Crazy question to ask, only time will tell. My suggestion would be to stay on the pill because more than likely it will happen again. Good luck
you’ll know for sure in a few weeks…
I was always told birth control takes 2 weeks to go into effect so i think pregnancy is a possibility.
It’s not likely but possible, it took me a couple years to get pregnant after stopping birth control, but everyone is different.
Do you think all of us on here are doctors? Geez. Why are there so many of these questions?
Why are you having sex with your ex, are you trying to trap him? Birth control pills can take a month to get in your system before becoming effective … I think you need to grow up and build up your self esteem. Kinda sounds like you want to get pregnant. I said what I said.
More then likely your pill would have started working. But you can still get pregnant even if your on the pill. AND if you take antibiotics and are on BC, your BC wont work.
Pills usually take a few days to work so keep an eye on your cycle
Very low - only get pregnant a week a month - during fer days .
Hows days from 1st day of last period was it.
You have to give it a month to work……get a period tracking calendar and see when you should be fertile
Why, You been sitting on pee-pee?
Stay on birth control. You can take pregnancy test. Then deal with the consequences. Good Luck
Ask Mari you are pregnant and you are the father
Schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider. They will answer your questions.
Take the after pill again. And buy some condoms. Oh. Are you sure you broke up he’s trying to knock you up. Or you are.
Pill takes 1 month to be effective.
Sounds like you need to learn responsibility before bring a child into the world.
The Plan B prevents implantation and then kinda makes your uterus hostile. Every time I used it, my period that month was really bad. Between that and your bc, you’re probably fine.
Yet another question being asked on FB instead of to a doctor.
Plan b has weight limits, make sure you follow them for the desired results. Sorry people are being so rude to you. Take a test in a few weeks & don’t have sex until then so you can be 100% sure
How do you submit a question on this page?
Your boyfriend / Ex sounds like a Real A…E !!
Possible depending on yr cycle
You have to take it for 30 days for it to be effective
My brain hurts reading this.
It is a possibility, wait a week then take a test
Well, you’ve been exposed so
Pull out method doesn’t work! Jfyi
Your playing with fire. Be careful.
My gawd! We cant tell you…but a test can
Oh, gawddddd!!!
Very low risk that you would be.
Take a test - these things aren’t guess work and you can buy a £1 test from
Home bargains
Anytime you have sex you could end up pregnant.
Well plan b doesn’t always work… at certain times of the cycle and after taking so much of it you make it less effective.
I have apparently taken too much of it bc I took it correctly and still got pregnant
As for birth control it doesn’t start working as soon as you start taking it. If you read the papers in the box of pill it tells all about that. If you take it the day after your period it start working faster but if you start taking it randomly its up to a week before it actually starts working.
Usually need 7 days of back up when starting birth control
If you have sex there’s always a chance
Depending on your bc and timing you may just be ok. Combo pills need 30 days to do their thing, progesterone only (norethinedrone) are effective after 48 hours.
Considering you only skipped the pill for 2 days and took a plan b, I figure you are fine. Just track your cycle and take a test if you are late.
Get the flo app, u will know when u are ovulating. Will help with future questions
I think you should be OK. Just keep a eye out and if you are late take a test
Any time you have sex you stand the chance of getting pregnant, doesn’t seem like an ex to me. How would he feel if you were pregnant?
If this is not someone you would want in your life forever id stop doing that any kind of birth control can fail at anytime even multiple forms and even if used properly i have 4 kids and 1 step kid that is proof of that. I would say its not likely your pregnant but its not worth the risk
I’d be more worried about a disease than a pregnancy. There’s so many people out there struggling to conceive….and then there’s all kinds of other dumb🤨
It depends on the pill you’re on. Some of them if you start on day one of your period then you’re protected straight away, some take 7 days and some take longer. It’s best to read the information leaflet with the pill to determine whether you’d be protected. If you’re still unsure maybe ask a pharmacist or doctor.
You would not even be pregnant yet from 9/7. But test around when your period will be due
In these cases there is always the morning after pill . If you didn’t want to be pregnant
Wait 2 weeks and take a test or go get a blood test, that’ll be your answer.
If you were already ovulating you have a high chance of being pregnant. You can take it again if needed. You can take it up to 5 days after sex. I would take it again to be safe
I would say wait. Plan B does not always work. My son is living proof.
So u stopped taking birth control bc u and your ex broke up? U should’ve kept taking it to keep the levels consistent in your body. Just bc u break up with someone doesn’t mean you stop taking your birth control.
You’re good girl. It doesn’t work like that.
I wish you the best which ever way it turns out. We all make mistakes. Hopefully everything works out in your favor.
I doubt you’re pregnant. Just wait two weeks and take a test. Don’t have sex with him again at least until you know you’re not pregnant
I’m not trying to be rude here- but you’re worried about being pregnant… why would you continue to sleep with an ex?
