What can my boyfriend expect with his ex coming for child support?

Child Support & Custody are different entities


They compare how much each makes if the custody is 50-50. Try to remember the child support is for the child not the parent… That helps!


Why anyone would not have a court order is crazy they are for everyone’s protection! Get a family law attorney and a court order!!!

Get a lawyer and look up the laws in ur state. Alot of courts have a person who can guide you through the process. They cant tell u what to do cuz theyre not a lawyer but they are definitely a big help. Get the 50-50 put through the courts also. They go by income and number of nights spent in each home. Plus who claims the child at tax time. The parent who doesnt gets an extra amount each month for that. Get it all through the court and keep everything you can. As a parent seeing both sides i feel its very unfair.

They can only take 33.3 percent of his income babe. Let her do it. The kid will see how mom works b due time

If its 50/50 then whom ever has child pays for needs when child is with that parent.

Unfortunately, they’ll likely side with the mama unless you have some great records indicating it’s not needed.

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Not to be nasty but not ur concern its between the mother and father and the courts not you…
U dont know the whole story u only know his side best if u just stay in your lane let them work it out


You make yourself sound like a disrespectful brat, insulting the mother of his child when she has just as much custody as him, and you clearly aren’t giving the full story here, you are not a parent of the child and only know a very biased side of the story so maybe just stay out of it


His ex is not taking child support out of him. It’s his job and it’s the law. Child support and custody are two different things.

Another thing if y’all are NOT married it’s best for you to stay out of it. I’m not saying that to be rude but it literally has nothing to do with you if y’all are not married and any lawyer will tell you the same thing.


Truly I would get a lawyer, & keep all receipts. Have as much proof as can. Definitely look up laws in your state on this issue.


This is so wrong! That child deserves support and shame on you for calling her a babysitter and for not expecting her dad to pay.

In PA even with 50/50 the parent that makes more has to pay the other parent a calculated amount from the courts unless the parents agree to a different amount.

He will still have to pay

Theres an equation for child support, sorry but the mom is allowed to get it regardless of 50/50 its based off of both parents income.

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Yea if she just called the bio mom babysitter she can take a seat and deal with it its not her business anyway


Depending on your state laws, which you should consult with an attorney or a child support agency. Child support and visitation/custody are separate issues, meaning just because it’s 50/50 doesn’t necessarily mean one party isn’t entitled to support. The only two incomes that are considered are the parents. Then they factor in childcare expenses, health insurance, etc.


Its usually 25% of what the person makes each month that they will take

If yall share joint custody she’s not entitled to child support.

Here in Kansas it is is based off of income if it is 50/50 share she shouldn’t get very much

Every state has a calculator that the judge uses
Income, custody split etc are all factored in , in AZ it’s income potential so one party quits a $40g a year job to try and milk it their income is factored in as $40 not zero

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Nothing besides the fact he should be paying child support

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What can my boyfriend expect with his ex coming for child support?

I see a mother and father situation. You are the baby sitter. So are you getting married to your boyfriend?

Her getting married and having 2 incomes makes no difference

She gets nothing, as its classed as shared care …as long as he can prove he has him once a week every other week…

She is mother not a babysitter !

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It’s a good thing. There should be a system set in place with the courts even just for health insurance reasons and ext.

It totally depends where you are located and the specifics to family court there.
In BC, Canada it is dependant on the mother and the father’s finances, regardless if they have a significant other or not. If one parent has custody of the children more, that increases the support needed as well. Because they share 50/50, it will solely come down to finances and evening out the households.

If you are referring to the mother as the “babysitter” I highly advise against that. That’s incredibly negative behaviour and detrimental to the children.


Why are you in this? This is not your business. The relationship between him an his ex and child should not be a topic of your conversation and unless and until you are invited into this, try an just be you boyfriend’s sounding pole. At this point, you are his girlfriend, NOT a significant other. If you want to be useful, direct him to a lawyer or parental rights agency so that he can better understand his rights

Hi, paralegal in family law for 6 years here. It’s all dependent on the state you’re in. Here in MI, for one thing, the court will make them start from scratch regarding custody, parenting time and child support, since the courts won’t recognize a custody agreement not entered as an Order. Now when a case is initiated and you go to Friend of the Court for conciliation, you can tell the conciliator that you’ve been following this agreement for however long, and they can put that in the order. Regarding child support amounts, Michigan has a child support calculator online. But I have seen clients who make far more than the other parent, they have 50/50 custody, and still pay child support. I’ve also seen parties with similar incomes and 50/50 custody where Friend of the Court orders very minimal child support. The only time I have ever seen $0 in child support is upon agreement of the parties. Whoever the OP is should contact a family law attorney in her area if she really wants correct info…

You said it’s 50/50 not through court?? If that is the case the mother can get child support(minimum alloted),if it’s not documented through the court system then its considered a “gift”.Always get stuff put into writing,signed and dated for both parties and definitely get notarized.


In my life… He has 50/50 custody but she makes more so she pays him child support.

The babysitter :joy: if that is aimed at the mum so rude it’s not true


I doubt she will get alot if anything if you both have for 1 week at a time x

I assume Babysitter A refers to you as Babysitter B.

There’s a calculator on the cms website. If it is 50/50 then they probably won’t make him pay anything

I suggest Dad gets an attorney ASAP…. They have no order in place, what they have now means nothing.

