What are your thoughts on the flu vaccine this year?

We are literally in the middle of a global pandemic and people STILL do not want to get their flu shots. :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4: Could save your life or someone elseā€™s.

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Take them every year
Never got sick

No,no,no & hell no!

My grandson does not get the flu shot I do not get the flu shot our doctor does not get the flu shot and her children does not get the flu shot thatā€™s enough for me to say no flu shot thank you

Most people till they reach middle age get the glue mist up the nose. This is a live virus after 50 you can only get the flue shot which is a dead virus.never been sick from one 80 years old get one every year.

Everytime I ever got a flu shot I got sick as a dog. Iā€™m mean felt like I got hit by a train then had to dump truck load of dung dumped on me

My kids get it, never had an issue. Theyā€™re 5 and 2 :slight_smile:

I do regular vaccines because they have the high efficacy of eliminating the pandemics of polio and smallpox (like they should and thatā€™s why we have them), but the flu has so many variations and mutates every season, so I find the efficacy of the flu ā€œvaccineā€ to be a less helpful than actual vaccines with proven track records.

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Wtf, yes. Yes you should. Flu shots do not give anyone the flu. Thatā€™s a huge myth


Ive NEVER had the flu shot abdnd ive NEVER gotten the flu let their body build a natural immunity the flu shot is the only one i dont really agree with

I coincidentally end up sick for the ENTIRE WINTER every year that Iā€™ve had a flu shot. No flu shot, no sickness. Do whatā€™s right for YOUR family. The flu shot is literally the most useless ā€œvaccineā€ ever created. :roll_eyes: There are just as many people that actually got a flu shot and caught the flu as there are people who DIDNā€™T get a flu shot.


Have you done everything you can to boost her immune system naturally? We did not get flu shots as kids, I caught the flu the 88-89 winter, once. The shots are not effective

I will. Talk to the doctor and see what they say. I wouldnā€™t listen to a bunch of people on Facebook (especially anti-vaccerā€™s that do not understand science). I wouldnā€™t go to my hairdresser for a car repair. Talk to a MD!


I got it faithfully for years. So did my oldest & mother. Every year we got sick within 3 days of the shot. When I mentioned it to doctors I was told it was coincidence. Apparently we had a virus in our system prior to getting the shot that would show up 3 days later no matter when we got the shot :person_facepalming: Although that sounded awful strange that 20+ years I always had a virus in my system prior to getting the vaccine I trusted the Drs & continued. Then my daughter got it. 3 days later she got sick. This wasnā€™t just not feeling well. She couldnā€™t move, no tears, no wet diapers, her eyes were turning grey/black & were sunken. I took her to the ER. She was on the brink of death. They sent her home with no explanation of why she was so sick. The once eager to learn toddler is now an 8yo with severe learning disabilities. Iā€™ve refused the shot since. My youngest whoā€™s never gotten the flu vaccine is the healthiest among us. Besides a couple of times of just not feeling well for a few hours & 1 fever in 7yrs heā€™s never been really sick.


Mine get all vaccinations but I donā€™t do the flu shot for any of us

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I donā€™t get it, nor do my kids, ever. We donā€™t get the flu either

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Myself and my children never get the flu shot my sister and her daughter get it and they get sick every year!! I say no to flu shots!!!

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Ive never had the flu and never had he flu shot. Same with my kids but theyre also 100% vaccine freešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


My kids and mr get it every year I have yet to be sick my husband ended up in the hospital 2 years bad from the flu and heā€™s been getting one every year since and hasnā€™t been sick. It really depends on the person. The flu shot only protects from what the experts belive will be the baddest strain. It does not protrct.from every single strain.


Thatā€™s ultimately your decision since youā€™re the parent . I would just because I know the shot lessons the symptoms if they do end up with the flu . With her getting sick , itā€™s also helping her build an immunity to it which is a good thing , that means the vaccine is working.


My 14yo has gotten it every year and had never had the fluā€¦which Iā€™m shocked by considering how much she sticks her fingers in her mouth. Sheā€™ll get the vaccine again. I havenā€™t had in years (actually got sick the one time I did get it), but Iā€™m getting this year also.

Iā€™m not a mom, but my mom used to work at a childrenā€™s hospital, and she still got sick with the flu every year, even though she got the vaccine. The reason for that is because the flu virus is a mutating virus, so the vaccine for last yearā€™s flu will probably not do very much in keeping you or your family from getting sick. I havenā€™t gotten the flu vaccine since before I was 17, and I have only gotten the flu twice in my life that I can remember. Not saying that you shouldnā€™t still take precautions not to get sick. Just saying that each year, the flu strain changes, so itā€™s up to you to decide if itā€™s worth. Hole this helps.


My husband & I always get the flu shot. Years ago before one was available we were both so sick with the flu I felt like we were going to die.
We have gotten the flu shot since it was available & have never gotten sick.

I dont remember the last time I got a flu shotā€¦or the flu. My kids never got it either and they may have gotten a touch of pneumonia or bronchitis a couple times bc of other health issues but not the flu.

