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"My BD and I just made it official. We have a 9 mo old baby. I have a full time job, buying my home, and have raised 2 kids alone prior to him . When I had my c-section he helped so much with the baby and around the house while I healed. He is technically moved in. We take turns buying the babies necessities. He works on the weekends only and makes enough money to cover his own bills. My family looks down on him for not having a full time Job or helping me financially. I’ve allowed some of their comments get to me and then I question why I allow him to be in my home if he is not helping financially. He is a great dad for being his first and is very involved in the babies life. He pretty much is a stay at home dad. What are some thoughts on a a guy that does not contribute financially. But helps with cooking, cleaning, and staying home with baby?"
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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"Are you happy with how your relationship is? Are all the bills and needs met? If so, don’t worry about it momma. Others opinion doesn’t matter if you’re happy and thriving"
"If he’s pulling his weight with everything else and you’re ok with it there’s no issues"
"He is contributing. The cost of daycare would probably be more than he made. Don’t let them get to you. My husband was a stay at home dad when I was in the military."
"I know several SAHD. If it works for you, it works for you! Did it bother you before they started pestering you about it?"
"If he’s caring for the kids while you work and helping around the house I don’t see an issue at all. If it was the other way and he didn’t help with anything at all then there would definitely be a problem."
"Don’t let relatives get into your headspace. Do what works for the 2 of you."
"If you chose to be the working parent and it works out for you guys then I see no problem with it at all."
"That’s between you and him not your family. If it’s working for you two how it is it’s none of their business. Daycare is expensive and if he helps you with things you two keep doing what is working for you guys"
"There are stay at home dads out there people need to realize times have changed"
"There is no difference between a stay at home mom and a stay at home dad. If the relationship works and everyone is happy so be it!"
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