Hair dye works? Worht a hot
Cheap conditioner for an hour.
We battled lice for years all my children have thick hair …one of the reasons we decided virtual during covid cuz how could they not catch covid if they came home from school with lice 3 times a year and with 4 kids that’s alot… they have not had lice since virtual school started last march. But I did start using a coconut shea butter oil treatment that kept them from getting infested unless I forgot to apply it in the mornings.
KP24 it doesn’t always kill all the live nits (I call the larger one super nits as they don’t seem to be bothered by any treatment and have a tolerance built up. Try find a head lice specialist in your area that remove them from your hair for a price (it’s so hard to do your own hair) They will have a list of things for you to do at home. Eg change/ wash bedding, sweep, mop and vacuum your floors, tie up your hair, clean your clothes/hats, spray on repellents ect
Don’t forget the car seats!
Always use cheap conditioners as it’s only to help remove the eggs off the hair shaft.
Your children maybe picking them up off other children/people your in close contact with. So always let people know if you have been in recent contact with them.
Bleached my hair and dyed it a fun funky color when it happened at our house a few years ago with my daughters classroom at school , I felt like I couldn’t get them off me . ( maybe just a feeling ) anyway we succeeded with treatment on all of the kids but I chose to cut my hair bleach it and dye it to make sure I killed any thing .
Tea tree oil shampoo they hate it
Thears nothing you can realy do to get rid of it for good , but buy you some lice shampoo wags with it every do often wash all clothes in house , suffocate stuffed animals if any in the house , pillow cases put plastic on bed and take up carpets in house
I did the OTC treatment then had someone comb and comb and comb then lathered my whole head with coconut oil for like over a day I kept it in since it suffocates them, rewashed my hair with the same OTC shampoo also with tea tree and just had someone keep combing them out until it was gone almost a week later. I also either threw everything away or washed it in hot water. Good luck!
All the treatments in the world don’t work. Get a metal flea comb from the pet shop, wash your hair, slap on a lot of conditioner and comb it through. Do this every 3 days until 3 weeks after you see the last nit.
Comb once a week just to make sure they’re gone
Chemicals are pointless because they keep evolving to become immune to the treatments
I’d still use any of the recommendations above, but in between treatments I’d wash only with teatree shampoo, or I’d add some essential oil to my regular shampoo.
Growing up my mom only washed my hair with that, and kept my hair in braids or updo with hairspray.
I’ve never gotten headlice in my life.
Even during breakouts in school.
Here’s how I won my battle. I Tried every otc med and all the home remedies(dye,tea tree, alcohol) was finally successful after having them professionally removed. It’s pricey but worth it. Battled them for almost a year. They also provided good education
Make sure you’re treating EVERYTHING. Your bedding, your mattress, the couches, the carpets, even the seats in your car. Treat your head and all of that at the same time. Treat all the things after 7 days. Then at 14 days treat your head and the objects again.
T tree oil mixed with Mayo and wrap with Saran Wrap. Mayo smothers the lice and the tea tree oil also. Leave on as long as possible at least 2 hours
If you put.a cup of apple cider vinegar.on the hair and wrap your hair in a towel let it sit for an hour,then comb it out with a nit comb,it.will not kill the lice but the vinegar loosens the nits so they come out easy.
Go to the drug store tell them you need something to kill head lice. Wash your hair in it two three times wash all your bed clothes your clothes, every one in the house must do this together.
Treat everyone in the house and all the bedding. And use a flat iron daily for a few days. Go as close to the root as you can get, it’ll burn off any eggs you may have missed.
I have four kids and I’m a hair stylist. I’ve been through having it myself and all my kids having it as well over the years.
Cheapest and most effective way is coating hair and scalp with rubbing alcohol then covering head with plastic bag or wrap to suffocate lice. Then deep condition and the biggest part is you MUST hand pick out the nits. Have a friend help you because it’s impossible to do this on your own. Repeat process after 3-4 days to get any last nits that have hatched that you may have forgotten.
I would always just shave my boys hair because it grown back and it’s such a pain in the ass to pick them off kids hair.
Hope this helps!
Before we got custody of my SO’s oldest two we had to treat our whole house every other weekend for a year. For the boys we just shaved their heads. For our daughter we used a RID lice treatment aerosol spray which I didn’t even know was a thing until then. They make one for hair and another for the furniture/carpets. We always got both. You need to make sure you put everyone’s bedding/jackets/hat’s in the laundry room and spray down all the furniture and carpets after you treat everyone’s hair. Then after it has time to sit and dry, vacuum. That’s what worked for us! Oh I also sprayed down the bedding and jazz before we washed it just to make sure they didn’t migrate from there.
Mayo, tea tree oil( they hate that) and dye your hair, make sure to wash EVERYTHING! AND I do mean everything in hot water, and comb, comb,comb thru…
Use tea tree oil in your shampoo
Straight tea tree oil. Wash blow dry and flatiron.
It’s the simplest things to get rid of, all you need is a good fine tooth combe and hair conditioner…
Also get some tee tree oil shampoo/conditioner to use daily
Tea tree oil shampoo . Hair dryer or straightener also look into live free spray
Go buy this asap!! I used it once on my kids and we were done.