I think the chances are low but just always remember anytime sex is unprotected you run the risk
It’ll be a surprise.
I’m pretty sure you will be ok. The plan b pill works for up to 72hrs after said event. HOWEVER, the effectiveness goes down with time.
Are you really asking this question on Facebook???
Stop screwing your ex.
I can’t even… gonna scroll past this
It can take a couple weeks for birth control to get out your system and most plan B are good for about 7days. Yes some cases where plan B fails rarely. I say you 80-90% safe agree with some the other comments. Track your cycle take the test in a few weeks
There’s always a chance but I’d say you will be fine
I’d say you’re pretty safe…
Go to the dr when in doubt
Facebook is not your doctor
There is always a risk regardless even with birth control. They always tell you to use back up for the first 30 days after starting birth control. If you don’t want a child then make him use a condom or stop having sex with him. This is all common sense. However it takes 2. If you can play you can pay.
Here’s the rudeness. - if u gotta ask us and not your doctor. U should not be allowed to have sex yup. I said it. NOT ALLOWED
Dollar tree test .
If you don’t want rude comments, don’t post your business in social media. How about you act like a responsible adult and use birth control. Instead of a teenager and using the pull out method or the morning after pill multiple times.
Stop sleeping with someone who doesn’t respect your body. Look up your birth control conversion for plan b ( Example: four seasionique tabs = one plan b)
People are going to be rude Bc this is irresponsible. Please go to the doctor the week of 9/27, get tested for all stds and pregnancy. Good luck.
Stop having sex with your ex please.
I got pregnant while on the pill sooo
yes you could end up pregnant Dr’s always told me to wait a week before having unprotected sex to give the birth control time to sit in my system. I mean good luck I suppose
Calling all fb doctors.
You would need to know your cycle and if you are ovulating. Pregnancy typically occurs during ovulation.
Did u stop taking your birth control just bc you guys broke up? Not that its any of my business but why just why
People like this shouldn’t have sex if they are legit this ignorant.
Playing train :
( pulling out of the station on time ) rarely works .
Not taking birth control correctly can increase the chances of pregnancy. Reading this post I get the feeling you were trying to trap him. No one can be this ignorant & excited sounding at once
You can get pregnant as long as you’re having sex. If you’re bumping uglies you can assume you might be pregnant.
Missing a pill for one day you can get pregnant. Once you’ve missed one it can also take a week to get back into your system. Also my son came while I was on the pill without me missing any so there’s always a chance.
Take a test.
And I dont mean to be rude but why you sleeping with an ex? Are you trying to get pregnant to get him back because I promise you that won’t be healthy relationship. You can’t trap the guy without making him resent you, he’s also likely to run a mile when he finds out your up the duff instead of stepping up. Work out your problems and why you broke up and see if it’s something you can work through before adding a baby into this situation. The last thing you want is to be a single mom, to a child with a deadbeat dad who resents you.
Whats your cycle were you close to your ovulation date? That’s what I go by
My friend got pregnant using condoms, the pill, and a shot. She has 3 kids. So it’s possible.
Pregnancy is always possible. Even on birth control. Its not likely. But still possible.
Just wait and see if you get a period. If you are pregnant and taking your birth control you have a high chance of miscarriage. Simple solution wait and see
Damn! Does anyone listen to their doctor or read the papers that come with their prescription? No. Okay I figured that. It is COMMON knowledge that ANY birth control pill takes at least 30 day active in your system to be effective. That being said YES you have a chance of becoming pregnant.
I’m a mom of 3 BC babies. That being said you can take it 100% right and still end up pregnant.
So just saying my now husband and i had decided we were doing to try. I was off my bc for exactly a week got back on it because we had a short break up and we now have a 2 year old in december!
You should ALWAYS make a “sexual partner” use a condom if you are not in a committed relationship for your own health and protection.
Take a test and you’ll know for sure
Plan B also doesn’t work past a certain weight if you are above 160lbs I believe. If you were completely unprotected then yes, there’s a chance.
omg go to a doctor duh!!
Yes, it’s possible you could be pregnant. But there’s another issue…if he said he’d pull out and he didn’t that’s a huge problem. In fact, it’s assault.
The answer you are looking for is yes you could potentially be pregnant again. The pill takes a week to two weeks to be fully effective in your system.
It takes 2 weeks for it to get back into your system fully, and even then it is not 100%. Honestly, I would say you are at 50/50 right now. Good luck to you!
Did you have sex? Yes? So can you be pregnant? Also yes
Get a blood test tell u if u r pg or not
I cannot even believe this is being discussed. Go to a clinic and find out for sure.
Don’t ask Facebook go see a doctor.
With all the negative remarks, I’m just gonna say good luck.