What are the chances custody will be 50/50?

Depends on your state laws and why he wants it and what provisions he can prove to the court he has made to have her a full 50/50. My 3 nieces have been doing the 50/50 for 3 years and my 2 of my grands have for the last 6 months. The kids love it because they get equal time with both parents.

My kids are around those ages and court went primarily my way. The judge said our children are not animals that can be passed back and forth with no routine. My ex wanted them every night because I work 3rd shift, but I fought it because the are happy and safe at home with my parents and need a structured routine. We tried it his way for a week and I wrote down all the behaviors and how my oldest was having a hard time going back and forth. They need stability, but overall it went my way. He got weekends and we split holidays. They go all the way to whose paying for what for college so write down how you think everything should be split being as fair as possible and you should have no issues.


Me and sons dad went to court for custody and got split 50/50 when he was 1. It’s what’s best is the father is wanting to be involved

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Custody is two different things: physical and legal custody. One parent may get full legal custody and shared physical custody or it maybe 50//50 across the board just depends on the circumstances. Courts may take into consideration if the other parent can care for the kids in all facets and distance between the parents. Stability, getting them to school on time, medical appointments, school events, etc. in which case they may give one parent joint where they live primarily with one and visitation for the other. For example, every other weekend, visits during the week, alternating holidays, whole or partial summers, etc. then child support will be based off that and they use a dissomaster to determine the amount to be paid. As the kids get older (around 12-13) the judge may meet with the child to determine what is best. They will start having a say in where they go in some cases. It all really depends on your state and circumstances.

It’s highly possible that you’ll get full and he’ll have the standard every other weekend thing. Especially the school aged child

Depends on the state as well. In Oregon, a judge can’t award 50/50 unless both parties agree to it.

My ex wanted 50/50 but made some mistakes in life I held everything against him to be honest and ended up getting primary custody. He had them every Wednesday over night I get them Thursday morning and then he gets them every other weekend from 6pm Friday until 6pm Sunday

Stop being selfish. They are his children too. Co-parent 50/50. Set a responsible example for your children.


Why do you deserve more time with the kids then him? One week on and one week off is pretty consistent.

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So give dad full and you have on wknds

Chances very good work it out and be fair.

Most likely you will have what’s called “primary custody” which just means they will live with you full time. Joint custody just means he has a say in all education and medical decisions. Unless he’s a safety concern around your children or he’s in and out and barely sees them then yes you both will more than likely have joint custody.

Also 50/50 doesn’t mean the kids will be out of a routine or keep bouncing back and forth. No sane judge would ok that. When I was younger my parents had 50/50 of my brothers and I and we would see my father every other weekend from Friday to Sunday evening. I have legal sole custody of my daughter which translates to me having full say over my child’s medical and educational decisions but that’s also because her father wanted to give up his custody rights and just stick to visitation rights. Her father and I haven’t been together since she was 2 years old and she will be 6 next month. Custody agreements are all different, there is never the same agreement for everyone especially in different states!

50/50. Seeing both parents equally is consistent

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I always told my husband if we ever split up we would do 50/50 because it’s what’s best for the child, not what’s best for me. And the child/ren deserve both parents equally in their lives (if that possible, obviously if one parent is truly unable/unwilling/unsafe that’s different)

I would think most judged would split time 50/50 for such young children. If y’all can’t agree the judge is supposed to do what is best for the children . there is not a law that says judges favor mamas. The judge could give dad the most time if HR can best care for the kids and give them a stable home.

My son has 50/50 custody with his 4 boys, with their mother! However primary residence is with him. Mom is not a bad mom! Loves her kids but has mental health issues! My son helps her a lot. He sends food and other things she may need when she has them! I raised my kids to be loving and care about others! My son is a awesome Dad! He has 8 kids. 6 are his biological kids, 2 steps! He loves and cares for them equally. The men of this generation are much more involved with the daily up bringing of children.

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Children are not pawns. They are his children too. Get over yourself .


I think you should have custody until they are a little older but the Dad should be able to see them more than every other weekend. I am afraid the judge will have the final say. I would just pray for God’s will he knows better than me!

The children have two parents. Unless the other parent is abusive or not a good parent all around, shared custody sounds good. The children will benefit from time with both parents in the long run. When they are with the other parent, you have time for yourself.

If he has a job and a safe place for them and all things on his end are “normal” chances are he will get some custody

My daughters dad left when she was 5 months old and I filed right away we finally got a court date when she was 7 months old
He wanted overnights right away but because he was the one who left and she was so young he only got granted day visits for 6 months so 11 to 7
Shortly after she turned one he got overnights and about 4 months later he got the schedule that we have today which is two nights a week and 3 hours on the weekend. She’s 5 now
Amd as much as it hurt in the beginning she is so well adjusted with that schedule now

If there is no legitimate reason why you feel he shouldnt have them,and he has been a present father
It’s probably best they get used to a set schedule

It’s hard either way

Sorry momma

The only advice I can give is don’t go in to the custody hearing or mediation with a “selfish” mentality about the custody when asked about what you think it should be
They’ll take that in to consideration

Keep it to what’s best for the kids

I’m in Ca if that makes a difference at all

We have 50/50 legal and I have majority physical custody

Unless he is proven to be a bad father, it will be 50/50. For the kids sake, I hope it is 50/50, because they need both parents in their life equally!

