What are the signs of a miscarriage?

Keep in mind that we have miscarriages because the fetus is not viable for one reason or another, or something else has happened. In either case, it is hard to miscarry – but we also don’t want something wrong with our babies when they are born.

I had light periods for 4 months with my middle child… and they had a HARD time finding my sons heartbeat until about 8- 9 weeks. Go to a ob-gyn to be rechecked.

Take pregnancy tests to check for hormones


I went in at 6 weeks and they saw baby but no heartbeat yet, then went in at 8 weeks and heartbeat was there!

My daughter had her early scan at 6 weeks couldn’t hear a heartbeat but we could see the jelly bean if that helps x

Can I just ask? Did you calculate from the start day of your last period? Usually you calculate from the first day you miss your period? And with that it could be around 2 weeks after as that is usually the ovulation period? So could very well be only 6 weeks along. Spotting is quite normal early on, but yes could also mean other things. Good luck. Let us know how you go :wink:

Heartbeats are hard to get even on ultrasound before 10-12 weeks I thought

At a 6 week ultrasound it’s rare to find a heartbeat so don’t stress

Did they test your hcg levels? Did you have a previous test to compare levels too?


May sound stupid but think positive thoughts. Im gonna send out some love and light and good baby juju your way!!!


Please dont stress be strong at all times.

I’ve had this scenario end in both 3 miscarriages but also I have had it end in a health pregnancy, I have a tilted uterus so always hard even via a internal ultrasound. We didn’t see our little rainbow babies heart beat until I think it was 8/9 weeks! I had a scan at about 7 weeks and they couldn’t even see the fetal pole, I also bled for a week at about 9 weeks and his a happy health 2 year old now! Sending all my love to you :heart: feel free to reach out to me whatever the outcome I’ve been down both roads and always happy to help a fellow mumma through her journey xox


Both my misscarages where intense. The first one I was pregnant with twins and lost them at ten/11 weeks. I was at work and had the worst pain and intense bleeding came. The second one was the same. Very heavy bleeding and pain. And that was around 6 weeks.
I hope everything is okay. Sending love and strength your way :pray::heart:

Go see a dr…facebook is not a dictor

This is what happened when I had a miscarriage.
I had calculated that I was 7 weeks and I was told I was only measuring at 4 weeks.
Then a week later I went to my obstetrician and he said that the foetus failed to progress.
I felt absolutely normal prior to that.
It is totally heartbreaking, there will be brighter days. I now have my 10 week old bubba.
If I could recommend my obstetrician to follow he is very educational and even does Q&A every Sunday. Not sure where you are but he and his team were absolutely amazing with me throughout my whole pregnancy journey.


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My bleeding was minor. While my twins were slowly dying inside. The doctors didn’t take it seriously. So I showed they stopped growing. Light bleeding but asking strangers online Isnt help any. It hurts no matter what emotionally and mentally. Try to just relax and wait. No heartbeat and a miscarriage can actually be a blessing. I couldn’t have an abortion so I had to wait it out until they stopped beating. That’s inhumane.
Bleeding is normal for some though. Miscarriage is too. It’s just not talked about as much. I’ll pray what ever happens. You’ll know soon. Waiting is so hard.

They can di blood work there us an enzyme produced when pregnant it is supposed to go up if still pregnant down if not

So, with my last baby I had no idea I was pregnant until I was over 16 weeks along . I bled like I was having a constant period for 60 days, they called it menorragia(?), then went back to my regular cycle for another 2 months. Found out I was Pregnant at my pre-surgery appointment for a hysterectomy - what a huge surprise :sweat_smile:
They did say our baby measurements were behind but the next time I went he measured ahead (?) Something about timing and growth spurt . .
I am very truly sorry if you have miscarried. Don’t lose all hope though, there are several things it could be as opposed to loss of pregnancy :heart:

When I was pregnant with my son at 6 weeks they couldn’t hear a heartbeat, but they could see it. I would maybe get an appointment with a different dr.

Did you get the covid 19 vaccine??? If so, there could be a connection.

