What are the best diapers?

Make sure is wee wee is pointed down :rofl: I use Pampers cruisers they seem to work the best!


Try huggies or go up a size in diapers


I’ve found luvs to be the best for preventing leaks.

Maybe go up a size? My son uses the Huggies lil movers


Yes U had this problem with pampers and changed to huggies and store brand diapers and both were better and without leakage.

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I have 5 children I’ve always used luvs, if I was you I’d go one size up make sure the legs are fixed right and the top is snug but not to tight and maybe when u put it on him make sure his weewee if pointed down, my son would have a diaper on an suck in his belly and pee and it would shoot right out the top :joy:

Huggies snug and dry work best for my 1 yr old