair looks so cute for summer
I wouldn’t let her dye it blonde. That damages your hair
My 9 year old just got purple and blue hair per her request. We told her totally as long as there is no bleaching involved. She has never been happier
After 12 years. She could get some highlights now. I just dont want her hair to get damaged!
I think a nice compromise would be having a professional put a few highlights in her hair.
I did koolaid with my 7 year old now 10 year old. I think she’ll have to be in high school before I let her actually color it.
At age 16 unless its the temp dye made for kids
When she can afford to pay for it herself
Its hair. It grows back. Let her have fun and have cool hair colors! Just take her to a hair dresser to get it done! Sincerely, someone with funky coloured hair <3
Definitely would not allow this until atleast high school. You ever thought about why she wants to dye her hair blonde? Maybe she’s being taught at school blonde is prettier than brown hair, and she won’t be pretty unless she has blonde hair. She’s a child, she don’t need to have her hair died unless it’s for Halloween or something, and in that case use wash out color or a wig. Children need to be taught they’re beautiful the way God made them at a early age, so when they get older they’re confident in themselves and don’t have to feel like if they don’t have this and that they won’t be good enough.
Nine was 9 the first time
It might sound weird but koolaid dip Dye goes on really well in dark hair and it won’t actually dye when covid started we did the dye and it’s just now finally months later come out
Euh! 7 years old?
Don’t forget to give her some tattoos as well.
And piercings!
My daughter first dyed her hair at 10. She dyed it a pretty blue . If it doesn’t hurt them why now let them make their own choices. I’m a very laid back mom . I would let her
Mine is 10 and I just let her bleach her hair but under my rules which was just the tips so that you can cut them off later and you won’t damage her entire head of hair. It’s really up to you tho, you are the mother you make the decisions.
I would pay for her do a lil something for fun, but if she wants to continually go blonde, with weekly touch-ups to the roots, then only when she can pay for it and drive herself to the salon.
Nope! I remember telling my son that you only get to be a child for a little while. We have produced a society where small children are obsessed with their appearance and material possessions. Keep them little for as long as you can. Being a teenager is hard enough when you are one. Help her see she is perfect just the way she is.
When they can pay for it themselves…
It’s just hair and the expression of self could really boost her self confidence.
Way to young as a someone who spent 3 years studied this don’t do it NO ONE not an even an adult Solihull be bleaching at home as anyone who isn’t qualified doesn’t understand the dangers of it you are putting a corrosive chemical on your child’s head there is a reason stylists cannot legally bleach hair of anyone under 18 or under 16 with parents permission
I wouldn’t bleach hair that young. You can always find extensions, which is what I’ve always done for my 8 year old.
I started letting them get like a streak or the tips done around 7, mostly because I had a cousin in hair school and needed to practice, by 8 one of them had shapes in a side shave done and those dyed colours by 9 full dye and I’ve lost control ever since, it’s just hair…
My parents always gave me hell about my hair. They are kids. Let em dye it, cut it, whatever. Kids have few forms of personal expression and it’s hard. I now have blue amd purple hair and we are doing my daughters hair pink later
My now 16 year old has dyed her hair a few times. She likes it black but did bleach it once to make the front green. It felt like straw. She stopped dying it for 6 months now and had to let it go back to natural to fix it. She’s going to college in fall and wants to dye it black again.
Do it. It’s just hair. Don’t let other moms tell you what is right for your family. I first dyed my daughter’s hair for her last day of 5th grade. She’s now in 7th grade and over covid we had her hair highlighted to make the temporary color look better. We use Arctic Fox colors. Purples, pinks, and reds. They have washed out nicely.
My oldest is 10 and this summer I’m going to let her do a fun color but it’s only going to the tips of her hair but she also has a dirty blonde hair so it will take without having to bleach it as well
I’d let her at that age, but I’m a boy mom!
At 12 she was allowed to do two strands in the front on each side and then colored them.
I say do it… I have a 12 year old girl who is going through changes so we’ve cut, dyed, grown back, fake ponytail we’ve done it all… it’s just hair, I say let her explore
I feel like seven is a little young to dye hair. But it’s the parents’ choice. Their kid their rules.
Maybe a fun temporary color…
Why doesn’t she like her hair as it is? That should be the number one question for you.
My mom always let me use sun in (yoy can put it in and use the hair dryer to activate it) as a kid until about 8th grade when I actually got highlights. I didnt full on dye my hair until high-school
Me-I am old fashion, that is way way to young.
I say putting in colors or streaks are fun but not really changing your hair to look like another natural hair color. She should be happy the way she looks!
You’re her parent so only you can decide .
52, bc by then she’ll need it. Lol
15yrs old at least for mine
- I’m old fashioned
My daughter was five
It’s only hair. It will grow back/out. People including kids need freedom of expression.
Go for it!!
Mother of 6, ages 15-29.