Whats the babysitter got to do with it :thinking:

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If he has 50/50 he shouldn’t have to pay

She won’t get child maintence I know this for a fact regardless of the income in each household. To be fair she shouldn’t need child support considering they are supporting the child/children equally. :roll_eyes: I wish my sons dad did 50/50 with me rather that than money purely coz kids need both there parents in there life equally.


It depends on each parents finances, more than how often someone has the children. They try to keep the finances in each household even, which usually never works out correctly. Her new husband’s finances will have absolutely nothing to do with the children her and your boyfriend share.

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If it’s 50-50 and there isn’t a huge income disparity he shouldn’t have to pay child support.

She shouldn’t get a penny if it’s 50/50 x

If you are referring to this child’s mom as “the babysitter,” you might want to change your toxic snottiness before encountering a family court judge. Even with 50/50 custody, one could pay the other child support based on income.


Mind your own Buisness and let the mother and father of the child sort it out. Can’t be doing with girlfriends interfering with issues that have nothing to do with them!!.


i doubt that’s why she filing child support lol


I don’t care what the details are, but those of you calling this person “just the girlfriend” are in the wrong as well. Some people choose to not get married, have long term/serious relationships prior to marriage, and provide and care for their partners children as a mom would. I’m not married, but you better believe I’m a stepmom who cares for and about my boyfriend’s son and have for years. “Step” or “girlfriend/boyfriend” are not labels we use at our house. We are a family, regardless of what some of you think. It is valid for her to have an opinion in this case, even if she may not get a say, she does get to have feelings and concerns about it.


Wait. Did u call the mom the babysitter? The hell


I tired getting support while on 50/50 and they wouldn’t give it to me because we had them equally but that is in my state talk to a lawyer

I think baby sitter was a typo??


It’s based on income. If one makes 40k and the other makes 100k. Then of course the one who makes more will have to pitch in to ensure the child can live the same lifestyle in both homes, especially if the child spends 50% of their time in a lower income household. It’s really common sense. It’s in the best interest of the child. Also, I really hope you calling that child’s MOTHER a babysitter was a typo.


Did you just call the sons mother a babysitter ?! :thinking: Please take several seats & reevaluate who you think you are. Per your own post their is nothing your boyfriend does that she doesn’t. :roll_eyes:


Calling her a baby sitter shows how immature you are i feel bad for the child because you sound toxic af and if he’s such a great father he would do the right thing ans remove you from his sons life.


Is it just me or is anyone else having a hard time understanding this


It’s based on what each parent makes. It could backfire and she could have to pay… especially being that it’s 50/50

If it’s truly 50/50 then no child support should be granted

if she was being spiteful she would make it so he can only have said child every 2nd weekend in which he would have to pay more child support if he earns enough and tbh it’s not about money it’s about helping raising the child THEY both had!! also last time I checked a gf isn’t really involved in this unless you helped create that child or the money is coming out of your account not a joint account

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It’s not 50/50 unless it’s in a custody agreement. If child support is an issue than they need to settle it in court, but they I mean the mother and father not you. As a gf you really have no say in any of it.

:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: I am not saying this to make anybody mad, but it might. If you are in a relationship with someone, even if you are LIVING together, and there is not a ring on your hand and you haven’t said your “I dos” with that person, your position does not have enough permanence to have a say in how your SOs co-parenting situation is set up for THEIR children with someone else. ESPECIALLY if they didn’t ask you. Boyfriend or girlfriend. Period. If its not coming out of your pocketbook, mind your business, give your hunny your shoulder, if he asks for it and let them settle it in court.

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It would be a great idea if u dnt get involved, let them handle their child

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She can’t have it simples!

Just speaking from my experience even if you have 50/50 or joint custody the child still has to have a main core home for example when the child goes to school what address is put down when they go to the doctor what address is on file… that is what I was told… it helped me tremendously to have joint custody if my ex had full custody I would be paying a lot more

Expect the energy you deserve and the outcome

And also it’s none of your business. Your just a girlfriend your not a wife. You have no idea your place and it is going to end horrible well your relationship mind your own business and I say this as a step mother. Your job isn’t to judge. Your Job is to be a bonus mom. And if you don’t show respect to that mother of your step child you are well beyond ready for a step parent role. Ugh

Did you seriously just call the mom a babysitter? Cause if so do you have kids? So listen Lil girlfriend she is not a babysitter she is a mother he pays half and provides half because that is his child. I thank God my kids father isn’t with someone as disrespectful as that. I’d rock ya chin.

Its not about 50/50 in some states. I have 50/50 in technicalities but my son primarily lives with me and my ex makes 6k a month more then I do. He still pays child support. Its about the financial aspect more then the custody. The custody is just dependent on how much child support he will be paying. On the flip side if a woman makes more then the man she would have to pay him child support. Also when you file for child support you have to have a court order for custody so they can determine child support fairly.

To be honest, it is nothing but math. Child support services will not take their custody arrangement into consideration because it is not court ordered or deemed. If he has other children, they will go by order of birth…ie…who was born first.
So, say he has an income of $500 a week, they will do a percentage monthly, and his payments could range from $200-$500 a month.
I’m sorry I can’t narrow that down anymore, but there are tax, insurance, custody, and other issues that they will take into consideration before making a money judgement.