What are your opinions on having a second baby shower?

What’s your opinion on having a 2nd baby shower? I had one for my daughter two years ago, and I’m due with a boy in August, and I wanted to have a little get together to celebrate him too. I don’t even care about the gifts, but I’ve been getting a lot of hate saying I don’t get a baby shower for my 2nd child.


I had a baby shower for both of mine. One girl and one boy. They was 21 months apart. I had it for the same reason. I just wanted to celebrate him the way I was able to for her. We didn’t really ask for gifts but still did a diaper raffle to get some diapers.

You can have a baby shower for you 452nd child if you want to!
If people don’t like it they don’t have to come!
All babies should be celebrated!


I had my son first and then I just had my daughter and I had a baby shower for both of them :heartpulse:

Do it lol its a new baby and every baby deserves celebrating

I think having a second baby shower is totally fine especially since you’re have a boy this time around :blue_heart:

There is nothing wrong with having a baby shower for each child…especially if you are having one gender then the other… Do you…

I’m having my second baby and we are just having a “sprinkle”. Small amount of people, snacks and just a fun time together. No gifts necessary


I had baby showers for all 4 of mine. I’m pregnant with my fifth and plan on doing a baby shower

Have one anyway, if people don’t like it they don’t have to come. This baby is just as important as the first one.

I think every baby should be celebrated!

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My daughter didn’t get celebrated either I don’t think it’s right. Maybe a diaper party or something. I think every baby should be celebrated

Do it! I had one for my daughter and then 4 years later my son. Having out 3rd in July but we did cancel due to covid. Still celebrate your son

Imo it’s only for the first born :woman_shrugging: It’s a party to celebrate becoming parents.


I had two and My sister had three you will be fine. :two_hearts: do one of your heart desires it and to those who don’t like it can kick rocks :roll_eyes:. Good luck!

Of course you can have a baby shower for each pregnancy :see_no_evil:different baby have one​:heart_eyes:xx

I had one for all 4, each baby is an individual so therefore each should be celebrated

I didn’t really a shower with my second and third but people did bring a few things in the hospital like diapers and clothes.
Showers aren’t required and you can’t demand one. You can certainly ask people for a few things if you really need them but can’t get them on your own.

It’s all good…a new baby is a new baby🥰

Absolutely ok! I don’t think I’m going to get one this time due to COVID-19, but you should absolutely have one for him! Call it a sprinkle instead of a shower and maybe people will give it a rest. Also anyone saying you don’t get a baby shower for number 2 doesn’t have to come :woman_shrugging:t3:

I think if the gender is diff then yeah, but if same maybe not if you’ve kept clothes and stuff from the first.


Every pregnancy deserves to be celebrated!!
Whether it’s your first or your 10th!!


Do it, do whatever u want

What lol I’ve never heard of that

Oh baloney… do what you want!!! Out of 3 kids, I only had one baby shower, but that was my choice.

Every child deserves a celebration.

Of course you do! You call it a baby sprinkle not a shower as you already have most of what you need and it’s more of a get together!

U can do anything u want… There’s no rules about babe…

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You could do a meet and greet shower after the baby is born

I was also super worried about throwing another one but I just put this in the description :woman_shrugging:t2:


You deserve a baby shower.

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Definitely celebrate each pregnancy. Enjoy with friends and family who wish you and baby well. Xxx

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Awww hon!! Do whatever your heart desires. Don’t let people’s opinion dictate what your heart desires.


I hate that some ppl even open their mouths to say this!!! Every baby gets a baby shower… it’s not designated to Just the first child… I’m having my 4th and FIRST boy and I’ll definitely be having one


Do what you want. I’ve known people to have second and third baby showers

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Um… I just found out I’m pregnant 2 days ago and I’ll be danged if someone is going to tell me I can’t have a second baby shower! A baby is a baby and therefore mom deserves to have a baby shower if she wants one!


We did a diaper shower for our 2nd. And she made an appearance 2 days prior and everyone loved meeting her!

Not needed with baby 2.
I didnt have a second one. 1st is a boy, 2nd a girl.

