I am low on the formula for my 3month old son, I have enough to make it through the night but won’t have any for tomorrow, and my paycheck doesn’t hit my account until tomorrow night. Are there any safe substitutions I can use to keep him fed or any resources to help me get formula until I can get paid and get to the store?
Don’t. Reach out to a local group in your area. Guaranteed someone has extra formula laying around.
Long shot but I live around Orlando and have some extra cans of formula you could have!
Private message me if you have a PayPal.
Ask on a local buy nothing group, there are usually mom groups like this too. Someone should have something.
Ask your pediatricians office! My son’s kept sending us home with cans because they kept some on hand for mother’s in similar situations but they had an excess and they didn’t want it to expire.
Mom groups yard sale sites and local baby consignment stores are all good places to look!
What state do you live in? I agree to post in local groups , and ask for some help. If you’re in Colorado . I’ll buy you a can .
Hospitals and doctor office have sample cans they will give
Try searching for free groups in your city on Facebook. My city has a couple and I know some ladies have helped with things like that
People force is a good group to ask everyone helps eachother out in times of need
If you have venmo…PM me
Call your pediatricians office. Sometimes they have sample cans.
Call the pediatrician and ask for samples
Do you have a pregnancy center or food bank? They can often point you to the right direction.
I would read up on goat’s milk. That’s what I used to feed an infant I babysat
I can help if you are in my area
Depending on where you are I will do an e transfer
Or if you have Apple Pay Dm I’ll send you money
Ask in local mom groups, call your local pregnancy aid resources, even local churches and food banks usually have formula or resources to get it.
Call your doctor, or any doctor…most pediatricians will have some sample size formulas. It’ll buy you enough time for a day or two.
WIC wouldn’t cover my sons formula so when we were short on funds and low on formula I would call his Dr and they would give me a 6pack of 8oz powder formula for him it would last a few days for him
If u live around my town I’ll gladly buy u some
Go to the store and buy a can of evaporated milk or condensed milk I don’t remember Google it
There is a group called human milk for human babies check it out Mamas
Check with the pediatric clinic also the hospital might help out since he is so little.
Contact a local church to help you or Health department maybe
Call your women’s and children’s unit in your local hospital. They always have samples. So sorry you’re going through this. Sending hugs and love.
What state are you in?
Call your local police department or fire Department. The non emergency line. You can also contact local churches. Even if they don’t have a program for help they may get you some for now.
Call your pediatrician they should have some samples you can have! Also you can try a food bank some have formula ever now and then, good luck I hope you find some!
I can give u some formula if u r in my area please pm me
Don’t try any homemade remedies it could hurt your baby
Where are you located?
Message me your location and if your around me ill gladly pay
Please ask anyone In your family or friends if they can help you buy formula I’m sure nobody would say no to that!!
Or try food bank if you have one. xxx
Do you have venmo? Let’s all donate a dollar and she can go buy one.
Ask you babies doctor !
Your pediatrician should have samples
Check with local pediatricians/hospitals if they have a sample that you can get. If that doesn’t work, call around to churches and/or local food banks. There should be someone in the area to help! If you’re in/near Genesee county michigan pm me and I can help.
Social service or the churches
Where do you live PM me ill buy you some!
How much is formula in America? (im UK) can we send OP some money to get some?
Call your baby’s doctor and let them know your situation they should be able to give you some.
I have cash app I can send money to you.
This is a very old recipe that was used before formula, was widely used. You might have these things in your pantry… The quantities have changed somewhat because cans of evaporated milk, are now only 12 oz. 1 can of Evaporated milk (12 oz) mixed with (18 oz) water that has been previously been boiled and 2 Tablespoons of Karo corn syrup or white sugar.
You could use zip pay online at Safeway?
Do you have cashapp? I will gladly cashapp you the money for a can!!!
Ask you baby’s pediatrician they are able to provide you with a non-sale can of formula i used to do this at every appointment and i wld save them for emergencies
If you haven’t gotten any yet please PM me I’ll Amazon Fresh you some or pickup at your local Walmart or whatever.
Get food stamps? That covers formula
Also… Church’s,there’s usually a crisis pregnancy center in most places,also your pediatricians office gets samples they give out and check with your obgyn and see … They get tons and tons of samples … my son ate the first 2 months on samples my ob gave us
I’ve heard of people using goats milk
Try Facebook breastfeeding Groups arround your area some moms donate breast milk.
Pm me. I can add your name to an instore pick up for you to get you thru. Let me know what store and brand.
