They mad if you discipline your kids, and they mad when your kids are not disciplined.
We got our a$$ busted more times than I can count we got our mouth smacked for disrespecting had my mouth washed out with soap for cussing and had to pick our own switch a few times! No mental damage occurred we learned respect! That’s what is wrong with kids now we pamper them and let them be little assholes and blame the kids because they have “changed” kids haven’t changed Adults have kids have no reason to be good because there’s no repercussions if they aren’t. We had the fear of dad and God kids fear nothing and that’s why they act like they do
Also… y’all wonder why y’all’s kids act up,back talking,sneaking out,all this shit cuz y’all afraid to lay a hand in them cuz they cry abuse, it’s not abuse. If my kid ever back talks me you’re damn right I’m slapping you in the mouth bet they won’t do it again
No discipline is exactly the reason all these kids have so many issues! Kids are not the authority figure!!! What roles do parents play if kids are boss?
Tell them what you stated here. I hear people saying don’t invite them in. I think that sounds like you have something to hide. They have these cases all the time.
Long as no marks were left you have nothing to worry about. They will encourage you to discipline him just leave no marks.
I don’t agree with hitting your kid with a belt. That’s too far, if you went after another adult with a belt that would be criminal charges. I do think perhaps getting the therapist involved (maybe adding an emergency appt) here and there would be good. Perhaps he has an undiagnosed mental illness, etc. I would keep his room just bed and dresser/clothing like others suggested. Look at if there’s been any bullying at school, or life changes for him that he’s very unhappy with. Something is going on and I’m sure you’re frustrated
I how what youre going thru feels. DO NOT trust CPS. They will act like a friend that just wants to help. Then they will take everything you say to them and use it against you. I would be very nervous if i were you. Always record interactions and DONT sign anything without an attorney. Hope it turns out ok. My thoughts are with you
It’s not abuse and those saying it is are ridiculous. I was abused as a kid and i would have took a belt over what i had.
Talk with the cps lady she might mention sending him to some kind of boarding school for misbehaved kids.
Have you ever been whipped with a belt? Because I have and there’s not a single child that deserves to get whipped with a belt, idgaf what they do, they don’t deserve it. There’s obviously something that is seriously bothering your child in order for him to be having such behaviors. Perhaps you should try counseling or something to try to figure out what is wrong and going on with him. A belt is mostly definitely a weapon and for anyone who thinks otherwise, is fucking ignorant and need to get whipped themself so they can feel what it is like . It’s only going to make things worse and when your child grows up he’s probably going to hate you, as well as having serious issues because of the unhealed trauma. Get help. And get him help.
Good for you , stick with the punishment, & I always told my kids that if they didn’t like it here they i would call c p s , , he’s going though a stage & I pray it gets better & when c p s comes I don’t think u have a thing to worry about, they might tell u not to use a belt , god bless & good luck
In Oklahoma if you hit with anything other than hand it is considered child abuse.
Just fully cooperate with them. Does he have any bruises? If so that may be a problem. It’s okay just remember to breathe. Don’t try to dodge them….they will never go away if you do that
If he has no marks you’re fine. We had some kids we were semi fostering (we had them as an emergency plan for a neighbor) well one of the kids wouldn’t stop climbing on the cars in front of the case worker and she pulled the kid off her car and swatted her bottom and told me if they kept it up to swat them, I said I don’t feel comfortable with that I don’t want to be in trouble and lose my kids and she said spankings are perfectly fine as long it’s below the waist and leaves no marks. (I still never whooped those kids cause I aint touching someone else’s kids and their bio dad came from out.of state and got them a few days later) but some kids genuinely don’t respond to anything but a small swat here and there I was a hard headed kid.
Your what is wrong with this world & to why everyone is so coochified
Be truthful and I sure wouldn’t act nervous to my child about it.
Granted I have never used a belt on my kid, I got a switch when I was being a brat when I was little. Tuned me right up. I vividly remember those tiger stripes across the back of my legs. Am I some damaged adult now? No. Can I still function in society? Yes.
