What have other mamas found useful in the first trimester as “must haves”? My nausea is kickin my butt
Ginger biscuits and mixed nuts. I found it easier to graze rather than eat meals
I always had to have a bag and popsicles next to me the first 4 months i was lucky to keep anything down
Small snacks your tum can handle I at every chance I had. Tiny light snacks like almonds plain water if I over filled my belly I would be insanely sick and unwell feeling for hours…even dry cereal in a baggie to snack on when you feel like… meals were basically a huge mistake for me even preparing meals for my family made me sick
Lemon helps relieve nausea. Just the smell can help but squeeze in your water is refreshing as well.
I got a travel band, helped a slight bit
Candy of any kind anything not healthy … tim hortons also ice coffee seems to settle my tummy and their sandwishes fill me fast enough for my stomach to not wanna get sick im almost 20 weeks still getting nausea ect but deff gone down now
Not good for your teeth but I sucked on jolly ranchers.
I also found when I took unisom at night I had less nausea the following day
Preggies pops, sprite with a lot of lemons and limes squeezed into it. Super cold water. Pickles.
Preggo pops saved me!
Peppermints helped me tremendously in my first trimester with both of my pregnancies. I also found that snacking a little more through the day helped my nausea as well.
Blue Powerade and vitamin b6 pills and ginger pills. I can’t remember the exact mg but I’m sure you could find it online. My doctor told me to take them every day and they decreased my nausea and vomiting a TON. I took them every day of my pregnancy, couldn’t go without them!
Ginger gum drops I got them at Trader Joe’s. Vitamin B12 helped me with being insanely tired
Flat lemonade or fresh ginger sliced in hot water
Okay so it sounds absolutely crazy but salt and vinegar chips in a small amount help my nausea
Lemonade as fizzy as you can stomach xx
Vitamin b12 supplement, it’s safe & it helps with the sickness
Saltines, gingerale, and I sucked on Altoids for my entire 4th pregnancy.
I’d drink ginger ale
Watermelon. I’ve been sick the whole time and I’m 37 weeks … watermelon always helps me feel better!
Ginger Chewable tablets! I had a pretty rough pregnancy the last time around and these saved me so much!!
Graham crackers and 7 up. I got it bad with my daughter.
I take doxylamine and b6 before bed, I don’t feel sick the next day.
Sugar free gum has been a lifesaver for when I wake up at 4AM with morning sickness! I recently was prescribed vitamin B Pills for nausea & doxylamine to help sleep.
Ginger chews, peppermint, ginger ale, sprite, saltine crackers. Also, I found sea bands helped a lot.
I never tried this myself, but some people swear by this.
Lemon heads that’s all
Flaxseed oil. It will be a lifesaver against hemroids. Take one capsule a day
Unisom & vitamin b6 (1/2 tab of each)
And sea bands!
Pregnancy pops- great candy that helps with the nausea
1/2 a unison tab at night. Meclizine for the really awful days (class B safe for pregnancy) sour candies and mints, and some type of protein drink. I liked carnation breakfast essentials and boost.
I lived off fruit and veggie popsicles
The only thing that helped my nausea when I was pregnant with my son was a greasy ass cheese steak and blue Powerade.
Have saltines by your bed and move as little as possible to get one when you wake up. That always helped me thru all 9 months of pregnancy cuz I had nausea the whole time.
Unisom and B6 = otc diclegis. Literally the only way I survive
Preg o mega the purple box from Dischem ! With this no morning sickness no vomiting and helps with growth of baby and ur body! Best part no nausea! works like a boom! Even ur baby will be healthy!
I went to my obgyn and got nausea medicine. I couldn’t handle the Otc crap anymore. It wasnt working.
They have children Dramamine chewables they saved me in the first trimester
Puked all day for 9 months without it.
Ask your OB for samples.
Sprite and lays classic!!
Animal crackers and Gatorade worked for me
Unisom, crackers, coca cola and chicken nuggets. Also, eat a cracker as soon as you wake up and then don’t move for a few min.
Tums and cold water sips helped me but I have mild mild nausea
Gingerale and saltines. Also, grape juice tastes great coming back up if its that bad. So much better than dry heaving.
Pineapple (juice and the fruit) and pop chips kettle corn flavor. Dunno why but those were some of the only things that helped
Hard candy. Nausea is often caused by low blood sugar. Sometimes, it helps.
Ginger helps with nausea. If you can find candied ginger, give that a try. It’s natural, and will not cause harm.
Gravol and a carpet steamer saved my nauseas puking journey. Morning sickness is grand aint it?
My 2nd was the worst… the ONLY thing i could even remotely keep down is red Gatorade.
My dr suggested vitamin b6 at night with unisom and another b6 in the morning. Changed my life good luck…
My first pregnancy my daughter tried to K-I-L-L me… I couldn’t even keep down room temp water… legit nothing. I tried everything. The crackers, the fruit, the sprite… half the time I ate to puke so I didn’t have to feel so nauseous… it happened around 6 weeks and lasted my ENTIRE pregnancy. But it just kinda became the new norm… just gotta remember it doesn’t last forever… preggie pops sometimes would help me keep down water… good luck to you mama.
Preggie Pop Drops and ginger ale.
This pregnancy flew by so quick so far I still haven’t gotten anything for it lol and I still fight nausea. I’ve heard of these little candies at Walmart that are all natural and they’re kinda like cough drops.
ginger. fresh ginger is cheap and works wonders. just cut a few little slices and boil it in water. add lemon and honey to taste.