Wash/dry everything on hot , have your dr call in prescription lice medication, use as directed, retreat in 14 days with same prescription med. don’t have any sleepovers or let kids go to sleepovers. The 2nd treatment will kill any Nits that may of hatched out. Use tea tree oil shampoo for maintenance. Do not fall for any home remedies they will not work.
We kept getting lice as kids and my mom went through everything and they kept coming back.
She was forgetting about the car. Treat your car.
Straighten your hair. My kids had lice and I never got them. It took so long to get rid of them in my daughters hair and I finally ran the straightener through her hair and got rid of them for good
I had a lady come In to do my kids and she uses conditioner and sections it in small sections and combs it out til it’s gone as u pull comb through with a lot of conditioner u wipe with paper towel and then as u comb until there is nothing coming off each small section
It your son gets it again, you’re better off shaving hjs head. If you get it, you could shave your head- if you’re worried about confidence, look up Brad Mondo videos!
Mayonnaise!!! Cover your entire head/hair, put a bag over it and leave all night. It’s disgusting and stinks to high heaven but it works. Wash everything and vacuum. My daughter had long hair and it worked like a charm.
Talk to your doctor and get some good prescription stuff. Our whole family got it from the kids I used to babysit and we had it gone in two weeks after using the stuff from the doctor. We threw out all of the hair brushes, clips, elastics and everything else that touched our heads too and fogged our house.
Tea tree oil shampoo
Prevention tips: Put tea tree oil in your shampoo bottle, I found this to work best as a prevention. And use a metal comb to comb thru hair to ensure you get all the knits/eggs, comb thru everynight for a good week after treatment
My daughter had it and it was a B*#$% to get rid of. I used the lice shampoo combed thru her hair for about an hour , about 30 min later poured a whole bottle of sea breeze on her head let it sit rinsed it out combed thru it again. Then that night had her sleep with coconut oil on her head with a wm sack. Then for a week straight every night I combed thru it for nits. I threw out all her furry pillows and bought 4 cans of the spray washed everything I could think of and sprayed my entire house including my car seats. It was such a pain in the ass but we haven’t gotten it since
Start putting a few drops on tea tree oil in your shampoo along with washing all your sheets, pillows, blankets and clothes in HOT water. Use the lice removal kits with the metal tooth combs. There should be a spray you can use on furniture. After washing pillows tie up in trash bags to suffocate any possible remaining lice. Good luck!
See if there is a lice clinic near you so they can help remove it from your hair and then make sure you’re cleaning everything!
Literally all you need is the nitty gritty comb it gets rid of lice and eggs! Amazing!!! Honestly please try it
Soak your head in mayonnaise and wear a shower cap to bed…next morning all dead and easy to get out. When my kids were younger nothing else worked and they had long hair
Dawn dish soap works awesome use it like your shampooing the hair just use more dawn soap and once you have the dish soap on the hair put a walmart bag over the head for 20 to 30 min then rinse comb out. I have 3 girls with long thick hair and this works so good!!!
Mix mayo and Vaseline. Coat head. Put plastic bag over head. Keep on several hours. Wash hair… comb out well!!
Have to make sure you’re doing all bedding, furniture, seat of the car. You’re probably treating your hair correctly but are picking them back up on something you haven’t cleaned. Wash everything you can’t trash bag and sit outside everything you can’t. Regular lice shampoo usually works fine but get a friend that knows what they’re doing and gets all the nits and any survivors out. There’s millions of home remedies but if you comb it well and wash everything you should be good to go.
put witch hazel in your shampoo. it’s how we keep them out. make sure to wash your bedding and jackets car head rests its annoying but take the time and they will go
This my sound mean but our mom put black flag spray and would wrap our heads up in a towel it works
Get tea tree oil add to all shampoo & hair Detangling spray. Been doing this since son was in daycare & still do he’s 1st grade
Try cutting your hair a little shorter than use the shampoo for lice and blow dry on high. Get your hair really hot.
Rinse your hair in vinegar mix and do that periodically to help prevent. Blow drying is a must they hate heat. Dry your pillows on high heat weekly. The electric lice combs do work. Tea tree oil in shampoo is a great prevention tool
My granddaughter has had it 1 time and used this on her hair and she has never gotten it again. Cetaphil body wash. Saturate you hair with it leave it in overnight and then wash out next morning.
Straight up, dye your hair. Wait a week and do it again (same colour even)
Treat every one in your home at the same time
Make sure you get all the nits out. the comb is useless. pull every single nit out by hand.
Tea tree oil works really well, downside is ur hair will.look greasy. But it works
My mom always used mayonnaise on your head. Leave it on for at least 5 minutes then shampoo off. It always worked.
Saturate two paper towels with raid or hot shot Rub through hair just the strands. Use a shower cap or plastic bag wrap all the strands in it. Let in for 20-30 mins wash out.
