Yes, have another shower…Especially if it’s a Boy this time…and a girl last time…Congratulations!
It’s a change of gender and you probably don’t have little boy things so go ahead and have one they don’t have to bring a gift you just want them there
Go for it! If they dont wanna celebrate with you then it’s less snacks you gotta buy.
I never was given a baby shower with either of my babies. I had a lot of bridal showers. I’m 85 now so I think a baby shower is out of the question at this point
If the sex is different then definitely have 1. I had 2 girls 3 years apart in different seasons so I had 1 for each
You are not supposed to have a second baby shower but I see nothing wrong with it
Celebrate!! It’s a joyous event and there is nothing wrong. Is it wrong for a woman to wear a wedding dress on her 6th time? NO!
For a 2nd baby girl I have done group gifts because generally people have all they need BUT we have a get together to introduce the baby
All kids should be celebrated. I’ve had one for each of my children.
Have a sprinkle for the baby everyone knows you have all the big items what you need are girl things now.
Yes you can most people have one for each child don’t listen to the people who tell you this if they don’t want to come they don’t have to
Have what’s called a sprinkle. It’s a small scale shower to get boy stuff. That’s the newer thing since your kids are close in age but the second is opposite sex.
Never heard of that you can have a baby shower for all babies if this is so boy it’s got be a new one
I gave my daughter a shower each time she had a baby. Its a celebration. Everyone needs diapers and wipes plus clothes. It’s not like you’ll need big items. Don’t worry about those people who are saying things. They don’t have to come. Enjoy your pregnancy and have your party.
I see no problem with another baby shower considering you are having a boy. I had one for each of mine. I say have it, invite people and if they dont want to come it’s their loss
Instead of calling your get together a baby shower, call it a meet & greet. Don’t forget to bring the baby.
I think you could have another baby shower mainly if you want it for a get together
Our family has always had a shower for each child.
Never had a baby shower for either of my girls, but have been to plenty and even gave a few one for a woman that was on her 5th baby, she had even more after that.
A baby is the sign from God that he wishes the world to go on…these are our most prized posssesions
No you don’t just saying Congratulations on your second child
I had one for each of my kids. Have 3 kids.
I agree one shower if you’re lucky for your first child, and you worry about any after that
Baby showers are fun! Especially if it’s the opposite gender. I have 7 kids and various friends threw showers for 4 of mine
Lots of people have them, even plan their own. Do what you want.
Your choice. Alot of people have them for each child. If you have a girl first and a second child is a boy I think its ok to do a shower
they are called baby sprinkles…mom had one for all three of us…yes they are fine because they celebrate the baby…
I had one for my first, a girl, but no one gave me one for my second, a boy and I really needed it. Sad
I don’t know who made up that rule you can have a baby shower for as many babies as you have
A lot of people I know either do a baby shower before they are born or a diper part after they are born, some even do both. I cant believe people are telling you you cant have a shower just because it’s the second baby
Do what Jaleyn Dobbs said and have a “SPRINKLE” to honor the birth of your son.
Don’t call it a shower. Call it a baby sprinkle where it’s a get together and they can bring diapers.
Do a diaper shower. Have a party and they bring a pack of diapers or wipes!
We do sprinkles, especially if the second is a different gender
They are called sprinkles and are common.
Do not call it a baby shower. Call it a soon to be a mom again party. On your invitation state no gift please.
You usually have one for first boy n first girl only
I think you should not have a 2nd baby shower.
I see nothing wrong with a shower for each baby.
On the east coast, it is usually a shower for the first where some people chip in and buy some of the big items like high chairs, car seats, coaches, etc. those last through a few kids. If a person gets pregnant after years go by and she thought she had no need for those items, friends might give her another shower. My friend had a baby 15 years after her first. She didn’t have a single thing for a baby.
I had 4 children never had a shower with any of them
It is as dumb as a kindergarten graduation or a 6th grade graduation. Its a new thing with the young generation a shame but still happening .
All the babies I have seen born had baby showers. Be it 1st child it 3rd or 4th… they all had showers.
