Pros and Cons of tieing your tubes? I have my third child in November. Hubby and I are 100% sure we don’t want any more children. I had the Mirena IUD, and it was horrible!! Terrible at taking pills, And the arm implant was a bust. Any advice would be great Thank you
Id your unsure about getting your tubes tied you could always do the shot. You go in every 3 months get a shot in your arm and your good to go.
I had the clamps put in after my second daughter. I was dead set on not having anymore children after my last 8 years ago. I was up and at it within 3 days very quick healing.
I am having mine removed to 1. sterilize myself 2. lower cancer risk
He could get snipped.
Cons: you get a pain for maybe a couple months while you heal
Pros: Doctor can do it at the same time as your csection (if you have a csection), no pills or any other form of birth control, no more worrying about missed periods
I’m also having my husband get a vasectomy. That’s also another option.
I had mine burned off 4 years ago. Decent experience. Healed in a few days. Would recommend.
Heavy periods, way worse PMs symptoms. Not 100% so I shouldn’t have
If you and your hubby have talked about it and you have decided that you are the one who wants to have the procedure then do it. Don’t force him to get snipped if you have already decided that you’ll do it. And honestly I’d want to have the control of the baby making. Because I’m the one who carries the babies so I’m the one who gets fixed. I had my tubes tied and I’m so happy with it. No cons other than I had some air pains for a few days after the procedure but other than that everything has been great! I’m so so happy I went through with it!
I’m 24 and got mine done almost 2 weeks ago, I was at the place for probably 5-6 hours then went home and I felt perfectly fine. The days following a little sore but it wasn’t bad at all
(I got mine completely removed)
I plan on having mine removed. Could always look into a salpingectomy. It does more than tubal ligation and lowers risk of ovarian cancer, which is nice bonus.
I had mine burned off just 2 years ago I’m done having kids due to so many complications with all 3 pregnancys got them done during my c section same healing for me but everyone is different
I had it and have had no negative side effects. I would say go for it if you don’t want more kids
Have your hubby get snipped. My scar from tieing my tubes is horrible
I had my third and final pregnancy in February, and had my tubes removed. It was a scheduled c-section, so as far as recovery, it wasn’t anything different. I have yet to have a menstrual cycle since I am nursing, so I don’t know how that will be now that my tubes are removed. I had them removed to lessen the chance of ovarian cancer.
Mine have been tied for 11 years . And I have the worst most god awful periods ever . Pain and heavy bleeding and I mean extremely heavy bleeding .
I had my tubes removed the day after my 3rd was born. Recovery was definitely a little rough, especially since I was breastfeeding and could only take Tylenol for pain management. Was completely healed by my post partum visit though and so far so good. It’ll be a year next month for me.
Got mine done after c section but developed heavy bleeding and had to have hysterectomy 5yrs later…
I had the Mirena too and it was awful. My husband and I had 2 kids already and we decided that we didn’t want more. That Mirena was killing me. Once I was off of it and had my tubes tired, it was amazing. Until my husband left after 11 years. So now I don’t have an option to have a child with someone else. Have him get a vasectomy instead.
Vasectomy is my advice
The obvious pros are that you won’t have any more babies if you dont want to. However, it made my periods so much worse and painful. I eventually had to have a hysterectomy as well.
I know you’re asking for pros and cons. I’ll say this, I’ve had similar surgery but it was emergency due to ectopic pregnancy which caused me to lose a tube. The recovery sucked and the period was the worst. I usually have horrible periods naturally, so that’s saying a lot.
Also 1 out of every 200 women have ectopic pregnancy after getting their their tubes tied, but that’s just the rough estimate and doctors still consider it to rare.
My husband’s cousin got snipped and it was a very quick procedure and wasn’t that bad of an recovery.
If you guys are jointly sure about having no kids… It doesn’t hurt to have an consultation with both to truly weigh out the pros and cons.
Good luck
Cons: you’ll be in some pain for a couple days. Its more of an intrusive surgery vs him getting snipped .
