What can I do about my 8-year-old daughters attitude?

Yes, address the nanny talking to your 8 yesr old about any adult relationship! Then gets mad at her adolescent response!!! Smh!


Take her to a shelter to volunteer… show her how lucky she is to have the things that she has because not everyone is as lucky to start off with. That’s my go to bedside I think we could all use the realization that we take too much for granted.


Well actually you did raise her this way because you aren’t watching your own actions. The nanny shouldn’t bring relationship issues to a child. This kind of shit makes kids grow up before they are ready. Learn to SEPARATE your issues from hers and keep things innocent. There…free psychological advice that sums up everything. Her actions and words are reflections from her atmosphere. If you are not careful… she’ll be awful in her teens.

That’s an awful lot for a kid to lose for the whole summer. It sounds like you need to reevaluate several things…


Get a hold of her now, or you’ll be sorry


Just a tip give her monitered bike riding time during the summer. She deserves the punishment for the actions but I learned a leason on exercise for my boys the year I took away their bikes as punishment in the summer.

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Kids behavior is always learned behaviors, so which adult is the smart ass in the house?? Everything your kids doing is normal especially with her adjusting to not being an only child anymore. Sit and talk to her about how she feels and ask her why she feels the need to be mean to others. Taking away everything from her is just going to encourage her treating you the way she is, that’s definitely the wrong route to take. I’d understand taking one or two privileges but all is ridiculous, and will absolutely cause her behavior to get worse. Remember teaching your children starts with leading by example.

It’s obvious she acts this way bc of how you speak of her.


Yes u did raise her to be like she is…


Sorry but yes you raised her to be who she is … then you have a nanny for who?? Is she not getting the attention she’s been getting for eight yrs?? Because if so she’s not the problem y’all are . New baby less attention. Share the joy share the love let big sister be a loving caring sharing sister to her lil sister… Most kids are excited to have a new baby in the home especially a big sister or brother. No ma’am it’s not all the child it’s the household . Don’t have her growing up despising her sister because your not being accountable for her actions


Make her spend her time helping others , yardwork,cleaning for free. She will learn . Show her tough love and still take away all electronics !!:heart:


how is lose everything (electronics, toys, tv, playtime with friends) going to teach her to respect others and talk to others with compassion? Shes modelling how adults in her life speak, thus the adults must change and model the correct behaviour.


So, she was being bluntly honest with the nanny? She is 8, you just keep showing her how to be polite, don’t punish her when she was probably speaking the truth, she just needs to learn how to be polite about people’s feelings if that’s what’s bothering you.


Shes 8 yo and you are going to punish her for thevrest of the summer? What is wrong with you? She has a smart mouth. Take the time to talk to her and quit being so hateful yourself.


Have you considered being a better example?


Why punish her for asking a question ? Maybe she meant it totally different than it was taken
Ffs she is only 8 years old !!!
People expect too much out of kids then wonder why they are so messed up in life.


First off she spoke her mind and responding honestly to the nanny if she where my child I wouldn’t punish her at all. Our daughter is 7 and she speaks her mind and we will never silence her voice!


Honestly you have to speak to her and not treat her like a prisoner, respect is earned not taught, you can’t take away things and expect return. My daughter is going to be 7 and she learns things from her friends at school, my daughter is empathetic and understanding once I explain things to her but again she’s going to pick up on things. She would repeat cuss words and have to explain why it’s not good to repeat those words. I told her if she doesn’t play or pick up her toys we can give those toys to someone else who doesn’t have toys and she loves that idea. It’s all about communication, because this behavior seems like a need for attention or to be liked by adults, she’s trying to act like them because that’s who she looks up to. Communicate and reflect on who she looks up to because she will copy them.


You are creating the problem. She is 8. She models what she sees. You said finding a new therapist isn’t worth the hassle…to help your daughter? Taking away everything will teach her nothing but anger and resentment. Try volunteering with her. This issue isn’t what she is doing but why. Often only children are raised as mini-adults and it sounds like that is how she is acting. Help her be 8. But that takes work from you, parents, not a nanny. You get what you put into any relationship. You have to work even harder to undo it. If you aren’t willing to put in the time to find a new therapist that really tells a lot.


I think taking everything away for that long is a bad idea. I have a similar issue with my 9yr old. I personally would do a week without electronics and add chores/extra chores to her daily routine. Good Luck!

