What can my boyfriend expect with his ex coming for child support?

When they go into court they’re I’ll ask how often he has the child and for how long etc. he will need to let them know he has the child for half of each month alternating weeks. And they will base how much she should get or he could get for the time she has the kid depending on who makes more they will not count your income or the soon to be husbands income when calculating it.

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We had joint custody. I had sole physical custody. Meaning they lived with me. Child support was based off his income. He made probably 3/4 more than me. I lived in the Bay Area California.

If the agreement is 50/50 then there won’t be any child support to claim. It’s based on the majority caregiver and how much time the child is with them. 50/50 if he has to pay her then she should also be paying him so no win either way


I wouldn’t ask some you BABY MAMAS advice on nothing. You can see the bitterness in some of your post. OP asked a legitimate question as SHE too is with their child 50% of time and accustomed to a certain lifestyle. But go off BABY MAMAS :roll_eyes:


He needs to get the custody order on paper through the court. Spouse income does not get included. It’ll be her income compared to his. And even with 50/50 there is the possibility of one parent still paying support to the other. But unless one parent makes a crap ton more money, it won’t be a lot.

Depending on kids ages the 50/50 may get modified if they don’t live in same city. As far as court goes. They will set up a parenting plan which is who gets kids when on what holidays etc. They will discuss his earnings. He will need check stubs for proof. Then it’s usually (depending on state) 20%of income for first child 10 % for second etc.
Remember there is a difference in 50/50 custody and joint custody. You’d be surprised how many people do not know the difference.

Also if you and him get married they can take money from your income if he does not pay (in some states. I know they do here in Tennessee. My sex purposely quit his job to keep from paying and child support enforcement started garnishing his wife income for said amount )

We have joint custody. I am custodial parent and father’s get them every other weekend and a week in summer. Every other holiday too. We live in different towns so 50/50 is not workable.

Stay out of it end of discussion


If the agreement stays 50/50 there’s a good chance they won’t make him pay child support but it really depends on the judge and income between both biological parents.

She’s seeking child support out of spite? Every SO of a man being ordered to be responsible claims the birth mother is seeking legal channels out of spite. It’s best for both sides to go through the court. Doing child support & custody out of the courts just leaves too much room for 1 party to jerk the other around. She’s doing right IMO. Nobody can tell you what he should expect. There’s too many variables. Country, state, county, specifics to his case etc.


If it’s true 50/50 where each parent had minimum of 180 days then it’s probably just gonna come down to who’s paying insurance and such and those costs will be split. If it’s not actually 50/50 then it will be much more.

Who has insurance on the child and who pays all deductable, etc? My bonus daughter lives with us, for a few months she was doing 1 week rotations, (until once again she did mental damage and now we’re paying for therapy) but his bm immediately tried going for child support, she has to pay like 50 cents a month now :roll_eyes: But on the paperwork it shows that he has insurance and that they pay 50/50 medical bills. That is not true, he pays for everything and always has. It might not make that much of a difference, but make sure he includes that as well. As you’ve read, it’s going to go off income. He should not have to pay that much though. Also, if he feels her pay stubs aren’t adding up he should ask if they can go by last year’s earned income too. I know some girls who start missing work like 1 day a week or working less overtime right before the mediation so their checks show less and more c.s., since you said she’s doing it out of spite. Good luck! Good dads deserve fairness.

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hate the term baby mamma really do!! I personally think you post doesnt reflect caring yet … worry of amount of money you bf will lose if they have had 50/50 and it going well and noone struggling I do not get the worry of this post at all but for your selfish gain!! Sorry if this is harsh however my personal opinion is if a man has a child and has pay child support that is his responsibility if that burdens or worries you then you are not ready to take the roll you are placing yourself into! the Advice I have is call his childs mother and ask if her son needs anything!!! if your gonna wear the shoes lace them sweetie!! this was not ment to be hateful or judgmental from a mom and a stepmom!!


Just because baby momma is getting married doesn’t mean new mans income is hers. And why do y’all only have one income?? You not work girl??


It just depends on where you live at :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: where I live at, the parents go to a mediator to work something out. If they cant come to a agreement then the go to a court in front of a Judge. My fiance and our childs mother have 50/50 custody. And he still pays child support.

Did you seriously call biomom the babysitter :roll_eyes:


:joy::joy: wait :raised_hand: what so the babysitter is getting married for more money :joy::joy::joy::see_no_evil::joy::joy::joy: please just shh and say congratulations and set up payment you petty little child


They don’t count your spouses income only his and hers they will want paystubs from both and will base it upon that.

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At 50/50 neither parent should pay the other. Medical, school, etc should be paid by both

In ohio its all based on income. Everything is input into the system from both sides and the system determines if child support should be paid how much and who should pay it. Doesn’t matter what agreement you have outside of court. Its all cut and dry here.