I ate a banana as soon as I woke up, before I did anything else and then drank peppermint tea, which helped my morning sickness
The seaband bracelets! They were the only thing that helped me… I get hyperemesis pretty severely and the bracelets helped me a ton
Ginger candies and crackers. Saved my life working all day
For some reason, twizzlers were the one thing I could consistently keep down. Probably not a coincidence that my daughter now loves them lol.
B6 and unisom at night!!
Crystalized ginger really helped my nausea.
Sweet Tarts before you get out of bed. ( The candy )
With my first daughter I would eat lemons with a little salt, it would help my nausea. Now I’m on my second pregnancy I’m going on 3 months and so far lemons and oatmeal have helped my nausea. Best of luck to you
Dr subscribed suppositories
Emetrol from Walmart it’s less then $10 and tastes like candy:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Snacks, took me four pregnancies to figure I get nausea when I was hungry and I was always hungry
I had HG. Was hospitalized multiple times because nothing worked. Couldn’t take meds because of a heart condition I have. But for typical morning sickness, anything ginger… crackers, bananas, applesauce, pretzels… you can also try preggy pops. Also I had to avoid car rides, short or long.
I had prego pops with my daughter and they SAVED me.
I had morning sickness from the moment I woke to the moment I fell asleep and even sometimes would wake in the night to be sick. It continued through the whole pregnancy and through the birth. Nothing really worked for me but I find eating little and often helped alot, seems being hungry or having an empty stomach would make it worse but also eating too much at once made it terrible as well.
I literally tried everything people suggest… ginger biscuits, bananas, celery, salad, dried foods such as crackers. Did not help me. I wish u all the best and just remember it’s all worth it in the end
Small little snacks often. I lived on saltines and sprite. Gatorade with my first too. I was so sick with him I lost almost 30lbs
Tbh there was nothing that was a must have my nausea and vomiting so bad I got prescription medication
These were the only non-prescription thing that helped my nausea
Cheetos! Crunchy or puffs. Sounds crazy but it helps and I had all day nausea with 2 pregnancies for the entire first trimester
Greek yogurt and body armor drinks. N pickle juice lol
Snacks and papaya enzymes!
Lemon slices block out smells and help nausea
Check out Pink Stork. (I found them on Amazon) They have tons of natural products that are safe for pregnancy, and that help a variety of symptoms up to postpartum needs. I would not be surviving right now without their heartburn relief tea. I’m almost 35 weeks
Preggie pops, eat something bland (crackers, tortilla chips) before you get out of bed, Gatorade. Know that it gets better! Keep hanging in there!
All the sour candy I can eat! Helps tons with nausea
Zofran from your doctor for the nasuea
Cold fresh fruit! Guy at Publix always have me the good bowls!
I puked 3-4 times daily for like 5 weeks. The only thing that truly helped was taking 1 25 mg Benadryl as soon as I woke up and 1 more when that started wearing off. I wasn’t able to hold anything down until I found it. Lemons and lemon water helped settle an upset stomach within reason. I tried all the pink stork anti nausea teas and candies but unfortunately they didn’t help. The ginger made me more nauseous. the first trimester is just waiting it all out.
100% sleep. Nothing else.
Lemon Gatorade, deluted with water, helped me with nausea. Also, had a big wind fan blowing on my bare belly. That helped with my nausea too.
Small frequent meals and staying extra hydrated. But also, taking a vitamin b6 every night with your prenatals. Taking them at night is important because many prenatals actually cause nausea. I had to switch my prenatals to figure that out
Zofran ice chips and ginger
Vitamins, ginger candy, peppermint candy, tums or pepcid ac, always a pack of crackers of some sort, bottles of water and my list could go on. I am in my 3rd trimester and all of the first trimester is coming back!
Portable puke bags like they have at the hospital. Those saved my life.
I had sickness with my first till I gave birth and nothing I tried stopped it unfortunately, I lost weight because of it but my baby still came out a healthy 7lb 6.5oz .
Zofran helped me but not much! Good luck mama! I lost 20lbs with my first and 26 with my 2nd from being so sick!
Sour mints! I get the ones from aldi but icebreakers has them too
I sipped ginger tea all day. It helped me and I never threw up.
Lindy Wood read through theses comments, very great suggestions for you!!
Preggie pops and pink stork morning sickness tea were my go tos with my son
Sour candies, preggo pops, lemonade, and small meals helped with nausea. I was sick my whole first trimester with this baby and literally no medication or vitamin helped. Ginger made me more nauseous. Eat what sounds good and not a lot of it. Prenatal vitamins at night time for sure. For me it didn’t get better until my second trimester. Still get sick every once in awhile, but nothing like the first trimester.
I lived on watermelon for my first trimester. My doctor gave me some anti nausea meds but watermelon was still all I could keep down. Dr said it was great cuz it’s has plenty of fluids and sugars and can help with nausea all on its own
B-natal! You can order it off Amazon! My doctor suggested it because I didn’t want prescription meds. The green one tastes like green jolly ranchers.
Unisom tablet at night, 60 mg of vitamin B6 in the morning with a less drowsy dramamine…then take another B6 later in the day if you need the energy…also, lemon juice in water when you 1st wake up and keep saltines on your nightstand and eat a few IF you wake up during the night
A combination of Unisom and vitamin b6 before bed. That’s basically the generic morning sickness medicine that your doctor would prescribe (as told to me by my nurse). That saved me in my first trimester.
Zofran is all that helped my nausea.
Unisom and preggie pops