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please if you can figure it out let me know! my 8 almost 9 year old daughter is the same way :rage: it’s starting to make me miserable and embarrassed!
my daughters attitude is insane too, we have tried EVERYTHING and nothing seems to work :disappointed:
she is like this with adults and with her sister

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You lost me at “Nanny” :roll_eyes:


Its an age thing, kids test boundaries every few years. You would have done same growing up. Kids nowadays push more than we dared yrs ago. Maybe worth having blood test to check not medical. Plus covids had two years of kids lives, try different tactic if ones your doing ain’t working


Yeah I’m sorry. If you can’t see what the problem is I’ll help out a little bit. “Nanny” sounds like you don’t want to be a parent. You created it so I guess figure it out before she hits 13 because once she hits that age with that attitude you have lost her forever.


Maybe she’s just outspoken? It’s not a bad thing for kids to ask questions, either. You shouldn’t try to squash that.


You “didn’t raise her to be like this” but you “know you created a very ungrateful spoiled brat”… something not adding up.


You don’t do the entire summer🙄

Maybe you need to spend more time with her. Why does she need a nanny?


Stop :raised_hand: blaming your child. Change your parenting…she’s got a nanny huh maybe YOU’RE not giving her enough of YOUR time. And she didn’t learn this on her own.


People on this thread is so rude. 1) y’all don’t know why she has a nanny. 2) all the hateful comments about grounding her the rest of the summer…I could understand the hate if she beat her kid but seems like no kind of punishment is acceptable these days but yet parents are expected to raise decent humans.
If she speaks to adults this way imagine how she’d treat a kid at school or in public with disabilities. I’m not saying grounding her that long is right…but this mom is reaching out for advice on how to handle it. Give positive feedback instead of being ugly! Also don’t assume she means til the actual end of summer. She could mean til the end of summer break and a lot of places that’s around 2-3 weeks. I know some places it is longer than that…but don’t just assume.
Mom, not saying it will work but look up videos and movies on why it’s important to be kind and polite. Talk to her and explain to her why it’s important. Ask why she felt the need to say something hateful and go from there. There’s a difference in being outspoken, blunt etc. and just being mean…explain that to her. Teach her to think before she speaks. And most importantly to treat others how she wants to be treated. Good luck momma!:heart:

She’s a child don’t act like one too with her she’s going to learn that she did bad and gets her things taken away and learn nothing when you could sit down have some talks with her about what she says and how it’s rude and can hurt people’s feelings

I let my kids speak there mind. So I don’t see anything wrong with what your daughter said

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Probably not going to be a super accepted comment or advice on this one but here it is. You absolutely “raised” her to be that way or she wouldn’t be that at 8 YEARS OLD!!! And if she were mine I’d whip her ass or smack her mouth but I assure you that if you treat her like a child then she will act like one. You can’t punish her for acting the way the way that she does when it’s obvious to her that there are no boundaries between a child and an adult or her “nanny” wouldn’t be talking to her about her most recent hook up. This whole thing infuriates me. I have 5 children that range from 25 to 11. 3 boys and 2 girls and only 2 have ever even remotely been disrespectful and both as adults (except our oldest daughter who tried the crap out of me starting around 14 but I’m counting her in the 2). You can’t expect her to understand how she’s being disrespectful when there aren’t any boundaries between the parents/grandparents and her little 8 year old mind. She’s a child. She’s supposed to be selfish. Oh and one of ours is on the spectrum and definitely does not have a filter but STILL knew and knows the difference between talking to his friend and talking to his parents/grandparents. At this point taking things away from her is probably going to worsen her behavior because there is no way she can even understand how she’s doing something wrong when she’s treated and talked to like an adult but expected to act like a child :woman_shrugging:t2:

I don’t have advice. My son was a sweet compassionate empathetic kid that followed all the rules then puberty came and he got more friends and a little freedom so adults aren’t always with them and his attitude changed completely. He’s cussing now, not to adults but still I hear it from time to time when hes playing games, sneaking things he’s been told he can’t have, mostly because the medication hes on, and half way or not at all does his chores. I’ve tried incentives, talking, grounding, counseling, etc. Nothing seems to get through.

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Start watching Supernanny and institute all of her advice verbatim. Use a firm tone that says you mean business.


I think all kids that age are the exact same way. My 9 year old is all attitude all the time but it’s not cause he’s a bad kid or because I’m a bad parent. Their bodies and hormones are changing and they have no idea what to do with all that angst from puberty and growing up.