Pros: no more babays lmao
I had my tubal ligation the day after my last child was born. No regrets what so ever. Best decision I’ve made…
If you are 100% you don’t want any more children, then yes, by all means do the surgery. The first day there was a discomfort, but it was not painful (at least for me). I stayed at the hospital for about 3 days because of my delivery and the surgery. I was driving the day after I left the hospital. Some pain meds as needed and I was ok…
a few follow up appointments afterwards just to make sure everything went well. And over a decade later, I am child free.
I had mine tied the day after my 4th was born. Sore for a couple of days.
Cons: heavy periods and cramps are worse.
Other then that no issues. I love not having to worry about a pill or an IUD.
I had my tubes tied right after my Daughter and ended up with heavy periods, clots and pain that I never experienced before. Well now I’m going in for a hysterectomy because of the bleeding
I had my tubes removed last year now I’m getting a hysterectomy next week
Regret it every single day, I still have to take birth control pills because of adenomyosis. I believe between my 3rd c section and tubal ligation it caused a lot more issues, I have to get a hysterectomy. Talk to your doctor and ask what are the medical issues people have with tubal ligations. My answer, have your husband get a vasectomy or continue on an alternative birth control option.
I had mine done…There are no cons. We have three children and we are 44 so we are DEFINITELY done. My youngest is 10 months. I had a c section with her and had my tubes done then. The pros are…not having to worry about birth control! My period has actually been lighter too. I used to have really heavy periods every month. It was awful. Not it is lighter and I haven’t really gotten cramps or much bloating. Before I always had one day where I could barely move.
Your dude should suck it up and get snipped. Pretty pathetic to put you through all that trauma and expect you to be fully responsible for birth control.
Pros: no babies
Cons: no babies
Had mine tied in 1977 after 2 children. Was the best thing I ever did.
My experience was easy with getting my tubes tied… the husband’s vasectomy didn’t work after our third child. We now have four kiddos and after my son was born I had the procedure a month later. Really quick recovery and if I hadn’t done it, I think we would have ten kids by now:laughing: best wishes to you and your decision
Tubes tied after my 3rd and my periods and cramps where terrible I would miss work because it was so bad. I know a lot of women who have had the same problems. Best of luck with your decision/
Tubal ligation best method of contraception if you are sure you don’t want any more children. I did it then I did csection for my third child.
Not entirely the same thing but I had to have my left ovary and fallopian tube removed during my pregnancy because I had a tumor the size of a grapefruit on my left ovary. I’ve had some more intense cramping even with just one removed but I still plan on having the other one removed after the next baby just in case since I popped positive for the Ca125 antigen once (linked to ovarian cancer)
Had mine cut, tied, and burned almost 11 years ago. Just a little pain. It was done the day after I had my son. Periods are shorter now though on the rare occasion the cramping is a little worse but that seems to really be the only issue I’ve had
Best decision I ever made when we knew for sure we were done having more kids. Sex is better, because the fear of pregnancy isn’t a factor.
My doctor said he could tie them, fry them or take out Fallopian tubes. He told me the pro with removing the tubes would guarantee never having cervical cancer, because it starts in the Fallopian tubes. So I told him to take them out. Recovery was good, but since he had to cut through muscle, recovery time is 6 weeks.
I’d do it again if I had to.
I got mine removed completely . I have had a lot of problems with it honestly . Heavy periods and super pms like anger I have never seen before I say no
I had a hysterectomy last year and it was the best decision I’ve ever made Kids are expensive AF and we are done! I had FMLA and a new Rottweiler puppy so, staying home recovering wasn’t the worst should have done it way sooner than I did!
I had my tubes removed after my 5th baby. Minimal recovery pain and time. So far no side effects and its been 2 months
My mom had hers done and had me 13 months later
She had my older brother on the pill & my older sister using condoms. There’s no control to her birthing
I have mine removed… pros: lessened chance of cervical cancer. 0 chance of having kids ever. Cons: you can’t change your mind.
You just gotta be sure. I live my kids to infinity and back but I never wanna do screaming babies and diapers again. So really you just gotta be sure.
I weighed this option after my 3rd child. Made a pro/con list and decided to have the hubby get a vasectomy. It was cheaper, less recovery time, didn’t mess with my system, and it was his contribution since I carried and delivered
Get him fixed. Less invasive. And easily reversed.
