I plan on having a shower for my second child. The second just doesn’t have to be as big
Girl do you I had a shower for each child i had a girl then a boy a year and half later
What??? I have never herd of not having a baby shower for some one because they already had one for another child. That’s nutts. Each pregnancy get a baby shower
I’ve lived in the south for 46 years never heard of a sprinkle. What is it.
You definitely need to have a shower.for each baby…
Have your baby a shower to celebrate him If people want to know if you need anything tell them diapers. You can always use diapers !
Never heard of such a thing! Each child should have a shower!!
Actually years ago nobody planned or was involved in organizing their own baby showers. The family and friends usually did that. And no you did not have another. Showers were at people’s homes and not big halls. There are etiquette books out and I am sure things have changed.
I don’t see anything wrong with a second shower, but not now with Coronavirus still taking lives. It is a no brainier.
I threw a shower 3xs for each of my grandkids as long as its friends and family shouldn’t be a big deal. And I think you need stuff for a boy anyway
I’ve always heard that if your 2nd baby is a different sex than your 1st baby you do get another baby shower
Each child announcement…needs a baby shower;)
I would if first child was one sex, and the next one is the other sex. It’s what I did
You should do what you believe in and don’t worry about the other people. If they don’t like it don’t come. Don’t let them make you feel any less.
You don’t, its like having your second wedding and wearing a white dress, not right, but you definitely can have a birth party
Usually you do with the first or if there is a gap of years. I wouldn’t!
My daughters have had sprinkles as a second shower. You still need diapers and wipes etc. Especially since you are having a boy and had a girl first you might need a different type of clothes. If the haters want to hate then leave them out
Every baby deserves a baby shower… You should have one for your son…
Yes have one. Especially since you want boy colors an tbeme. A hand me down pink stuff? Nah. Have a shower but have a relative host it.
Just a solicitation for gifts and its tacky to throw yourself a shower
It’s supposedly “inappropriate.” I think if you want one, you should have it. Just don’t give yourself one. That’s a bit tacky…
Im not pregnant but if ever had another baby i want a baby shower i never got one with both of my kids
I had a baby shower for all 3 of my children never knew it was wrong
Yes… baby shower for each child…why people have to be so hateful is beyond me…not their business anyway!!!
Why not have a pregnancy celebration party then. Let the invited know no gift is necessary. Or a gender reveal and let people bring a gift or not.
It was always believed one first shower only!
With a 2nd baby it’s called a Sprinkle. I had one with my 2nd child.
Have a drizzle instead of a shower. Who cares what anyone else thinks. Those who don’t want to go, won’t.
There is a dad to be shower called a “huggies and chuggies” party. The guys friends bring a 6 pack and a pack of diapers.
I had three, one for each child! Ignore the haters
Sounds like those are the folks you shouldn’t be inviting.
A few people I know had a shower for their second baby. They call it a sprinkle & just have a smaller version.
I thought you had a shower with every child. I did
We called them sprinkles and they were for a second baby usually of the opposite sex.
I got one for my second but it was also 7 years after my first
I agree with having only one shower! After your first, you then buy what you need.
If you want one then have to one. Even parent has the right to celebrate having another child.
Have your shower, call it a welcome baby party. Just invite them and if they don’t come so be it.
Second baby , the event is called a sprinkle!!!
You dont give yourself a shower either. Showers were given to 1st babies to help new mom and dad get a head start on baby goods.
Have what they call a sprinkle, not as elaborate but still nice
Why not. Every baby needs a shower. Especially since the children are of different genders.
My daughter’s 3rd child was another boy she had clothes so the church did a diaper shower she got lots of diapers
Baby sprinkles is what we call the 2nd baby shower because you only need a sprinkle of things
In my case, I had one for my first born,a boy. When my second,a girl, was born I was told that only the first one gets a shower.
Of course you should have a baby shower for each baby that’s due.
I think it is okay to have a shower with each child.
Look up baby sprinkle shower, it is a shower for your 2nd child.
2nd baby showers aren’t usually done, unless it’s a different gender. Then they are acceptable.
Unless your second child is 8,9, or 10 years later, no second baby shower.
I was always told that only the first baby gets a shower. My argument is what if the next baby isn’t the same sex as the first or what about multiple birth for the next pregnancy?
