What are the signs of a miscarriage?

Hi! I need some advice. I went to my ultrasound on June 8th, where I calculated myself to be exactly ten weeks from the start day of my last period, March 29th. The tech said I measured six weeks & 5 days, and she couldn’t get a heartbeat or see the baby. She did a transvaginal ultrasound, and still no heartbeat, but she did see the baby. I am due to go back on the 15th, and I’m so stressed out, nervous, and with every emotion out there, I want the baby to be okay. I started bleeding on June 9th, went to ER, and they sent me home; they said I have a yeast infection that would be why I’m bleeding, and they also told me the bleeding isn’t severe, just minor, they checked down there. I’m on the 4th day of bleeding, and it has still been very light. They also told me because I’m obese (200.4 lbs to be exact) that I could just have thicker walls, and they can’t see a heartbeat yet, or just that sometimes they just can’t see the baby at all that early. I’m just so nervous, I feel like they gave me a little hope to hold onto, but it all seems too good to be true. I know anything can happen, but I’m so heartbroken it’s hard to be hopeful. Any advice?


I had early scans where no heartbeat was picked up and i had bleeding for over a week and im now 27 weeks pregnant. Try not to worry.

Signs for me were bleeding ( not red ) it was more light pink . Followed by cramps .
Not sure how your considered obese unless your really short ….but stressing about it will make it worse. Nothing you can control so stop stressing.

First of all just because that’s when your period was doesn’t mean you know exactly how far along you were. You could have ovulated late and not be as far along as you think. Secondly light bleeding can be normal in early pregnancy as long as it’s not enough to fill up a pad (I mean really full not light spotting or damp with blood when you change it). Unfortunately all you can do is wait. I would ask for a hcg blood level test and a progesterone blood test otherwise just take it easy and drink lots of water. You didn’t say anything about cramping which a good sign but if you do begin to cramp double the amount of water you’re drinking and go on strict bed rest until you’re next appointment

I bled at around 10 weeks and was horrified, drove myself to emergency room. The midwife called and explained that the egg embeds itself really deep, settles in around this time and that is most likely what the blood was. I put my panic to the side and carried on, gingerly. Baby was fine.

Find a doctor that will do a vaginal ultrasound. We had one done at 7 weeks and not only saw the baby but also heard a heartbeat. Don’t take on that unnecessary stress!

My last miscarriage (I’ve had 5) was similar to this. Due to my history I went in early, was put on progesterone, and monitored closely. Made it to about 8 weeks and started not feeling well, spotting, and cramping lightly. Nothing like my previous miscarriages where I showed symptoms and then had “the gush”. I went in for my next check up/ultrasound and no heartbeat with intravaginal ultrasound. I was also overweight at 240 lbs. checked my blood and determined the baby was no longer growing or progressing. We waited for my body to miscarry naturally as I’d had 4 successful ones on my own with no medical intervention. It never happened. They gave me a pill to basically induce it. Didn’t work. I wound up having to go in for a DNC almost 3 weeks after discovering the baby was dead. Procedure was simple, easy, and relatively easy to recover from. I can’t speak for your situation, but I’m praying for you. I know well the stress, frustration, and pain that comes with miscarrying. I’ve been dealing with it since I had my first as a perfectly healthy, skinny, athletic, and active 23year old, 4 years after having an easy and healthy pregnancy with my first daughter. They still haven’t figured out why I’ve struggled so long. I wish you the best of luck and healing if the news is bad.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What are the signs of a miscarriage? - Mamas Uncut

It could be a miscarriage not gonna lie or try to scare you. I’m about 235 lb and I was obese during my pregnancies and I was able to see my first baby at like 6 weeks and the heartbeat flicker on the screen when I had a miscarriage they said that they could spot the baby but they couldn’t find a heartbeat and then a couple days later i lost a baby


I had bleeding with both of my pregnancies. Scared me bad. But I have 2 beautiful, healthy kids. Not everyone is the same, but sending you lots of love and hugs :purple_heart:


I had this last year I was ment to be 11 weeks and baby stopped growing qt 9 with no heart beat I eventually started bleeding and then had to be rushed into hospital as I was loosing clots the size of my fists had to be put to sleep for a scrape and have 2 blood transfusions:(. Hope that everything is okay for you xx

That’s not unusual. I wouldn’t stress until you are told there’s no heartbeat by 8 weeks. It’s very possible that you ovulated really late.

