It’s called a sprinkle. and it’s fine.
I dont know why not- u need as much for this one too
If people want to gift you they will.
I threw both of them for her
Asking way way too much
It’s up to you if you want one its aright to me
Probably not the best idea.
You get one shower for each gender…
U get baby shower for each child.
Stop worrying about other people and do what you want
Do what you want. People who dont want to come dont have to. Enjoy your pregnancy.
If friends want to give you one they will, otherwise I wouldn’t.
I had one for both of my children
We have them and call them ‘sprinkles’.
Every new baby needs a shower
I had one for all my 4 kids. Dont invite the haters lol
2nd showers are called sprinkles.
if they don t want to come to your 2nd baby shower tell them not to come…
WRONG! You can have a shower or 2 if you want. Now since it’s a boy it’s definitely a go.
I say if you are going to do for one do for all.
You can if your friends want to do this for you,
I had one with both of my kids
Invite and tell them no gifts. Just their company!
You can do whatever you want, it’s you baby
2 different babies yes
Do what you want and don’t listen to the haters, they don’t have to participate if they don’t want to!!
Don’t call it a shower. A celebration of life.
Do a baby sprinkle instead
Do what you want to do, everyone always have an opinion, either way
No way go to garage sales
Just don’t call it a baby shower.
No shower now…not in this mess
Have another shower so what!
Then they aren’t your friends
I had a shower with all six of mine
Yes those hating on you should not be invited… simple as that.
Its your choice to go or not to go
Have the shower if they don’t like to bad
It’s a meet n greet baby
Have it quit listening to what people think
I had one for all 3 of my kids
2nd is called a Sprinkle shower
I think it’s ok,especially since you’re having a boy
There’s nothing wrong with it.
Why not…I say goooooooo 4 it
Its called a sprinkle
It’s called a sprinkle!
Do what YOU want to and don’t pay any attention to what other’s say!!
call it a meet and greet instead of a shower may solve the problem.
Shower with each baby.
It’s called a “sprinkle “.
It’s not traditional
Ppl don’t go by that anymore,have it,if they care enuf they will come
They call them sprink showers
Do it and call it a baby sprinkle
We call it a Sprinkle:purple_heart:
I say to each there own
You do what you want to do.
Have it! It’s called a sprinkle
That’s nonsense-a shower for every baby
No. And don’t throw yourself one
If ur having a different gender some people do it
Do what YOU want forget about what others think
Only if really necessary.
I could maybe see that if you were having another girl.
Don’t know why not u need not clothes
Its a boy. Have another one.
Why? I think it’s just fine.
But it is opposite sex. So why not.
Just do a get to gather
Its your choice. Id have one
It’s a boy. Have a shower.
A lot of judgemental bitches on this thread being judgemental is tacky too
If differnt sex i see nuttin wrong with it
You should have another one
Had one for all 4 of mine
if you wnt just a get to gether…wait until after and invite peole to a christianing get to gether.
Sure why not your having a different sex ,
I had one for all 3 pregnancies. Boy, girl, boy. Some people say if you have the same gender back to back you shouldn’t have a shower but most people like to still throw you a shower. If you don’t really care about gifts call it something else or include that in invites…
I had 2. One for my son(27) and one for my daughter(21).
Of course you can have a baby shower.
That’s not true you have one for each child
That is a baby shower
You had a girl and now you’re having a boy… He can’t quite wear her hand me downs so in this case I’d say have another one! People don’t wanna come, fuck em. And PLEASE don’t worry about other people’s opinions. There are lots of people who have one for every baby and I would do the same if I were to be blessed with children one day
What ??!!! Shit babies are expensive so yeah have a second baby shower! Who cares what other people say or judge you on! If that makes the mom to be happy then do it! In the times we are living in it’s great to find happiness and fun where you can!!!
Yes! Every baby is a blessing
Have another baby shower!
I wholeheartily support this. GO FOR IT!!!
Yes have a diaper party
Baby shower for every baby
Baby shower for every baby
Different Sex IT’S a BOY You should celebrate Him too !! Congratulations
It’s called a sprinkle and yes do one. I had one for my second daughter because why not. And everyone else who gives you shit its a way to celebrate life.
Why not it’s a boy i believe he can’t ware girl clothes CONGRATULATIONS
Theses ppl can take there HATE AND SHOVE IT!!! have as many babies and showers you want. God bless.
JMO…I think every baby should be celebrated.
Do it every one will love it
Invite only real friends!!
I say go for it and be happy
Sweetie do what you want