Get rid of brushes combs and buy new. wash all bedding in hot water
U may need to repeat if you find more in a week
This is the only product that worked for my family when my kids were little…
First of all you have to get militant about it . throw out all you combs , brushes , hair bands , etc or boil them for 10 min if you cannot. Buy new .then wash all your bed linens , jackets , sweaters , hats ,then put in a hot dryer for 20 min .your pillows too . hot dryer …then buy something called lice free .follow the directions this is non toxic .you can use it on babies . then go through your hair with a nit comb .this comes with the kit. In the lice free box .after you are done maybe a trusted friend will go through your hair. And make sure you got them all . if you live with others. Better check their heads too .these little creatures are monsters . if you find there is then boom drop the same regime on them .one wk later do it all again !! This is important . wash everything use a hot hot dryer and boil that nit comb too. Good luck .crush , kill , destroy ! Good luck
My granddaughter gets lice at school at least once a year. This stuff works really well. I keep it in my medicine cabinet.
This will help big time to stop them from getting them back.
To get rid of them wash everything. Your sheets their sheets. Any clothing that may have been on the beds, all clothing that may have been cross contaminated. But up all stuffed animals and fabric like or dolls with hair. They can get in the rug. Search all heads (almost hair by hair) regularly for nits. Also look for freckles on their head. They are not freckles, it is a louse that is about a week old. Also look for teeny tiny black specks. They kinda look like a flake of lead off a #2 pencil, that is a louse that is only a few days old.
As much as it is embarrassing you should tell family and friends that may have been exposed. If they have them you will get them back from them. It is not uncommon to discover that you still have them 3 months after you thought you got rid of them. Watch for them to scratch, if they scratch 2 times ya better look.
Live shield does not kill them but they will defently prevent re-infestation as well as prevent the first infestation. After I found this stuff I never had to deal with lice again. Now I have 7 grand kids that have never got it because of this stuff. During coat season I also get the spray and spray their coats, scarves and hats every monday, Wednesday and Friday.
So I battled lice for a while with my daughter.
Here is my recommendation and what we did to get rid of them completely.
- Treat everyone in the house even if you don’t see nits. Keep the lice treatment on overnight with a shower cap on. I know it say not to but do it. I was a medical assistant and one of the doctors told me it will be fine. The active ingredient is the same they use to treat scabies and to treat those it is overnight. We used the foaming treatment started with dry hair and made it soaking wet. The next morning. Wash everyone’s hair and while it’s still wet go through with the bit comb. This should take at least an hour per head if they have long hair.
- Wash everyone’s bedding and anything that can be washed in the rooms that isn’t clothes. Dry on high heat
3 throw away every brush in your house. - Vacuum every room in your house and vacuum the mattresses. Throw away the bag or dumb the canister. Buy new filters for your vacuum. Put the vacuum in the garage for two days.
- Get as many of the lice killing spray as you can and spray everything down in your house. Get the couches, mattresses, pillows. The carpet. EVERYTHING.
- Close the doors to every bed room and don’t sleep or hang out in them for a couple of days. Lice can live if they don’t have a human to attach to for 24 hours. We closed off rooms for 4 days to be safe. If you can afford it I recommend just staying at a hotel for a couple nights that way if they are on the couch or anything they die there as well.
- Buy a spray bottle and put water tea tree oil and peppermint oil in it. Every morning just spray your hair down with it. Lice do not like tea tree or peppermint so we use it to be safe.
We also do a lice treatment on everyone once to twice a month just in case but after we did all of this we haven’t had any lice come back
Go to your Dr. and get his/ her advise. Sounds like a lot of home remedies going on here and some may work and some may not, but really kerosene pretty scary. Ask you Dr. for advise please!
After many months of battling those shits in my daughters hair I finally broke down and soaked her head in teatree oil. It was greasy for a week or so but they never came back
Tea tree shampoo works great to keep them away after you get rid of them.
After you treat your hair, wash and dry all bedding, stuffed animals, pillows. Spray alcohol on everything couch, bed and pillows. Then when your hair is dry, run a straightener through small sections at a time. This will kill nits the lice treatment didn’t kill.
I do equal parts of baby oil and tea tree oil. Wrap head overnight. If necessary, a second treatment. I’ve never had to do a second one though. Wash everything too, bedding, pillows, etc.
Put a jar of mayonnaise in your hair, then wrap it up and let it sit for an hour. Then wash your hair and use a lice comb. Be diligent and repeat daily until the problem is resolved. Wash every sheet in your house. Steam clean your bed if possible. Wash all your worn clothes. Wash your pets with blue dawn.
Use the lice comb everyday! Especially in the shower while the conditioner is in your hair.
we couldn’t stop catching it in elementary. my mom smothered our hair in mayo, slept in it with a Walmart bag over it. woke up, took a few times washing to get it out, ran a lice comb through. we never had lice again
Lice be gone or mayo
I work somewhere that lice is quite frequent. This is the only thing the public health nurse recommends! It’s over the counter and there’s a bottle for 2 treatments ( a week apart) always works like a charm !!
In the Philippines, we don’t use any chemicals nor oils to remove lice. Mother usually sits with her child for like 5-10minutes and remove it especially those itchy eggs, one by one.