What can I do for itching while pregnant?

Lots of water and palmers lotion

I was induced early bc of it! Tea tree oil helps some

Coconut oil! I had it SO BAD on my stomach with my first, that I have scars from scratching :tired_face: you can buy a tub of it in the crisco aisle :rofl: but it will grease stain your clothes, luckily I had it during the summer so I justnwalked around in my bathing suit top and shorts lol

I had rashes and itched with my third pregnancy with no explanation. Someone told me to try pine tar soap. It doesnā€™t smell the greatest but it helped so much!

Lots of oils(coconut/baby/tea trea) and lotion. The skin is stretching

I had cholestasis with one of my other pregnancies and it was caught at a late stage and i just gave birth to a set of twins and i had it again. But i also had something wrong with my gallbladder as well

I had it in the beginning of my second pregancy, and turned out I was allergic to my prenatals.

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I had the same issue! Used Palmers lotion with coconut oil liberally and it helped a lot!

I was itching like that all over when I was pregnant with my daughter. I took a oatmeal bath and found the right lotion for my skin

For me i itched because of stretch marks being big but find a good lotion

I had this every pregnancyā€¦ I would lather myself in lotion that had OATMEAL in it!!! Helped a little

PUPPS! I had this with my son and I was miserable! At that time in 2007 I guess doctors didnā€™t really research on PUPPS because my doctor couldnā€™t explain it. I had to Google it to find out what I had. Basically it goes away once the baby is out lol but it could take weeks! I got it at 32 weeks and had him at 38 weeks but it lasted well over 4 weeks postpartum. I did have a rash though.

I have nothing to offer as far as suggestions but yes I had the constant itchy skin with both pregnancies.

Yes that happened with my 2nd pregnancyā€¦ they couldnā€™t figure it out so they claimed it was eczema (even though I never had it before) I actually still have some of the itching and sheā€™s 6 months old

Go to your local pharmacy and get Sarna lotion. It is a Godsend.

Prego gravidurim, had it both my pregnancies. Go to a dermatologist and heā€™ll give you shots thatā€™ll calm it down for a minute and if having a csection will probably give a shot to mature babies lungs. Tried looking it up online, keeps going to other things. Iā€™ll find definition tomorrow and post.

Bio oil & if the itching is getting worse donā€™t use your fingernails to scratch it. Use comb so itā€™s safe and wonā€™t cause any marks on your belly.

Iā€™d get tested again.
The only relief I had from it, was a warm bath. I may have actually slept (shhhh) in the bath a few times.

Stop getting pregnant


My friend just told me she had this with her last baby. And it was coleostasis. She slept with ice packs till her arms were numbā€¦ The drs drew a lot of blood at 38 weeks and 3 hours later were doing an emergency c-section. The drs kept telling her it was not. Please demand more tests. She told me their are a lot of risks after 38 weeks.

Check your blood sugar?
I had this too and we never found the cause. It was awful. I was prescribed some medicine with my youngest, that helped some but it made me very sleepy so I didnā€™t take it often.

I had that too but it only stopped as soon as I gave birth both times

I had cholestasis with both of my kids and the itch is unbearable and impossible to relieve. Iā€™d keep getting tested, it can take some time to show up in tests. Itā€™s incredibly dangerous to carry baby past 38 weeks and requires close monitoring of baby until then.

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I did! The tested my liver and everything come to find out it was anxiety and stress related my body was attacking itā€™s self! I was covered in hives they at first had me taken Benadryl it didnā€™t work so they gave me generic zertec I still get hives when under a lot of stress after having my son he is 19months now

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Tecnu scrub and Ivarest cream helped when I had terrible poison ivy. Maybe ask your doc if the ingredients in these would be safe and effective for your itch. Sorry to hear about all this suffering! I just had a tender and somewhat itchy belly from being huge with enigma baby. I wore flowy dresses with as little touching my middle as possible.

yes i did its called Cholestasis talk to you obg or gp it can be very dangerous

I had this in my first pregnancy. No soap in the shower itā€™ll just make it worse. My doctor prescribed me some creamy shower stuff to use instead. Wear loose cotton clothing too. Other than that there wasnā€™t a great I could do :slightly_frowning_face:

Apply oil to avoid stretch marks

Have your liver function checked. You can leak bile which cause server itching

Rub lotion or vaseline on itchy parts. So you donā€™t scratch yourself to death.