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My sister had her full period the entire 9 months

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The doctor Said to me in week 6 that it doesnt look good die the baby. In week 7/8 the same. I was bleeding until week 12. in week 10 i thought i had a miscarriage because i bled a lot… After week 12 everything was Good until week 17. i started bleeding again, the Doctor didnt know where it came from… but everything worked out for me and the baby :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Be really careful I had this and went to get it checked out and end the end I was having an ectopic pregnancy and I nearly died plzzzzzzzzzz go for a second check up plzzz I wouldn’t want this to happen to anyone it’s really scary plzzz go back to hospital I was 24 and never heard of an ectopic pregnancy before and the fact the hospital sent me home plzzzz let us all know ur okay xxxx

It’s hard to tell your still in very early stages of pregnancy some still bleed , if it starts getting heavy it maybe a sign of miscarriaging , but try not to worry, I know it can be heartbreaking , and stressful had couple miscarriages myself in the past , at this stage no one can tell u if u are or not but light bleeding is quite normal in pregnancy at times so don’t worry about that, the next scan will tell u more , I got cramps and heavy bleeding when I miscarried , I wish u the best much love

Could be you ovulated late, just take it easy and you know your body better than any doctor, if you feel something isnt right, go back and get checked out.

I was about your weight when I got pregnant with my second. They had a hard time finding the heartbeat as well. Sometimes the baby has to be a little bigger for the sound waves to catch it. It’s so so tiny at this time. Call your regular doc and have them check things out.

I dont believe u bleed with a yeast infection…i think u need to go see another DR

My midwife told me the egg embeds itself deeply around 10 weeks and that’s often what the bleeding is around that time. Baby was fine.

Really sorry but this sounds the same as all my missed miscarraiges. Growth didn’t add up.Blreding was slow but i didn’t miscarry until 10-13 weeks (3 times). I also have 3 children and didn’t have any of this with them

If the questions are actually posted through Mamasuncut.com, are these women even able to see the answers? :thinking:

Sending my prayers :pray::heart:

Transvag US is pretty reliable

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You need a BETA as soon as possible :crossed_fingers:t4:
Good luck hope everything is fine🙂

Go for a HCG Test…to estimate how far along are you …sometimes our calculations can be off…and to estimate if fetus is growing…a babies heartbeat is normally after 5-6 weeks after missed period…and can be detected 3-4 weeks after conception with a transvaginal ultrasound…Fingers crossed your calculations is off…and you work from the day you suppose to have your period…not from your last period…

I had 2 massive bleeds at 8 weeks and was told in emergency that I had a miscarriage, turns out I hadn’t and had a very health 8 pound 4 baby full term . Best of luck there always hope x

Sounds almost exactly like what happened when we miscarried unfortunately… had to have a DNC. My OBGYN said at 10 weeks you should be able to see a little flicker of the heart especially transvaginal… Sending you love.

All you can do is wait. Try again in a few weeks :green_heart:

Has anyone ordered blood work??

I just had this problem message me if u want and I’ll tell u what is going on

Could be placenta previa… with the bleeding part. Bed rest if you can. I had that with my oldest, she’s 32 now with 4 kids of her own… Prayers for you both :heart::heart:

I bled alot when I miscarried. Like baseball sized clots. However when I conceived after I had light spotting for a few days around 8 weeks and everything was fine. When I went in for an ultrasound I calculated 11 weeks. They said I was only 6w 4d. (Which I knew was impossible bc my SO had left for 4 months 10 weeks before). Heartbeats are normally detected around 10-12w. Thats why they make you wait until them to come in. So you’re not freaking out when you don’t hear one. Just stay calm mama. Don’t stress that does more harm than anything.

my only advice is to breathe and wait and see; in days past a woman wouldn’t know she was even pregnant for sure until about 3 to four months along, there is nothing you can do and stress isn’t good for you, pregnant or not. I hope things turn out well

The bleeding could be implantation bleeding. I had that around 6 or 7 weeks and lasted for about a week or 2. And now I have a very healthy 3 year old. Try to stay calm and not stress

You are only 8 weeks, I bled just a bit till 12 weeks, then all was fine.

The devil will make you to be filled with confusion so you can forget God’s power in your life. Don’t allow the devil to steal what God has for you. Hold on to your faith in God. In God’s time you will see your baby and hear your angel babys heartbeat. Meanwhile fill yourself with God’s love and joy. Hold on to his promises.

