What are your opinions on having a second baby shower?

Every child should be celebrated!!!

In the south we have 3 or4 just cause we love getting together

I didnot throw th shower .a neighbor did

Thought you had them for every baby you have

Of course you can have a secon baby shower.

Celebrate every child !!!

Just do close family and call it a sprinkle

People have showers with there 6 baby. Go for it girl.

I had a shower for all 4 of my kids

Have I’ve arrived party!

Of course u get a 2nd shower!

Just have a celebration and state no gifts please

Have the shower and enjoy it.

Can’t please everyone, just do what you want.

A shower should be held for all babies

Everyone has a baby shower for every kid.

Don’t give a shower for your self. That’s just wrong.

Showers should be fine for every baby!

Yes do its a different person you are carrying

Have a meet and greet.

I think it is called a sprinkle shower.

Have it send invites, if they don’t approve they can stay home.

Do a diaper deal. All your guest bring multiple sizes of diapers.

For a boy yes you should

Yes you can have another one. Your having a different sex you need different things

Have one even if you throw it yourself…

Baby shower for all I thought

All babies should have a shower.

I had one for all 3 of my kids

Don’t call it a shower, call it a celebration.

They call the 2nd one a sprinkle

I think you should do whatever please you.

Tell your real. Friends how you feel. You don’t need the other. Friends.

Go ahead and have one who comes comes who doesn’t doesn’t it’s okay

Different gender so might be ok.

For different genders yes

Have your shower and forget the haters. I hope you have a lot of fun.

It is called. Sprinkle

Thats bs! All babies deserve a shower AND gifts!

That’s bull, have your baby shower

Do what you want & forget the nay sayers.

I think they are tacky.

It’s a free country so far do what you want

You get to do whatever you want. Don’t pay attention to the hate.

No shower for the 2nd one.

Never heard that rule…

Yes you should have a shower with each baby! Every new life deserves to be celebrated!!

If it’s a different sex they call it a sprinkle shower

You should have one for each child

U should have one for each child

Every baby deserves a shower!!

Yes! Party! Celebrate this new little life!! God Bless!:heart:

Celebrate!!! Any way you want.

Perfectly acceptable

No, you don’t have one

Enjoy!!! Have a baby shower!!!

I think having a sprinkle is ok. Get a few gifts to get you started. My friend and my work threw me a sprinkle and I had a baby of the same sex 4 years after the first.

I think having a sprinkle is ok. Get a few gifts to get you started. My friend and my work threw me a sprinkle and I had a baby of the same sex 4 years after the first.

Celebrate all births!

Celebrate suggest Wishing Well gifts only. She doesn’t need the big stuff…celebrate but don’t make it about the size and quality of the gift but the joy of a new baby. By the way congratulations :balloon::confetti_ball::tada::champagne: