What can happen if you do not wait to be intimate after birth?

I always had Sex a week after. Giving birth Iv never had any problems I guess it’s when u feel ready


It could reopen the incision site.

When I had my second baby the nurse taking care of me was telling us in the same ward room stories and she literally walked into a couple having sex straight after she had given birth! She checked on the lady later when her husband left and she told her she had to because she is his wife and because she loves him she couldn’t say no! I was shocked and sad. Not really anything to answer your question sorry just the question made me remember that x


I had a friend who had another baby 8 months later. Be careful.

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I don’t believe it’s as much of a concern for c section deliveries .
I had intercourse before my post- op check up .
If it’s not rough intercourses and there isn’t pain . During or after I believe she would be ok .
But I’m bot her doctor and that would be something she should actually discuss with her OB/ gynecologist.

Well, where the placenta detached after birth, leaves a huge wound, about the size of a dinner plate. Monitor for fever, foul smell and a positive pregnancy test? :woman_shrugging:t3:

If she feels ready to be intimate and it doesn’t cause her any pain it’s not a problem


Surely its up to her when she wants to have sex yes there is risk of getting pregnant again and possible infection but like she said it didnt hurt so i dont understand why it was stupid decision. There is no right time stated when to have sex again after birth its up to each couple when they are ready and if your friend was ready than thats fine.


Its really her choice tbh let her pay the price for what shes doing

Why would you even feel like sex so soon.
Focus on your new baby.
Inconsiderate partner/husband imo


Why is her decision stupid just because you didn’t do it? Friend huh?


Love please tell your friend she should deffs go to the doctor, also just go for ultrasound just to be safe. She deeds is done. Now she has to take the safe approach from here ( I suffered complications due to having sex at 4 weeks ). I’m thinking of you guys. Hope everything goes okay. Im sure it will :pray::heart:.

Pregnancy! I have two that are just over nine months apart, lol… This is her biggest concern


Pregnancy would be my biggest worry


Well she should have used a condom. Otherwise it wouldn’t bother me. I didn’t wait and didn’t have any issues

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I had 2 babies 11 months apart both c-section and I was fine!!

Hopefully she isnt pregnant again


It’s got nothing to do with the actual c-section incision, which is pretty horrific anyway…it’s the large diner plate size wound inside from where the placenta was attached, literally an open wound that she has potentially infected


Ug… I hate these comments. Does everyone get infections? No. Of course not. But there are women who can’t have kids cuz they had sex and got infected. I went to high school with someone who had to have her uterus removed because of it.

Its not safe. You’re rolling the dice every time.

Don’t be dumb. Just wait. Is it worth potentially your life for it?

After all 3 of my pregnancies, I called my OBGYN and got the “go ahead” once I stopped bleeding. So with all three, we waited about 2-3 weeks. Of course, things CAN happen-infection, air embolism, etc. But as told by my OBGYN, they just say 6 weeks as an average but once bleeding has stopped, you’re okay. I’m sure it’d be different with a C section so it’s always best to call your OBGYN and discuss concerns and questions.

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I waited 3.5 weeks. Nothing happened. I probably would’ve waited longer. Infection and pregnancy are very high risk right now. Everything is wide open. Tell her to wait longer or she’s going to hurt herself

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Risks of infection and your very fertile after birth

My oldest two kids are the same age for 36 days. That’s what can happen.


It didn’t hurt? :astonished: After my c section I couldn’t sit down, lay down, bend or even out socks on. Not a chance I would have been taking the D that early :weary:


I wouldn’t worry about infection but would definitely worry about pregnancy. My youngest 2 are 42.5 weeks apart because of this very thing.


Her biggest worry should be CONCEPTION not infection lol

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Ok so I need to know…all medical concerns aside…who the hell has the energy a week after giving birth to even want to?! With a newborn, a house to run, toddler running around (in my case), AND healing from delivery?? There was not one thought given to doing the deed anytime soon! Geezuz!!


I had 2 babies 11 months apart!! Because we didn’t want to wait, but the second time around we knew to definitely wait!? :rofl:

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I’m sure the doctor and nurse told her what could happen when signing the forms to leave the hospital. At least they did with me after every birth. 5 kids here. So she had to be fully aware of the risks and everything.

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Well. I had an emergency Csection because my last 11 pound baby got stuck. Sex was the LAST thing on my mind! But seriously, infection and pregnancy can happen. I guess whatever floats your boat??

My ex bugged me until I gave in. I was 4 wks post. My boys are 10 months apart. It was painful. I cant imagine it didnt hurt. Dr advised me not to go thru with it. I said too bad I am lol. Yes its a risk. Have her see the Dr. And stop judging her for wanting some intimacy.

First problem is that she calling you instead of her doctor…

Tell the friend to go to the doctor. Both inside and outside haven’t healed enough for sex. No matter how gentle you are you could still Jack up your stuff!

With a wound this big, I advise against sex until cleared by a doctor.

This girl I know had. A c section and that night the nurse caught her and her man doing w.e she said she’s fine she’ll be alright

Sorry but a very inconsiderate man . I’m glad I didn’t marry an asshole like that !