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She kinda just sounds like a sassy 8 year old to me. Simply put. My son told me once that I’m big like a hippo - he likes hippos so I don’t think he even registered that it could be hurtful. Anyway, I believe that there are probably opportunities here to teach your daughter what is appropriate to speak and what should be kept quiet for the sake of respecting others and not hurting feelings. Otherwise, kids can be little jerks sometimes…I think that’s just life lol.


Shes normal it sounds.

Nanny also doesn’t sound very adult if she can’t decipher appropriate conversation and felt the need to tattle on such a silly statement.

Absolutely you are the problem. “I’m going to take away everything because our insurance is too much of a hassle to actually parent.”

Are you trolling right now?


So my 7 yo is like this and I’m with her all day. It’s an age thing.
You have to have that’s not appropriate talks because these kids have no filters.
We talk about why it hurts people’s feelings and how the delivery of the message can be changed with wording.

You have to outsmart the kids

You did raise her to be like this. A sassy two year old is cute, but you laugh then you cringe later. Discipline and consistency


I would start teaching her empathy. Explain to her how her comments, judgements, and attitude might hurt someone’s feelings. “If you don’t have anything nice to say dont say anything at all”. Kids have a hard time putting themselves in others shoes. It will take time but just explain each time she makes a comment or has an attitude how it might make the person shes saying it to feel. Also, i would have a talk with the nanny about what appropriate conversations with a child that age are.


Only child syndrome is real :joy: but you need to put a stop to that while she’s young, imagine that times 100 as a teenager. Good luck with that and maybe try raising her yourself instead of having a nanny do it lol.


Sentences!!! “I will not be sassy” or "I will be respectful "


Sounds like this isn’t an isolated incident but what she said is kinda on par for 7 or 8 year Olds. Last weekend My 7yo son asked my cousins gf mom “why she talked so much” at a family BBQ the first time we met her. He said it while laughing and when I gave him “the look” he was genuinely like “what did I do???” They are at an age where their minds move way faster than their mouth. And they genuinely don’t know that a question is rude. Sometimes talking to them about social queues really helps. I don’t know if you have taken things away from her before but if you have not ,taking things away for an entire summer is quite a lot. I would maybe start with Having a talk with her and then starting a fresh day. We did a log for my 1st son when he was 7, Post it on the wall and when the behavior got out of hand we would move a Paper clip on the paper. 1st was a warning, Then time out to reflect on what they’ve done Then it was a punishment like getting something taken away. If you have been trying to implement good behavior for a while Then try something new. The number one things with kids is staying consistent. If they know that every single time without fail they’re gonna get the same punishment or a punishment when they do something, They usually get it together quick. They are super smart at this age and understand a lot more than we think.

Not sure if nanny means just a regular babysitter or not. I was a nanny. A live in pretty much full time nanny for a couple different families at different times. So when you say nanny is this someone who is raising your child. Is this someone who spends more time with your child than you do? You said you guys tried for another baby but didn’t say if you had one or are pregnant. There are so many other factors that can play into a growing 8 year olds behavior but those are definitely the ones I would start with. You are her mom so be her mom. My kids have a babysitter for a couple hours after school it’s actually day care. But I would never have a full on nanny… I know what was expected of me at 20 years old and I couldn’t mother 5 kids for a mother that was never around. (Because of work and other things). It’s a lot on an actual nanny first of all. Second. If you do have a baby and your daughter is always with the nanny and you have the baby… what are you showing and teaching your daughter… once you’re older and grown up you go with an adult we pay to watch you that you probably don’t even like…? I’m not sure your Situation so I don’t want to judge you harshly just seems like a lot of crucial points are being vaguely glossed over in your post
Go spend time with her. Take her to lunch. A movie. Girls day. That is your daughter. Period


I see nothing wrong with what she said to the nanny :rofl:


Also a ton of nanny shaming on here. Is it the word that triggers you? Would you all have gotten upset if she said babysitter, friend. Doesn’t matter. Of course some people that hire someone else to watch their children don’t spend enough time with them but not always.

Maybe she is just brutally honest.

Yes you did raise her to be like that! You said so !


Parenting is work… But you should do what is necessary for your children.
Find her another counselor.


Sounds like you need to spend some more time with her. Kids will act out any way they can to get attention whether its a good or bad way


Children learn from others. So she had learned the behavior somewhere.
And children are brutally honest and need to be taught what is or is not okay.
She’s only 8.


My daycare kiddo once asked me “where did you and Keith meet?” I said online and she replied back 'so you met on dontwannadiealone.com?" Hahahahahaha still makes me laugh hysterically hahahaha


Shes 8.she will get.past it.