If it’s 50/50 he should t have to pay

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It’s not based an step moms income it’s just his fathers.

I don’t think she’s being selfish to be honest she’s just asking what their or ( dad ) will be going thru for court process I can’t give much help cos my kids bio owes over 20 grand for child support but he’s running I’m from Canada bio is originally from the United States and he’s running somewhere in the united states all I can do is wish y’all the best when my lawyer and courts made him pay 400.00 a month but I asked the judge to bring it down to 300 a month being 150 every 2 weeks bio was giving whinny stories to court but I didn’t and still don’t need any of his money I’m a single mom making it with 3 jobs and 3 kids

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Child support goes by income. They will take his and her income over 3 years and do whatever formula they use to get how much he will have to pay. It doesn’t matter if they share 50/50. Child support is a completely separate thing than custody and a agreement.

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If the agreement is 50/50 that needs to be mentioned in court

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Take her to court and get a CO in place and get child support setup the way it should be. Bm isnt doing it out of spite she is doing it the legal way.


WTH are you talking about? It should be an honor for a parent to support their kid, not something for the girlfriend to b!+€# about.


I share 50/50 with my ex and ge pays $183 a month. That was his own doing because he bragged in front of the judge how he made more money than me so the judge decided that. I haven never asked for it. :woman_shrugging:


It’s his kid .You worried about you losing money?The money is to help give baby a decent life. Play nice this is his baby and this will help him have great relationship with the kid. They can feel the love and won’t forget.
Are you disabled?


why shouldnt he pay for the childs support???

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I’m sorry but it’s not your business :woman_shrugging:t4: most states go by income so he may still need to pay child support.
In my case we do 50/50 as far as having my son. He has everything he needs in both households but I was still going for child support. Why…. Because health insurance, after school, summer camp, medical co pays, bday parties etc. all cost money. I was paying all that. But after I explained to my bd he understood and now we go half on those things as well. But if he wasn’t, heck yes I would of still taking him to court


Take it to court and show the 50/50 time share


She said their 50/50 agreement is not with the court and they each have him one week. Why would either of them ask for child support?

Have dad counter-petition the court that MOM PAY child support.


Moms requesting dad pay child support despite equal possession periods is just mom acting like dad is still her man.

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I mean it’s whoever files first if it’s 50/50

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Way too many inputs for any one else to judge,. Talk to an attorney, or at least a child support worker at your county courthouse!!


I think it depends on other financial situations as well. Regardless of your income if he makes more then her he will probably have to pay something. Unless he literally pays half of everything (medical costs, school related costs, daycare ect) then this really wouldn’t be unfair. If all costs are split as well there really is no reason for child support with 50/50 custody.

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Does the kid have medical insurance dental, any extra curricular activities day care etc etc etc


Get a lawyer for sure and take her to court

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Even though me and my ex have 50/50 he still had to pay child support depending on the state when you do custody and legal decision making they automatically file for child support as well at least that’s how it is in Arizona


Literally half of these people are wrong. It’s based off income. We have 50/50 but because he makes more, he pays me. Without 50/50 he’d be paying $237 a week, but he’s only paying $104 now. I feel like you shouldn’t just say she’s doing it out of spite if you don’t know how she personally feels or struggles.


That he’ll never have money again.

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If yall share 50/50, nobody should be paying


If custody is not established they will rule on that first before child support. That’s in Virginia

Well, I would get the custody agreement laid out in a court order but short of that if he makes substantially more than she does he will pay some child support but if he doesn’t, there may be no child support ordered with a 50/50 shared custody. It just depends, however with no custody order in place defining the 50/50 shared custody the court may not consider that if she doesn’t mention it , in which case he may have to pay the standard % (whatever that may be in your state)

I’m honestly trying to figure out why it is ANY of your business?
The parents obviously have a good coparenting relationship.
Your relationship with your boyfriend isn’t going to work if you try to intervene. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Most judges don’t make either parent pay support when custody is split 50/50

Honestly just go to court, tell the judge about the arrangements yall already have and just be honest but dont try to make her seem like a bad person, the judge will see it for themselves… only custodial parents get child support, since yall both have custody they probably wont make you pay anything unless the child uses government benefits, then you may have to pay for medicaid or whatever he uses

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This isn’t any of your business it’s between them. Stay out of it


It depends on how much more he makes than she does. If he makes a significant amount more then he will have to pay some.

First of all if they both have the child 50% of the time why would he pay her regardless of how much they make. They are both supporting that child equally. If she needs more money get a better job. It’s child support meaning if each have the child equal times they are equally supporting said child. Smh … not that you have any say as the gf, but I think its ridiculous just because he has a better job he should have to pay her when he has that child an equal amount of time.