All these people saying “omg you did a horrible thing” until they are in the position do what you think is best as parents. They don’t give you a manual when the kid is born and no parent is perfect.
First of all, I’m sorry a lot of these comments are just attacks against you instead of offering helpful advice. The school is obligated to report any allegations of abuse to CPS. At your meeting, I would just explain everything and ask about any resources that may be out there to help you and your child. If you are worried about them taking your kid after one incident, you don’t need to worry. One of the goals of CPS is to keep families together if it’s possible. Also, you may want to see if his father can be at this meeting because, if he’s responsible for child rearing as well, you will both need to be on the same page and be consistent with punishment. Children need routine and structure.
Some of you little kids commenting have no clue. Do the ones commenting telling her she is a bad Mom even have children?? Have you dealt first hand with children being flat out disrespectful and lazy and unruly? Or are you yourself a spoiled and entitled child yourself? Seems like it by all the comments.
News flash…laws vary state to state. Spanking on the behind is NOT ABUSE. It is discipline. Stop belittling her. You do not know what she goes through with her child. All of you perfect parents are going to end up with spoiled, entitled bullies (taking after their moms) who want to be “social media wanna bes”.
They will likely dismiss it. Something similar happened to us.
Has he been evaluated? It sounds like he has ODD. Sending you some prayers
I think there’s a difference between discipline and abuse. If an adult does something wrong are you going to “whoop” them??? No, so why a child? It does more harm than good, that’s from someone who got abused as a child.
Find more effective ways to discipline him without abusing him. A small smack on the back of legs is discipline, whipping someone with a belt is abuse. Learn the difference before you make your child terrified of adults.
A judge one time with CPS and I told us in the Courtroom on record, " Your parents own you from the top of your head to your toes", as long as you don’t leave a bruise, you are allowed to spank your child"!! That’s the problem with children today, they don’t get enough discipline and look where the schools, bus drivers, childcare center are at now. Children shooting each other, children hitting teachers, etc…I can say, your going to be fine . COS has more other suppress conditions to worry about. And , honestly, the CPS system is so broken right now. It’s weird they called you, they usually show up unannounced.
Hopefully they can do their job and help you with help with your child who behavior is definitely in need of an evaluation. Don’t let anyone tell you that your a bad mother for spanking your child! My daughter was 17 years old when I turned her over my knee for thinking she was going to put me against the wall. I could have easily taken her down, but I turned her over my knee and I whooped her hind end! First and ONLY time she was ever spanked! My 2 sons was only spanked twice from me! Sometimes talking, and pulling electronics doesn’t always help.
why would you resort to violence to teach your kid right from wrong?
I don’t know what state you are in but from a former CPS worker you will be fine. They will talk with you both. See if there are any resources that can assist you both like therapy or some other classes. This type of case is common. If you didn’t leave marks by using the belt you should be ok. I’m sure the son is not scared to be with you so he won’t be removed or anything like that. But if he does say is scared of you they will try to see if someone in the family can temporary allow him to stay there. I don’t see that happening. It may be an open case for 30 days or more or close within 45 days if you have done what maybe asked of you.
As long as there is no marks your fine, let them know he lied and why, they will close the case in 3 to 6 months if there’s no more complaints. Meanwhile the teacher over stepped some as there was marks they do have guide lines to follow, only thing you can sue a school for is gross negligence. Teacher had no proof cept child’s word and he was mad.
You are allowed to whoop them discipline him. As long it between his back and legs. You didn’t beat him and leave marks all over him so I wouldn’t worry about it. Calm down if will be alright.
Iv had a so called friend call on me for hitting my kids. ITS NOT ILLEGAL. Cps in my area told me u are aloud to spank your child as long it’s a open hand, no weapons, and no marks. Also in the report it claimed I smack my kids in the face but it got dismissed since there was no visible marks ( and I don’t smack there face hell I barely even spank) they closed my case withen the week.
Today’s super sensitive and everything offends me mind set. Is part of the reason why children are like they are now. Spoiled disrespectful and a plethora of other things. I date a CPS worker and she says the same thing. You can use corporal punishment as long as it’s not excessive or leaves bruises. And how many of our parents whooped us. And we turned out ok
Here in upstate NY if you don’t leave a mark nothing can be done.
I’ve always been told only with an open hand and no marks. That’s in Michigan
Tell him you are letting the cps people take him into foster care! lol
Speaking as an adult with ADHD raising two kids with ADHD, what if CPS decided YOUR discipline for their involvement was losing everything YOU enjoyed and still being beaten with a belt? Does that sound irrational and unreasonable of them? Hopefully they give you the education you’re clearly lacking.
Wow! He lied about you hurting him! I don’t have great advise, but I’m feeling a bit emotional about this. I lived this! My son began at a very early age lying and manipulating. It caused complete chaos and devastation in our entire family. It was hard!!! CPS were called on several occassions due to him either lying or exaggerating things that actually happened. Of course we tryed taking things away etc… even stripped his room of any luxuries a few times and nothing worked. I took him to the doctor, had him meeting with school counselors, we went to therapy as a family. By his teen years he was out of control. The lies were constant, they were hurtful and we ultimately let him go stay at his father’s at nearly 17. His bio dad had never fully believed me until he had him move in with him. This is only my opinion, nothing more. For a young child to lie to hurt you is a sign that their could be mental health issues. All children tell lies or fib. I’m speaking of hurtful, harmful lies like you hitting him in the face etc… (I’m assuming you’re being truthful about what happened and my thoughts are based entirely on that)
In our experience, CPS seen through to the truth. My son’s stories were not solid. All were unfounded and sealed. Hopefully you will have descent caseworkers that have experience and will find out the truth. Please seek therapy and psychological treatment for your son. This started for us 25 or so years ago, back then, noone ever suggested this could be a mental health issue. We didn’t know! In early adulthood my son started using drugs, the web of lies worsened, behaviors increased, and things went downhill fast! Sadly he passed last year from OD. I wish I would’ve known when he was a child!! Not one doc or counselor even suggested this!! Please explore this if behavior continues
Spanking your child with an open hand and smacking them 3 times with a BELT is a whole nother story to me. But not my monkey not my circus. As far as your question it really depends on the state I believe. In our state it’s legal to spank your children with an open hand on the butt as long as it doesn’t leave a mark, a girl I know spanked her daughter with a wooden spoon and her daughter told the school who called CPS and she was required to take parenting classes and their case was open for a year. CPS really tries to do whatever they want.
My father loved me unconditionally. We got whooped when we deserve it…the problem now days are parents are afraid to discipline their children and it shows- kids now days have ZERO respect, accountability, work ethics…they feel they can do whatever they want. Kudos to you mom- it is NOT easy. I would try counseling- FYI make sure you find a GOOD counselor. Hang in there- can definitely tell you love your son- and its soooo hard having to go through this!
This has happened to me. The lady came to my house one time after CPS was contacted by the school. She spoke to me in person and my husband over the phone. Because my daughter was in 5th grade, got her butt spanked one weekend, told someone at school and the school contacted CPS. She literally just asked me if I spanked her. Told her I sure did and unless she wanted to raise my daughter herself then she needed to leave my house. After speaking with me, she said that she could tell my daughter was in a good home, case closed and that was the end of it. I will say that we had spanked her with a hand, not a belt, so not sure how that factors in. But if you’re not beating your kid and leaving welts and bruises everything should be fine. If they had immediate concern they wouldn’t set up an appointment with you. They would’ve come straight to your door.
Pretty sure a belt is a no no when it comes to cps, you can spank your child as long as you do not leave a mark. As far as respect and discipline if you do not start teaching it at a young age and wait till it’s a problem when your child is older it’s harder to get them to listen. Stay firm on your punishments and don’t cave
Cps knows there’s alot of bs cases, and they don’t frown on spankings as long as it not out of hand. If there is no visible signs of abuse. ( Living conditions, no bruising, ext) your case will more then likely be dismissed.
