Never let your family get comfortable with disrespecting your partner. Partnership isn’t always 50/50, sometimes it’s 25/75, he sounds like a great man. Let him get on his feet.
It wouldnt be a problem if the roles were reversed so why should it this way? X
If he worked full time… how much money would you spend on childcare??? That means him being there is contributing financially… and if he isn’t “fully” moved in and still have another place then he has to pay bills… does he buy his own food and stuff? He also helps around the house, takes care of the baby, but also still makes some money… sounds like you’re very lucky and shouldn’t let people get into your head. How is it different than a stay at home mom? If he leaves or gets a full time job. You’ll definitely miss not having to pay for childcare… on top of that, your baby gets to be with their parents most of time instead of someone else, that’s a blessing! I hate that my babygirl has to have so much time with others because we both work.
Do you
All them people talking, are they offering to help you. They gonna talk anyway baby.
l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18150 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Details HERE…
Licensed Childcare is roughly $1k+ a month in most states. I think he’s contributing plenty by saving that money.
And honestly, if everything is in your name and you’re paying the Bills, if things dont work out he can be the one to leave. Then you’re not like alot of single moms that are thrown to the wolves to search for housing.
Honestly it would not bother me. It’s just roles reversed. If he were to get a job the cost of day care would be insane.
Would you think the same of a woman? If he’s doing the best he can with what he’s got that should be enough.
Sounds fine to me…that is if it is ok with both partners. It really isn’t anyone else‘s right to question.
There are stay at home mom’s, so why are stay at home dads not ok?
Its nobodys business how he contributes…if he makes you happy thats all that really matters…dont ask family for their opinion
Would you be able to work full time with 3 children if he worked full time as well?
Does he save you a packet in childcare costs?
Is your home kept clean and tidy when you aren’t there full time?
I think he is contributing plenty. As mentioned above if it works for you and him and your children it’s absolutely nothing to do with anyone else.
I can’t believe half the women on this thread?! If roles were reversed, there wouldn’t even be a bat of an eye, but because he’s a male taking care of his family as a stay at home dad on week days, he’s all of a sudden a bum that needs to get a full time job. We wouldn’t say this about sahm’s so why should it be any different for dads? She herself said, he cooks, cleans and takes wonderful care of their baby, AND he pays his bills. She’s not taking care of his stuff so what’s the issue?
As for op, don’t let anyone, including family, doubt you or your spouse. If it works for you and you’re happy about it, let it be and continue your life. He sounds like a keeper to me!
Its no ones business but yours how you work your family. Dont let your family disrespect your partner.
He is contributing. No one in your family would probably have that opinion of him if he was a stay at home mum?
As long as he helps with housework, cooking, errands and watching the kids - then he’s definitely pulling his share of the family duties
How do they YOU feel about a woman that doesn’t contribute financially but takes care of the house you and the baby We all have different roles in life. Sounds like he is excellent at nurturing
It’s what you guys want it’s not your families business
Other your life. Do what is best for you.
If he’s being a partner in the home, it doesn’t matter if he’s contributing financially. He’s a stay at home parent.
Now if he expects the housework and parenting to be done by you as if you were a single parent while he laid around all day playing video games it would be a problem.
He saves you child care , pays for his bills and spilts the babies. Keeps your home clean and is a good dad. I dont see the problem? Your baby is lucky to have the opportunity to stay home with his dad. Would your family feel the same if you stayed home and worked part time ?
If you guys are happy, who cares?
It really depends on your fam needs. Some folks do that as they dont need daycare then. Daycare costs alot
if he were working and making enough to cover the household bills while you stayed home to cook, clean and take care of the baby no one would bat an eye…
Wow I would love to have that. No wonder men say woman are never happy.
My husband and I have both had our times as a SAHP. It didn’t save us any money since we are fortunate enough to have never had to pay for childcare, but it saved a lot of stress of the home being maintained. If it works for the people living in your home (children included), and doesn’t add stress to anyone else (meaning you aren’t having to constantly borrow money from them just to get by), it’s no one’s business. Stay at home dads should definitely become a normal thing!!!
If there can be stay at homes moms why can’t there be stay at home dads. That’s hope I see it.