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Can you request them to track your HCG levels to make sure it’s progressing?

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I bled my entire pregnancy, bed rest is boring, good luck

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With my miscarriages they checked my HCG levels which should be going up and not down ( down is a sign of miscarriage) and I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks and told them I wanted to wait until 8 weeks (when they should be able to see a heartbeat) to make sure. Even if they tell u that they think u are miscarrying you can request to wait a few more weeks and have another ultra sound done to be sure before u decide on anything

I would ask for HCG levels; sending prayers and hope your way.

Have they done beta hcg to see if the levels are rising? It’s not unusual this early to not see fetal heart beat. Especially bc you can be off a few days. Spotting isn’t unusual. Try to relax the best you can. Unfortunately if you are miscarrying medically there isn’t anything they can do… good luck and best wishes.

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Have your HCG levels checked to make sure you are progressing. Basing how far along you are from the date of your last period isn’t always exact. With my third baby I was guessing I’d be about 10 weeks at my ultrasound but I was only 8 weeks 3 days. Sometimes they can’t see a heartbeat that early. Try not to stress because it is not healthy for you or baby (I know. Easier said than done. I myself went through 4 miscarriages before I had a successful pregnancy) Bleeding also doesn’t mean miscarriage. I know people that had periods throughout their pregnancies and still had full term healthy babies. Hang in there mama. I hope everything is going smoothly and you’re baby is healthy :heart:

A lot of time they can’t get a heartbeat that early… so I wouldn’t worry too much about it. The bleeding could honestly be from a yeast infection. I know it’s hard to do but honestly try not to stress because that can do more damage. It alone can cause a miscarriage. Just wait it out and hopefully everything is ok

Just so you know, calculated due dates based off period are not necessarily correct. If you ovulated early or late, that can drastically change your due date. Based off my period, I thought I was going to be due in September. After my first ultrasound, they moved me to October.

It’s so incredibly hard to do, but try not to stress yourself. Bleeding can be normal in pregnancy, and so can not seeing a heart beat at 6 weeks. Best of luck to you. :heart:

This happened to me with my 1st. I went back 2 weeks and his heart beat was fine. Relax and give it some time

I would try not to stress too much. When I got pregnant with my daughter I was 8 weeks from my last period but on the ultrasound they seen nothing just a sack. Turns out I ovulated really late and she was actually only about 3 weeks. Scared the mess out of me though.

I had somewhat similar experience with my first baby. I am not obese but had irregular periods so there was no way of knowing how far along I was based on that. When I went in the baby measured at 6 weeks 1 day, no heartbeat. They had me come in for another ultrasound that next week to see if the heart had begun beating because it usually does at 6-7 weeks, definitely by 7 weeks, is what they told me. So when I went back in, baby only measured 6 weeks 3 days and still had no heartbeat so I had miscarried. I had no signs, no cramping or bleeding. I ended up having to have a D&C to remove the baby because my body was not doing it on it’s own. I miscarried my third baby two years after my son was born. Once again I had no signs or symptoms. This time the measurements seemed off since I was finally having regular periods. I figured I was further along, but my labs were fine, my levels were rising as they should, and there was a heartbeat at my 6 week ultrasound. When we went back at 8 weeks we found out baby no longer had a heartbeat.

Good luck and lots prayers your way for a healthy baby❤️

I think you ovulated late. Which might be why you are only 6 weeks 5 days instead of being 10 weeks from your calculation of your lmp. My ob will not do an ultrasound until 8 weeks and won’t use the doppler until your at least 12 weeks.I asked why she said she finds it less stressful on mom.She said sometime the heartbeat can be detected very early sometime it cannot.I don’t think this is unusual. My second pregnancy I didn’t even get a positive test until almost 9 weeks. The bleeding is probably from irritation of your cervix from the yeast infection or from intercourse.