Perhaps you have a child with the onset of mental symptoms and you’re hitting him with a belt. I’m sorry but as mad as you can become, and we have all been there, why a belt? That’s cruel to me. If taking things away isn’t going to work, why a beating? Try counseling please. It might do your family some good.
Good luck
Dear mom. Don’t be scared of the cps. 1stly u didn’t abuse ur kid. Also let dem know of his disrespectful behavior. N as a parent u should be able 2 discipline ur kid he may have added spice thinking he did good. Just hang in there. Sometimes these loby groups goes 4 da good people more often then those that are in deep trouble
It is against the law to use any “weapon” to spank your kids. Only an open hand on the butt WITH clothes on is appropriate. So a case will be opened. No, they won’t “take” your child over this one incident.
I had an ex that used to call all the time and it’s never fun to be out in this situation…
Expect CPS to come to your child’s school and talk them a few times a month until the case is “closed”… they will contact the father and interview him, if they can get a hold of him… as well as other family members…
You will have to do what they offer, i.e. parenting classes, therapy for the child.
Stay firm on removing electronics. Ask CPS for their advice. If anything, hopefully they can help you come up with a plan for punishment and they will be supportive to YOU
Tell him if he complains again he’ll land up in foster care. And then kindly explain what happens in so many foster homes!
When you don’t discipline your children you end up with Juvenile delinquents
Hand him a trash bag before the CPS people come and say “ok you wanted them called, now if they take you all you’re allowed to take is a trash bag of clothes and 2 things you love that aren’t electronics into a foster care. hope your new parents are nice” see his face melt. Maybe have her explain what really happens in real child abuse sotuations?
Houstly I personally don’t agree with the belt idea but maybe try talking to them about putting him in a Respite Home where you can get a break and they can more likely help him with his behavior. It might also be a good idea for him to live with his dad . And you won’t have to put up with his disrespect. Talk to the dad about the situation and if he takes your side then you both can just discipline him together
The people commenting saying “you spanked your child with a belt?” Blah blah blah are the same people who give you dirty looks at the store when your kid is acting up. Like what do you want me to do? Either I’m being abusive or I’m a pushover. Gtfo. Anyway CPS might not like that used a belt but as long as there’s no mark you’re allowed to spank your kid. I got spanked with a belt growing up and I’m glad I did. I believe it was effective. My dad was a single parent doing the best he could with two kids. I rarely spank my children as well but reading your post I don’t blame you, sounded like he needed it. Kids these days are so entitled and need more ass whoppings. Don’t let these comments make you feel bad. You are doing the best you can as a mama. It’s not easy.
A f****ing belt? SERIOUSLY?!
I think a lot of it has to do with where you live. In Kansas I was told by dcf that spanking wasn’t ok. They wanted me to do “time outs”
Uhmm, you can hit a child on the bottom with an OPEN hand over the clothes. Using an object to hit your child is abuse.
If you hit an adult with a belt it would be assault, no matter how lightly you claimed to hit them with it.
If this is the first time and you did not leave any marks I imagine you will get off with parenting classes and possibly anger management. But abuse will stay on your record.
Next time try a corner, kids hate being in a corner at any age. Give him a chair to sit in and that can be his spot for a while. Obviously let him up to use the bathroom, eat, and drink. My son is 9 and was doing the same things you are saying and then some (way worse and got suspended from school). His butt sat in a chair in a corner for 5 days. I never had to lay a finger (or any other object) on him to let him know he fucked all the way up .
I asked him everyday he was in that corner… “so, was it worth it?”. Spoiler alert… it wasn’t worth it.
In NC social services will visit to “check” out your home environment. During that visit they will discuss the situation with the parents and advise on ways to solve the issue at hand…offer resources. Sounds to me like your son needs some help with his behavior. They may suggest behavioral therapy and give a list of options on how to get this service.
For the people saying she beat her kid, SHUT UP! she spanked him with a belt,if she didn’t leave marks, and that is okay for her to do!! I whoop my kids and I have since they were old enough for it. I don’t beat them and leave marks because I know better and yes sometimes taking stuff away doesn’t help at all and neither does talking so I whoop them and they know if they do what they did again, I’ll whoop them again for it. I’m not gonna sit and talk all damn day about not doing the same thing over and over. I got whooped when I was little and I’m perfectly fine. You do what you need to do. And like a lot of people on here, I’ve also heard as long as you don’t leave marks you should be fine with CPS.