I stay at home with our two daughters while my husband works. He prefers I stay home with them. Its cheaper than daycare would be and he has blessed me the opportunity to stay home and watch them grow. He’s in the Navy so he has the work, but I would do the same for him if the roles were reversed. He’s just as much of a dad as I am a mom. It’s all how both of you see it, it shouldn’t matter what your family thinks. It’s your relationship, not theirs.
Run your home they way you see fit but if this wasn’t an issue before and the only thing making you question it is other people that aren’t in your relationship and also don’t provide for you financially then you should tell those people to keep their opinions to themselves
If your family are that bothered and have so much to say let them help financially.
I think the fact that he is an amazing dad and helps around the. House and although he may not work full time but still works on the weekends is enough
Would this even be a question the other way round?
If it works, it works.
I like that idea quite a bit. Can you imagine if you had to pay a cook a housekeeper and a babysitter?. It would likely take all the money he can make working full time just about. Also no babysitter’s going to love your child like he does. I think I would expect him to pick up the pace as soon as your child gets a bit older, when they start going to full-time School. And money ain’t everything. Being there is something money can’t buy
What if the shoe was on the other foot? He could be the one with the full time job and you staying home? Yes back then a man was supposed to be the one with the full time job and the mom was to stay home but now a days I know so many dads who stay home and do what your bf does. Sometimes the woman can make more money and daycare is expensive. I think it’s ok. If he stops helping out or stops taking care of the kids I’d see a problem but as long as he’s helping out I don’t see one.
Listen to your family or half of these comments in here you will end up single
If he weren’t helping and watching the baby, that would then maybe be an issue.
In my opinion, he is not taking care of the family. If he were to get a full time job, you could be better off financially. Did you not know this prior to him moving in? Obviously this is on your mind or you would not have brought this up. For me, I would not have gone down that road. What if something happened and you could fall back on his income?? That’s a big concern I would have. Just my opinion.
Stop listening to other people think with your own mind your own heart and common sense
I think ot is great if you both are happy, both jobs are equally important one is stay at home paremt other work outside the home. If it works for you it is mo ones business
If it works for you that’s all that matters. You don’t have to explain or defend him to your family. Place boundaries in place so they know that is unacceptable. You can’t make your family like him, but they need to respect your relationship and his role in yours and your baby’s life
l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $20288 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Details HERE…
I mean it would be the same thing if u were a stay at home mom not contributing financially stop listening to other ppl. If it works for you and yall are fine with it that’s all that matters
Stay at home moms has a full time job. Never gets paid. But a stay at home dad isn’t doing anything to help? And a dad should have a job?
No different than a stay at home mom!
How is that any different to a mother who does the same? If he is actively contributing to the household in other ways then I don’t see the problem
You don’t have to pay for childcare, so be thankful for that. I’m sure he helps around the house and with the other kids. Screw your families thoughts, they aren’t you and aren’t in your shoes. The day will come when you both can work full time and have all the money you want, but then your kids won’t be in the house either. Be thankful in the fact you have help and you aren’t paying his bills, too.
Spin the sex’s and if it was the female staying home looking after the child then working weekends she’s be wonder mum.
If he has the baby while u work your saving a ton on child care. your child is with someone they know while u work and u should be grateful . stop allowing other people to dictate how you raise ur family and start stickin up for your man!
Ur relationship has got nothing to do with any body so long as Ur happy
If you are taking turns buying the babies necessities he is contributing some. If you ask he may contribute more. Men often make more than women and can work less time if needed or more to pay a bill. My brother in law used to work a weekend and pay daycare for the month.
That will get old fast! With inflation and the way this country is going , he needs to work full time.
Girl he’s contributing by helping you with all the house hold duty’s that’s a Job that’s work and he’s working on weekends at least he got a Job and makes enough. I’d say sometimes we have to realize that when we become adults and have partners that it’s ok to hear what family has to say but we don’t have to Listen take with a gran of salt there opinion. I know so many women that there BD dues not work or help out. I’d say you got the best of both worlds he Helps out and works takes a lot of stress off you knowing you can come home and things are done. Later on down the road when baby’s in school full time then he may find something full time. There’s no one who will take better care of the baby
Being a stay at home parent is a full time job. If it were a woman staying at home no one would bat an eye. It is your family dynamic and what works for you. If money is an issue talk to him about taking more days or something. Make a schedule. But don’t let your family or strangers on the internet make decisions about your life. Talk with your partner.
