I had 3 showers- one for my first baby, one for the first boy in the family in over 9 years, and then 9 years later I had a third shower because I threw out/donated/gave away all the baby stuff because I thought we were done!
I beg to disagree. You deserve a second baby shower for the simple fact your having a boy. My daughter had a girl then a boy. When her 3rd child came along she had nothing to hand done, she had given it all away. There is 6 years difference between her second child and her last. So I threw her another baby shower, it was wonderful. I think its up to you whether you want another baby shower. Those that don’t think you should, don’t invite them.
My niece had three different baby showers for her son, first male grandchild, (all in different cities) she had one with her daughter. She put her foot down on multiple showers lmao. Her kids are 54 weeks apart lol.
Technically, since you had a girl the first time, I believe it’s okay to have a second baby shower since you’re having a boy this time.
Yes you should have a baby shower for your son. And anymore babies u have. They all r special and should be treated as such.
Well. I don’t see the harm in it. Some have showers for each baby.
Every baby deserves a baby shower, it doesn’t matter how many u have.
I’ve been where people are ask just to bring diapers to the second, but of course people still brings clothes. It’s perfectly ok.
My daughter got pregnant 8 years after her first child. I threw her a second baby shower. Do as you please.
around here we have one for each baby …really can’t see why you wouldn’t!
I don’t see anything wrong with having a shower for each child. It’s a celebration for that child and your family
With my 2nd and 3rd baby my friends had a baby wipe and diaper party. They brought what ever they wanted. My youngest is 36 yo. now.
Many girls nowadays have a Sprinkle outside of the shower for second children Etc. Just light refreshments and small sprinkle gifts
If the baby is a different gender than first, yes and if it has been years between first pregnancy, yes
Call it a baby sprinkle for the second one then there’s less pressure on expensive gifts most people will bring diapers and wipes but those that want to can still get you more
I don’t see a problem at all. I had 2 children and had 2 showers. All children should be celebrated!!
Yes, have a second shower. Every baby deserves their own recognition and tokens of love. I had three children and was lucky enough to have had a shower for each.
Just have a get to together after he’s born so people can meet him. Than with Corona maybe neither is a good idea.
I had a baby shower with each of my 3 kids. Each one is a new child. The oldest is 44, youngest is 35.
YES you do… he’s just as important as the first AND…he’d a boy for Pete’s sake… different stuff… ridiculous… celebrate each and every one!
Each child is a celebration.
We had a “sprinkle” for my daughter for her 3rd child!’
Have a “Sprinkle”. Instead of being “showered” with big gifts, just smaller things geared towards boys (clothing and such).
Doesn’t matter how many, but throw your own shower? In my experience showers are planned by friends or family but maybe things have changed.
Back In the 60s and 70s one shower was the norm Now days it seems like the thing to have a shower for each baby usually get more clothes, diapers etc on the second one rather than the buggies like cribs etc
You don’t normally have the shower yourself but there’s nothing wrong with someone else giving you one. Especially since this baby is a different gender.
Your friends will be happy to help you celebrate…no one else matters.
I’m pregnant with #6 and the ladies at my church planned one for me and wouldnt let me say no. Ive never planned my own or asked for one, but ive had people in my life who have insisted with all but one of mine.
I had a baby shower for my first 3 kids. I threw them myself as well. Do what you want.
2nd baby showers are perfectly fine. Ask these haters. “Is this child not as as precious as the 1st?”
Having baby showers for every kid you have seems to be the norm any more.
Have the shower. If they don’t want to help you celebrate your addition then shame on them. Enjoy your special day of celebration for your baby boy.
Some people do when they have the opposite sex and some people only have one baby shower. Some don’t have any. you could always have a party after he’s born to celebrate his life if people are giving you a hard time. Who wants nasty people at your party anyway. I like to party with people that want to be there and who are fun and positive.
Most ladies I know have one for each child, usually hosted by a friend or relative.
Can you call it a coming out party? Gifts not requested. Congratulations on you new son!
I have heard with women who have had one child they have a SPRINKLE for the next child a smaller version of a baby shower
It’s called a baby catch up, when you get together with your friends before the baby arrives
Only for the firstborn you save the clothes for the next one. Otherwise it’s greed.
I say it depends on how big the gap is. If you are having a boy and already have a girl then yes. But if you are having a girl 2 years after you had her older sister than NO SHOWER for you
I have 2 girls and a boy. I had neutral stuff so didn’t need anything but clothes, and felt that was my responsibility. If people want to get you a gift, they will
Only because you asked… With two years in between it doesn’t seem necessary. BUT… you do what feels right for you.
I was raised to believe you only got one baby shower but I don’t believe that anymore! Have one girl!
Well that’s messed up. No one should be hating on it. Every child should be celebrated, and besides you’re having a boy this time and need boy things. I say have one, and to be blunt screw the haters.
So, why can’t you? Especially, because it’s a boy this time. If you don’t think one should have more than “1” baby shower, then don’t attend! Just because, once upon a time , someone made that a rule, doesn’t mean they can’t!! Have a happy baby shower and congratulations on your little boy!!