I’d wait until your next appointment to stress out! My last period when I found out said I should’ve been 8 weeks, when I went in the baby measured 5 weeks with no heart beat! I was devastated. They told me they thought the baby stopped growing at 5 weeks. We did blood work twice that week and my HCG levels were going up! I’m 25 weeks pregnant now! Not sure why it was 8 weeks from my last period and baby was only 5 weeks but everything was okay! Good luck! Praying everything is okay+

You stressing like you are that early in your pregnancy can cause a miscarriage. What you need to do is relax and stay calm.

6 weeks is very soon to hear a heart beat and if bleeding is light that’s usually implantation bleeding. Relax and breathe mama wait for the next scan and I’m sure you’ll see that little peanut all cozy in there ! Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way! Oh and CONGRATULATIONS!!!

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Bless your heart
I pray your baby is okay and will keep you in my prayers. I miscarried my second pregnancy. My daughter was six months old when I found out I was pregnant again. I was 4 weeks when I found out and six weeks when I was told I had miscarried. I never got pregnant again after that. I praying for you and your lil one

Whatever you do DO NOT do a DNC right away if they continue to to have this issue and tell you there’s no heartbeat or baby etc etc etc… give it time and allow your body to miscarriage naturally if that is to be the case bc I’ve heard and seen WAY too many stories where ppl were told multiple times through their pregnancy that there was no heartbeat or other issues and they went on to deliver perfectly healthy babies. Many other moms were told no heartbeat at one appt or 2 and then they schedule you for a DNC and remove the pregnancy. Do not do that. They get it wrong sometimes and it could be a million different reasons like the uterus wall placenta placement etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc… my advice give it time. Keep monitoring. I miscarried at home naturally at 11 weeks after being told at my 8 week appt that they couldn’t find the heartbeat and most likely I would miscarry. Followed up at 9 weeks still no growth and hormones were going down (they checked them 2 days in a row bc they should double. But still my Dr said listen either dnc or we have time we can let you miscarry naturally and that’s what I chose. Give the baby every chance bc sometimes they’re wrong. And just know this could be NOTHING wrong at all and could be a bunch of different reasons. My best friend more often than not they could NOT find the heartbeat for her daughter due to her placenta. Keep faith and give this baby every chance! Leave it in God’s hands.

Bleeding is a sign of a miscarriage . Go to the ER … I had a miscarriage at age 21. My first child knew nothing about miscarriages

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Take a deep breath momma, sometimes bleeding is normal. If your dr just dismissed you at the ultra sound, then go to a different dr. Hope all is well and please keep us updated

Prayers for a healthy pregnancy. :pray::pray:

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It is very common to not hear a heartbeat that early on. As for the bleeding as long as there is no cramping you should be ok. Take the meds for the yeast infection in full and make sure to drink plenty of water. Low sugar yogurt helps for the probiotics. I would avoid sugar, gluten, and dairy if it is that bad. All of these things contributes to and feeds the yeast infection. Don’t let your heart break just yet.

Went through this years ago. It was called a blastocyst. Effectively, an embryo that for unknown reasons stopped developing. Had an ultrasound to confirm and a D&C a week later. Fingers crossed this turns out better for you than it did for me.

Have the done a blood test to check your hcg levels? They need a base number then they need to recheck in about a week. If the hcg levels dropped, you are most
Likely miscarrying.

fun fact. at 5 weeks the baby isn even a baby. its a sac. so at 6 weeks i wouldn be surprised if there wasn a heartbeat. my youngest i was 2 weeks off. thought. i was 7 weeks. had bad cramping andnspotting and i go get a ultrasound and it turns out I’m 5weeks.
also, tranvaginal ultrqsound can cause light bleeding up to a week :woman_shrugging:t2: stop stressing and breathe.