Here in Sylva NC we would give a shower for every child
I see nothing wrong with it, especially if it is small.
I think having two is fine if you have one of each gender.
Why not,I went to one for a third child. Go for it
My theory has always been if there is several years between the children or if the 2nd child is a different gender then you should have another shower. You most likely wont have saved all your baby items if it’s been several years and if you had a girl 1st alot of her clothes may not work for your boy. My 2nd and 3rd were both boys and only 11 months apart so I didnt do a shower for my youngest. In your case I think its totally reasonable and those complaining dont have to come. Every child has a right to be celebrated!
Only if it is a different sex or years in between
I had one with all 4 of my kids.
It’s called a sprinkle not a shower for a 2nd baby
Perhaps you should have said upfront no gifts expect, only by choice. That may have helped. See the problem I have is people having kids, throw a bs and EXPECT for people to fund the first yr of the kids life. Not everyone want to or feel the need to bring a gift
Why wouldn’t you get a second one it is a different baby
I never heard of it being a limit, I had one for all 3 of my kids, maybe people who are struggling right now can’t afford to offer anything
I had a daughter in 94 and had a shower and in 99 I found out I was having a boy. I did not have a second shower. I was working in a factory and every week I bought a big item I needed for him. By the time I had him, he had so much stuff. Plus I was a single mom so another thing to be proud of that I did on my own!!
I gave my daughter in law 3 baby showers. If people wanted to come, they did.
A second baby needs things too, especially if it is a different sex.
Tradition was a shower for the first child, exceptions can have shower for 2nd child inviting guest that wasn’t invited to the first childs shower
You can and should, especially since it will be a boy!
I say only one baby shower. After that it’s like begging for stuff.
We have always done one for the first girl and one for the 1st boy
I see nothing wrong with have a shower for each baby.
If you want to have a shower, do it. Anyone who has issues with it doesn’t have to come.
If it’s different than the 1 st. Child
Well those people don’t have to attend. I think it’s fine if they are different genders or years apart.
I etiquette, only the first child should get a shower. After that it’s greedy.
It sounds like im having a baby boy, is gramma having a baby as well as daughter? If gramm is pregnant then hell yah she deserves a shower!
If your friends want to give you a little baby boy shower, with little token gifts and lots of fun, whatever not? If some people don’t want to shell out for a gift, they can excuse themselves and not show up.
I would have a shower for this baby because it’s a boy
Who ever told you that is mean each child you have you deserve a baby shower
No you don’t have a baby shower for every child. You should have everything you need from shower #1. Different sex you can buy the new clothes.
Seems the trend is one for each child.
I had one for each of my 5 babies .If you didn’t want to attend that was O K too
The fact it is your 2nd child shouldn’t matter.
If it’s a boy and you already have a girl, why not!!
You do if it’s a different gender.
Why not say “Presence, not presents.”?
That used to be the norm but them brides only wore white for the first wedding!
My daughter’s and daughter in law had them for all of their children(.4,3,2)
Why not? Different child ,different shower
Unless you want to dress your baby in drag I’d say it’s ok to have a second shower.
Not fair to not have one for a boy.
No 2nd shower its looks selfesh. Do a gender reveal party instead.
I believe each baby should be honored
Yes yes yes… all babies are special and you need a shower especially if you are now having a boy!!! Enjoy and celebrate and let people spoil you and little him!
Your life, your pregnancy boo… if you & your love ones want to celebrate this gift from God, then by all means have fun celebrating a new life… God bless!!!
Every baby deserves a shower. You don’t have to call it a baby shower if you want it could be “welcome to the world” or maybe just a party to celebrate. Sorry you are getting hate, some people just live in the past, not all baby showers are asking for gifts, it’s just a celebration of having a new little life. God bless you and your family. Congratulations on the new baby
Go ahead, have a little luncheon, say gifts aren’t necessary-if they bring one-great.
I think it would be lovely to celebrate the upcoming birth of your second baby!!
Do what you want to do and use the way your heart feels. This is your baby Good luck
Yes ! Every baby is a wonderful gift to be celebrated!
Multiple baby showers, multiple church weddings, everything goes this day n time! Enjoy