im 17 & i have an 8 month old. ive been sexually active but my fiancé & i use the pullout method, ive had my period and all that good stuff so should i still be having phantom kicks or should i take a test. i can see my belly move like something is kicking me but everytime i test its always negative .
I would take a test just to be safe but phantom kicks are a thing =)
I had phantom kicks for over a year after my second child…it’s weird feeling but it’s definitely a thing
I have had these for years!!! Since I started having kids. I am now fixed and I still get them. Dr think I’m crazy . No explanation. Other than it’s gas moving in my intestines
Go to the doctor and have blood work done.
Also, the pull out method is kinda like basketball. You dribble before you shoot so not the most reliable way to be safe. Lol.
Every so often, I still get them. My son is 3.5yr
Idk about a phantom kick, however the pull out method doesn’t always work
The 'pullout method" is just risk taking, plenty of people have fallen pregnant that way so If your not looking for another baby right now I would be careful. Phantom kicks are definitely a thing though
The pullout method is not a method, you can and will get pregnant if you’re ovulating. Go to the Dr and have a test done.
My youngests are almost 12 and I still feel them here and there. Factory is shut down!
The pullout method does not work it is not a good way to not get pregnant.
My sons 3 and I still get them
Phantom kicks are real I’m almost 29 had my last baby 2 years ago have my tubes tied and I swear I still see my belly move and feel little kicks at times and my tubes are tied if you feel like you need to test you can but it’s no uncommon to have phantom kicks
Pull out method lasted literally a year for me and the husband I’m currently 16.5 weeks . We most definitely did not want anymore babies! But I will say phatom kicks are a real thing and they tend to be more frequent when you are “worried” about a potential pregnancy.
Pull out does nothing pre cum gets you pregnant yoy can’t tell when it happens.
If you have unprotected seggs then yes test…
I have a 17 year old from the good ol pull out method
I’m pregnant with a pull-out baby. Buy condoms.
My youngest is almost 6 and I had a hysterectomy when she was 1… I still get them (prob gas) but test again in a week to be sure
It’s more likely that your stomach muscles haven’t closed properly and what you are seeing are your intestines moving.
Phantom kicks are kicks that you feel after having a child. You feel like the baby is still in you, kicking you. Please consider real, proven effective methods of birth control if you do not intend of having children at this time.
i havent had a baby in over 4 years and i still get them. totally normal
Phantom kicks are normally I still feel them and my baby is 3 months old
My youngest is 4 and i still get phantom kicks. If tests are negative then you are most likely good but… honey… you are 17 with one baby already obviously the pull-out method is not working. Unless you are straight up trying for a second kid please, please be responsible for your child’s sake and use other forms of actual birth control. There are non- hormonal options if you aren’t wanting to do hormones but you need to be taking a more proactive stance on protecting your body
I took a couple tests and they all came back negative then got an ultrasound and I was pregnant.
I have two from the pullout method… get on birth control asap!!!
My guess would be gas bubbles if your tests are negative, you don’t feel movemnts until at least 10 weeks usually later.
My pull out kids are 19 and 7 just an FYI. I’m sure with you being 17 and having an 8 month old you get that it’s not a reliable source of birth control (I was also 17 and pregnant, so I get it)… with that said, it could honestly just be gas. When you get some really good bubbles in your stomach, you will see it move. Or it can be phantom kicks too since you’re still really new into postpartum. I felt them for about a year or two after my last was born.
If your tests keep coming up negative, consult your OBGYN.
I love how people answered phantom questions on here. She asked what phantom kicks are, not for birth control advice.
So to answer the question:
It’s possible to have sensations that feel like a baby kicking when you aren’t pregnant. Several normal movements in a woman’s body can mimic a baby’s kicks. This includes gas, muscle contractions, and peristalsis—the wave-like motions of intestinal digestion. Women often refer to the sensation as phantom kicks.
OMG Please tell me that you are seriously not using the ‘pull out’ method for your contraception !
Unless you want another baby, I suggest you change your method.
My youngest is 9 and I still get them.
I swear I still get them now and my boy is about to turn 11
I feel like it’s very common . I always get them lol .
If you don’t want to be on birth control or use condoms have your “fiance” get a vasectomy. It’s a tiny outpatient procedure that’s easily reversed when the time is right for you both. Otherwise, you WILL eventually get pregnant with the pull-out method!!