Christina Fowler not all the time its not. she said its light. i had spotting almost my whole pregnancy with my son and he was a healthy 9lb11oz. lol if she had a tranvaginal ultrasound bleeding is common for up to a week

Has your doctor ordered blood work to check on your HCG levels. That is more accurate at this point.

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At my 6w 5d appointment my OB flat out said they no longer check for a heartbeat until 8w+ because of how stressful it is for the mama. It is really common to not find a heartbeat at 6w, the baby is like 1/4 inch long or so lol

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I was only 5 weeks 3 days when they seen a heartbeat and baby. Your weight has nothing to do with it honestly I am about 100lbs heavier than you and they do a transvaginal ultrasound and are able to see everything. Get a second opinion at a different hospital.

6wks is still early. Wait. At 6 weeks it’s normally a stem and egg sack. I have had 5 miscarriages. 3 I passed on my own 2 d&c 's. All the ones I passed started with cramps back and front bring you to your knees cramps . Also the pain ran down my thighs. And blood. I had to wear a diaper and super pad and still bleed through. I bleed my last 2 pregnancy. One I had sub-hemtoma. So bad that it scared my placenta and every scan they asked about it. I bleed from 6wks to 9wks and again at 16 wks. He is a happy healthy little boy. I bleed this time because the tip of the plancta was covering the cervix causing the cervix to become irritated. I am currently 31wks. Try and relax. Also this pregnancy my last period was Oct 31 which would put me due in July. I am not due until August 18. You could have ovulated late or implanted late. Please try and relax.

I bled through two of my pregnancies! Like full on period blood throughout my entire pregnancy, and then just in the beginning of the other one-for four months. (Had NO idea I was pregnant for the first three months, but by the fourth I had other symptoms & I realized something was going on) not everyone is the same, and our bodies do funny things to keep us healthy. I also think 6 weeks is too early for heartbeat. Sending you positivity for a healthy and happy pregnancy and baby!

Don’t worry too much about a miscarriage unless their are unbearable cramps. Implantation bleeding it a real occurrence.
They are all also correct! I had my first ultrasound around 6 weeks. They could see a sack that’s it. No baby-no heartbeat. I went back in about three weeks and the heartbeat was there. Also do t get scared if they can’t hear it on a hand held doppler… So far they always have to ultrasound me to get babies heartbeat. :heart: Good luck love & try not to stress.

I bled during my twin pregnancy.

Unless your having cramps or anything try not to stress!!
At 6 weeks they couldn’t get a heartbeat and told me i had lost mine but saw the baby. Told me there was no hope. A week later heartbeat was found. You got this!!!

Have faith and let the baby have the control here!

I had no signs of having a miscarriage all i had was the bleeding

I had a subchorionic hemorrhage so I bled (spotted) for a few days early in my pregnancy. Fetal heartbeat wasn’t detected til 8-9 weeks.

I think it’s different depending on the situation and woman. I’ve had two miscarriages and I didn’t have a single indication that I was miscarrying. My body didn’t even try to get rid of my first miscarriage. I was 8 weeks when we found out there was no heartbeat. Decided to wait and let my body pass on its own but 2-3 weeks later still no bleeding and no cramps. Ended up having a d&c. Also, had multiple transvaginal ultrasounds that detected no heart beat and no growth witjin 2-3 weeks.

I had a missed miscarriage with no cramping or bleeding til I took the medicine to pass everything. Try not to stress about it, whatever’s gonna happen is gonna happen and you won’t know right away. I went through a month and a half of ultrasounds and blood work and waiting before it was determined a miscarriage and I was given options of how to pass it. I know it’s hard not to think about in the meantime but do your best not to dwell, it only makes it worse. Wishing you the best.

Try not to worry and I’m sorry about the entrance at a remarked about being plus size and pregnant. You’re probably gonna have them a lot because people are assholes.

