What can I give my toddler in place of cow's milk?

Goats milk. Yoghurt for friendly bacteria or use in capsules. Dates, prunes and orange juice with pulp.

My kids loved rice milk🤷never did the cow milk unless it was on cereal…

I had to use lactose free for my oldest and youngest until they could properly digest the cows milk.

Karo syrup… my daughter could not tolerate formula at all. She drank fresh goat milk. The goat milk causes constipation. An old school, pediatric doctor had a child that had to drink goat milk as well and hes the kne that told me to mix the karo syrup with the goat milk. Im sure you can do the same with regular milk.

Goats milk maybe. Due to allergies my friend had to drink it.

Try finding a place that sells Raw milk… my daughter had trouble with processed cows milk but she has no issues with raw milk… Just make sure you go to a reputable place to get it and you’ll have no problems

My son’s dr continues to tell me to give my son whole milk. But he has the same issues. So I give 2% and it works great with no problems. Dr says he needs the whole milk despite it gives him constipation. I refused and still give the milk I know his body can tolerate.

My sons are both allergic to milk. Ezekiel would puke any time he had milk based food. We put him on soy formula and slowly started introducing milk based food. He still cant have milk or he will have diarrhea. But he can eat yogurt and cheese. Sylis can handle milk, but he gets really gassy and his tummy gets extremely upset. We do daily gummy vitamins and they eat what milk based foods they can. Neither have issues with deficiencies. If milk hurts your baby, dont give it. A child will be fine without milk. You know best mama!

My son wouldn’t drink cow’s milk. We gave him vanilla almond milk.

My girls were the exact same way, we drink almond milk now mostly…I used to mix some of the vanilla almond milk with the regular and she would drink it fine

Isn’t there a milk they took out a protein or something I can’t think of the name but its gentler on the stomach. Might help

Soy milk has good stuff in it, and is the highest on protein compare to the rest of plant base milk

Lactose milk and mother’s bliss constipation ease!! Will work wonders. Mine had the same problem.

Maybe look into info on A2 Milk…it’s been a big help to my family for stomach discomfort.

Have u tried miralax, it’s all natural for constipation, doctor recommended it for my newborn

I used soy milk with my oldest because he would get diarrhea with cows milk as he got older he was able to drink 1% or 2% just fine…now he has no issues at all with milk hes 13

I was always told that I didn’t need to give my kids milk. They rarely have it. :woman_shrugging:

My son was the same way. We used soy milk or the toddler formula. Hes almost 10 and still can do cows milk for the same reason

It takes them about 2 weeks for the gut to figure out how to deal with the protein in cows milk then it gets better

My son had to drink almond due to allergic to cows milk. We had to mix unsweetned with vanilla almond milk then slowly removed the vanilla one.

Hmmm Pediatric triage issue avoid dairy if diarrhea. Surprised it’s couldconstipation

Try oatmeal milk. Or even start at skim or 1% milk. Had to do that with our youngest

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My daughter is the same. Soy caused her to have female issues so we stay away from that. Silk works for us. Especially the chocolate milk!!!

As long as she’s eat dairy products she’s fine. Check to see if the reguline comes in a toddler formula I know that the regular formulas do.

Idk who laughs at this post. Don’t give her much milk give her an alternative but not that much until she gets use to it. Work on a lot of calculo in the mean time

If you are giving her cheese it could be the cheese. I have trouble if I eat to much cheese .

Soy vanilla is AMAZING taste alot better than regular soy…they also have toddler transitions formul

Sorry didn’t read the part about soy . lactose milk was even better for my nephew or mAybe 1 percent milk

A2 milk, I’m able to get it locally in Texas, it is real milk without the A2 protein that causes belly issues for some, it tastes the same to me and helps my little one

Mix her formula 3/4 and 1/4 milk to start with then go to 50 50 I did that and never had problems.But if she still likes her formula there is nothing wrong with drinking it.She is still young.

I still give my son formula and he’s 4 he will not drink milk and kids don’t need milk. Formula has all the vitamins they need in it

My youngest didnt get cows milk till he was about 3 n even that wasnt my doing. Almond was given after breast milk n formula

Keep her on the formula, and keep trying the soy, or almond milks slowly, as long as she’s eating well getting calcium and protein from other sources

Cow milk did the same to my daughter and i switch to fern leaf and its ok…she is healthy and normal

My daughter was the same but I switched her to lactose free whole milk and the constipation stopped

We used tums for our daughter when she was 2 recommended by her doctor.

Try Fairlife milk. It is cows milk but it is processed differently with less sugar and more protein.

Try slowly adding the alternative milks to the formula and decreasing the formula a little at a time until she gets used to the taste.

Lactaid. My daughter has an issue with milk so we switched to lactaid and we don’t seem to have a problem. Have they tested to make sure she’s lactose intolerant?

If ur child eats all I think you mustn’t worry about milk she’s getting all nutrition from food and still if u want to try I think pedia sure is good

I was a prem baby and I never had milk my mum said. My sisters little boy who was also extremely prem, only had breast milk and now he has just one bottle of Oat milk before bed. He’s never had cows milk or formula, he’s strong as an ox now :relieved: if the diet is good and full
Of nutrients I wouldn’t worry too much about milk :relieved: xx

Cows milk also has a lot of sugar. She could be getting too much. As long as you supplement calcium, she doesn’t “need” milk.