Nothing wrong with another baby shower! For one, you need things for a boy now, not to mention diapers
We had a first one and that was it. Not sure of the protocol now? A celebration when he gets here?
If you believe in it, go, I personally decline 2nd showers, the generations are different.
It is called a “Sprinkle”. Baby shower for the first and a baby sprinkle for the second, especially if they are different genders.
Oh just have a get together with your friends and have fun. Haters are gonna hate hate hate just shake it off. Every good mom wants to share her pregnancy even if it’s the second, third or what ever. Just have fun.
I think when it’s the other gender, you should get a shower. You can’t pass much on from boy to girl and vice versa.
The 1st was for a girl, and the 2nd for a boy, I think that is fine.
I never got a baby shower because my mom said it was my decision to have a baby.
Depends on how far apart, if it’s been 5 or more yrs. Then i say yes, also having a different gender…
Have a Sprinkle or have a meet & greet after the baby arrives
Throwing yourself a shower is tacky imo, but I’ve heard of second births getting showers. Down in Kentucky, they call them “Sprinkles.” First heard of “Sprinkles” from Devona Raisor Rankin at a WW “Formerly Weight Watchers” meeting…When she told our group about them, one of us said something along the lines of the third should “Tinkles!” LOL!
Most people today skip a second baby shower and have a gender party instead, especially if the children are close in age.No gifts just a celebration actually very cute.
What I’ve never heard of that. Had shower for both of my babies.
Some are called ‘sprinkles’ instead of showers. Not sure of the protocol.
I had 2. But one was for a boy and then a girl 10 years later. Have another of you want one.
What yes you have a baby shower no matter how many baby’s you have don’t listen to other people go with your heart sweetie
Yes you do if you want to. People need to butt out. I think it would be fun to have a get-together with friends for cake and a few decorations. Small gifts in blue would be nice.
Absolutely have a second baby shower why would anyone say no
You do if the gender is different. If it was another girl no, but because it’s a boy protocol say you can have another shower.
We gave my daughters a sprinkle shower. Not as many invited. On a smaller scale
I had a diaper shower for my second and third babies…
So only the first baby deserves a shower? All babies should be celebrated even if small event.
Ummm you definitely should get one with it being the opposite sex! I could maybe see if you were having irish twins that are the same sex not having another one but yes you definitely should have one!!
You most certainly DO get a shower for every one of your kids!
I had one for my son but had to cancel the one for my daughter because of the Coronavirus. I see no problem with it especially if they’re of opposite gender.
A baby, be it 1st or 10th is cause for celebration!
I had one for each of my kids. They were 4 years apart and my first was a girl, my second a boy. I had just gotten rid of most of my baby items before I found out I was pregnant with my son.
I think its a nice way to acknowledge and thank God for the gift of life and to welcome the new baby into the family.
After all bridal showers are popular**** for 2nd, 3rd and 4th marriages.
I had 1 for my daughter & 1 for my son as we celebrated having 2 genders & my son wasn’t going to be wearing the girls clothes I saved
Who says you can’t have a baby shower just because it is your 2nd baby don’t mean nothing.It don’t matter if it was your 5th child if you want to have a baby shower go for it.
I had a baby shower for all 4 of my kids who cares what other people think
I had one for my 2nd but it was due to them being 7 yrs apart but not my 3rd
When the other babies came, friends gave me diaper showers. I kept all the gender neutral baby clothes to use again.
I disagree. I had 4 children and I was lucky enough to have a shower for each one.
Don’t invite those people, only invite the ones who are happy for you and supportive. You should have one for your boy.
You are having a boy this time so yes. There are a lot of opinions but if people who know you want to come to your shower then who cares what the haters think
You call it a sprinkle. Basically because you have the car seat, crib the big items. But you don’t have the clothes.
We always celebrate each new child. All are special and I love baby shopping!
Everyone has an opinion, do what makes you happy. Everyone I know had showers for all their kids.
In the old days, only 1 shower
I heard a shower for a second child is called a Sprinkle
My neice was given a small get together they callled it sprinkles.
Most people have a shower for each pregnancy.
I had a shower for my second one. Your real friends and family will show, haters will hate, let their hate roll off your back.
Since this is a boy you should have one ! I think every time you should!
I did one for every grandchild that was born.
Do you! For all 3 I had showers/ slash baby shower family.and church last baby was a girl so anyways people need to complain. Congrats on the birth .
It is a different gender, a baby shower for clothes and diapers perfectly fine
I had one for my oldest son and then 4 years later for my daughter.
I had three but they were giving by different people ( actually they were surprises).
I had a baby shower for my second child.
Who wrote the rule book if you want to celebrate love for your new one gifts opinional
If you are having a baby that is a different gender you can have what is called a”sprinkle”.
I had one with my 4th child which was a boy after 3 girls so I think another one would be fine.
I remember when it was the first and fifth!
You should be able to have a baby shower for every child you have period