Ovulation usually occurs 2 weeks after the end of your period. So that would make yo close to about 8 weeks. Generally the heartbeat cannot be detected until around 8 weeks. There is cramping with a miscarriage. It’s early on in your pregnancy. I wouldn’t worry too much yet. See what you Dr says at your visit on the 15th. Prayers for peace for you and a good outcome❤


Prayers for your peace

Blood tests to see if your HCG levels are increasing. Generally through any ultrasound the babies heartbeat cannot be seen or heard until around 9 weeks. My daughter was told she had a non viable pregnancy at 6 weeks due to no heartbeat. I now have a beautiful happy 8 month old grandson :heart:good luck with it all xo


Ok. So I have been pregnant 6 times with my first ending in miscarriage due to vaccines given in the Army. I was bleeding heavily. Passing large clots and eventually the baby. Which still resulted in a D&C. No issues with pregnancy 2 and 4. Pregnancy 3 I started bleeding. Quite a bit actually. Ultrasound showed nothing wrong. I bled for 2 weeks then it stopped. Pregnancy 4 was bad. Early on I started cramping BAD and bleeding. I expected it to be a misscarrage. Apparently I had a subcorionic hemorrhage and I bled for 11 weeks. Pregnancy 6 was my scary one. Went in and the ultrasound showed that I was not as far along as I qas suppose to be. Tiny little thing and no heartbeat. I was supposed to be 9w and it showed 5w6d. S bwe thought that I was going to misscarry. Went back a little later and measured 6w2d and the heartbeat was there but very low. Went back at 7w3d and the heartbeat was where it should be.
I know how stressful this is for you mama. But try not to worry. As you can see, sometimes nothing is wrong and it works out. I have 5 happy, healthy children out of 6. Congratulations on your pregnancy and try to remain calm until you go back.

The signs i had of my miscarriage were cramping and then eventually bleeding but it was a lot of blood. I also had some light spotting with my 2nd pregnancy but my pregnancy went well and my daughter came out perfect

I should have been 9 weeks along when I was told my baby measured 7 weeks with no heartbeat and I had to have a DNC bc my body was not passing the miscarriage on its own. I was the same as you described where I had spotting all day everyday before I was diagnosed with my miscarriage. I hope it’s not the same for you but I would think as far along as you say you should be a heartbeat should have been detected. Just know if it is a miscarriage there was nothing you could have done to prevent it so try not to blame yourself.


I thought I was around 9 weeks and the ultrasound tech couldnt find any heart beat even with an internal.
I was actually under 3 weeks with twins, thats why my HCG levels were so high. We waited a few weeks, went back and all was fine, still had to have an internal to find the heartbeats though. Now 28 weeks with twins :hugs:
Also, spotting is VERY common, I spotted with both my older kids. I’ve also had 2 miscarriages and both were extremely painful and it was full on bleeding, not light at all.
I know it’s hard, but try not to worry and stress yourself out. Its not good for you or baby. :heart:

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My Dr tried to tell me I wasn’t pregnant finely when I was 7 months I went to Dr he said what happened nurse said Dr shes going to have a baby. It can happen

according to my last period i was suppose to be 12 weeks. But when i went to my first Dr appointment i was 6 weeks. My periods were very irregular.

Prayers for you and baby

It’s still early for a heart beat. You got this momma

Similar thing happened to me. My daughter is 5 now

I went through this and my daughter just turned 2 and is happy and healthy the rest told me I was having a miscarriage and she is her living and breathing

Due to the fact that ovulation & implantation is different for everyone even every cycle for the same person can be different, it is hard to pin point the exact weeks cause if both were later then normal then yes there will be a few weeks difference… :crossed_fingers:

My first pregnancy was a mc. I was 10 weeks started running a fever one night then woke up to bleeding as if I started my period…went to the er ultrasound showed baby stopped growing at 6 weeks and no heartbeat. Where I’m from they won’t give ultrasounds until your 10weeks (at appointment) and I was suppose to go the following Monday. Ended up having to have a dnc because the cramping was horrible, i was losing alot of blood and baby was laying on my cervix and they weren’t opening. One nurse tried to give me hope by saying if the blood was brown its nothing to worry about but if it was bright red to be prepared. It was a mixture of both. I have had friends bleed and have a successful pregnancy. Prayers for you and the baby!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What are the signs of a miscarriage? - Mamas Uncut

Don’t stress too much mama I know it’s hard but it’s the last thing your body and baby need right now. Call your OB and get the soonest appointment available and explain your concerns to them before hand. If all else fails or the appointments are too far out the ER doesn’t mind checking stuff like that especially if it’s eases your mind. I hope everything goes okay with you and the baby. Praying for you both!

