What can I do for my 2-month-olds Eczema?

Tubby todd all over ointment

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Check out Natural Red… I think this was one of the reasons she started her company.

Our doctor said to us Cerave soap and Aquaphor lotion. Only wash baby every few days and put lotion on 3x a day

My daughter is now 15 and has almost grown out of it. She gets a little here and there now but as a baby she clawed at her face and arms. We tried a lot of options but apart from the steroids the only thing that made a big difference was using more natural soaps and washing detergents such as laundry soap nuts.

My daughter suffered with it and it’s just awful isn’t it :confused: sadly it is a case of trial and error until you find something that works as different treatments work for different babies.
If you have no joy longer term with what the GP prescribes ask to be referred to a dermatologist. We saw one and they soon discovered the right combination of creams/lotions but one of the most important points they stressed was to only bath her twice a week as bathing more often than that not only irritates the skin but also washes away the skins natural oils. I hope you find something to ease it soon.

Make sure you are using allergy-friendly detergent for laundry, and check what you eat if you breastfeed. My son was getting rashes that wouldn’t go away, turns out it’s something in a specific brand/flavour of squash I drank that caused it.

Baths are usually not necessary when they’re so small, you’ll come a long way with just a towel and water+baby oil to clean all the creases and stuff. And be persistant, hydrocortizone in combination with moisturizer

Remove chemicals in your house. Swap to all natural cleaners that are primarily essential oil based. Remove anything with scents, perfumes, dyes, sulfates, parabens, etc

Also- cut dairy and soy from his diet, whether you BF or formula feed. If you BF, also cut eggs and wheat.

Dove sensitive skin baby soap is the only thing my daughter can use and her dr prescribed steroid cream.

We use Eucerin cream for babies 2x per day on our little guy and it works really well

Get an allergy panel done and vanicream products are usually what allergists recommend.

I was told oatmeal my kids use or do have eczema I was give 2 cream or 3 n it helps n I also switched the shampoo n lotion to the 1s used for eczema n it changed there skin

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Don’t bathe the baby everyday that actually makes it worse. Every other day to every 2 days will be good and lotion after baths. In-between baths do a wipe bath to clean her neck and tiny rolls they have before bed time so that way it’s almost similar to a bath for them.

This is going to sound nuts. One of the things that worked on my daughter’s worst eczema spots was medicated blistex. The stuff in the blue tube. Put some on a few times a day. Works like a charm.

Google oatmeal/porridge oat baths, doing this once made a ton of difference to my little one

I switched to Arbonne baby wash and creams. It helped my little one ( Arbonne is all we use on her now and she only get gets the occasional spot on in the winter) her eczema was not really bad( bleeding etc)

My daughter is 18 months and suffers from it horribly she has it pretty much everywhere and claws at herself the only thing that has helped and I mean we tried EVERYTHING including steroids was this cream (Triamcinolone Acetonide Ointment o.1%) its the highest dose but her skin cleared up so much and we use baby dove soap and when she starts to show signs of breaking out we put some on her and it goes away again.

Renew from melalueca (sp?) Has worked wonders in my daughter’s psoriasis

We stopped using Johnson and Johnson and started using dove to bathe our son. And we only use Dove lotion too. We also don’t give him a bath every day only either every other day or every two days.

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Mix some cere ve cream with hydro cortizone

Have you looked at possible food allergies?

Try Fitish body cream! Been using this on my 1yr old granddaughter. Works wonders!!!

Tubby Todd all over ointment

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If you haven’t done so yet have an allergy test done. This could be the main culprit. My lo started having eczema around 3 months and @ 6 months was tested. He is severely allergic to milk, soy and wheat. We have tried prescription and non prescription creams. The best is an otc hydrocortisone with aloe.

Lots of lotion on dealing with it with mine

Speak to your doctor about bleach baths. We did this when our baby little, now age 6 and only gets very little exzema. As a baby I think we did it 3 days per week, body only no where near face etc, cleared our baby in weeks. There is a particular ratio from westmead hospital so get ratio from doctor and how often etc. It sounds horrifying and I was horrified when first told but it works

Eczema is a sign of food allergies as well I would look into that

A few drops of salve in bath and rob shin withE45 cream for a few days

I used to use Aveeno baby lotion on my son when he was a baby, and it worked wonders. Hope this helps…

Baking soda in bath water. Works wonders

Mine had it bad. I used to give her oatmeal baths. The water needs to be extra mild on temperature but not cool. I would buy Aveno oatmeal bath mix. It’s much easier to clean than trying to make your own. I’d let her soak in it, but I also used it to make a thick paste. I rubbed the paste on the areas being affected before she soaked or played in the bath. It all washes off.