Dont do the pull out method lol
I have never heard of phantom kicks. I have 3 kids and have never experienced this!
Hahaha sorry hun but the pull out method is not a form of birth control and it does not prevent you from getting pregnant
Go get a blood test done. You may not be accurately taking your urine test or you may not have enough hormone in your urine
I’ve been using pull out method for 3 years now and have one child who we tried from purposely🤷🏽♀️
Go to the Dr. and get a blood test just to be sure. Or planned parenthood. Also grab a dollar store test, they are more accurate believe it or not
If it’s enough you can see your belly moving I’d make a doctor’s appointment. The pull out method is only like 70% effective at best.
Go to your doc and get blood work done asap. I didn’t show on a home test until I was 7 and 8 months respectively.
I have a 15 and a 5 year old and I STILL get phantom kicks. It’s normal.
Also, pulling out is not a method, it’s a mistake. Be careful !
I’ve had it it usually ends up being gas
Crap my daughter is 4 and I still get phantom kicks. Lol I still take test though because I don’t want another baby and the phantom kicks make me paranoid. Totally normal. Also pull out method not always a smart choice if you don’t want another kiddo at this time.
It’s normal. My oldest was 7/8 and I was still experiencing them. But if you’re worried get checked out by a doctor. The pull out method doesn’t always work, lol.
It’s your digestive tract causing movement and the feeling of kicks. We notice them more often after we’ve already been pregnant before.
Also, being 17 you should think about birth control or use condoms.
I’m not trying to tell you what to do but I was in the same position as you at 17. I had my 1st daughter at 17 and 2nd just a few months before my 19th birthday. Being a young mom is already hard enough, being a young mom of multiple babies is even harder. By 27 I had 5 kids and got my tubes removed.
I still get phantom kicks… 8 years after having my son. It feels like a little flutter of butterflies… like when you first felt your baby kickin’ and moving… but I’m not pregnant lol
Pulling out will NOT prevent you from getting pregnant!! I have 5 friends that got pregnant that way. Get you some birth control or an IUD that lasts 10 years like I have, or condoms.
I feel like this is a troll post.
It’s normal. My kid is 6 & I still have phantom kicks lol. I would obvi suggest not doing the pull out method tho unless you’re religiously tracking your cycles.
I had my 1st at 16, congratulations. Good luck!
Pull out method is not going to stop you getting preganant
The pull out method lol. Get on birth control or condoms if you don’t want another baby! But I had phantom kicks after each pregnancy.
My son was 5 when I got pregnant with his sister but before getting pregnant with my daughter I would still randomly get them. Idk how long it last haha maybe forever
My twins are 14 and I have had a hysterectomy and I still feel phantom kicks. I was talking this exact topic over with some female friends and they all agreed to still having them!
The pull out method doesnt work lol… there is pre-*** when they get an erection that is enough to get you preggers… do more research on how children are made…
Two out of my four are pull out method babies…just saying
If youre seeing your stomach move I would suggest going to a doctor ask for a blood test and talk to them about it, it could be gas. But some people also get pregnant and still get their period. So blood test should help with that, they might do an ultrasound also but only if they feel it’s necessary or you push for one.
Please get a IUD OR IMPLANT. And phantom kicks are real😫 and so weird.
I don’t think pull out is a good idea
My Dr explained that it is also where your organs are moving back in place… it can take up to a year… I had 2 children within 19 months and by the time my youngest was 1 i finally felt the difference
I get them too when I get a tinge of baby fever. It subsides the moment I lay eyes on a toddler though lol. Like, I enjoyed those years with my kids but that was enough tbh. Never again. The phantom kicks sure are creepy huh
Currently 19 weeks from this method
Please don’t go to planned parenthood! They will talk you into aborting your baby or try to!
My youngest is 10 yo and I often get them. It’s odd but normal lol
I haven’t been pregnant for almost 5 years and I always get phantom kicks, it’s the scariest feeling because my tubes are tied! It’s mostly always just gas but sometimes it definitely feels like a baby!! It’s very common!
I think I got pregnant by simply reading “the pull out method”
I cant believe this is real LMAO
Go to a doctor not a Facebook group for medical advice.