Baby showers doent even celebrate the baby lmao the baby isn’t there and doesn’t care. Its celebrating the mother’s inpending motherhood journey and giving her gifts that other mother’s have found useful in their own mothering.
Ifbots really about celebrating the baby for you, have a meet the baby party once babys here and everyone can meet it


I don’t see anything wrong with it. The baby is a different sex and should be celebrated just like your daughter was

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Everyone does it differently. If you want one go for it. I only did one because I feel as if that’s something special for the first kid to have.

I personally don’t see anything wrong with it, but maybe to deter any hostility towards the invites maybe include “gifts are not expected” on them, or something along those lines… I mean i loooove baby showers and would 100% bring a gift regardless, but I know a lot of people think negatively about a second shower, but at least people might not think so negatively about it that way

Do a bbq get together I had a baby shower but because it had been 5 years between my kids and I literally had nothing for her but we did buy all her clothes and diapers before she was born

I got baby showers for all 3 of my kids. My sister threw the first one, my MIL threw my 2nd one, and my church threw the 3rd one. I honestly wasn’t expecting more than one but it was really nice. I think it’s just the people that you know

I’m pregnant with my 3rd and am having him one. I’ve had one with all of my kids. It’s about celebrating the baby. If they don’t like it they don’t have to come is the way I see it.

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I didn’t have one with my first because he passed before we could do it. I did have one with my second but we had just moved out of state so only my parents and sister and her 2 kids came and my husband’s parents and uncle came. We want to go back to our home town this time to have one for our third to be able to actually invite friends .

Second are called sprinkle, gifts are smaller. Books an outfit, etc. second should be celebrated, just smaller more intimate

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Every baby deserves to be celebrated babies are a blessing regardless of what # baby it is… If you want a baby shower then GO for it… those who wanna have negative words about it don’t have to show up


Everyone deserves to have a baby shower for every child they have don’t let those other people control you on what you want to do for your child.

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I had 5 kids and had 5 baby showers

The Spanish do it for all of your baby’s. Do what you want. Who cares what others think.

A sprinkle - or diaper type function- I think
An actual second shower is tacky. You could always do a sip and See- everyone comes and has light snacks and champagne (or drink of your choice ) and they come see the baby and celebrate

I’m all about celebrating any baby, some ppl just disagree which is fine they don’t need to do it or participate :revolving_hearts:

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I didn’t have one. And I really didn’t want one. Plus mine are 7 years apart and the opposite gender. But I also had everything from my first but clothes and a few odds and end things.

I’m having a “sprinkle” for our baby girl expected in August. My son is 2. There’s nothing wrong with celebrating YOU and your baby to be.

Do it! I did a 2nd one for my 2nd baby, but it was mostly motivated by the fact that I had my daughter when I was with my very abusive ex. So I had no friends and family. I had baby at 29wks. My baby shower was after baby was born but she was in NICU. My ex’s sister who threw it for me only invited her friends and their family so I knew nobody and dont speak spanish so I didnt understand a word of what anyone said and no one talked to me at MY baby shower. Everyone talked to ex’s sister about her pregnancy and when her shower was gonna be and ppl even brought her gifts ( no it wasn’t a joint shower she had her own shortly after). So with my 2nd with my now husband we had one with my family.

Different sex child nothing wrong with it he deserves to be showered too. Congrats!

We had a baby sprinkle for our second son. It was a nice celebration with our friends and family :slightly_smiling_face:

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I had three kids and a baby shower for each. And they are all girls. For our family, it’s always about celebrating a new life. And we all love to get together so that helps!

Do it!! There is no reason why you can’t celebrate the new baby. If anything you could ask for a book from each guest and have them sign it with a note/advice for the new baby. No presents if they don’t want to. It’s more of a celebration than a gift giving party.

Ain’t nothing worng with a second party for your second, if/when I have a second imma do a party :person_shrugging:

Everyone I know has had a baby shower for each pregnancy.

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Celebrate every new life. And Yes bring gifts!!!

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I did a baby shower for my son and than had a sex reveal party for my daughter

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I had one for all three of my pregnancies! You can also have a diaper party for the guys!

Nothing wrong with multiples especially when it’s a different sex

Id Have another an not care what anyone thought

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Do whatever you want. People don’t have to come if they don’t want to.

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I planned on having one for my second but couldn’t because of corona. I say go for it! Every baby deserves to be celebrated.