I always take my kids to get the flu vaccine. Every year. In my opinion, itā€™s a lot better to get just a little sick than it is to end up with influenza. I didnā€™t get my flu shot last year and ended up with influenza B & it was awful. I was soooo sick.


The body can build up a natural healthy immunity or you can create immunity through vaccines. Read the ingredients. Good luck making responsible researched sound decisions for your children.


My three always get the flu shot. I have two that have asthma and bad allergies. Slight gust of wind and poor kids are sneezing their noses off. To me if it helps lessen the symptoms of the flu Iā€™m all for it. They will get the shot this year as well.

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Every year Iā€™ve ever gotten the vaccine, I got the flu anyway and it was way worse than when I didnā€™t get the vaccine. If youā€™re going to get it, youā€™ll get it regardless bc of how much the flu virus mutates. Itā€™s a personal choice.

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Iā€™m in the uk and work in care and Iā€™ve never had a flu shotā€¦ but after speaking to a NHS nurse a few months back I think Iā€™m gonna go and have it this year. Iā€™m 50 next year and have had flu once only when I was in my 20s.

Have never had flu shot and never had flu.My mother never had the flu got the flu shot when she was 86 and had never been so sick.

Nope we donā€™t get the flu vaccine. Never have never will. The body can do amazing things when we let it. Also you donā€™t know what strain youā€™re getting versus what flu we are actually going to have. Only 1 doctor has ever tried to guilt me into getting it for myself and my daughter and she was kicked out of the room immediately and is not allowed to treat my daughter at all now. Her pediatrician agreed it was unnecessary for us to have.


I used to always get the flu shot. Then I started realizing that myself and my children would literally get every illness & cold out there until thd following spring. I finally decided not to get the flu shot and none of us ever caught random colds or illnesses. It is really rare in our home for anybody to be ill now! Life changing!


Drā€™s will try to push the flu vaccine. We donā€™t get it. We wonā€™t get it. The effective rate is minimal and not worth the poison in my opinion.


We stopped giving the flu shot about 4 years ago and have kids have stopped get all the little bugs. My kids where ALWAYS sick with something when we where giving the the flu shot including the flu. Now they donā€™t get it and my kids only get sick once a year and normal its the flu and its gone within a week after that they arenā€™t sick.

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I always make sure my kids get the flu vaccine. Last year my son ended up with the flu and his symptoms were lessened because he had gotten the flu vaccine.


We donā€™t get the flu shot and we donā€™t get the flu , am 54 and have a 20 year old . Have a husband who is military and is mandated to get all innoculations and gets sick right after . So to me I am not going to start now

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Last time I got a flu shot 6 years,ago was sicker than a dog for 4 days. Before getting the flu shot was never sick with the flu. Than after I had bellā€™s,palsy they wouldnā€™t give me a flu shot gave me a piece of paper that it could cause complications so havenā€™t got 1 since & havenā€™t gotten sick. My husband gets flu shot every year & last year after getting the flu shot he was in ICU with double pneumonia & influenza A. He has also had a pneumonia shot & been in hospital with pneumonia every year. I wonā€™t get a flu shot.

We always get the flu vaccine and are getting ours for this flu season in the next week or so. This year it is especially important to get one with the Coronavirus going on too.


No, I havenā€™t had the flu since I was a kid. Exercise, take vitamins, eat healthy, get rest and reduce stress.

Iā€™m pro vaccine in general but the last 4-5 years we have not gotten the flu shot. I get VERY ill every time I have gotten the shot. I agree that with the flu virus mutating and effectiveness generally being less than 30%, itā€™s not a must vaccine IMO.

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Never got the vaccine, I know plenty of people who get it and still get sick.

I get one because I work in a school and my son has always gotten it. We have never gotten the flu since getting the vaccine but everything is personal choice. Flu virus changes every year but Iā€™d rather have milder symptoms if I were to get the virus. I usually always end up with some respiratory virus every year anyway

We didnā€™t get them one year and both my daughter and I were nailed with some serious cases that took way to long to recover. But we got them last October and this February my daughter still got the flu and I got pneumonia. But she recovered within 7 days and Tamiflu. However poor baby was pretty darn sick. I dread covid and the flu together this fall/winter. :persevere:

No flu shots for us. My daughter gets it every single year even when we did get it. The effectiveness is minimal and we didnt notice her sytems being any less the years she got the shot from years she hasnt. We started using elderberry last year and she didnā€™t get the flu or even a cold at all last season. We will continue with elderberry and skip flu shots.

I have never given my daughter a flu shot she is 10. There are so many strains and the vaccine doesnā€™t cover them all

I think this year itā€™s imperative everyone who can should get a flu shotā€¦

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Hubs and I are both healthcare workers and both get flu shots every year. All 4 of our kids get flu shot each year and we do well with it and have not tested positive for the flu in last 8 years. No problems. We both work in ICU and treat flu patients also.