Be strong for you and your baby. Think positive it’s your greatest medicine right now. It’s obvious that you want and love this child and he/She knows and can feel you. So be strong and stay safe for both of you sis.

Praying for u and your baby

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What are the signs of a miscarriage? - Mamas Uncut

I miscarried at that time with my 4th pregnancy. I was bleeding and got my levels checked and they were lower than they should have been. But sometimes bleeding can mean nothing. If it continues and you start getting bad cramps go to the er and get checked out.

I’m sorry to say hun but it’s most likely a miscarriage I had the same happen to me at 7 weeks pregnant

I had bleeding go both ways. My son is now 3 and I had a loss last year. I hope that everything will be ok for you. Im very sorry if it isn’t. My inbox is open if you need advice or anything.

Bleeding could be implantation bleeding. With my son they said I had a “spontaneous abortion” but he was fine (now about to be 10 years old) (he lost his twin at 7 weeks and they said I was going to Spontaneously abort at 11 weeks)… hormones were low for him too. Just make sure to go to appointments to make sure. I’ve miscarried some as well …it can be hard to tell especially early on.


With one of mine, the first early ultrasound I had, they couldn’t see the actual baby so they measured the whole sac which measured 6 weeks. Then I went back in 2 weeks, and the baby was actually visible. So they obviously just measured the baby itself which again, measured about 6 weeks when I should have been roughly 8 according to the first ultrasound. The second ultrasound was the accurate one. Measuring just the sac is not always accurate so unless baby was visible, which likely wasn’t what happened, then this ultrasound would be the accurate one. Just keep an eye on your bleeding. Spotting or bleeding in early pregnancy can be fairly normal, just not in excess amounts.

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I lost a lot of blood when I was pregnant with my son. When I went to the ER they told me they didn’t know what it was, but I wasn’t misscaring.

I’ve had 5 miscarriages. 2 of which were a bloody mess and out of nowhere. 3 of them were light bleeding than heavy bleeding/clotting and my hcg hormones were low when tested. My 2nd live birth pregnancy I would spot on occasion because of stressful situations.

Breast tenderness is normal. I agree that it could be implantation bleeding. If it’s just very little I wouldn’t worry so much. Try to relax until your next appointment. If your cramping is really bad go to the er to see what’s going on.

I bled with my daughter she is now 32 but I didn’t have any pain

Sometimes bleeding really means nothing, my first baby I bled so much all throughout, my second I bled all the first trimester, third no blood

If I were in your shoes, id go to the hospital for a check up to ease your mind. They can do an ultrasound and take your levels and etc.
And if your not already take prenatals they really do help :slight_smile:
Im praying for the best for u :slight_smile:

Get checked out just to ease your mind. I did what you’re doing for 3 months with my son, he is now 22 years old. Womens bodies are weird

My first ultrasound measured 5w5d, which was concerning based on their estimated. I should have been measuring at 6w2d. I continued seeing the doctor every week. The first week, baby grew appropriately. The second and third week we had the same measurement with a slight increase in heart rate. I spotted for a total of two days. Three days in between those two occasions. Mild cramping the entire time. We found out last Wednesday that baby no longer had a heartbeat. The best advice I can give is to rest as much as possible and drink plenty of water. I know it’s hard but only time will tell. Praying.


Could be the clinic. That happened to me before. They told me I was almost 9 weeks. When I went to the dr, I was about 4.

If you are having a miscarriage, you will start to clot, huge clots and the pain is unbearable!

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Make sure to hydrate yourself a TON! Take it easy until you can get to a doctor to be sure but small amounts of spotting can be normal in the beginning during a pregnancy. Go get your first ultrasound first! I know multiple women who have been told they were having a miscarriage or had already had one and were still pregnant or obviously not having one. It’s good to be prepared but don’t panic. If you are in the US apply for Medicaid and get into a doctor please. Good luck.