As long as there are no marks,CPS can’t do anything. You’re allowed to spank your children. You just can’t leave marks.
It all comes down to what state you are in. If you spank your child and leave welts - that’s considered abuse. No marks from spanking -no abusive.
Has far as the disrespect issue- have you looked into military school or a boot camp?
With my kids, when they lose electronics or items they enjoyed, it is not for a week but longer. My oldest has lost her phone for 6 months. My youngest has lost her phone and TV going on 3 weeks right now.
My daughter was mad at me when she was 7 because she slept with gum in her mouth and got it tangled in her hair… she absolutely refused to let me cut it. I explained to her that it was not going to be an easy process and there would be pulling and it wouldn’t feel good… it was in the upper part towards the scalp… she went to school and was crying and told a girl on the playground that she got in trouble and I pulled her hair… this girl then tells the teacher and boom… CPS… it was nerve wrenching… after the “investigation” and the CPS lady deemed us “fit parents” I went down to that school and reamed their asses. The principal and the teacher.
Many good articles about this.
Where’s his father??? Children need two parents growing up !
Kids talk, of course he’ll say something… in Canada, any physical “wrong-doing” to inflict “pain” or to “hurt” or “to discipline” (corporal punishment) is considered a punishment and an act of violence whether that be a small smack or a big smack it doesn’t matter… it’s the act. But I’m in Canada, it could be different wheee you are
You are allowed to spank your kids as long as you don’t leave marks. But the use of a belt to hit your kids is not allowed. If there are no marks you may be okay, they may just give you a warning.
if no health issues and just being disrespectfull just an idea and doesnt start respecting after all u have done maybe a a day like a detention home if have done everything possible and if have them i know people who have done this and turned there kids around.
OMG you pansies! Where I live the school still paddles kids
I think you just need to remain calm & remember who you are. You are not an abusive parent. You are frustrated & at your limit. We all get there. 10 is a tricky age as they are really starting & wanting to become independent but still needing guidance at the same time. CPS will be able to see exactly what’s going on here as he will not show signs of long term physical abuse or any abuse of any kind & case will be closed. I feel that teacher really over reacted & I would be speaking with them about it. I know it’s their obligation to report, however, it should not have been done so lightly. I personally, as the teacher, would have called you & informed you this is what he said & to see what your response would be. If then I felt like I still needed to report, so be it. But I probably would have been reassured. I would have appreciated this as a parent too.
As for your son & his attitude, he sounds exactly like my daughter who is 10 as well. Very strong willed. I found that adding some extra quality time in our week for my daughter & I really helped. We will watch a movie one night, or play a few games, she really likes art stuff so we will do that & I allow her to talk about whatever she wants, she leads the way. We connect & strengthen our relationship as mother & daughter & im able to learn more about her, how she’s feeling, etc. We are also about to talk about past situations & I’m able to explain to her what’s expected of her at her age in a calm way, explain what she did wrong, etc & in return it has helped her with listening. We all have love buckets to fill & it sounds like maybe your sons is lacking something. Sounds like a power struggle between you too. Maybe you just need a different perspective/approach. I hope it all makes sense. Definitely feel free to message me if you’d like to chat more. We all here for you momma, but you strong & you got this!
Gentle parenting is such bullshit. I came to these comments just to see the snowflakes.
OP you clearly tried every other avenue first, and that did not work. Consistency is key. He needs to know that this doesn’t rattle you and that as his mother you will continue to do what is necessary to correct his behaviors and disrespect before he ages and becomes completely out of control. You’re not walking around beating him daily with a belt. Idk where you are in the world, but I can’t imagine the world we live in where strangers get to tell you the correct way to raise your child. CPS is meant to protect them from harm and he is clearly unharmed.