When we got rid of the bottle my son refused to drink milk at all since that was what he would drink in his bottle. Maybe try a different drink entirely like pedalight or Gatorade

Goats milk. That’s what one of the kids I used to babysit had to take for that problem

Goats milk worked for our boy he has milk allergies and milk protine allergies but its god awefull expensive

Have you tried the a2 milk? It’s regular cows milk but instead of the a1 protein which can be hard on the small intestine to digest the a2 protein is very similar to human breast milk

Goat milk, but do you really need milk? Can your toddler tolerate cheese? Broccoli? Plenty of calcium in them.

old school goats milk or evaporated milk mixed 2 to 1. worked when our kids were little & plugged up

Try goats milk. My husband couldn’t drink cows milk as a child but was able to drink goats milk with no issues.

My daughter too was lactose intolerant and almost lost her life because of that

Oat milk is very close to the consistency of cows milk, it also comes sweetened and unsweetened. Both taste very good.

Soy milk is the only milk that has the nutrient equivalent that is recommended for little people

She might be lactose intolerant, try almond or Soy Milk and try to avoid all dairy products

Try Fairlife! It’s lactose free and ultra pasteurized. It has less sugar than whole milk and has more vitamins and nutrients than whole milk.

They need the vitamin d but can get it from silk milk ,or try the new A2 milk . You could try probiotic gummies which helps with constipation.

We had to use Lactaid. It really helped my kiddos and still was “milk”. I use substitutes for myself like almond or soy.

Goats milk might be a good try it worked for my son

I give my son Lactose free milk. We are both lactose intolerant. My husband and girls think it tastes gross but I think it tastes just like milk.

Goats milk was brilliant for my second child.

When my daughter started to get constipated from milk our Dr recommend miralax and it helped wonders. Maybe try goat’s milk

Goats milk is healthy and often doesn’t create the same allergic effects

No living animal requires milk after weaning from their mother. Juice or water are just dandy.

1year old can stiłl have formula if you want , or try powdered milk make to strength you want as child eating meals now soil ids so milk is for a top up.

Have you tried a toddler formula??? I just got some coupons in the mail from enfamil… I’ll look and see what it’s called, I believe they have a sensitive one…

Put miralax in her juice or koolaid that’s what The dr told me to do with my son

Sweetened vanilla almond milk. The only thing my son would drink in place of milk. He’s lactose intolerant.

My son gets severely constipated on cow’s milk. He likes milk, so I give him Almond Milk. He eats yogurt too.

Oat milk is what I drink because I can’t do dairy milk. Chobani brand is very good & more creamy than other non dairy milk that I’ve tried. May be worth a try?

We did goat milk with my daughter, she wouldn’t take anything else.

Milk is meant for baby cows people … Almond or cashew milk is best, not the ones on the shelf, refrigerated ones.

My son has a cow’s milk allergy. He does goat’s milk with no issues. Tastes similar but doesn’t hurt his tummy or make him break out in hives

Get rid of the milk my nephew had this problem and wouldn’t go in school sometimes held movements for three days so get rid of the milk give other ways to get everything she needs

Mine can’t handle whole milk at all so at a yr old we tried 1% still no luck went to skim milk and never looked back.

Soy milk always work out for my nephew.or lactose milk

Maybe try goats milk? I cant drink milk either. I get my calcium other places now as an adult but my mom gave me goats milk when I was a baby

Lactose free or Soy. My daughter gets severe constipation too so she’s using Lactaid

Try the new A1milk. It takes the proteins out that cause the constipation. It’s much more healthy then soy milk or almond milk. Try goats milk

Give her lactose free milk :milk_glass: it’s still :cow2: milk just with out the lactose and lactose protein. I have always had to have it. Or you can give her goats :goat: milk

We drink almond milk and coconut milk. They both have high levels of calcium and vitamin d.

Start with 1% she should be fine with that. If not how about…how about goats or going in the complete opposite rice or oat milk??? I know rice milk is very popular in parts of Mexico.

My son get lactaid or soy milk since regular milk bothers him so bad.

We do half 2 percent milk and half water in the bottle. Cleared up the constipation !

I mix my sons milk with water. He has the same issue.

I use lactaid. My kid gets the milk they need without the pain

I use to put a spoonful of Kari syrup in my daughter bottle when She had bowels problems. Worked great.

My daughter had to drink Soy milk until she was 2 because of that! Shes 8 now and can drink reg milk

They have the similac advance for over a yr old

Goats milk was a life saver for my son

I don’t believe milk is necessary, but my son likes goats milk and I like coconut milk.

Sometimes the child not wanting anything but formula is because of that’s all they know. Try mixing …gradually using more milk…try lactose free…

Try A2 milk, or go to an actual dairy farm (Amish in my area) before it is processed it is better

My daughter was always constipated try prune juice or lactaid milk

Try mixing powdered milk and cow milk together to give her the flavor but half the amount of coke milk.

Milk is not necessary, just give healthy fats. If necessary you can substitute goats milk, almond or coconut milk

My kids had the same problem with whole milk but we’re fine on 1%

Goats milk… Thats what my parents gave to me …

Try lactose free milk and see if it helps.

My mom said which was 60 years ago they would put karo syrup in the bottle with the milk and it would take care of constipation.

I would work with my child’s physician to make the best decision on what my child consumes safely.

Goat milk. Gave it to all 4 of my boys when they stopped breastfeeding.