I had uncontrollable itching but I wasnā€™t pregnant my legs my arms my back and my chest felt like I had fiberglass all over me and finally it went away but I feel sorry for you cuz thatā€™s just horrible itching all over I know what you going through

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How much water in take a day do you drink I was like that with my twins taking to much water & oil from my body & try baby oil in shower good luck congratulations & many blessings :pray:t3::rose:

I had it with all three of my pregnancies started a couple of weeks before they were born and stopped as soon as they were born. Never found out why or how to stop it

Very natural and with a few more weeks around the corner love u can have warm almond milk and honey before bed. And in the day have a warm or cold glass of water with lemon juice and l

I did! Too many vitamins ! Dr said it was rare but it happens.

One thing I might suggest. To keep your skin hydrated, drink plenty of water. You will of course make a few more trips to the bathroom. This might help you out .At least I do hope so. Blessings

Yes on legs bottom of feet. Hellish.

My daughter had lots of itching had to have her baby week early something goes on with her liver call your doctor now. Now good for the baby.

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Sounds like PUPPP. I had it with both my pregnancies. :frowning: pretty miserable. You provider can prescribe steroid cream. Cool rags helped. Hang in there!


I had cholestasis during both my pregnancyā€™s and it is miserable!!! Nothing helped! They ended up inducing me early both times because of it! Praying for you and your baby :baby_bottle:

I have peripheral neuropathy that causes terrible itching if I donā€™t take my medication on time. I use Sarna anti itch lotion. It works really good for me. They make a regular scent and a gentle unscented formula.

Had this intense itching with pregnancy. Nothing helped except drinking a ton of water and ice packs on the itchy parts.The cold always calmed it down. The water hydrated immensely.

I used Palmerā€™s coco butter lotion all over my body and belly too. Use sensitive shaving cream for your legs. Put the lotion on 3 times a day untill it gets your balance

Yes ask the Dr for a Cortisone cream and the Benadryl gel works well

I had that too! My dr explained this to me. Its the vegas nerve. Its in our bottom an with the pressure of the baby sitting down thereā€¦it puts pressure on the nerve causing histamine to be released which causes the itching.


My husband is not pregnant but he had the same problem always always itching. Drove him nuts, so he went to the Dr. & he has got sclerosis which is a skin disease, he tried everything but the Dr. put him on dupexient the skin dermatologist, they send it to him once a month.

Mix antibiotic anti itch ointment and a light lotion together. Nivea. Has a light lotion. Or try caladryl.

I had it with my first son. Husband in Vietnam and I was with my folks. About last 3 weeks before his birth. Doc told me it was stop as soon as he was born and it did. Canā€™t remember him giving it a name but I thought I would never make it. M I S E R A B L E.

I was diagnosed with pupps in pregnancy. It was horrific with no relief until I delivered. One midwife dabbed a cotton wool ball soaked in mylanta liquid on it which cooled it down a wee bit. :sob: I have no idea how it worked. I ended up being induced. Good luck mumma bear x

Cerave makes the BEST cream called Itch Relief Moisturizing Cream that works in minutes. I had to buy it on Amazon because I couldnā€™t find it in the stores. Try it

Old wives tale with that was: your baby will have a full head of hair. I itched a couple of my pregnancies and both of them had full heads of hair.

Had the same during all five of my pregnancies. Cholestasis only picked up in last pregnancy at almost eight months, when the rash actually showed up. Also had depression during pregnancy linked to this condition. Baby had to be induced early as there was a risk to him. Do get tested again and again. It may be too mild to be picked up at the moment.
Wishing you luck .

I had that with my first pregnancy. I would wake myself up scratching my stomach. Belly was the only place that itched. My Mom and sister was the same way. Didnā€™t happen with 2nd pregnancy. I used Aveeno bath salts and it helped. Also put a cloth diaper against my skin to keep clothes from rubbing it. Worked pretty good.

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I got super itchy at 1 point for no reason went to the er they gave me prednisone it worked thank goodness and no I wasnā€™t pregnant

I had itching really bad the last 2 weeks of pregnancy. Drs gave me zertec for it.

My last dr told me that even though it didnā€™t show up in my blood straight away as having cholestasis it would more than likely turn out to be that . Which a week later it did . I would just ask for a repeat blood test especially if itā€™s something you have had before or family have had it. Nothing will stop it sorry to say x
I tried absolutely everything and nothing helped .