Don’t call it a shower or a sprinkle, call it a celebration
I didn’t get one for my 1st and only. If you want to have shower (giftless or otherwise go for it )
Why not? Its a celebration! Go for it:)
I thought baby showers are for the first one ???
Definitely you should especially since it’s going to be a boy and you need boy things.
Each child should have one.
You can have a 2 one if u want if ur having a boy u should it depends on the person
If you don’t expect gifts then don’t call it a shower. You can have a celebration
I personally think u should have a shower Everytime there’s a new little one
What’s wrong with a second baby shower?
Of course you do you need a baby shower for this boy I had a baby shower on all of my kids do what makes u happy for your baby sending you prayers for healthy baby and easy and safe delivery and have that baby shower
If any one says anything negative are they really your friend?
I had two because of gender differences
Having your friends & family celebrate the birth of your child is an Awesome idea
I THINK IT IS NOT COOL TO THROW ONE FOR YOURSELF, HOWEVER A FRIEND COULD THROW ONE FOR YOU. I had 2 for my last baby. My friends and family gave me one and my neighbors gave me another. I think it is o.k. to have one for each child you have as long as you aren’t the one giving it. --That’s begging!..It is also tacky to tell a friend that they don’t get to have one. Even if don’t approve, suck it up and get them a gift. After all a good friend is worth it!
Only cheap skates would be saying no:woman_facepalming:. You can have baby shower for each kid, maybe limit it to 12 kids. Also, are you hosting your own baby shower:roll_eyes:. Should be sister or friend or Grammà or cousin or neighbour etc etc. I’ve never heard of anyone giving themselves a baby shower:woman_shrugging:. Kinda like begging for presents,
, get your friend or sister etc to have a shower for your little guy
Do it!! I had one for all 5 of mine, celebrate them and enjoy your get together!!
I was given baby shower for both of my children by my friends
Celebrate your baby! Don’t worry about anything except for decorations and party favors🥰 Congrats
That’s ridiculous. If you want a baby shower have one. If they don’t want to come they don’t have to. Congratulations
Why not??? Don’t see a problem with it
I think it’s a great thing to do for each baby
Baby or bridal, they are thrown for you by others, not yourself.
Each baby deserves to be celebrated!
Pray for the haters. If you have 10 children, you can have 10 baby showers!
Good luck. I had 2 children and never had a baby shower.
I think it would be nice to have a 2nd baby shower!!! Every baby should have one!!!
Yes, every child is important to celebrate
Maybe call it a baby boy celebration instead of a baby shower. They may assume ‘baby shower’ = baby gifts.
Each child is New. Congratulations
Showers are to be given by friends, not family or yourself and only for 1st child
Go for it. Do not not worry what others say. Their loss. Enjoy your day:heavy_heart_exclamation:
In my family we had showers for EVERY baby
Sure you can,it’s called a baby sprinkle,have one!
I feel a baby shower is like a birthday every child gets one
Every mom to be need a beautiful shower!
I have never heard that, people I know have had showers with every kid
Ignore the haters and gather your friends and family. Showers are usually given by someone other than the mom
You have your baby shower forget what other people think you deserve it !!
Ask for their presence not their presents. Still can celebrate
Go for it. This baby needs a celebration too.
We had a baby shower for each of my nieces
We had 8 baby showers. You might still need new things
I had a baby shower for all 4 of my children
Well I have 4 sons ages 27,21,13,12 I had a baby shower for each one of them !!! I live in Oregon
I had a shower for all 4 of my kids.
What a bunch of crap I have 3 children and my family and friends gave me a baby shower for all three lol
Do it all babies are special!!
You said it… you want to celebrate him!!!
Have a shower for each baby!
yes a second shower is very nice,you absolutely can!
That’s not true it’s for every baby you have
We always gave a shower for all children.
Have a get together stating please do not bring gifts.
It’s great, especially if the second child is opposite sex, you need different things:clap:
Yes you can i had one. If people dont want to come fine. You are having a boy .
Do whatever you feel like doing, if people don’t want to come well it’s their loss