What are the chances of getting pregnant while fertile?

Can you please post privately. I had unprotected sex in my fertile week with a new guy. He finished in the goods. Neither of us were prepared accidents happen. I read online you can take bc pills and it’ll work as plan b. But then I had a drunken night last night still in my fertile window. And started using the Nuvaring 2 days ago. I know you’re supposed to wait 2 weeks to have unprotected sex. But what’s the chance of me actually getting pregnant by either guy? Please no bashing. I know this is confusing and dumb of me…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What are the chances of getting pregnant while fertile?

:roll_eyes::person_facepalming: Extremely high. Expect a baby and a dna test in 9-10 months.


You can take a plan b within 72 hours of unprotected sex.

Birth control does not act as a plan b from what my obgyn has said.

Ummmm. Unprotected sex with a newbie? You know that s*** does not protect you from STD’s, right?


Make better choices.


U were prepared. U knew both of you were not protected. Don’t say that. U knew exactly what you were doing. Why come here asking that??


Well, there’s a high chance for you to get pregnant. And starting to take control birth pills after won’t do anything to prevent it. So, if I were you, i would start talking with the guys about the high possibility of you being pregnant.


It’s definitely possible unfortunately

50/50. You either do or you dont

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… this is the dumbest thing I have ever read


Prob not what you wanna hear but damn you know the answer

So irresponsible and just plain dumb, having unprotected sex isn’t an accident.

It’s not like an accident, you both made an active choice. The chances are very high.


LOLOLOL I was on birth control when I got pregnant with my youngest. Better get that nuva ring out


You will or you won’t …and then chances of who the dad is is 50/50 :face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes: life is rough HAVE FUN LIVING!!!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hey mama we all mess up and make shitty decisions prepare yourself just in case but weirder shit has happened and resulted in no baby and just lessons learned

No bc doesn’t act as plan B. Not trying to bash but you do not sound old enough to be having sex if you don’t know this basic information…

Defo make better choices !! Get yourself checked too to be safe and then please sit and think of the consequences xx


You knew the risk of unprotected sex. Birth control doesn’t work as plan b, plan b fails a lot. And also selfish, maybe you should be more careful.

Why not go buy a plan B pill…… then get tests for STDs?


Not once but twice?! :rofl::woman_facepalming:t3:


The seed of guy one and guy two, fighting to get out of the dark place.


Girl bye. And congratulations mommy.


Girl you know damn well your most likely pregnant! I hope your able to sort out the stuff with the potential fathers. I’m sure it’s going to be a rough one but hopefully you have a good support system and are in a good place in your life. Good luck mama!! Xoxoxox

Not to be mean to anyone but seriously people how can you not be prepared…


2 dudes in a week both unprotected? Lets pray youre just pregnant and didnt contract some stds. :grimacing:


Very good chance of being pregnant. Roll of the dice which guy. Just don’t decide to take it out on the baby and have an abortion.


Good luck telling both dudes about each other and that one them may be the father​:woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


Confusing? Nah, you’re playing dumb because you know you made bad choices.


I got pregnant with my first daughter while I was on birth control so… chances are pretty high for you I would say. Gotta take care of yourself while you’re out there living your life girl. :purple_heart:


I would be more concerned about STDs!!


Condoms are easy to use and can help prevent STDS id rather have a baby than a STD. Bad part is you have to tell BOTH men if you have one because you don’t know which you got it from or gave it to …

You can do prenatal paternity testing, hopefully you got the $ to do it if you’re pregnant. No need to waste two guys time


I don’t know if you know how plan B works but plan B only delays your ovulation. However Plan B does not work if your body has already started trying to ovulate. I’ve never heard anyone use their birth control as a replacement for plan B so I can’t tell you if it actually works or not but I do know it’s only certain brands - but again, it only delays ovulation. If you truly are in your fertile week, your body has already started the process to work up to ovulation and release of an egg.

If you are only tracking your fertile week via a period app, those are typically not accurate. However if it is accurate for you, there is a high chance. You will know in about two weeks when your period comes or is missed. Fingers crossed that you have the outcome that you are hoping for. Either way, you have choices if you do happen to fall pregnant.