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Talk to a Lawyer…
But I would say, it’s only fair he pays too. It’s for the child or children…
But already too many people involved, when its between these two parents.


I don’t understand why she wants child support if you guys have 50/50??
Will she be paying you guys child support for the week you have him too?
How selfish


Doesn’t matter if it’s 50/50. Who ever makes more money and pays health insurance usually pays childsupport or receives it. But that’s between the baby daddy and baby mama and the judge. None of your business. If your curious you need wait til your bf goes to child support court then you can ask him. Trying to intervene in the mother and fathers relationship will only cause hardships on both sides. Goodluck


My bf has 50/50 and still pays a little cs. He spent a pretty penny on his lawyer too, so yea. Even though their “mother” is a pos in a lot of ways, a lazy parent, and only has them half of her half of the time, she still gladly takes that cs and still even asks him to go in half on stuff, expects their bday stuff here to go bk and forth to her house etc… so yea, good luck with ur situation.

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In Oklahoma city as long as both parties agree to no child support then he pays no child support. He does need it filled in court that way she can’t come back and try to get child support.

Its all based percentage of your income

U need a court order. Hope you can prove what you say :grimacing:

The child’s mother must be needing money for the child , the 50 50 probably not working financially for her. A girlfriend has no ideal the needs of child’s moms household.


Why does it have to go to court aye, I mean farout one week on one week off and im guessing she doesn’t have to send anything with the child when he stays with yous and vice versa so its not really costing anyone extra, by the sounds of it he has all he needs at yours and at the mothers no money food or clothes are given over to help when he stays at yours or hers so why would she need the support aye?? Im guna say greed, greedy arse Mf :laughing:

Okay, so I am either way tired from the week or just ignorant, please be nice, but I read this 5 times and still have no clue what the babysitter getting married has to do with 2 incomes v- one…:thinking:


Your income doesn’t matter! It is his and hers that do, basically the one who makes more money would be the one to pay if taken to court

They will probably get the custody agreement in writing first not just by word and then from there if it remains 50/50 he won’t have to pay. But they may have to split cost like school cost or childcare cost of they sent already

All depends on the judge.

He needs to document everything so he take it to court….phone calls, text messages, anything they’ve written down!!! Print it out and take it to court.

Hmmm. Sounds like an equal deal for both parents. If there is a history of monetary exchange (say dad has been giving mom $100 month) the court may order that to be the support or may also increase it. Not knowing your situation, but typically if the parents live in different school districts the parent who lives in the school district the children attend may be considered the “residential custodial” parent and that may also factor in who is to pay and who is to receive support. Sometimes if kids spend 50/50 with each parent the parent who makes less money may receive child support to make both households income as equal as possible.


50-50 custody where I live means no child support.


He won’t have to pay anything. It’s 50/50.

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Its 50/50 he shouldn’t have to?


I KNOW he’s not really doing his part because if he was you would’ve said that he pays health insurance, daycare, and for extras like after school activities, field trips, tutoring, enrichment activities, etc. Does the child have special needs, because that’s a whole 'nother ball game. So she’s likely coming out of her pocket for these things and he likely just buys clothes sometimes. It’s trippy that men THINK they know what kids need AND what kids ACTUALLY need. Then you have hating azz girlfriends in the business.


U need stay out of it!!Let him worry about it and let them fight things on court!! It does matter y the mom has to doing he has pay he’s part no what

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He needs to file for joint custody asap. Hopefully they can get a court agreement in place before CS as that is easier

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I thought 50/50 care meant that one parent couldn’t claim child support

50/50 means no child support. But medical/school/sport shit is all split 50/50 too with childcare

She actually sounds pretty nice to settle a 50/50 agreement out of court. I’m sure there’s more to the story


Is he helping with medical cost, sports or activities, or anything really that should be split down the middle? Because that should be his responsibility as well. Just because he has the child half the time doesn’t necessarily mean he shouldn’t pay support. If he does do these things already and does 50/50 he should maybe get legal advice. It’s hard to say without knowing all details.

Better get good lawyer

It’s very disrespectful to speak of the child’s mother as the babysitter, no matter how you feel about her she is still his child’s mother And depending on where your boyfriend is from if 50/50 custody is in place then neither parent will pay child support, please keep in mind I’m from Australia and that’s how it works for me and my ex after we had the child support interview neither mother was ordered to pay child support because we both have our own bio kids during the week and non bio kids on weekends and holidays so time and money spent on the kids ends up equal.


Document that! That your boyfriend gets his offspring too. Hell no she is tryen to double dip. Child support is not for people to get out of spite. Or jus because they wanna be an ass. I’m being real and blunt. She can’t have her cake and eat it too…
Make sure your boyfriend keeps receipts of what he spends on his offspring.

