What can I do for itching while pregnant?

Drink more water. The itching is due to the hormones in your blood. It is harmless but annoying. Use hydrocortizone cream for severe itching or lotion.

Get in a warm tub with oatmeal

I had what I believe was called PUPP (not sure it I abbreviated that right) mine was on my hands and feet and across my belly. I was huge with my second, people thought I was having twins. Nope just 1 big babyā€¦ itā€™s caused by your skin stretching, I used vitamin E oil. I got capsules and cut them open and put right on. Higher concentration of oil. Worked great. I recommend pulling gauze pads over them cause it will stain your clothes

Me but mine was stress hives

It could be cholestasis, get a medical review

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I get like that from stress. I havenā€™t figured out solution yet. Sorry

Happened to me recentlyā€¦just itching. No rash no allergies whatsoever. It lasted about 2 weeks. I used baking soda to cool the itching at least twice a day when bathing. Then I used salvon with warm water for a couple days. Also cut my nails down to avoid bruising my skin. Eventually it went away on its own.

I lots of iching with my first from about 32 weeks till the end. My doctor did tests and couldnā€™t find anything wrong, she said it was probably just increased blood flow making my skin feel hyper sensitive.

Iā€™m 29 weeks and have been itching for almost 3 weeks if not more now and just got tested for it on Friday cause I had it with my last baby. Iā€™m afraid to try lotions cause with my last it just made me feel gross cause it would feel like it wasnā€™t absorbing and made it worse so I would shower again. Benadryl doesnā€™t help and my doctor told me to just take 2 at night to knock me out :unamused: I took 2 and was still up till almost 3am. So I guess I can just wait for the test results and see what he tells me next week when I go in. He didnā€™t wanna test me till I reminded him I had it with my last baby. He said it was probably just a reaction to something.
Only thing that helps me -for Atleast an hour- is showering. The itching will go away long enough for me to fall asleep most of the time but if I wake up to use the bathroom itā€™s there and Iā€™m up for another hour or 2 trying to fall asleep again.

My belly was very itchy. The only home remedy that work was putting baby oil on my belly :weary: it only happened a few times but the itching was so bad, it kept me up all night!

Have you considered that the itching may come from too much EMF exposure? Although not while pregnant, I was itching like that. I couldnā€™t fall asleep like normally, because it just felt like my skin was crawling. I just happen to see a list of symptoms from too much EMF exposure. The itching is all over; just thinking it could be at least playing a part in it. I believe that was what it was for me since I have WiFi in my home and work, and either have my phone on me, in my hand, or right beside me all the time.

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I had this and was tested for cholestasis, which was negative. They never knew what caused my itching but a day or two after I had my baby it went away. Only happened with my third pregnancy. Oatmeal baths were all that touched mine and that only helped while I was in the bath.

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Get your liver checked

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This exact thing happened to me. Itā€™s a pregnancy ā€œrashā€ but I never saw anything on my body either, just uncontrollable itching. The only thing that will help stop it is giving birth. As soon as my son was born it was gone. Like a light switch it just stopped

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I itched so bad i have some scars now and i never experienced that in any of my pregnancies i also did blood work and everything was normalā€¦ unfortunately theres not much u can do they told me that happens sometimes every pregnancy is differentā€¦ i would take a warm shower at night and my oldest daughter would help me put lotion and rub my feet it helped a lotā€¦ as soon as i gave birth to my twins the itching instantly stoppedā€¦

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I had this happen in the last 2 weeks of my first pregnancy mentioned to my Dr that I started itching really bad but there was nothing on my skin and I donā€™t have allergies to anything. So they did a C-section 2 weeks before my actual due date. Then my 2nd pregnancy it started early in my pregnancy my Dr did all kinds of tests there was nothing physically wrong with me but the meds that they normally would use for cholestasis did the trick and made the itching lessen where I didnā€™t look like I was scratching through my skin like i was on drugs or something :rofl:

I have this especially on my arm just at the top drives me crazy and if donā€™t scratch it it starts to sting where have to scratch it .was just playing up hence why am awake .an ice pack does the trick for me too stop the itching .

Yes l had it especially on the top of my belly. Sometimes putting like an ice pack on the area would help alleviate the itching. I also did cortisone cream. Sometimes nothing would help though. It just went away with time. Sorry, l hope it doesnā€™t last long. :pensive:

I got given aqueous cream with menthol in. It did really help. As did Eurax and E45 Anti-Itch cream but Iā€™m not sure either of those are made anymore. You need a pharmacist to make the menthol stuff for you. Mine got so bad they induced me as soon as they could! Moisturizer will make it worse.

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With my 3 pregnancies I had the itchy in my hands and legs. It got worst every time my second one I need it to be induce at 8am lucky my kid was born at 6amā€¦ last one I did have itā€¦

Yes I had this also through out my pregnancy. Take Zyrtec it was the only thing that helped me.

I visited a chiropractor that specialized in pregnancy adjustments.

I had pups syndrome with both of my pregnancies. Dr prescribed a cream that helped some with the itching but it only got better after giving birth.

Sarna is the very best anti-itch lotion. DO NOT GET THE ONE WITH CAMPHER (it does not work). This lotion calms the skin and the itch. Also can be purchased as a store brand at CVS and Walgreens.

You need to get to the dr right away, I was like this and I was in multiple organ failure. Spent days in ICU, almost had to do emergency surgery to save me and baby.

My First pregnancy it was my belly i used olive oil and it help after a bath or try coconut oil

I had this so bad that my doctors wanted to take the baby at just 7 months (I refused) Apparently it was a liver dysfunction where the bilirubin backed up due to excess estrogen. I itched literally from head to toe. There were times I took a serrated steak knife to scratch myself. It stopped almost immediately when my daughter was born (at 9 months)

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I had bad itching in my second pregnancy

Oh I wasnā€™t ready to send it eat a snack atb2.00 in the afternoon. Eat oatmeal cake my mom made it with crated carrots crush pineapple cocnut and walnuts .and have nice bath befor e bed oatmeal is very good for the skin the vitamins for skin hair. And nails gummies get that.and ask at the health food store walk but u all Reno lotion before y go or k h let me know how it work eat oatmeal cookies leave out the pineapple.

E46 itch relief will def help

Use a really good moisturizer

Allveeno lotion help eat oatmeal everyday if u not want it for breakfast eat it as a 200 snack

Could be your laundry detergentā€¦ allergies

Hydroxyzine. It works wonders.

Try anti itch cream. They really work