What are your opinions on having a second baby shower?

Of course have a baby shower!

It’s very common now, go for it

It’s Ur Celebration! U Have It! :confetti_ball: CONGRATULATIONS :blue_heart:

One shower per family,

Do what makes you happy​:heart::blue_heart::heart::blue_heart:

WTF ! Every baby gets a baby shower ! Ridiculous !

You deserve one for each

We call them sprinkle showers

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EVERY baby deserves a shower

Shower for every baby. Wa h deserve a special gift

Every baby deserves a :baby: shower…

Don’t invite the haters.

Ignore ppl…do your own thing

Do what you like. Best wishes

Every mother deserves a baby shower for every child. Why not???

If you want a shower, have one. If some people don’t want to come, so what!

It’s called a sprinkle after the first baby

Girl if u wsnt one then have one! My friend is on her third baby and having another shower! And I’ll go to each of them happily. U do u!


Have a sprinkle it’s the new rage not a super big shower just a little sprinkle of love :heart: a baby is always the best reason to celebrate :tada: congratulations :heart:

Nowadays a 2nd baby shower is no big deal. Your having a boy so of course you will need different clothing for the litt!e guy. Congratulations!!

For my first and second child I had a baby shower because one was a girl and one was a boy. When I had my third child we went with a gender reveal because either way I would have girl things and boy things so it didn’t matter the gender.
I would definitely have that baby shower!

Have it if they don’t like it they don’t have to come :baby::angel:

1 shower unless there is like a large number of years between babies.
It’s greedy to have more than 1

My family has always done a shower for every baby in our family, regardless if it is a first or third!

I only had 1 but I had 2 boys a year apart… since you are having a boy I dont see why it would be an issue… some have a shower for every child… I dont think it’s wrong to just whatever you want to do

I didn’t have one for my first because everyone just gave me everything so there no point because I knew people were just going to give me more than I needed. But if/when I get pregnant again, if friends and family aren’t just giving me there old clothes (which I prefer over new stuff) then I’ll have one and only ask for what I need since I’ve pretty much kept everything and if I don’t get anything then that’s okay too.

I had one with all my kids. I didn’t ask for them friends and family just threw them. But I only had 2 big ones my 1st and my last (8 years between my 5th and 6th child I thought I was all done but got remarried).

Every baby deserves to be celebrated I have had two baby showers and my babies were born 10 months apart so I had to baby showers within 8 months and my family absolutely loved it

I don’t like the idea of second showers cause then where does it end? I have a friend that has 4 kids and had a shower for each one as well as a gender reveal party for each one with gifts requested for all of them. I love going to baby showers and shopping for them (I never got to have children to shop for) but where does it stop?

Yes you do. Usually a best friend (not a family member) or a group you are associated with holds one for you. A mom should get one for every child . You need things still for a baby everytime. Diapers, wipes clothes, etc. Maybe not the stroller or crib but there are still needs for a newborn.


All babies are a gift from God and should be celebrated. It doesn’t. Have to be anything elaborate just a little something to welcome this little miracle. Good luck and God bless

Why can’t you have a second baby shower. Your 1st was a girl 2nd child is a boy. He will need his own items right. My cousin had a baby shower for all 5 of her kids. Tell all the busy buddies to mind their own. Congratulations on your babies. My 8 year old son is my whole world


If you want another baby shower have one!!! It’s to celebrate the life of the baby… I wish I could’ve had one for my second son to celebrate him but he came 2 and a half months early and we never got too… Celebrate your baby if you want and don’t listen to people if they want to give you grief over it…

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having a baby is a gift and u should celebrate with a shower… i have never heard of NOT having a shower… by the way congrats

First of all Congratulations!!! Our family does a baby shower for the first one, then a welcome to the family party for any after that. All kiddos are a blessing tobe Celebrated!! Celebrate however you wish to and enjoy yourself!

For every baby there should be a baby shower.Every new baby is important and special.Celebrate that precious life

I had 3 baby showers. Because after our 1st baby we said we were done. Then we started talking about baby number 2 and didn’t have anything besides a playpen. Then again thought we were done. Then I had baby fever haha and we had baby number 3. Now we are done lol. For sure this time and all 3 we had a baby shower. I believe all babys should get a shower even if they aren’t born yet.

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I had a baby shower with all 4 of my kids! There is nothing wrong with that!

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Honey…Have your baby shower and enjoy it to the fullest. Haters are going to hate. They’re just jealous. Don’t pay them no mind. Party with everyone that comes. Forget about the ones that stood home. They’re doing you a favor. Trust me. GOOD LUCK!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Maybe instead of a baby shower call it something different. I’ve always been told baby showers r for the 1st born but u can have similar parties for the rest

We had a meet n greet for my grandchild. It was just a great time to get EVERYONE together n celebrate.
We had it at a park so it was very informal and the kids could rip n tear on playground n just run around.
Everyone just came n went. It was like an open house buffet. Good time.