Its called hydrocodone cream my daughter had it when she was a baby and that stuff was the only thing would clear it up. It too 1 to 3 days.

Wash your babie with aveno or oatmeal in a sock put in the warm water before you put your baby in the oatmeal will sooth the dry itchy skin

Tubby Todd all over ointment. Its kinda pricey but totally worth it

I used to use Blue Chamomile Essential oil on my sons eczema.
2 drops of essential into 5ml of good virgins olive oil
Apply twice a day.

E45 - worked on our son, it is for eczema, suitable for all ages. I usually get a big pump. Not too expensive

My kid has it bad. I have to switch it up or her skin gets used to whatever im putting on her and stops working. Most recently i tried a cbd salve. More wax based. It is a welcome add on to the many things i have for her skin. That cereve stuff and coconut oil work really well too. Hydrocordozone and ani-itch ointments with aloe and neosporen added helps also. But for sure using the same thing over and over is bound to fail for my kid. Lastly burts bees makes an ointment for babies jn a stout round jar that is very useful for almost everything.

I get contact dermititis from so many things. My skin and body is so sensitive. I eat gluten and dairy free cause my stomach can’t handle. And I use all non perfume soaps natural stuff. I also use dreft laundry soap which is for babies cx

It can be so an annoying figuring out what could be the cause. I hope you find out and fix it. Good luck.

Probiotics! We use Olly brand and it’s helped so much!! My son hated having lotion put on his face so having something work on the inside has made a big difference

Apple cider vinegar baths

Baby aveeno products :heart:

I use young living rose ointment and a few different essential oils for baby eczema

Niz lice shampoo lathered in with Dove soap

Creams treat outside of issue not from the inside…baby is having gut issues from a food and its showing you via outside…look into food sensitivies in babies…dairy, eggs, etc os usually it. From ur milk or formula

My son usually gets bad flare ups. I know it might be difficult in the heat but the ped recommended Vaseline. We put it all over the worst spots, put him in full body onzie or feetie pajamas and by morning those bad spots were almost completely gone. Its not a permanent solution but it will give your child some relief

My Grandson has severe eczema. The dermatologist said to use a cap full of bleach in his bath water,it helped and he finally prescribed a medicine non steroid as a last resort when other things did not work. They also use the Vaseline .The medicine is put on ,only about once a week they use the medicine. We have tried every remedy , lotion,ect this is the only thing that is working. He is two and the last month is the only time he has had some relief and comfort. Watch the heat ,it can trigger eczema. The last resort is the medicine . He had allergy testing . He is allergic to peanuts no allergy to dairy . He doesn’t eat peanuts yet he was still breaking out. They took dairy away and this also seems to help .The medicine they used can only be used sparingly .Your baby may be to young for the medicine they prescribed. I can’t recall the name but I’ll ask my Daughter. In box me later and I’ll have the name .I want to make it clear the med was a last resort. These things were tried eucurine cream, aquahor,neem oil,black soap,dove,oat meal baths,baking soda,steroid cream 1% , everything was used . :frowning: . Do not use laundry detergent on the babies clothes if you do…no scented or dyes and still rinse twice ,even detergent that are free and clear can have things that trigger ezema. Doctors would not do allergy testing until he turned two. Becareful eczema can be bacterial or turn fungi.Ask your Dermatologist about bleach baths ( tiny amounts) .

No perfume or scented anything. This includes plug in and candles. Use cetaphil soap and lotion. I’ve had it almost 50 yrs and it’s what helps me. If you have pets this can bring out out breaks as well.

see another dr maybe dermatologist because maybe skin condition or allergy or genetic don’t assume you are doing something wrong because 55years ago when i was babysitting i remember a baby who had skin problems

I use Tubby Todd products on my son and his skin has never been clearer or softer. Tubbytodd.com

Aveeno baby eczema therapy and then on top of that Johnson’s baby lotion the pink one! This has worked for my son.