WHen I was pregnant I bled a little, I had odd feelings in my breasts and like a odd pinching in my uterus, I wouldnt worry to much as alot of women do bleed, dont stress about it, alot of women have abit of bleeding and odd pains, they got my dates messed up too

Get a check up that’s the only real way to know. Thinking about you

When i had mine it started out light but progresses to heavier bleeding with clots. Some women bleed a little in the beginning could be implantation bleeding and some women bleed for months and some the whole pregnancy and have healthy babies. Bodies are weird and often do their own thing regardless of whats “the normal”. I had a friend told she had one without any exam and her kids almost 3.


I just went through this in July and it sounds like a missed miscarriage. Your body hasn’t reacted to the miscarriage yet. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. They will keep checking your hcg levels to document the drop weekly then give you some pills to force your body to naturally start the miscarriage process. Praying for your strength as you go through this.

Implantation bleeding happens when the fertilized egg implants itself into your uterine wall it does not happen at 5 weeks but spotting is normal in pregnancy just do what you are doing with the hgc levels

Pray For Gray Charleys Angel

It depends on the bleeding. Implantation bleeding happens during pregnancy as well. Go for another checkup.

You could be having a missed miscarriage. I woke up to some pain in my side one day. After almost 6 weeks of blood tests and ultrasounds to measure for growth or stagnation it was finally determined to be a miscarriage after the sac started shrinking. I had to take 2 rounds of the pill to empty my uterus. I had no bleeding or hardly any pain/cramps until the pills stimulated labor. I carried my miscarriage for 7.5 weeks and it was the absolute worst time and experience of my life.


I had 2 miscarriages in 1 year. The first one I started to bleed some so I went to get checked out and they couldn’t find a heatbeat. The second time I went in for 9 weeks check up and they couldn’t find a heatbeat again. I lost both babies around 9 weeks, they were normal and strong heatbeats at 6 weeks. But by 9 weeks I had lost them both. And sadly I have been told I have to go through a third miscarriage before they will do any test to try and figure out whats going on. They did say if I get pregnant again to come back and they will put me on some medication to help get me through the 1st trimester. I would go to the hospital and have them run some test on you. Also if you dont have insurance go and get it now!! I know in Ohio if you get pregnant or have kids you can get caresorce for you and the baby!! Best wishes my dear :heart:

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With my first I bleed at 6 weeks then again at 7 my body was trying to rid itself of what it thought was a foreign threat. I am rh negative and my first had a positive blood type my body thought it was a threat and tried to rid me of it. After getting the shots for it I stopped bleeding

My first baby was a miscarriage I had cramping when I had an ultra sound they could not see a heartbeat and it was under sized when I got pregnant for my next child I had a lot of spotting. I was put on complete bed rest. I spotted for three months. Then it stopped and my next child I spotted for one day

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Make another doctor appointment and take it easy until you see them. It could be nothing, but you need to be very careful in case you are miscarrying. Praying everything is ok!

Yes I experienced this. I started bleeding and light cramps December 24th. Went to ER they said threatened miscarriage. Went back that Monday the said I was measuring 6 weeks and I was supposed to be 12 weeks. Ended up being in excruciating pain. Lots of bleeding, exhaustion, sadness and begging for it to be over with till January 4th and I passed a 12 week fetus that morning around 8


You will probably know today… It sounds like a miscarriage. I had one years ago and thats how it was it will get stronger and stronger cramps. Bleeding. Prayers.

I’m 14 weeks tomorrow and I had the same thing happen to me so much so that I went into the doctor for an emergency visit that’s how much blood I had when I wiped (I was 9 weeks at that point). It turned out I have a blood clot and need to be on pelvic rest. Everyone’s situation is different, but I feel spotting at that level of pregnancy is pretty common.

Thank you all for your kindness, compassion and willingness to share your experience strength and hope. Sharing your experience helps this young woman and countless others.
I experienced 2 miscarriages before I carried my first child. Both were traumatic and I felt extremely lost and alone.
I’m so grateful to read your stories.

I bled pretty heavily for 3 days (with the baby I’m currently carrying) when I finally got to my doctor, baby was still there and doing good. There’s alot of reasons you could be bleeding Hopefully it’s all ok, I know I worried like crazy til I got an answer, try not to stress and take it easy…


I really wouldn’t trust a free clinic especially with an ultrasound. They aren’t equipped like an ultrasound tech is. But I’ve had 2 miscarriages and my last one I cramped and spotted for 2 days before I fully miscarried.