Also here’s this about phantom kicks
I had phantom kicks for about 3 years after I had my son.
Go for a blood test. I was 16 and tests wouldn’t show anything. Finally got one done and found out I was 28 wks also…pull out does NOT work. (Got my twins as proof)
A few months after having my 2nd son I kept feeling like I was pregnant. Tested- negative. Tested afew more times- negative. Went to the drs because I still felt pregnant, felt something moving- pee test and blood work- negative. Was told it was phantom kicks from my muscles still healing (2nd c-section). Fast forward, now 10 months postpartum and again I’m back at the drs because something doesn’t feel right. I feel pregnant. Test again negative. The dr was talking to me like I was crazy. She offered to go ahead and do my yearly check up since I didn’t have insurance to save me a bill. I agreed. She gets all up in there and my cervix is closed. I WAS PREGNANT! Had my daughter 4 and a half weeks later! My middles are 4 days from being a year apart.
You’re about to get pregnant again. 1 in 5 people who use the pull out method get pregnant. Get on the pill, get an implant, something.
You probably have gas bubbles, but when you see your doctor for birth control you could mention it to him.
Totally normal after having a baby.
I have a 9-year-old pull-out kiddo. Not effective birth control
I had phantom kicks for years after having my kids! I don’t know exactly what causes them but if you’ve tested and there are no other signs I wouldn’t jump to pregnancy. FYI - pullout isn’t really a method and you can still easily get pregnant doing that
Ive had phantom kicks for years lol
Ever since my first was born in 2010!
If youre nervous you can always go get a blood test!
Have yourself checked for tape worms
You need to go see your obgyn for blood work and go from there. Could be hormones, depression, or something else going on and definitely ask about more effective birth control options while you are there
My youngest is 4 & I still feel phantom kicks. But seriously, the pull out method is the worst form of birth control. If you’re trying to prevent pregnancy, use condoms or other forms of birth control.
It’s normal. I get them once in awhile. They’re so weird!
I still get fantom kicks and my youngest us almost 5.
Pull out method😒 no such thing wear a condom or abstain
Got some of you beat! My youngest is 24… tubes tied after and I still get little flutter feelings and soft “kicks” every now and then! I thought I was crazy!!
Phantom kicks are super weird but very common and don’t mean you’re pregnant. That being said, if you’re not ready for another baby please be aware that the pull out method is not a reliable way to keep from getting pregnant. Talk with your doctor or planned parenthood and find a better method of birth control if you’re not wanting another yet
It’s probably gas or wishful thinking. If you’re still using pull out method at your age and with a child under one another pregnancy is inevitable. Besides unless you’re at least 3 months it’s not likely you’re getting kicks and it’s rare that you wouldn’t have the pregnancy hormone show in a test after 8 weeks. You’re probably experiencing bowel issues.
Fantom kicks can last forever. But when in doubt just test. Pull out isn’t a technique and very risky
Pull out isn’t a great method honestly but I had phantom kicks up until I got pregnant again and my kid was 5 lol if you’re still having your period and no actual pregnancy symptoms other than the phantom kicks I’d say you’re not pregnant. But going to your doctor would put your mind at ease at least
Phantom kicks are real but seeing your belly move isn’t part of it… I’d go to the doc. By the way, both my kids are pull out babies so if i were you I’d suggest birth control unless you want another one
Pull out is a prayer…
I still have those after 10 years however that 10 year old was conceived on the pullout method… it’s so far from reliable its crazy.
My youngest is going to be 12 next month and I still get them from time to time.
At the very least do cycle tracking also
Pull out method doesnt work bc men pre ejaculate.
Having one child at 17 youd think you knew that already.
For the sake of your body healing and your mental well being, use some form of actual protection .
It’s gas girl … also FYI . Pullout method DOES NOT WORK . It’s called PRE-CUM and YES you can absolutely get pregnant from even that . Go get the IUD . Once that is in giver like spring rabbits if you must .
Good luck with the pull out method. You will be having baby number 2 at 18
Please use condoms. You’re so young, pull out method does not work. I have phantom kicks. Your stomach will not move from them though
Using only that method youre going to KEEP Getting pregnant…
I am living proof pullout method doesn’t work.I would definitely b checked out by a doctor and probably put on birth control until you are ready for more children.