Also don’t feel bad about lack of protection. People in the comments might make you feel like crap and/or make ignorant statements about your situation but realistically, $hit happens. You might get too into the moment to think about protection or consider if your birth control will even work for it. Like I said, shit happens.

Go to the pharmacy and ask for Plan B why try any alternative you don’t sound responsible enough to raise kids yet :woman_shrugging:t3:


Oh honey. Fertile week and sex means ur most likely pregnant. :confused: Sorry sis.

Once is an accident but TWICE?


You sure you weren’t trying to get pregnant? Because this is exactly how you do it.


Girlll take a plan b


First, unless you are in a commited relationship, do NOT have unprotected sex. There’s worse things than getting pregnant, like HIV, hepatitis, etc.

The clue to the answer is in your first line… fertile window!!! And the answer is … ding ding ding you won a prize :baby:t2::baby:t2::baby:t2::baby:t2::baby:t2:


I’d be most concerned about the STD risk to be honest…. What have you done to prevent this? Babies are a blessing, the clap isn’t . Please educate yourself and make better decisions.


This is what gives women a bad name :woman_facepalming:t4:


Damn girl start packing condoms and you can buy plan b.without a script at any pharmacy.im a mom to 4.sounds like your trying to get pregnant.

Umm no judgement but I think you know the problem… Best of luck…

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Or how about you have that baby and adopt to someone who cant cuz it definitely sounds like you need to get your life together. Sorry not sorry9


Once is a mistake. Twice is not :woman_facepalming:t2: get plan B and get in the pill.


How do you accidentally have unprotected sex not once, but twice, In the same week? The answer is you can’t. I’d say chances are very high.

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Sis please use condoms. Especially if you’re sleeping with multiple people within the same week. They prevent pregnancy and also STD’s. Be safe and prepared.


I’m guessing the same man?

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Fingers crossed that you’re not pregnant because you do NOT need to reproduce!


Sewing wild oats, be prepared if it happens

The chances are very high… Good luck on that whole situation. Maybe you shouldn’t go out with anyone for awhile until all this is figured out. Don’t need to add a third guy to the mix.


I’d take the morning after pill maybe if you’re still able to? And in future, carry condoms in your purse maybe… Better to be safe :slight_smile: I’d go and get checked for STDS aswell… Again, better to be safe lovey


It only takes one time.
If you’re pregnant, it could be either guy.

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Chances are VERY high… after the first time you should’ve been on it and used protection… you will not know who the father will be now. DO NOT HAVE ANYMORE UNPROTECTED/DRUNK NIGHTS. Good luck girl, hoping your tests come back negative.

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You might end up with more then one positive……


Birth control and plan b are not the same thing
You can still get pregnant using birth control
Even more since like you said it takes 2 weeks to take some sort of effect
And even plan b isn’t affective all the time

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The chances of you getting pregnant are extremely high from either guy.

I don’t know who told you that JUST starting birth control bills work as plan b, but they do not. They have to build up in your system and are not effective for a period of time.

Plan b is an immediate emergency help. Birth control pills are long term control. Think of it like you’re having a panic attack. A benzo (like Xanax) will work immediately (like plan b). An anti-depressant would not help an immediate panic attack, but builds up for about 8 weeks to help.

You need to seek proper consultation for birth control if you’re going to keep having unprotected sex, and knowingly having someone ejaculate inside of you.

You are literally asking to get pregnant. If you are not ready for a baby and you don’t even know these guys, please educate yourself.

You honestly probably are pregnant. Please don’t keep doing this. You’ll either end up having an abortion or bringing a child into this world in a really messed up situation, which EASILY could’ve been prevented.


Once is a accident twice is not, you being careless will end up with a baby or STD


Maybe not have sex if you don’t know how pregnancy and STIs work.

Pregnancy really isn’t the only thing to worry about here. STD’s are a real thing.
Pharmacies sell Plan B that is what you need.


The chance is high…but It’s okay hun…just take a plan b…ur entitled to ur own mistakes. U out here living ur life the way u want to!