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I thought you’re suppose to have a baby shower for each baby. I’m confused why you’d do only one child and not for the others

With my first daughter both sides of the family had me a baby shower but for our second daughter my dads family and I was talking about having a sprinkle but I chose not to in the end. It’s your decision in the end, plus it’s different genders. If you want to have one then I would and anyone who feels you shouldn’t doesn’t have to attend to put a damper on your babies celebration.

Every baby, even if it’s your 4th or 10th, gets a shower! Why wouldn’t you celebrate each new life!?

I only had one baby shower with my first but my sister had one everytime it’s no big deal and it wasn’t about gifts really she always had everything for her babies if you want another shower have one and who ever doesn’t like it tell them not to come

According to Ms
Manners, only 1, for the first, to be given by friends, NOT family.

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I had one with my son and plan to have one for any other pregnancies I end up having. It’s more about the family gathering and celebration of life for me than it is the gifts. My son was my first and I asked that if guests brought anything they bring diapers or wipes rather than gifts. Otherwise, it was about eating food, playing games, spending time together, and celebrating the baby to be.

I had a welcome to the world party after my twins were born since I had a babyshower with my oldest

You can do it for every child it’s a way to help get things the baby needs so it isn’t so hard on mom and dad trying to get everything before the baby gets here

You always have a baby shower!!it’s to celebrate the new baby!!

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With my first baby my son cane 6 wks early on day of my shower my mom went ahead with shower and brought me all the gifts . When number 4 cane along after 3 boys I had my first real shower but shared it with a neighbor expecting as well , I knew I was having a girl .

I think it’s called a baby sprinkle for the 2nd and it’s just smaller but still a celebration! X

I had a shower for both my boys. I see nothing wrong with it. In fact I think there should be a shower everytime. To me it’s to celebrate mom and child. So darling you have yourself a second baby shower and celebrate being a mommy again and that bundle of joy that’s on their way!

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I had one for my second (granted my first and second were 10 years apart) and had it not been for this Covid 19 crap I would have had one for this one. I didn’t have much of anything left from my second (which is a boy and this one is a girl). But I still set up a baby registry for her and I’ve gotten more for her than I did either of my boys. I would absolutely have had a shower this time around even though the 2nd and 3rd will be not quite 3 years apart.

If your pregnant you get one I never heard of not getting one because you had one for your first

I did. We called it a sprinkle :slight_smile: I have 3 kids…there’s 5 years in between my first and second. I had most of the things I needed cuz I saved them from my first but it really helped to have another shower with the second child as well. Didn’t have to buy diapers for over 3 months…it was awesome lol

I myself am only having a diaper party because I’m due with another girl and I had my daughter a year ago so I still have all the stuff for another kid. If it’s been a while between kids I recommend showers and also if it’s going to be a different gender because you don’t have anything for them if you prefer to dress them in boy or girl classified clothes. I mean people can dress their boys in pink idc lol whatever you want man clothes are clothes

I had one for all 3 of my kids🤷🏻‍♀️ my girls are less than a year apart.

Ask those haters… Why is one kid more special than the next?

We did a gender reveal/ diaper raffle

Celebrate every child ignore anyone who says otherwise


Call it a sprinkle and have one anyway!

I called it a sprinkle. I kept all my sons things so i really didn’t need anything for the 2nd which was also a boy.

It’s a different gender of course you can have one. Celebrate that baby!

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I had one with my son & one for my daughter. If people don’t want to participate, then so be it. Its a celebration of a new life! You do you honey!

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Only reason I didn’t have a shower for my guy I had yesterday was bc of lockdown. I’m hoping we can have a sip and see over the summer, but :woman_shrugging:t2:

Its called a sprinkle.

I have 2 boys but they are 13 years apart so yea I had a baby shower for each one. :blue_heart::blue_heart:

I didn’t have a baby shower with my first due to just not being a people person at the time. But my boyfriend this time mentioned having i think a diaper party at some point. Honestly if you wanna have a baby shower this time around to then do it girl! I don’t think it should matter. If it makes you happy that’s what really matters!

I say go for it every baby deserves to be celebrated!

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You can one for each gender and after that its a sprinkle

I didn’t know this was a thing. I had a baby shower for both my children. 6 years apart. One boy and one girl. I felt that both babies should be celebrated and no one ever told me not to have the 2nd baby shower.

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If you are hosting it, then no. That is extremely bad taste.

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