Parent with the higher income pays child support typically friend


He needs to go to court first like right now

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You are a girlfriend nothing more but sorry. Sounds to me like you’re just a wee bit jealous? Well Guess what if he’s not paying child support he should be !! He laid down and helped make that baby!!


If it’s 50-50 like you say with week off week on I don’t think she should get cs either :woman_shrugging:t2: I’ve seen a lot of the times it’s either half the amount of nothing at all. So never know.

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I would have him request a mediation meeting so that it can be explained to her by officials exactly what the laws for your state are. I would have him call the family court and ask the clerk about services like that

Are you referring to the child’s mother as the “babysitter”?? She the mom! Sounds like you have some issues. And, you are just the girlfriend, so any discussion of child support is really none of your business.


Funny how girlfriends are quick to say mothers take fathers to court out of spite. When he made the baby was that spite? He must pay child support because it is the child’s legal right to be supported and you should stay out of it.


Keep your nose out of it. That’s his business. :ok_hand::ok_hand:


He is still responsible for child support if he makes more than she does. You are just a girlfriend. Stay out of it


Okay I do really have something to say!! I bet he really doesn’t get the kid for a whole week every other week! In fact I bet he doesn’t get him at all. The reason I say this is because… my oldest sons dad is non existent in my child’s life and had the Gaul to call me our sons babysitter bc his words were “ why would I see him when I pay you to babysit”
Girl you better choose your words wisely because if I was that mom you wouldn’t even be able to speak at all!

The secondary parent should pay support no matter what! Because the mom has to carry that child for 9 months the mom has to go through the most unimaginable pain to bring that baby into existence, just so the dad can treat both of them like shit ! (Especially the child) the mom has to do doctors, dentist, school, daycare, grocery shopping and special events ) whether the dad is there or not and even if he is there the dads hardly ever help the mother period ! And besides the child support isn’t for the mother it’s for the child !!! Even if he doesn’t have to pay he should want to period !!! Bitter ass second rate girlfriend is what you are making yourself sound like ! Yeah I said it … get over it !

I’ve edited my comment to say also you mean what is he looking at ! Because you honey have no rights to that child, and if their is no court agreement then he has to pay child support. And it’s not 2 incomes against one it’s one income against one ! Just bc she married don’t make a damn bc child support is not determined on the partner of said persons your just a second place idiot

Since you are just the girlfriend, you should let the two adults that made the child sort it out. You sound like an asshole calling the mother of his child a babysitter. Her future husbands income is only looked at for the tax bracket nothing more.

Save everything, record all receipts he pays for, clothes, insurance ect. Any hospital bills he has paid for the child and look for a really good lawyer. I helped my boyfriend ( now husband) and he got more time and its about making sure that the child is cared for. Hoping all goes well!


Your state likely has a child support calculator on its child support website. Take a look… sometimes a judge will go outside it but there has to be good cause.

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Babysitter?! Wtf?
You need to grow up, your bf needs to man up and you need to keep your immature jealous ass out of it.

50/50 doesn’t mean child support won’t be owed.
It’s based on income. If he makes more, then he’ll likely pay mom a portion of support. If she makes more, then she’ll likely pay dad a portion of support. But whether or not either one is remarried, the court doesn’t count the spouses income in child support calculations.

If they make close to the same, a very small portion of support will go to the one who makes less.
Check online in your state.
There are child support calculators you can use to get an idea of what could be ordered in your state.


On another note… you calling her “babysitter” is gross.
Be better.


You’re the girlfriend, not the wife… you knew he had a child when yall got together & had previous obligations… of she wants him on support, shes got that right despite whatever reasons you may think she’s jealous etc…


Get a lawyer. Have a paper trail of what he provides for the child and time he spends with child. File before she does including for custody to have their arrangement legally recognized.


why do you think the bio mom is the babysitter??..you sound childish, noaey and jealous…hunny, grow up
stay out of stuff thats not your business, it does not concern you


DONT GET A LAWYER ITS A WASTE OF MONEY WHEN IT COMES TO CHILD SUPPORT!!! It’s not a matter of if there will be child support that’s needs to be paid. It’s how much and who will be paying. Look up the child support guidelines for your state and find out if they have a child support guidelines form that they go by and put in each of your incomes and I believe how many overnights each of you have. I will say this the more you are already paying such as health insurance and childcare costs. Already paying for things like that helps factor all that into the guidelines. ALSO FILE A LONG HAND or LONG form Financial statement. BRING YOUR RECEIPTS FOR ALL OF YOU PAY FOR. Such as health insurance, daycare, summer camp. Any gym memberships. Everything. Every dollar helps! My ex pays me child support monthly.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What can my boyfriend expect with his ex coming for child support?