Plan be and a std sti test


I’d remove the nuvaring and wait the 2 weeks. Also if you’re going to have sex, I’d always reintroduced the condom idea or just wait a few weeks. I get we all make silly mistakes sometimes but if you do have a life growing in there, you should figure that out before you continue with what you’re doing. You’re obviously smart enough to know when your fertile so…

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Your asking for a baby or a Std you can’t get rid of did you bump your head on something some where girl nasty


Hey, what’s done is done. Please don’t beat yourself up about it. As far as the chances of you being pregnant, a lot can affect that. You did have unprotected sex during or near your fertile time, so that does increase the risk. The only way to know for sure is to wait two weeks after the last encounter, then take a test. The more you worry, though, the more likely for your period to be late just because of stress. Try to keep busy, wait the two weeks, then take a test. Best of luck to you!

Sex with 2 guys within a week and no condom? Ur nasty

If you don’t want bashing, then Happy Mother’s Day 2023 :roll_eyes: And if this process teaches you anything, it’s that you need to catch up on knowledge in general before raising a kid…


Dude… I get accidents happen but yeah no good luck cause your chances are pretty high :grimacing:

It’s a 50/50 chance ur pregnant by one of them :woman_shrugging:t2: lol :joy: of course. And 50/50 that ur not pregnant

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Ppl talking about STDs like they know what they talking about :flushed:

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Girl I’m 8 months pregnant while using birth control. Birth control is not the same as plan b.


Please don’t procreate :grimacing:


Girl I’d spend the $35 and get the “Take Action” pill, just in case.


Chances are pretty high your gonna end up on whoever takes maury over.
Any time you have unprotected sex there’s a chance of getting pregnant. 2 new people unprotected in a week? I’d be more concerned with catching an std. Sorry don’t have any sympathy.
Taking birth control after unprotected sex will do nothing. You need to get to your OB asap & have the nuva ring removed, wait a cycle don’t have any intercourse for 2 weeks after your period & have it put back in & wait the correct amount of time. If you become pregnant with the Nuvaring in, it can cause birth defects.

Take a sex health class ,learn to take care of yourself not just being everyone’s cum bucket

An “accident” is a one time thing. You are being irresponsible. The chances are very high you’re pregnant.


I got pregnant by screwing up my cycle once and it was the 4th day in the fertile window lol

You absolutely could be pregnant. Go get plan B immediately. Also, please, please buy some condoms and keep them with you. As I have told my girls, “no glove, no love”. No sense in causing yourself medical issues for a few minutes of fun…:person_shrugging: Good luck!


Very likely. Birth control doesn’t work like plan b at all. Nuva ring isn’t fully effective until a couple of months in. I would suggest getting a plan b to be safe but it might be too late. It’s worth a shot but that’s your only option to try and prevent it before conception occurs but I’d say it’s more likely you’re pregnant than not at this point. Even plan B can not work if you’ve already ovulated before taking the pill. That’s why it’s best to always use extra protection during your fertile window. Once that egg is released it’s hard to prevent conception if you’re not on any birth control and not using any protection such as condoms.

I once took a chance and got pregnant from just that once…

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You could get pregnant for twins and you get one from each…I know someone this happened to! Abortions aren’t for careless sex!

Go get plan b from pharmacy. You dont need prescription

Go get a Plan B pill. Like now.


If your really worried, maybe try a plan b pill

Birth control does not act as plan B. Do yourself a favor and get a Plan B.


Of course there’s a chance lmao

Probably going to be twins. Good luck


Chances of getting pregnant each cycle with having sex at the right time is 15%-25%. You need to practice safe sex, regardless of being on birth control.

Girl you is a messs! Why post this! Go get help!


It’s a 50/50 chance and either guy can be the dad so if pregnant and you keep it you will need a dna test. You must not learn from your mistakes if you made the same one twice in a week

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She’s not looking to be shamed!!!

It’s extremely possible for you to become pregnant. If I were you, which, I HAVE BEEN THERE TOO, I would get the plan B pill and take immediately, so long as you are still in your window to take it. If not, you need to see your doctor and get a pregnancy test through them. Then you can speak with a MEDICAL professional, and not all these folks who just want to shame you for having unprotected sex.

Do you seriously not understand the meaning of the word fertile?


Just stop having sex ugh

Ur probably getting pregnant right now


Go to your gp to get the morning after pill and get tested. I’d be more concerned at what he’s passed on besides the chances of a baby!!!


Getting some good advice. Take care of yourself as best as you can. If you’re positive you don’t want a child now go take the plan B. Buy some condoms. The sperm is not your responsibility.