Had tubes tide never had much pain and never any hard periods. Best thing I ever did. Each person may be different I just didn’t have any trouble .I had to wait 5 years because the Dr. Felt I was to young I was 25
There are cons? I’ve always had painful heavy periods so idk the difference. Mine has been done for almost 7 years. It was done after a c section so I didn’t feel any worse
Pros: it’s permanent and effective, doesn’t cause side effects like hormonal birth control, you don’t need to remember to take anything, and it’s lowers your chances of ovarian cancer!
Cons: it’s permanent, can lead to an ectopic pregnancy, surgery leaves a scar and has a 4 week recovery time, and the surgery carries risks like damage to the bowel, bladder or major blood vessels, reaction to anesthesia, improper wound healing or infection, continued pelvic or abdominal pain, or procedure failure.
I tied my tubes after my 4th and it’s the only thing that gives me peace.
I’m not totally sure about this. But I’ve had 2 friends ask about getting their tubes tied and both doctors basically said they just remove them now because a lot of people get them tied and have the worst periods ever. Or after every year the chances of still getting pregnant gets higher. If you were truly done. I would just get them removed.
I had an ablation & a tubal in December of 2017, but due to post-ablation syndrome, ended up undergoing a complete hysterectomy in January of this year. (Ovaries were left)
Life changing. No menopause, no more pain. No cycles.
The. Best.
I didnt have any cons with mine. It went smoothly and don’t have to worry about any unplanned pregnancies. Hubby and I can practice all we want.
Had mine tied in 2011, no regrets,no issues so far.
The only con I have is I regret doing it altogether.
My husband had a vasectomy. He was laid up for 2 days. So much less of a risk for them than it is for us. Highly suggested.
I had my tubes removed August of 2019, cons are not being able to life more than 10lbs for 2 weeks because i have a baby and i couldn’t pick her up and… i still have a period. But now im done having children and its worry free!! There are no side effects like birth control and im happy its done
There are no cons. It’s quick. Fairly quick recovery.
I got mine cut and burnt alot better then tying
Have your husband tie his tubes
I had my tubes tied during my last c section. After, I had heavy bleeding & awful cramps. I ended up being diagnosed with adenomyosis. Had an ablation & havent had a period since. Its been fantastic
Have him get the good ole snip snip.
Honestly - i’ve had a lot change since I had a tubal ligation. I never had PMS before and now I have it hardcore. I’ve just felt really off. I’ve had everything under the sun tested and my Endocrinologist keeps telling me that she’s heard the same complaints from other women that had it done also. No energy, sweating a lot more, periods are much longer. It’s tough
I had my tubes clamped off in 2011 here in 2020 my right side had grown back and I miscarried in 2019.
Best decision I ever made!!!
I had mine removed almost 2 years ago now and its been great. The only slight issue is my cramps have gotten worse, but only for the first day (and honestly I’d take 12 sucky cramp days a year over ever being pregnant again)
Girl if y’all are done do it. I had my cut and clipped two years ago. It hurt for a few days afterward but I was back at work 4 days later.
After my third child, had my tubes tied, no side effects. I shouldn’t say that my only concern was heavy bleeding during my cycle. I don’t have to worry about it anymore now.
Have your hubby get a Vasectomy. It’s basically painless and it’s done at the doctors office!
Don’t. Fucking. Do it. Since I had mine done, I have awful periods, super heavy. And I get way worse cramps and acne.
Just had mine done in June. It hurt for a couple of days including the child laboring pains he cut about a inch separating them and tied and burnt them. I have a scar but hey its worth it cause I dont want anymore babies. I had my first ever cramp in my life im 29 but it was only the first day of my first period. I bled more but other than that its been great sailing.
Try this again lol
We had an appt to get mine done but after sitting down the night before and really talking about it, we opted out. He had a vasectomy instead.
I had tubes tied but got really bad periods like bled thru my pants, and horrible cramps and painful sex afterwards so about a year after I had them tied I ended up getting a hysterectomy (leaving ovaries) and i love it no periods anymore!
I had my tubes cauterized after 3 children. Sex life couldn’t have been better. I did not experience worse periods or cramps.
For me the emotional toll it took. Although we were done having babies the idea that I couldn’t anymore a few years later has been so emotional. Just that I took that option away. It’s hard to explain but very depressing even 9 years later.