Had the same dr said it was hormones and they can help it

Cholestasis!!! It was miserable and I was induced 3 weeks early because it effect the amniotic fluid available to your baby. I had to get an ultrasound every week and was considered high risk during my pregnancy. After I had the baby, it went away immediately.
Furthermore, this is a hereditary thing and from what I understand itā€™s an issue with your liver breaking down the toxic enzymes and they are trying to escape from the skin. The itching comes from within your skin which makes it extra miserable.

Mine came with a rash 40+ years ago. Canā€™t remember what the doctor called it, but he said it was uncommon to be spread all over. Called other trainees to see it. How embarrassing. I must add that this was at a small US Army Base in Germany. All the medics were there!:pensive:

Call the doctor now! Could be something as little as hormones; however, altered kidney functions may be at play.

Have they checked your gallbladder? I had to have mine removed in my 2nd pregnancy, I was really itchy all over and found out that can be a symptom of your gallbladder not workingā€¦ Choleostasois tends to be itchy only on your appendages. I had that as wellā€¦

Donā€™t wait till end of week. You need to attend to present to your clinic as a walk in and get checked out and get bloods done so they can start you on the correct treatment and so they can put a plan in place for monitoring . In the mean time aveno is really helpful

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I feel you, I kept Aveeno for itching on me but that was 23 yrs ago and as so as she was cut out of me that shit stopped

Same happend in my all 3 pregnancies. Only shower give relaxation for some time. No medicine will help. It will go right after delivery.

You can try Coconut oil.
After bath before drying your body,apply this all over the body,pour another two or three mugs of water, then dab dry your body.Maybe ,if not immediately after 2/ 3 days you feel relieved.
This is a simple home remedy, without any side effects of any kind.

If you are pregnant with a boy it could be pupp

Eat been leaves if available. It is an excellent medicine. Avoid sweets and cakes tomatoes brinjal.drink bittergourd juice

If yr on any medications you could be having a reaction see if you can stop the meds 4 now.

Could you be lacking a certain vitamin? Ck itchy skin on google

Have your thyroid checked. That can cause it also.

With my first child who is 57 , my doctor told me at that time was a lotion called Motherā€™s friend and He said to use shortening ( Solid) to relieve the itching vs the lotion . Maybe a old remedy, but it worked for me .

Cold baths worked for me. Thought was going to claw myself raw.

I had it too. No hot/warm baths or showers. Cool as possible helped. Absolutely donā€™t scratch. Once you do it gets worse. My theory is that the itching is caused by increased blood in the leg veins because of the pressure of the baby in the pelvis. Keep your legs elevated as much as possible.
Compression stockings might help, the kind they prescribe after surgery. Keep them in the freezer and put them on when the itching is unbearable.

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It could be Pupps rash. Your doctor should know but might not. Mine didnā€™t. Itā€™s miserable but if you get grandpas pine tar soap and lather with it in the shower and let it sit on your skin before washing it off it will really help! Put oil on your skin too.

That is the worstā€¦uncontrollable itchingā€¦ugh. I pray you get relief soon!

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Coconut oil. Cold pressed. 3x a day

My niece just had cholestasis and had the unbearable itching. It seems that if your Mom
and Sis had it that it looks like a duckā€¦

Try just running warm water on the itch should go away

Lotion with Aloe! I used suave Aloe soothing lotion :relieved: cools and relieved the itchies immediately for me. Congrats!

The only thing that helped me was Sarna lotion!

Calamine lotion helped me

Vitamin E oil and epsom salt in a bath.

Cocoa butter on your tummy.you can put it in other dry places too

Could be your liver.

Externally apply Neem oil or coconut oil

Please check with your Dr this can be a sign of pre eclampsia

I just lather myself in coconut oil

This happened to me and it was awful. I got a prescription for this only because it required a pharmacist to mix it. Antihistamines also helped.

mine was change in hormones had it when I reached menopause too

Have you tried vanicream?

Once again see your gp Facebook is not a medical siteā€¦

Apply Aloe Vera gel if it helps.

CoCo butter ( Palmerā€™s )

Kirshiah Hopkins any thoughts?

PUPPPā€¦you can Google itā€¦

Call and inform your doctor!

special soap wash ask pharmacy

Men-Phor Anti-Itch Lotion by Geritrex. www.geritrex.com

have the doc check your phosopherus level. no joke