In my opinion, if he’s paying his own bills and is helping u around the house and with the kids then why let your family get to u ? He sounds like a good guy and is being supportive of u.
Yes stay at home dad is a real thing, and some women are totally comfortable with that they would prefer to be the head of the household financially and if that works for you guys it’s really nobody else’s business now if he wasn’t helping with the children or he wasn’t helping around the house if he wasn’t doing his job within the home then it would be a problem. But if he helps you out in a way that it takes stress off of you when you’re at home staying at home parent is essentially a job within itself.
But you need to set boundaries with your family and say look what we have going on works just fine for me and for him and I’m okay with it. If I felt like he was taking advantage of me or he wasn’t pulling his weight in some form or another trust that I would handle it because I’m an adult. And I would appreciate it if you would respect my relationship and respect my life and my choices by not telling me what I need to do within my own household.
If you are content with him not working full time then let people talk and just live your life
Now if you want him to contribute financially then thats a different story
We are in 2022 the men will not always be the bread winner if he helps with the kids and the house chores than to hell with what your family says. Be happy he helps out with the house im literally in the same situation with the exception that he only takes care of the 7 month old baby and does really nothing all week until the weekend that he sees me doing it then he’ll help.
How is that any different than a stay at home mom?
Ignore your family. If he is taking care of baby while you work he is no different that a stay at home mom
If he was paying all the bills and you only worked weekends would they have the same comments? I personally think if he helps you out around the house and is there emotionally and physically that’s what matters. It’s really about what works for you guys
What do you care about what every one else thinks as long as you and you BF are happy? If he makes it easier for you to go out and work and not have to worry about your child and things at home that’s all that matters. It sounds to mdd we like you& your BF make things work and are happy with your situation.Be happy and don’t worry about how others feel.
He is contributing. What says the woman has to be the stay at home parent and the man has to bring home the bacon? If you bring it home and he cooks it and cleans up the mess and is a hands on dad, he’s a keeper.
If your happy and life isn’t rough let it be. Is he the guy that will get a job if you 2 fall on hard times with the kiddos?
The money you are saving on childcare
I will never understand why it is okay for women to be stay at home moms but not for men to be stay at home dads. Whatever works for you guys is none of anyone else’s business
Also, studies have said that being a stay at home parent is like working 2 full times jobs… plus he is still working the weekends. I personally would ignore my parents opinions.
What do think. It’s your life. You ok financially
How you described him, you have a gold mine! His contributions are priceless to your family. It’s not about money it’s about being present and he sounds amazing. Don’t mess this up over a few dollars because what you have can’t be bought. Good luck to you
I say that if you two are happy with the arrangement, then fffffffff what others say. As long as he is doing child care, helping with the house, and supporting his own habits, then why does it matter? Are those other people paying your bills? Are they sleepingyour bed? bed? Are they offering free child care? A relationship is between you two. Not you, him, and the other people.
If he does alot of the stay at home stuff and you can afford it. Let him stay home. Daycare is pricey
Same as if it was me staying home.
You can’t have it all! Either he is full time daddy or full time employee and helps when he can in which case baby will have to be cared for by someone else.
If it works for you then it works for you.
If it works for you guys then forgrt what others say. If you were home it would be okay. He’s a sahd and works weekends and pays his bills. Not everyone lives the same way and people need to learn to let others be. If you guys are happy then keep doing what you’re doing.
Look do what works for yall f what everyone else says. Im a RN hubby stays home and takes care of the kids and house and everything inbetween, it works for us. I happy with our decisions
Same as a stay at home mother
All that matters is what you think and how you feel. If you feel he does enough to help screw everyone else. If you feel he needs to help note ask him for note help. Girl trust yourself. You know if he is worth keeping. Not your family.
If you are making good money its ok but, when the babies get older it is not ok
more to life than money - sounds though he is “pulling his weight” in other ways! most of all do you love & respect him?
Why does this matter if you are making the money and he is a stay at home dad. We have stay at home moms
You can not have an involved dad and a full time supporter you either have a dad that lives at work or a dad that never goes to work super involved but never working he has found the perfect spot inbetween both really he works to pay bills but finds time to help you with the kids and be a dad that’s pretty amazing
I’ve been In a similar situation before & justified my man not working (except on the weekends) in the same way…my family acted the same way… Your family is just worried about you & doesn’t want you to have take care of everything by yourself… but ultimately it is your decision… money is not everything
If he really does help with the kids & things at home then that is all that matters… and as long as he continues to do so…
Nothing wrong with a stay at home dad.