Don’t hesitate to PM me. I will cash app you some money so your baby can eat.
Mamas Uncut please have whoever asked to post this to be the right person for some people offering money. Anyone can comment and say its them that asked this to be posted
I work in a pediatric office and we give out samples all the time. We are giving cans
All of you on here being very generous in offering to buy her formula but you don’t know this person or if it’s a scam. The smartest thing would be to find out the area and pay for it through online grocery pick up and have her pick it up from a Walmart Hy-Vee or another store that offers the service.
Moms helping moms is a great thing but somebody taking advantage of you is unfortunately a real possibility now days.
You can also apply for wick . Wick will pay for the formula
Have you found any yet? Do you have Apple Pay or anything like that? I could send money or you can probably call babies Dr. office or your obgyn? Both of mine always have samples… I’m sure even just your local hospital or dr. Office might have some
Pm me and i can have some sent and at your house by morning. No shame momma, everyone goes through tough times.
If u are in my area louisa virginia by any chance i have a can of similac soy formula i would be happy to give u.
Can you ask your local community for some? I live in a community that we all help one another youd be amazed at how caring strangers can be near you. I can also mail some to you for stock. Also I know the evaporated milk recipe is safe for babies.
Send me your cash app I’ll send you some money for the babys milk if someone hasnt already
Did anyone cash app her yet
Call your pediatrician’s office! They usually have free samples! Also, i have seen formula at local food banks!
Pediatrician, food bank, any friends or family you can reach out to?
Everyone telling her to go to Pediatricians office or OB, do realize it’s Saturday evening?!
Would help knowing what area she lives in I have a lot of samples
If he is on Enfmil Gentleease. I have an extra can you can have
You can message me !
Also Michigan has wic program, do other states, its for
They give vouchers for milk, cereal, eggs, formula, cheese, peanut butter, juice etc.
Walmart takes checks and they take a few days to clear so if you write one today it won’t clear the bank till monday
Pm me, I can help if your still needing it
What state are you in? That may help with people closer to you?
the girl Lindsey Pincoski seems to be lying
Ask your pediatrician, mine always gave me all I needed
Swallow your pride and ask for some
Your pediatrician office can help to they recieve free samples all the time. Also a catholic diocese is really great to turn to.
Mama’s uncut, you can’t do posts like this if y’all can’t discreetly manage it. It’s awesome so many want to help, this is just not the way to do it.
For all of you who came together to help her and all the people who wish they could. You guys are awesome!
Admins are you asking questions as to whether this is legit or not? If people want to venmo or offer to send money i would hope you would be doing your due diligence in asking questions to make sure this is not a scam to protect your group members since this is an anonymous post
Pediatrician can give out free samples.
Everyone keeps mentioning her pediatrician, tomorrow is Sunday … a long time ago, you were able to print free formula sample coupons, since I no longer have babies I dont know if that is still an option, enfamil allows you download an app for coupons, hopefully a free sample option. Check your local mom’s fb pages.
Contact your pediatrician. Why have you waited until the last minute. Plenty of resources out there to assist.
I don’t know where you live, but I have a ton of sample cans of different types of formula. If you’ll private message me your sons type I’ll see if if I have it and send it to you tomorrow via USPS. Prayers for you mama. I know how hard life can be. Stay strong!
Contact your local obstetrician. The hospital usually has samples on hand. You can call up & ask to speak to someone in the birthing unit & they’ll likely help you out. If not, venmo is free to set up & myself included, it sounds like you have quite a few fellow mommas willing to help.
No. Are you on WIC? Also check into a Planned Parenthood or a Motherhood/pregnancy clinic in your area, they should be able to help.
Yes I can vemno a dollar or so!
Post on your local FB children’s site. Guarentee some momma will help you out.
Go to a WIC office they will give you formula.
How can we ensure this baby has formula?
Most of these suggestions won’t get that baby fed tomorrow, as it’s Sunday!
Where do you live? I have some nestle powder formula I could give you.
Its been proven that the lady claiming to have posted this was a scammer ! She deleted her comments on this post also!
Go pawn something…
Carnation can milk. Pour it to 3oz. N top it off with water. He wont get sick or anything it will help when ur down n out.
2 hours and no update from the Anonymous poster?
Has she not seen her own post?
Issue resolved?
Admins update please
Very interesting how the “OP” is only commenting on people who want to send money. Which she has admitted to her daughter being one. This is why is hard for people who really do need help to get it because of people like this!
Most doctors offices have sample cans they can give out maybe call and see if they can help?