You need to up the number of lines he’s writing to 1000 and then make him start copying the dictionary
I don’t know where you are from, but here in the UK you can lose your son for that. It obviously didn’t work, and all it has done is cause you and your son all this stress. Hopefully CPS will see it as a mistake and try and help you with your son.
Lady…i had to deal with them too. I told the person who i had to deal with after my child stole a police car!!! All about the issues that i was having with her. I told him that i would cut her butt. I also told him i smacked her after she called me a bitch. So he reported me lo and behold the CPS worker came knocking. I welcomed her in with open arms. Number 1 i knew i wasnt wrong for anything i did. Number 2 at that point if they wanted to take her and put her in foster care. Cool! But they came once a week checked to see if the house was clean and if i had food. I would lay on the couch watching tv. And treated her like an old friend.
Want a drink? Its iced tea in the fridg…
How bout a snack?
I wasnt worried cause i know i didnt abuse her. Dont sweat it.
Just tell them the truth stand by your choice explain and it will work out it did for me.
I had a bitch for a mother in law. She called cops on me 56 times in 18 yrs. So I’m an old pro…don’t be scared of cps. Have food, have the house clean. Not perfect but clean. Spankings are perfectly fine as long as you hit the buttocks area and left no marks. Don’t stress it, just answer all thier questions. You got this!
Now once cps leaves, pick that belt up again and give him a few more licks. Then sell his phone, Xbox, TV. Strip his bedroom to absolutely nothing but clothes and a bed. Tell him no more outings to friends, parks etc until he learns respect. My kid wouldn’t see the light of day for the next 6 months. Good luck sweetie.
In PA, cps says u can only spank on the butt with an open hand … not a belt though … imo, u never smack a child in the face though … thats their identity …
You are allowed to spank. Only on the bottom and only with your hand. Anything else is considered a “weapon” and abuse. Unless he is bruised she will likely just tell you next time to use an open hand
You can hit your kids with an open hand only, on the bottom and you can’t leave a mark. You’re going to be forced to take parenting classes at the very least. You can’t whoop your kids with a belt. That’s illegal
Uhm yes they will have the whole “you can’t hit your fucking kids with a fucking belt” mindset.
That is 1000% unacceptable under any circumstance.
Spanking is different than hitting a CHILD with a WEAPON FYI
You abused him and now you’re panicking? Okay, cool. Have fun.
Um you beat your kid with a belt? I’m glad he told the school…would you want someone beating you with a fucking belt???
Dnt give into him keep all the electronics. If u didn’t leave bruises ain’t shit they can do. That’s what wrong with kids now they run and blab that mouth at school then cps is called. Keep ya head up mom u got this
This isn’t the old days. You can’t hit your kids anymore. Oh the “leave no marks” comments. Don’t listen to that BS. Unless you want to lose your kids. Kids will tell, run and cry tell everyone. Teachers have to call cps, so do drs etc. I’m surprised your husband didn’t. Using a belt would be consider a weapon to beat him with. If they have evidence they can and will use it against you. You have to pick and choose your battle’s wisely.
A belt is a big no with cps. You can spank your child but they consider that a weapon. Also, tell the cps worker about his behavior. They will help you get him help. Cps is not always the enemy. They want what is best for the child and if they see he is in need of mental help they will help you get it for him.
In alberta, CAD…we can spank bit with our hand on the butt with clothing…as this seems to be the first time they will talk with everyone in the home( statement gathering). Go over discipline options, maybe counseling. They will also do a home visit. After that it’s in CPS hands.
Hitting is never okay. The way I see it is why is it okay for a parent to hit a child but wrong for adults to hit each other? We are all humans and no one should ever hit another person. I don’t know what cps will do maybe give you a warning and order parenting skills. I understand it was your last resort. It probably took him by surprise. I hope things go okay for you.
Tell cps to kick rocks. Do not sign anything. Be very assertive, almost aggressive with cps. That is your child and whooping their ass is not child abuse. It’s not against the law to whoop your child with a belt on their ass. This is your kids way of getting all control and getting his shit back.
My mom punched me in the eye for calling her the B word and CPS did nothing. My gma called on her. I deserved it. I was a little jerk when I was younger.