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To be a good parent you can’t not do the right thing because it may be a hassle. Good grief, no wonder your child is the way she is.

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Sounds like you need to watch SUPER NANNY


I was a blunt child. Got me slapped alot lol I can tell you one thing though as a nanny myself. Hiring a nanny doesn’t help that behavior. She’ll walk all over her because she knows that isn’t her parent. I’ve dealt with families that are filthy rich with elevators and theaters in their mansions. Their children would spit at the mother and call her b***h etc. Discipline has to be corrected and taught as early as possible. Speak with her about it and let her know that it’s not nice to be rude to people and if you hear about it again, she will be punished. Be firm in your punishment too. Lots of kids get grounded but instead of the Ipad, they get to play with all their toys. Makes no difference. Hopefully this is just a phase. Goodluck

this is a SPOILED BRAT THING I RAISED 6 born in 10 yrs I knew that I either had order or I had TOTAL. MAHEM. I HAD. ORDER Why do you think GOD gave us the spot we sit on I GAVE MY 1 DAUGHTER A ruler shaped stick that had the words .THE BOARD OF EDUCATION TO BE APPLIED TO THE SEAT OF LEARNING.


Ummm miss ma’am…. WHY would nanny be having an adult conversation like that with her first off but also why can’t she speak as she feels? Don’t allow a child to participate in adult conversations then cry when they have their own opinions on it .


Could be seeking out for attention maybe do a girls day with her just you and her! I have a 9year old girl and a 15month old girl I take out time for both separate times


Jump into the hassle and get another counselor.

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Ok… so you admit YOU taught her this. YOU created this entitled attitude because you had trouble conceiving and thought she’d be your one and only.
And you admit the nanny had an inappropriate conversation with her.

But let’s punish the child when the adults that made the mess get called out.

How about own your part of this. Sit down like an adult and talk to her. Hey, mom and nanny made some mistakes and we need to correct some things. Talk to her about thoughts that should stay in your head and those it’s ok to say. Talk to her and model the behavior for her. My daughter has strong opinions. I would never punish her for that. I have taught her how to communicate without hurting feelings.


Children don’t get it when it hurts others. You need to throw a few " unkind" words her way to let her see how it feels. Or if in the past if she has had her feelings hurt, remind her of how she felt. Unless she is totally a brat it may help to
" knock her down off her throne " not viscously but enough to let her see how it feels. Good luck :+1:


:neutral_face: WTF :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:??
ITs a Hassle to get another one?? Lady better get your ass on that phone and deal with the hassle and get that baby girl another psychologist… why would you not??
Clearly she is hearing and learning that attitude from somewhere, whether it’s YouTube videos, possibly the way you talk? movies, friends, family???

I have an 8 year old myself and she is my mini me. Speaks her mind, but not like your daughter. I really wouldn’t worry about that tbh. She’s a kid and I think it’s funny that your daughter made the comment towards the nanny.

Yes you did! My daughter is 11 and is a punk at home! But anytime she is out or with someone else I get nothing but praise for what a great kid she is! Sometimes I question them who my kid lol


You parents keep buying and giving these little brats whatever they want you created a monster now deal with it she needs a good smack on her ass

I would sit down and have a conversation with your daughter and tell her that what she said hurt your nanny’s feelings and that she should choose her words better in the future.
Sometimes gentle parenting is a better way to go than just taking things away right off the bat.
And if you’re going to take things away to punish her, first explain why you’re doing it. That way she is aware that that behavior will not be tolerated in the future.


Maybe she heard someone say that about her nanny. Must pay attention to what is said in children ear reach. Tell her don’t tell anyone things that she wouldn’t want them to tell her.

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This is normal in my household. I have 3 sons. Pick your battles. Kids and drunks tell the truth


Kids don’t have filters man, they say what comes in their heads, they outgrow it as they mature but seriously I don’t think she should be punished… my daughter pointed out the bank ladies lazy eye, she was about 7 or 8… she just says real loud, mom why is her eye like that? I’m like girl don’t talk about that, the lady was really nice and understanding thank God, there was another time I was giving a friends mom a ride home… she smelled really bad, she was old and morbidly obese… my daughter is in the back seat and she’s gotta shout out from the back seat mom what stinks in here! I’m like idk hunny maybe there’s something in the car that smells bad, she says nope! It’s her mom she stinks…. God I wanted to die… there was another occasion where we were in a ice cream shop and there is a seriously large man sitting at a table eating his ice cream… She runs over to her brother and I see her face and I know she’s about to say something embarrassing so I grab her arm and I’m like you better not say it! She looks at me and whispers, but Mom! He’s going to get stuck ! I look, the man’s belly is squeezed into a booth and his belly is on the table :woman_facepalming: while mildly humorous I’m extremely glad I stopped her from shouting it loud for everyone to hear lol I’m just telling these stories to say it’s 100 percent normal for that age child to say things we think of as socially unacceptable… you teach them how to filter… children are impulsive, grounding her all summer for being a kid is crazy


Ok so did you end up having another child? Not sure how that has any effect on how she is behaving… Especially if you didn’t have another.