Bleeding can be normal some women still get their periods through their pregnancies. As for the heartbeat it can be quite hard to scan for it as they are still so little and the estimated date can be wrong.

I measured very small throughout my whole pregnancy and they were always sending me to get checked out and specialists to check my baby and stressing me out thinking something was wrong but he was born perfectly healthy and crazy strong! Stay positive!

Bleeding can be normal. I had bleeding with every one of my pregnancies one 4/7 were healthy. And still are happy, healthy thriving children. One I miscarried at 12 week, one at 18 due to an infection in the placenta (rare and cannot be detected until it is examined), and one at 24 weeks due to a genetic condition. My doctors all told me not to worry about bleeding early on :slightly_smiling_face: stress will not help right now try to relax(easier said than done) heartbeats this early can be difficult to detect depending on technology being used and person using it :wink:

I went through something similar the only way they could tell that I miscarried was through the HCG levels mine unfortunately were decreasing rather then increasing and I didn’t start bleeding until the last blood test. If your spotting that can also be part of the implantation process. With my now 5 month old daughter I would spot but shes perfect. Don’t stress I kno thats not easy but it will put excess strain on your body best is to stay calm and wait for your OB to guide you, best of luck with everything.

Usually they don’t do an ultrasound before 8 weeks… try not to stress. Hoping for the best for you. Being a little overweight can cause some barriers but the 15th is super close. Hang on :heart:

Calm down. Stress doesnt help. Just be happy u r pregnant until they say u r not. Relax


I’ve never heard of them not finding a heartbeat because of your size. I hate to say this but no heartbeat means no heartbeat.


Calm down and don’t stress yourself out. That’s definitely not good for the baby or you. You said you have an US coming up soon so don’t stress until there is something to worry about.

Don’t stress, it’s not uncommon to not find a heartbeat so early on, 6 weeks is still very early. Also, the bleeding is probably just implantation bleeding.

They couldn’t get a heartbeat on my girl at 6 weeks either, and I was also bleeding. They did serial HCG draws to make sure my levels were doubling until the next ultrasound at 8 weeks. She is healthy to this day. Positive vibes your way.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What are the signs of a miscarriage? - Mamas Uncut

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What are the signs of a miscarriage? - Mamas Uncut

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That’s what happened to me when I had a miscarriage I was 11 weeks baby stopped growing at 7. Started bleeding a little they couldn’t find a heartbeat but said it could be bc it was still early I went back the next week and still no heartbeat.


I’ve heard The transvaginal ultrasound can cause spotting/light bleeding as well. I was about 235 when I got pregnant and they found her heartbeat via transvaginal ultrasound & couldn’t find it on the Doppler , but I was 12 weeks along.


I’m so sorry but it does sound like a possible missed miscarriage if the baby is measuring that much smaller and there’s no heartbeat at 10 weeks transvaginally. Please go to the ER so they can evaluate you. It doesn’t sound like the tech thoroughly evaluated what’s happening with your body.


Sounds just like my experience. My previous pregnancy did end in miscarriage. However I had a major accident and sustained horrible injuries right during the time my fetus had stopped growing. Sorry to hear your experience. Hugs!