That’s ridiculous! I’ve never heard about only 1 shower. A baby shower is the celebrate a new life whether its a first baby or 3rd!! I personally never had a shower but I always wish I had for all 3 of my kids!! I say you have that shower!! And celebrate your new little one!!:grin:

Oh heck yes you it’s ok to have a baby shower with each child. The gifts are for the baby.

You have that boy a shower and enjoy yourself… Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn’t have to participate! Multiple showers are common with different genders or a big gap in between babies… Congratulations by the way!

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I thought friends or family threw the showers, not yourself. Have a party after the baby is born.

Every baby is special and you should have a celebration for this little one too.

I’ve had one with both my kids and I plan to have another with this baby my kids are spread out in ages and i didnt have any of the stuff left from my other kids.

Why not if you want to i think it would be great any one that did want to don’t have to come bless you and both your children

Everyone has them with each kid anymore… I had 2 with my first, none with my middle , a work one that I missed with my third

I had baby shower for both mine. I have never heard of that being an issue

Everyone has one for the first one and if the second one sex is different then they will have another one there’s nothing wrong with it at all

I had one for my daughter and my last son. Bc I got rid of all my first sons stuff

If it’s the same sex baby you do not have another one people consider it greedy and tacky idky I dont consider it that but if you have all same sex I wouldn’t just my preference,I only had 1 I have 4 sons and didn’t have one for me baby girl

I was given baby showers with my first four

All babies are a miracle…Celabrate every one of them…

Of course! Every baby deserves a shower!

You can have as many as you want I’ve had 2 baby showers

Every baby has a shower

Your life your child your call

Have one who cares what anyone else thinks

I had a few people snicker (my mother) when my sister threw me a second baby shower but she told them don’t go if you don’t like it. And no one is making you buy something you do it cause you love her. Its about the celebration of life and helping someone you care about. And I say especially in this time. Celebrate anything and everything. Life is precious! Goodluck and what ever you choose for is right for you!


I think it’s all good. Most family and friends know you already have the main baby essentials. So you never get enough clothes. And especially now you need little boy stuff. I had a second shower for both my daughter in laws. To much time passed from their first one. Go for it! and if they don’t come, don’t get upset or take it personal just enjoy the ones who did. Have a blessed day.

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I believe a new baby deserves some new things and a celebration. I had 5 kids and 4 had baby showers


I think every baby is special and should be celebrated. If people dont agree they can choose to stay home. Enjoy your party celebrating your new addition and Congratulations!


My kids were almost 7 yrs apart, my 2nd was my awesome surprise baby but I had nothing left…a shower from my coworkers was a blessing!! And I kind of needed the boost too…

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Why does it matter what other people think about the fact that you will have 2 baby showers ? This is YOUR future blessing, not anyone else’s. Do what you makes you feel good during your blessed pregnancy and whoever doesn’t want to participate, well too bad for them. Congratulations on your blessing yound lady.

Well I had a shower for both my kids, who were both boys. The first time it was during my pregnancy and the second it was after my baby was born. Showers are to celebrate the mother and child. Giving life to the world is always beautiful, even if it is the 2nd or 10th child you have had, and always deserves celebration. We should always celebrate new life, just like we always mourn and cherish lives lost.

We always have a baby shower for each child born.i think it’s nice every new baby gets something special that was bought just for them.i also have a welcome party after all 15 of my grandchildren were born .everyone gets to meet our new baby and celebrate😊

I think every child should be celebrated. If your kids are fairly close in age and you don’t feel comfortable with a second shower then don’t have one but it sounds more like other people are telling you this. Every baby deserves a celebration. :tada:

you’re having a boy. i think having a shower is acceptable
and those that are giving you a hard time
don’t invite them to share in your happiness ! how rude of them !
enjoy yourself
and surround yourself with positive people in your life
enjoy your baby boy - always mommy’s boy ! it’s the best !

It’s called a sprinkle. But someone other than yourself should have it. I have also been to a “sip and see” after the baby is born where close family and friends are invited.

I have four children ranging from 45-36! My first two children were from my first marriage; my next two were from my second. I was so blessed in a new community new family friends gave me a wonderful shower for my third child. Every baby deserves a celebration!! I also believe a bride needs a second shower when she gets remarried! If you don’t believe in it then don’t participate! Be quiet

I had a baby shower for every single one of my babies (girl, girl, twin boys). They were all three years apart. If they have something negative to say about it they don’t invite them. Every baby should be celebrated. It’s a very exciting time and regardless if it’s your 1st or 10th that child isn’t any less special!

Every new baby needs its own shower… not only for the needs of the baby but also to help the parents financially… I had 3 babies and each one cost more than the last.

My friends gave me one and it was wonderful!!! I needed everything and everything was greatly appreciated!!! Now days when many already know the sex of the baby, you might actually need different things!!! If not, it’s a great way to celebrate!!!

First baby it’s called a shower, with the second baby it’s called a sprinkle because you don’t need as much. I think it’s great to get together with your family and friends and celebrate a new little life.

Each child should be celebrated. And if you want to plan it, so be it. This is you’re decision to make. You shouldnt care what others think, just make you and that beautiful boy feel special!