I know a few. If he’s doing the Bulk of the house hold stuff and making sure the kids needs and most of the wants are meet while your at work then it’s all good.
Stay at home parent… it doesn’t matter as long as it works.
Wait… does he care for the baby during the week while you go to work??
That’s a WHOLE job!!
And…. Not to be rude and blunt but WHY in the heck does anyone know that much detail about your life and finances to even have anything to say?
If you are still able to afford your home and bills and he is basically a stay at home dad, that’s amazing!
BUT to play devils advocate, the baby isn’t going to be a baby forever. He needs to be able to have fruitful employment so he can have a future and retirement, even if you two aren’t together.
This is where so many people make mistakes, your life should be set up so that you can handle everything solo if they step out and are gone.
Yes this saves on childcare costs BUT at what cost to the future. Has he always only worked weekends? If so whyyyyy is a grown man content working two days a week, skating by, then basically moving in without any financial discussions. You MUST tell him your expectations for the future. If he is an at home dad now, he CAN take college courses at home and make himself marketable and valuable to a future company.
Your family is worried you got a bum who is happy to whip up some manwich and chill on the couch and calling that a job. Seriously…. Keep them out of your business!! You will regret that!!!
If you aren’t paying for day care that is a big deal. If you are, well, rethink everything.
If he stays watches the kids during the day, and does the housework and etc. Then I think it’s ok. Saves you from daycare.
Tell your family if they say anything bad about your man’s role n the family you are leaving/hanging up/cutting them off, then do so. EVERY TIME. It will take a lot of you both exiting and cutting them off (including holiday dinners so you’ll want to be prepared or accept a sincere apology instead) for them to change their ways, but in about 3 months your point should be made and their behavior changed.
BTW, he sounds like a gem.
If he stays home with the baby, he is helping you financially. I would ask him what his plans are for the future. Discuss YOUR needs not your family’s trouble stirring.
If he’s a stay at home dad then what’s the issue?
When your child is grown….
Do you think they will ask about how much their father earned and contributed, OR will they remember him being a hands on Dad who loved all of you….
Almost every child I’ve ever know, Remembers the time spent not the dollar amount.
Also, my daughter is the primary wage earner in their family; he is the cook, he cleans and is handy around the house. He works at a low wage job now, but we all hope he’ll be a stay at home dad when they have kids. It works for them, though we are all supportive.
There is no difference in a stay at home dad than a stay at home mom. This is 2022, not 1950. If you’re happy, he’s happy and the kids are happy, don’t worry about what anyone else has to say. If the way your relationship is, works for the two of you, then don’t question it. Those other people making comments and talking shit, aren’t in the relationship.
If it works for you, and you are happy… nothing else matters.
My husband does this I really don’t care what family says it works for my family if it works for screw it
If you and he are happy & your situation is working for you…that’s all that matters. I get your family being concerned. They just don’t want to see you taken advantage of. That being said, there’s a million ways (that don’t involve money) a man can support you & take care of you. If you’re feeling taken advantage of, that’s a different story. Start putting your foot down with your family & if they can’t/won’t respect your relationship, start distancing yourself from them.
If y’all are serious in this relationship what is the difference between a stay at home mom and a stay at home dad? If you make enough to financially support you and he pays his stuff with his weekend job and you don’t have to pay for day care what seems to be the problem?
As long as he’s contributing somehow that’s all that matters
I’d say good if he does everything else
If he’s paying for all his bills and helping with the baby, that’s great! It’s better than hiring someone else to watch yalls child! Also, if he’s helping around the house, what more could you ask for?
This works for our family. I don’t care what anyone thinks.
No one question if a women does it…why are u questioning it just cause hes a man??
There is a thing called stay at home dad’s. He is helping with his bills and babysitting and cleaning and cooking. I think that is fine as long as you two agree to it.
If it was the other way around would they still say something. It’s no different than a stay at Holme mom atleast he works weekends. It also saves a lot for daycare
If that’s good enough for you then it’s no one else’s business.