My 4 year old asked me: ‘ Mummy, why didn’t God make you beautiful like me?’ :rofl: She has turned out more than okay! :hugs:


My daughter the same way it’s driving me nuts

This is why I believe in selective sterilization. You’re literally letting an 8 year old run over you.

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8 is such a tough age for girls, especially only children who truly end up being mini adults. She needs daily discussions about how we treat people and why. She’s probably seen as a mean girl at school. Let her know that acting like that will leave her with no friends. Be as brutally honest as she is but in an adult talking to a child way. Taking everything away isn’t even close to the answer. Limiting what content she is accessing seems important though. Start focusing on anti bullying information because if she treats adults this way, how do you think she is with her peers? She desperately needs to learn empathy…and you need to take responsibility for this.


FIND a new therapist.


when you spoil your kid rotten from day dot thats all the kid knows, so as the kid gets older they dont know any bettter because thats the world you created for them NO respect NO boundaries NO discipline…
Then you moan your arse off because the kid is now at a age where they can answer you back Oh and its only guna get worse once it becomes a teen :joy: dont you wish you had of said NO when she 1st said mummy can i have :laughing: :rofl: Lol

You did raise her to be like this cause you taught her no respect. I have an only child and he does not get everything he wants. An 8 yr old should have limits and no the word NO and have some sort of compassion and respect for their elders. Go old school and enforce yes ma’am/sir and no ma’am/sir when speaking to adults and whenever she speaks cruelly to someone correct it then and there. Stop spoiling her.


A bar of soap in mouth, a good spanking. Repeat if necessary. Today’s kids have it way to easy. On top of soap n spanking grounded n no luxuries like internet phone or friends visiting. Put her to work on household chores. Stick to the program n she will change. Also talk to her daily about her shortcomings. Need to break that attitude of hers


Find a new therapist, no matter how much of a “hassle” it is, it’s for her and you. It’s only going to get worse. :woman_shrugging:t4:


A :wave:t2: to the ba¢k side is perfectly acceptable


Spankings work great!


Julia Ross-Golen Tough love with consistency.


How about some good old fashioned soap :soap: in the mouth :nauseated_face: worked for my parents and myself :woman_shrugging:t3:


You just said you created this do. Yea you did bring her up. Like this lol


A good smacking might work


We would have gotten our A$$ tore up!

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How about treat her like a child and not let her get involved in adult conversations or be around things intended for adults that’s where the attitude comes from and as for spoilt brat you made her that way how about say no every now and again


So you teach her to rephrase or say nothing.
Manners are always in style


Quite the little monster you created…


How much time is this nanny spending with her instead of you?? Sounds like she could be acting out to get your attention


*If you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all
*Would you like to be talked to that way?
I’d get a new therapist if it was helping before.


She shouldn’t be having adult conversations, then maybe she won’t have an adult-like opinion


She’s 8… maybe she doesn’t realize she’s being rude and when you confront her she is afraid to be in trouble so she lies. There is always a reason behind every action. Put yourself in her little shoes and think like her for a minute. To children… older adults wouldn’t seem attractive lol hence what she said. She was just being honest at the time. It was her opinion from her point of view. Teach her that if she doesn’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. That it is Rude! Think it, don’t speak it. And as for Nana… she should never have adult conversation with a child and expect less than their perspective. Lol that’s just my two cents.

I would talk to the nanny about not talking to an 8 year old about dating

Maybe have a conversation with your daughter, that sometimes just bc we think it doesn’t mean we say it.

Is she around adults all of the time though, she may just feel like she’s grown too. Remind her she isn’t and she is a child…


Why is her nanny telling her adult stories to a child? She’s 8 years old….not 15.
First thing your doing wrong is treating your child like she’s older…


Her response was appropriate for an adult who would talk to an 8 yr old about a dude… what did she think a CHILD would say? Tf?


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