So many people saying their parents flogged them as kids with all sorts of objects and they’re fine… if you need to use an object to punish your child regularly - you’re not fine.
OP I can’t emphasise enough how well most case workers will be able to distinguish the truth (a punishment that may have gotten out of hand vs abuse - popping your kid in the face etc) they will be able to get to the truth & will most likely offer resources to help you not only support your son but encourage better coping mechanisms for you when he acts out. Good luck, OP. I’m sorry for what you’re going through & hope you all find some peace and understanding.
Good morning talk to your pastor or someone close at your church. It sounds like you have your hands full. You are doing your best . God can do the rest . Praying for you and your son. I work at at counseling office and it is very difficult on children and us all right now . Keep doing your best it’s in God’s timing.
First and foremost, he only told them because he was mad, second of all as long as there’s no marks on him and you did not use excessive force it’s not against the law to whoop your child behind with a belt, I believe in corporal punishment sometimes I had to do that with my kids and the police officers/CPS even told them right in front of me your mom has the right to whip your behind as long as she doesn’t leave any marks or use excessive force, so don’t think you didn’t do right. He needs to learn some respect that’s what’s wrong with these kids today.
He’s only 10 and it sounds like he has way too many privileges. Time for stricker rules and some tough love.
Shouldn’t be spanking/using physical force on a child. Learn how to respond and act like an adult.
Well it’s cps job to uphold the law and by definition you assaulted your son with a weapon. You may be allowed to spank a child with your hand only and only on the butt once and not hard enough that it would leave a mark and only until to age 12. (Where I come from anyways🍁)
So yeah I mean it’s pretty clear you assaulted him and of course they are going to do their job and investigate and possibly lay charges or place him in a different home. But that would be the extreme end of things.
In all honestly hitting your kid is never the answer ever!! and i wouldn’t be suprised at all if they recommend placing him in another home that had trained staffed to handle children like that. If you tried all other acceptable forms of punishment and therapy with no change then it might be for the best anyways. Clearly he needs professional help and he’s not going to get that being hit by a belt. You should look into some parenting classes specifically classes that that are geared towards kids with behavioral issues. Cps might also make you do that.
The lesson here is it’s not ok to hit your child especially with a weapon.
I told them when they said my daughter who thought she should eat out every meal and be aloud to do whatever she wanted .hey if you want to support her ,feed her ,cloth her then take her w you . Thats the problem with kids these days out of control …a butt whooping never hurt anyone … if done without hurting them …I swat on the butt .
I’m here to say two things. Great job mom for disciplining your child and WHY do so many of you other parents jump straight to abuse/beating because someone spanks a child…ridiculous. A belt or spanking with a hand isn’t a beating unless excessive force and bruising. Maybe if more kids were spanked and disciplined instead of coddled then we wouldn’t have so many issues with kids and young adults today!
You can’t just whip ur kids with a belt anymore and in my state even a hand gets us in trouble. We have to take classes and what not when cps is involved next time don’t use a belt and u wouldn’t have to freak out
My sisters son did something similar… he is older then 10. The police came and she explained the situation and the cop told her son how it is in foster care and how he needed to respect his mother. Just be honest . Don’t sign anything at all with dcfs though without an attorney reading over it.
When cps come, tell them the truth. That you have tried every thing to get your kid to listen and be respectful to no avail. Ask for any suggestions they may have to help with your problem. Even talk to the therapist, maybe some undiagnosed adhd or something. I would personally not allow my child to have any of his electronic devices back, till he has worked to get them back, by doing his chores, his homework, and being respectful, and stick to it. Dont cave after a week. If it still persists and he keeps acting out, there is boot camp or some kind of boarding school.