If you are at the age to have children then you should be financially sound to take care of said children. No shower is needed. Bet you had an engagement party, a bridal shower, a wedding with gifts expected to all now, a baby shower for first kid and now another. Dear me do you just want to stand around with your hand out for others to buy you gifts for every choice you make.

Where my grand daughters live they all it a sprinkle. It is mostly family and close friends who normally give a gift anyway. All babies deserve some new things. Your choice !

If it’s something that you are wanting to do then why not?? Who cares what everyone else thinks. (Easier said than done I know) Celebrate that baby! :blue_heart: congrats!

I’ve been to a few sprinkles. I feel like it’s mostly when Mom didn’t get a chance to have a proper baby shower or when Mom doesn’t have baby stuff (maybe it’s her first girl, there’s a noticeable age gap between the awaited child her previous child, or maybe Mom thought she was done having babies with her previous child and the situation changed). They’ve all been thrown by friends or family, though.

My daughter’s friends threw her a sprinkle shower when her second was due… mostly get together with friends. Light ( not expensive ) gifts. They do this in California all the time.

Who’s the Momma? You are! If you want a shower then a shower you should have. Or a sprinkle. EVERY LIFE deserves to be celebrated. This baby deserves new things and to say here I am, and I am going to make a difference in this great big world. My Mommy wanted a shower, to introduce me to the world. Here I am! I’m gonna make my Mom look good because you all blessed us enough to come and celebrate. So yes, have a shower whether this is baby 2 or 6. God Bless you and your new gift :gift: from God…

From my perspective, a baby shower isn’t about celebrating the baby, it is about celebrating the Mom and making sure that she has everything she will need when the baby arrives because everyone knows that the entire family will have no time to be getting things after. It’s not like everyone isn’t going to love your new baby. If you really want to celebrate him then wait until he is born and have a meet my son party and insist that no gifts are given or whatever.

I think it’s great to have a baby shower for your second child. It would be fun for your friends to do that for you.

How about a little “sprinkle” - those are becoming popular in my area! You can just say since your other baby is still little, and you have a lot of his/her items- just give little things - diapers, wipes, etc / And have a lovely little party with pretty decorations and desserts!!! Enjoy!!

So don’t call it a “baby shower”. Send out proper invitations to a celebration in honor of the new baby boy, NO GIFTS PLEASE. Then if someone does bring a gift it’s because they want to and not because it was encouraged or even expected.

A diaper and wipes shower is great for a second baby shower! People still always brings stuff. So much fun for a get together.

My family does a shower for each child. It’s a celebration of the new life that’s coming. The first being the largest of course. Subsequent showers tend to be smaller on the gift side with guests just bringing diapers/wipes and any sort of personalized gift Mamaw makes. My husbands family tends to be on the side of one shower for first baby only.

How about a “Sprinkle”? A general get together with Family and Friends with smaller gifts like boys clothes, and boy stuff! I am sure you have some big stuff from your first born that could also be used for your son!

I find it incredibly rude to give yourself a shower. If people want to bring a gift after baby is born, that is their choice. I would ignore any invite to a second shower, be it baby or wedding.

I have never heard of people not having a shower for each baby. What is wrong with people? It seems to me that if these are your supposed friends, they aren’t really much for friends. They should be wanting to celebrate this new life with you. My advice, have your shower, welcome the ones who want to join, and have a great time. As far as the haters go, that’s their loss.

Traditionally, baby showers were thrown for someone else, not yourself, but if you wanted to have a birthday party to welcome your son, I think that would be great!

My sister in law is having her second child soon. She’s having a baby “sprinkle” (it’s a thing look it up) this time. Rather than being “showered” with gifts she’s only getting “sprinkled” with gifts because she still has a lot of stuff from her first child. Don’t let anyone tell you what to do and not do for your own child.

I think it is a great idea to honor each child’s entry into this world. Traditions should be tweaked as needed. The idea of having only one began well before we had the capability to know the gender before birth. By having one you are sending the world, and most importantly your child, as message that this new baby is just as special as the first. Now, I do have a concern about your health with the coronavirus. Maybe it should be kept under a certain number and precautions taken for the sake of everyone’s health, especially you and your baby.

Times have changed, every baby deserves their own shower. Especially since the babies are different genders.

I personally think, reveal parties are too much if you are expecting gifts.

Congratulations on your new baby!

Was always traditional you had a shower for the first and handed down. My daughter had a shower for her 2nd only because God had a sense of humor and her son arrived 11 years after his sister. She had already got rid of everything thinking they were done.

If you are having a baby, that’s your business. If your friends or family want to do a shower, that’s their business. If someone doesn’t like, that’s their business. So mind your own business and keep your thoughts to yourself. Words can hurt.

Have a little “Sprinkle”. Your close family and closest friends can plan it. Very casual, at someone’s home, maybe 15 or 20 guests who will enjoy gifting you with some baby boy stuff! Just appetizers, beverages and cake. We did that for my daughter when she had her second, and it was fun.

Many people have diaper parties and have a cookout or something and everyone brings a package of diapers. And Sprinkles are great, not quite as big as a shower but a little something to get some necessities :grin::grin: look them up on pinterest, there are great ideas!