I unfortunately had a miscarriage at the age of 19. They literally did not give me pain medication or tell me I was having one until it has already happened and then they administered pain medication after the fact. I was about 10-12 weeks along and they didn’t even care. They treated me like I was an awful nuisance the entire time. It was physically, mentally and emotionally draining. I have since married the same man and had 3 beautiful healthy children. I’ve also experienced bleeding during pregnancy with my second pregnancy after my loss and I was absolutely terrified. I’m not saying that all health care professionals aren’t trust worthy but not only from that experience but from MANY others throughout my 30 years of life I have learned it is ALWAYS best to seek second or even third or fourth options. Best of luck mama :heart:


You can still have a period and be pregnant. Just take it easy and miracles happen every day. Try to stay off your feet as much as you can. God Bless you and your baby.


My mother had three periods while pregnant with me, so no periods doesn’t necessarily meant pregnant!

My miscarriage was pretty full on, I was bleeding heavily with clotting and the blood was bright red. I also kind of ‘new’ I’d lost the baby because I just felt empty after the bleeding started to subside. I bled for probably 3 days but it was only heavy and bright for about a day.
I hope everything works out for you mumma :rainbow:


Bleeding during pregnancy is not uncommon and doesn’t necessarily mean there is a problem. It maybe too early to hear the heart or baby might me in the wrong position or the worst may have happened but in any case if you worry it won’t be good for you or the baby. Call your doctor and see if they will see you sooner and let the doc know you are very concerned


When I had a miscarriage I was spot bleeding went to hospital they sent me home and said if I was having a miscarriage there’s nothing they can do few days later started getting bad contraction cramps for a few days. Then the pain went and a few hrs later I felt a trickle down me leg ran to toilet and I felt it come out. But everyone can be different best to speak to a Dr I know people who have blead and everything has been fine hope everything is OK xx

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I had bleeding for the first 3 months with my first son. Try not to stress (easier said than done). My great niece measured 2 weeks behind and the recommended terminating the pregnancy. My niece held on to the little hope she had now the baby is 2 years old and very healthy!!! Prayers coming your way.


I bled for two weeks after I found out I was pregnant. The dr called it implantation bleeding, and put me on bed rest. After that, I’ve had a healthy pregnancy thus far.


10 weeks is still too early to definitely find a heart beat. 12 weeks might bring better results. In the meantime try not to stress yourself out. The effects of stress can bring on problems when there may not be one.

I had bleeding in my last pregnancy, it was light but was there constant for about a week like a period, try not to stress as that wont help!, as my partner said to me when I had my bleed “what will be will be, nothing can be changed!” …my baby is turning 1 tomorrow, sometimes a bleed will just happen and theres no real reason, they’re right tho sometimes being bigger effects scans, I had to go back a few times for scans because I was overweight :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Go see another doctor and get a second opinion. I ran a fever for almost 2wks when i was 4-5wks…but at 6.5wks my doctor picked up the heartbeat with a transvaginal ultrasound. Fingers crossed they’re just having a hard time and all is perfect!:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

I hope I can give you some hope. I bled my first trimester, not sure how long but they determined that my progesterone levels was low. Low progesterone can lead to a miscarriage. They have medication to take for low progesterone helps thicken the walls. Make sure you get blood work done! They can determine it that way. I took a pill up to 12 weeks then at 16 weeks I had a weekly shot up to 36 weeks. I now have a healthy 7 month old baby. Good luck! They should also check hcg levels to make sure the numbers are where they need to be.

I ran a fever , I was actually pregnant with twins and miscarried one at six weeks , my surviving son is now 26

stay strong and be ready for the worse or the best . cross that bridge when you know all the facts . I had 3 miscarriages

Oh honey, I’m sorry they are making you wait for whatever is in your future. Please remember if you get an angel baby this time, you know you can be pregnant!

This happened to me and I had unfortunately lost the baby I was meant to be 10 weeks and wjen I was scanned baby only measured 5 weeks + 6. This also happened with my 1st pregnancy nearly enough the same as what you have described. I’m really sorry if you have lost baby it’s a hard hit :disappointed: but there are other reason why you can bleed and still have a healthy baby :heart:

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I really hate the way we measure weeks in pregnancy starting from the date of our last period, you could’ve just implanted later and from other comments it seems like it might just take some time to get to hear the heart beat :heart:

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