No worries here. Parents are allowed to discipline their children when and how they wish. The difference between discipline and physicals abuse is if you leave any marks/bruises/physical injuries. The worker will probably talk to you about the dangers of using objects to discipline (ie. belt, spoon, switch). You could also request resources in your community that provides parenting teens class or parenting support for the turbulent teen years. The worker may be able to provide a referral for additional services that assist with parenting difficult teens. Being a former cps worker, when the worker comes, being respectful and honest will go a long way. Depending on lucky of the draw for which worker you are assigned, they may be a great resource for you. My heart goes out to you. We have just gotten through the challenge of parenting kids during difficult teen years. Just keep pushing forward. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and for most, it’s not the train
It is all going to depend on your State. In Georgia, as long as it was on the rear, you would be fine. But honestly, CPS has already spoken with school officials no matter what State you are in. That’s the first step into their investigation. Which means they will have already asked about grades, if he has ever showed up with bruising, does there appear to be other neglect, etc. They will also be doing a home visit. The good news is that they must not feel like he is in imminent danger, or all of this would have been expedited. Also, depending on the State, you may be subject to a drug test.
I would talk to CPS worker. Ask them what your allowed to do? And tell them your worried because your having that meeting with them if they do tell you that hitting with the belt was a red flag. I would tell them that you didn’t know that. And would like some resources to help with his behavior. I have a 12 yr son like this and responding with words is what keeps their mouth going. Like if they state they dont like you. Instead of yelling back try “I’m sorry you feel that way I love you though.” Anyone on here my inbox is open I don’t mind chatting about these kind of things. I have my hands full with 3 kids but you need to reach out. Find support around you. Your not alone. Whether it be a counselor, friend neighbor, fb person going through the same thing!
I have a 11 yr old and not for very long he got into trouble and got disciplined well he walked in there and told his brother 9 that I punched him and all that extra and a 3rd well I bought cameras to protect myself and also them too your allowed too discipline your child/children but you Cant use Belts,swatters anything other then your hand in the butt no miss whoops BUT the real question is why your son so mad at you that he is causing such issues for you tho sy his she he should not be having such issues with tattling on his parent he should be over that by now but anyways this meeting can go one of two ways bad or good he can say he don’t want to live there anymore and don’t feel safe or you can tell his behavior issues and they try and find different Things to do with him then again they may not do anything at all idk Then the laws of the state is hella important but they will know want to know your home is clean you have proper beds and bedding no mixing sisters with brothers and so gotta have food and also don’t throw attitude at them because they will not work with you or try and figure out why or what is going on and it also matters if you have been called on before also and if it was for the same thing idk love good luck but you need to express how things that he says in madness ends up being a mistake that may ruin his life forever or for a while anyways good luck I hope you nothing but the best
Although I agree with how you handled it, a belt is now considered excessive force in most states. You can only use the palm of your hand and some states even that is considered “abuse”
It is not illegal to spank your child in the US with a belt. Now leaving bruising is a different story. If they find bruises in different stages of healing, thats child abuse and u will def have issues.
Hitting a child is never the answer.
The phone, Xbox, and tv should not be taken away for a week. They should be taken away indefinitely.
Unfortunately criminals gets away with murder, children are the same, they are aloud to disrespect the moms and dads, and teachers and you are not allowed to give them a smack on the ass. Which to me is wrong. That is exactly why children are so misbehaved in today’s life. Crucifix me if you want but I didn’t die, nor do I have any sociology problems due to my mom and dad hitting my bump when I or my siblings needed it. And once or twice when I back mouth my mother she gave me the back hand and believe me that was the last of it. When my daughter was in Gr 3, they learned in school about children’s rights and also that parents are not aloud to smack them. Well one day came and she also didn’t listen and went on and on and then I wacked her arse and that is when she told me YOU are not aloud to hit me I am going to the police…so I took my phone and said call them. Because then i go to jail, you get taken to a children’s home and in foster care to strangers…go ahead…call them. That was the last of it. I a not saying kill your children I say a good hiding now and then wont kill them, but…yes there is the law and all this new age people saying you are damaging your kids if you do. Well I see more damage and lazy kids today because the parents didnt moer them when they were children. And now as young brats they regret it. Be honest with CPS, and then tell your son to not lie, or cry wolf wolf, because one day when something bad really happens no one will believe him because he will be well known as a lier. Just my 2c.
Alot of this depends on the state your in