My 5 yo gets an annual flu shot. She had no adverse reactions and never gotten the flu so she continues to get one

No itā€™s not. Why does a 3 year old need a flu shot or meningitis or anything else till they r older. The drs get 125 plus dollars for every shot they give. The shots oftentimes have mercury in them which is a heavy metal

Nope me or my 7 children have never gotten the flu shot. It is an unnecessary vaccine.

A nurse friend of mine recommended the flu shot this year because doctors are anticipating that the mix of Covid-19 and flu could be very serious among the general population this season.

The 1 year my son & i got a flu shot, I had the flu 3 times & he had it too. I donā€™t worry about that shot. Itā€™s not very effective. My daughter & husband didnā€™t get the shot & neither had the flu that year

The kids and I usually get the flu shot but at least one of us usually gets it so idk if itā€™s worth getting or not with all the different strands it doesnā€™t cover them all.

Itā€™s been 9 years me getting the flu shot and ever since I started taken it every year I have not gotten sick, just seasonal allergies. My now 3 yr old has been also taken it . And have not being sick. Better safe than sorry. So thatā€™s just a personal choice. :woman_shrugging:t2:

The effective rate is great. Until you see someone sick with the flu. Not stomach virus. You will never know how bad it is

No you donā€™t have to. They use the previous year to determine the strain that might come thru the following year. Ive worked in health are for 18 years and this is the first year I will not get it


The 1 time i didnt i got the flu and it got worse from there. My family is taking the vaccine

My 1 1/2 year old son nearly died from the flu last year. We get them as a family every year.

My kids donā€™t get flu shots. They have had all of the required immunizations tho. itā€™s personal choice.

I think it depends on your personal situation. Does she get sick easily anyway? Is she in daycare or preschool where illness rate is higher? If yes to both these then yes Iā€™d get it if no to both the. I wouldnā€™t worry about it. If yes to school and no to illness or vice verse thatā€™s a choice you need to make and be confident in. I home school and for many years when they were little as a sahm I choose to make sure they got it. Last year I skipped it and we had no issues. With everything going on I will probably get it for all 3 in November when 2 have an appointment anyway. I feel like itā€™s a personal choice that while hearing other opinions should be based solely on your own feelings.

we all get the flu shot, i have 2 young boys. no problems with it at all.

Get it every year and so have my kids since they were little.

After one of my granddaughters(5) caught it three times in a year, parents decided to get them vaccinated for the flu

I have 6 kids and none of them have ever received the flu shot. I have never gotten the flu shot pregnant or not

We get the flu shot. We will get it when itā€™s available. I am required to for work.

To be honest, we never get the vaccine anyways.

The only yr I had my son got the shot he got sick with a different strand

I only get it for my asthmatic child. No one else in our house gets one.

Not for me! The one time I did get a flu shot I was sick as a dog within a few days! Never again!

My 3 year old got sick after getting the flu shot

Never ever will I give myself or my children the Flu vaccine. Why? Because their are so many strains of the Flu that the 1 vaccine that they give you is uselessā€¦


Never got flu shot for my kids just have them vitamins on regular basis

Not worth it. You can get the flu anyways

If you get ither vaccines why avoid this one? Me and my kids get one every year!

If in Boston and in a school program its required by dec 31

Do what is right for you it is your child no one else has the right to decide for you.

I already took mine I suggest you take it cause you donā€™t want to combine corona with this

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My son is 8 and will get it.

Every 4 years I get a pneumonia shot works good for me

Flu shots for the whole family in my household!

Nope never have gotten one or given my children def not gonna start now

I donā€™t get it for same reason I get really sick right after getting one

Itā€™s necessary every year in my opinion

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Personally I never get itā€¦the few people I know that did get it always ended up sick

I think its best more now with the virus lurking around

Thats why i dont get it everyone ive know to get it is sick ā€¦ no thank u

We wont be getting it. Never do.

We havent got it yet and wont start

Never had it .still wont

Never had one never will

Personal choice .my choice is no

My 3 year old will be getting his this month. He had bronchilitis at 6 weeks old so id rather be safe than sorry

What Flu? Thought COVID took over? Ummmmm.

Get it. It does help. If u catch the virus. U should get the pneumonia shot too

I wouldnā€™t. I had one daughter who got the vaccine last winter, one who didnā€™t, I did not and we all ended up getting influenza b. Itā€™s effective rate is very low. Weā€™re not getting it ever again.

The flu vaccine is safe and relative effective. It reduces your chance of the flu and reduces how severe a case you get if you do get it. It well studied and has been around for many many years. In my family we all get it from my youngest grand baby to myself. What would be deadly is a bad flu season on top of the COVID-19.

Absolutely YES!
Even when the vax is not an exact match for the strain(s) of influenza that are in majority present; it WILL lessen the severity of symptoms and shorten the duration.

Research folks! Most of the people that got the corona also got flu shots.

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Studies show that the influenza vaccine may unintentionally make you more susceptible to contracting the coronavirus. Just passing it along:)


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