50/50 will be most likely outcome.
Kids are resilient and will adapt.

If you and the soon to be ex can agree…. On a fairer arrangement, ( IE,
He gets them on his Routine Days off……Then have attorney put it in the court order.
Good luck.

Unless the other parent is a drug addict or has reported cases of neglect or abuse there’s zero reason they would give you full custody. And they shouldn’t. He deserves to have as much time with his kid that you do. I know many people who grew up spending one week at moms then next week at dads and all of them will tell you they are grateful their parents didn’t fight and they ended up not seeing one of their parents often because of it.

So… Other things are factored in. For example-either one a stay-at-home parent? It was 50/50 for us but both of our kids were in school when we got divorced.

System stinks. Sad the day the children stay with dads as he is usually working and family or friends try to keep up with them. I do not like 50/50. Should be 75/25

Children need both of their parents. Think about your children they love you both equally. Give them what they need not what you want them to have.

That is not fair to the father. Maybe he wants to have primary custody and you can see them every other weekend? How’s that sound?

I have no issue with 50/50. My ex didn’t show up for the divorce date and spent little time with my kids. Now in their 27, 37, and 40 they have no relationship with their father. They don’t hate him, they just don’t know him.
My husband’s daughter and her ex have shared custody. The kids switched houses every 3 days for 10 years. It was ridiculous to me, but the kids adapted. Now teenagers, one lives with Mom and one with Dad. Strained relationships.
As long as the kids are safe, happy- which may take a little while, and healthy AND can stay in same schools, keep same friends they will be OK.

when i got divorced it was 50/50 with me as primary custodial parent. He got kids every other weekend and we split the holidays and they determined amount of child support

My brother and his ex did 2 days at each place and every other weekend, until his daughters got tired of their mother and my brother got tired of their mother not providing health insurance or paying for her share of things.

This is part of what’s wrong with society today. There’s this automatic assumption that the woman is the better parent. While that may be true for nine out of ten cases, I was the ten percent. I gained custody of my children because my ex refused to send them to school and learn to be responsible adults. After I got custody, I tried to be nice and let my kids see their mom. Instead, she took my daughter and fled across the country, essentially “custodial interference.” I went to law enforcement and got ZERO cooperation to get my daughter back. A couple of years later, I received a summons from South Carolina, stating that they were going to terminate my parental rights! I went all the way down there for the courts, presented my custody papers, and ended up coming home empty handed! The courts do NOT provide for men who actually WANT to be good fathers to their children! Now I have no contact with my daughter, and, to my understanding, I have a grandson that I have never met and probably never will because my ex poisoned my daughter against me! And I’m left with no recourse, but to accept that they will probably never be a part of my life. Please tell me how that is fair??? :rage::rage::rage:

People will say this and that and the law will have the final say.The parent/s r the cause of this and now the children must pay the price.Children need their parents and not casual or temp.parents.

Just do 50/50…You will be glad you did…your babies will love you for that choice…its hard to raise children alone !

A child needs their mommy and daddy. To rob them of that is a crime and extremely selfish. I feel very sorry for your child.

You do what you have to do but I agree your ex has to see the them even if it’s 50/50. If anything goes wrong the is other ways to go think hard and think smart.

It depends where you live I guess. Here in Iowa 50/50 is very rare. My one ex gets every other weekend and sometime on Wednesday.the other one and I just work it out between us.

Then I guess you should leave them with him and you should walk away, since it’s about the kids and all

Courts recommended shared parenting. One has to be residential parent

It must be exhausting having to live 50% of the time in one place and 50% somewhere else. At first it might be fun as a kid but I can’t imagine having to do this until age 18.

Pretty good 50/50…its hard but the kids will be happy

Probably. 50/50 if he has a job

If he wants 50/50 n no issues chances are good

My daughter’s friend got 50/50 one week with mom one with dad it’s so freaking dumb the kids are definitely not stable that way and it must be exhausting to live somewhere different each week

Stop lying you want child support payments because you can’t live on 1 income. Be honest it has nothing to do with kids and everything to do with money and your ability to live the lifestyle you want on one income

If he’s a good dad let him have the 50% and you take that time to work on yourself and be honest about what’s best FOR YOUR CHILDREN

would No spit tome 50/50

Would you be happy seeing them on weekends and your day off ?

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Liberal visitstion 2days a week, alternative holidays.

I would suggest trying to compromise if a judge makes the decision you will not be happy. Offer him liberal visitstion