I personally had worse periods that were heavier and lasted longer which also included throwing massive blood clots, and more cramping. Eventually was diagnosed with post tubal ligation syndrome and had to have a hysterectomy. Have your husband get a vasectomy. It’s cheaper, just as effective and not a major surgery, and does NOT have any negative effects to his sexual performance.
If you’re 100% done have the tubal. Mine were banded 16 years ago. It was a laproscopic day surgery. Back to work in 2 days, no issues or worries about an oopsie. No affect on my menstrual cycle at all.
I had Mirana as well. I felt like I was losing my mind. Went from sad to angry to just no emotion at all. It was horrible. Finally got rid of that thing. Husband got a vasectomy. Much easier and safer option
I haven’t had any cons… I got mine ties when my youngest was 3 months old… best decision I made… periods were a smidge wonky for a little bit but other than that no issues for me…
Honestly best decision of my life.
why did you not like the mirena? i had an appointment to get it put in but i’ve been back and forth with it.
I got the clamp on my tubes because im a wimp lol ive had it for a year and it seems to be doing the job. I know several people that did get their tubes tied tho and they said its worth it but its painful
I had 2 kids 4 & 2 years old, rings on my tubes at 27 untied at 31 another baby at 37 and 5 months pregnant now 39. To me it was the hormones just knowing i couldn’t if I wanted too. I suffered from PTLS. I though I was done having kids too. But you need to do what is best for you. Mentally I didnt like it haha I like to be the one in control i guess .
I just got my tubes removed(they remove them now vs just tying them) a month ago and the surgery went very smooth and recovery was only a few days.
can’t your man just get a vasectomy? Your body has already been through so much …
Got mine tied after my third. Now this was years ago. Terrible periods. 18months of bleeding 3 weeks out of 4. Because of medical issues, could not go back on birth control to regulate. Ended up with a hysterectomy at 29. Left my ovaries. No periods after that. I’m 63 and would do it again. Ovaries still produce hormones you need. Just know what can happen. Very common.
It’s his turn, much easier and quicker. My husband had it done when our baby was less then 4 months old. Kids now grown not regrets.
I had mine completely removed… having them taken out decreases your chances of ovarian cancer by 50% per my OB. And it doesn’t mess with your hormones.
I got mine done in 2001. I have suffered with the most awful periods since. Intense pain, the heaviest bleeding of my life. I went from regular you could set your clocks to…to having no period for a month and two the next. I wish I had never done it.
I got mine tied mid c-section after my daughter was delivered 6 months ago. Obviously didn’t feel it, being that I was already numbed. But haven’t seen a change in periods or hormones at all. Much better than birth control IMO.
Don’t recommend it. I had mine done almost 6 years ago and my periods are crazy heavy and painful. I’d reverse mine if I could but I don’t think it would do any good. The Dr removed the right fimbrea and left tube. Plus I still have pain from it time to time. It sucks
Pros you won’t get pregnant.
Cons periods are hell.
I had a csection at the time I got my tubes tied, so I’m not sure if there’s any pain associated with it.
I still take birth control to help with shark week cause after having kids mines become painful should of had them take my uterus or do an ablation(not sure how to spell it)
It was easy for me cause they were already in there but you still get a period so I would have done something else so I don’t have to get that but that’s just me!
Curious to why the much less invasive choice, a vasectomy isn’t an option??
I got mine tied with my last c-section. No more kids and haven’t had any cons…
I’m on wait list for a gynecologist, cannot wait to have tubal & ablation done
had mine regret it . yes no worry about birth control but i gained weight no sexual desire and 14 years later needing a hysterectomy
I didn’t have any problems right after @24 but aboit 4 years later I have had hormonal issues which has lead to alot of other side effects and I can’t get an answer from my docs on what it could be. I wish I could know if it was from that or not. One of my clamps became loose and is in my pelvis but they assure me it happens and I won’t get pregnant.
Crazy horrible painful periods with extreme back ache and migraines heavy bleeding… Also my periods can last anywhere from 7 to 20 days. Painful sex. And I had mine done around 13 years ago
Your dude should suck it up and get snipped. Pretty pathetic to put you through all that trauma and expect you to be fully responsible for birth control.