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I had spotting but it was normal. It went away. I’d go to an OB or ER.


I bled at six weeks and had an internal ultrasound which included a pic of my “prawn”. They could do precise measurements too. It would’ve been too early to do normal ultrasound on either occasion. The free clinic would’ve been giving you an ultrasound before implantation too!

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Yes!! They messed up a lot with my 2nd pregnancy and changed dates a few times

Oh no. I hope it’s nothing serious.
My experiences: I’ve lost 4. My first one was the most traumatic because I was almost 5 months along. It was full blown labor and not a happy one. It was also followed by a D&C. My second one was ectopic, and I knew before I even found out I was pregnant that something was wrong. Excrutiating side pain. I couldn’t even walk. I ended up having a portion of my right tube removed. The third time I was about 8 weeks along. I started cramping first, and I laid down as soon as the cramping started. After a couple hours I started to bleed. I went to the doctor and was told I’m miscarrying. It went on all day and the following day I had to have a D&C. The fourth one was much like the third, except I was close to 10 or 11 weeks. I did have 3 live births as well. 1 is a rainbow baby :heart:

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I would say get checked out bc bleeding is hard to tell bc I had bleeding with my 3rd and I had a miscarriage after that one and it started out little then got heavier but I went to the hosp and they told me the level was getting lower so they told me I was losing my pregnancy. So I would just go get the levels checked and stuff that’s the best way to know …

I bled like I started my period when I was 6 weeks pregnant. It was the middle of the night it scared the shit out of me! I’ve had 2 previous full term pregnancies so this was new to me with the whole bleeding. I went to the hospital got checked out was still bleeding but everything turned out to be normal I stopped bleeding after about 2-3 days. Later I found out after a few weeks I had a blood clot so that could have been it. Here we are a year and a half later and my baby girl is alive and well. I’d get checked out again to make sure everything’s ok.

Went through this just without the bleeding, I was just way early when we found out I was pregnant & had our first ultrasound, I was right around 3 weeks along when I found out. My dude date ended up changing 3 different times. Currently 27w4d.

Sending prayers and good vibes that everything is okay.

Your HCG hormone needs to double every 2 days.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What are the signs of a miscarriage? - Mamas Uncut

Maybe it was a false positive? Following to see other people’s comments on this.

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I had this happen to me twice and each time it was a chemical pregnancy.

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In my 1st pregnancy I bleed throughout the pregnancy and delivered at 28 weeks my 2 nd and 3rd pregnancy didn’t bleed at all

I didn’t have this issue with the test coming up negative and positive. But I found out I was pregnant around 4 weeks. Around 5 weeks I started to bleed pretty heavily. Went to the doctor and they did a pelvic exam and say that everything looks ok. But they would test my levels. Came back 3 days later and they tripled. My issue is dehydration. I’m still bleeding to this day. I feel nauseated everytime I drink water so I try different things and sometimes I just feel too gross to drink anything. I’m not 25 weeks and baby is doing great! Try not to panic until you have definite answers! Good luck mama! :heart:

Sounds like a chemical pregnancy

At 7 or 8 weeks pregnant with my 1st I was riding a city bus and it hit a big bump. I thought I wet myself and found a bathroom. It was blood. A LOT. I thought I miscarried not knowing what was what and didn’t go to the hospital, just started grieving. 6 weeks later I still felt pregnant and I got seen and was still pregnant. I now have a healthy man sized 13 year old.

The placenta had torn away a bit and caused the bleeding. Fingers crossed you get good news. Until then please rest and try your best to keep stress in check. Prayers


I had a chemical pregnancy a year ago. Almost 6 weeks. Started bleeding lightly. Went to hospital. Hcg was going down and they couldn’t see anything. Then bled like a period and saw some of the tissue :frowning: it’s terrible to go through. Best of luck to you <3

Please go to the doctor

I had what we assumed were periods for 2 months after I conceived my last baby like I got pregnant in March had what I would assume was a period in April and May… Delivered a healthy baby boy in December…:woman_shrugging: I hope its nothing…