What can my kids call my partner?

For us (also a same sex relationship) mine uses a shortened version of her name and it sounds adorable

I’m going to have to agree with Julie and say confused :roll_eyes:


Sounds confusing? Whatever they wanna call him/her


Let your partner & kids find something. If there isn’t anything agreeable, calling them by their name is fine.

Ask the kids and your partner… Let them come up with a name everyone likes

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In Urdu it’s “Ammee”… kind of sounds like mommy, but different enough to be special.


Have your partner sit down with your kids and let them come up with something that both parties both like.

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My kids use momma and daddy for me and their bio dad and mom and dad for their step parents. It’s what ever your partner and children are comfortable with

Mimzy i call my mom mimz for short

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That is a big change especially for children. They’ve been using the term dad for how long now and then have to switch it up. I’d let them do whatever is comfortable to them and leave it at that until they possibly make the decision to change the term they currently use


Ask her what she’s wants to call her lol

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Yes youre partner isn’t a pet …this is weird :joy:


Why don’t you sit down with the kids and with her and ask everyone to have him put maybe come up with something special and something that your partner is comfortable with

I know a similar family that calls one their pink mommy and one their blue mommy, maybe that could work or substitute your favorite colors

Why can’t their dad stay Dad?


Same sex couple here.
Not trans though.

My daughter says mummy for both.
If she wants to get a point across directly and is being sassy she will say mummy neek or mummy lauren

My step daughter just calls me Dan to my face and dad when she talks to other people

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I called my mom marmalade

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Lol how bout crazy??? All parents are crazy so one of u can b crazy n the other krazy

Mada, pronounced maa da

You let them call him what ever they fill comfortable with … all they know is what they see and what people say so don’t make it difficult for them


Mama (insert name here)

Is your partner their biological parent? If so, what does your partner wish to be called?

Try a suitable nick name both sexes can use, like Sam or Bobbi. Don’t complicate yet transition for the kids.

Mapa? A mix of Mama and papa? I got that from a fan-fiction story,

Those poor kids are going to end up having long term therapy with that confusion in that home …I feel sorry for those kids


Mama “first initial”?


Well I guess you’re more interested in accommodating your partner than asking your children what they are comfortable with so I think they should call your partner mom and you by your first name. Also, they will grow up learning that love looks like sacrificing their own needs to accommodate their future partners needs so good luck with the teen years.


If your kids feel comfortable with calling your partner dad then I would let them, it’s not only your partners transition and have to think of the psychological effects of your kids during all of this.


Mommy-(her name) and mommy-(your name)

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on a serious note tho! Why can’t dad stay dad at the end of the day that is their dad! Transitioning or not it’s still dad! They just relate that word with that parent! Maybe kids aren’t ready to call dad anything else but dad! I Dnt know good luck


Whatever they are comfortable with :woman_shrugging:t3:


You can do mommy for you and mama for your partner.

My son called my late wife La-la


What about Dee…sounds feminine and is the second half of daddy?


My son calls my husband his step dad, “noodle” lol when we were dating he made apparently the best “noodles” for dinner, so my son started remembering him at the noodle guy, now we are married and he still refers to him as “noodle”


Talk to your partner and kids and talk as a family, discuss it, and don’t be afraid to try something for a while and change it if need be. This is a time for adjustments for all of you so just openly communicate and be as understanding as you can with everyone

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Make up a cute name. Something original. I used to know someone whose grandchildren called her “jammy.” Lots of words could be made up.

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Who said anything about transition i know trans people who don’t make the transition. The kis should just call them whatever as long as your partner is consistent there and loves then

Maybe u could all sit down and talk and decide on a name together

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What can my kids call my partner? - Mamas Uncut

Ask your partner, they may have a preference.

If you go by Mum and Ma
Theres heaps of other variations out there.
Being 2 of the options :blush:

2 of my closest friends are a lesbian couple and they go by mummy (the one who birthed their daughter) and meema (non carrying mum)


Ask your partner for suggestions then show those to the kids ultimately its what the kids feel comfortable with and saying

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I’d ask your partner what they want to be called x


My step daughters call me dory and we all love it,


Always called my stepmother now 46 years by her first name.

My mum’s wife is Mumma T

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What can my kids call my partner? - Mamas Uncut


My cousin calls her grandpa who wasn’t always present in her life “morfa “ sounds just like it’s spelled. I think it means my mothers father in another language. So maybe look up other languages and what they use


Well my son doesn’t call me mom or mommy/mama lol he either calls me baba or boppy, I even got a shirt that says the best baba ever in pink writing so I know it’s a thing and I thought I was one of the only ones to be called that until I heard another little boy call his mom baba. So I was like :open_mouth: another baba! Finallyyyy lol, but in actual reality baba actually means father, grandfather, wise old man etc :slightly_smiling_face: so hope that helps.Editing to say: others have said it means grandma and mom too! So the more you know! I’m actually really happy to know this haha it’s great :slightly_smiling_face:


I know it’s not the same but my older boy called me mom, mama, MA when he wants something lol, his step mom ( his other mom) mama insert her name. Let them decided what they would like to call her. Hugs


I love the idea of letting kiddos call us what they come up with I was trying to figure out before I became a grandma what I wanted to be called cause I felt like grandma sounded so old lol and before I knew it my grand kiddos had decided for themselves :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:my granddaughter she’s three and spends a lot of her days with me so she started calling me MOMMER I absolutely adore it and now my kids and others have started calling me by mommer as well :rofl:then my grandson he is five and I see him on the weekends and he just chooses to call me grandma and I adore that as well :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:I think it’s way more special when we let them decide what they call us because kids can really surprise us and come up with the most adoring names for the people they love and that makes it super special in my opinion :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’d just let them call her what they feel comfortable with calling her. I recognize that she has her own journey but, so do the children. Transitioning affects everyone involved. It’s a touchy subject… I personally would leave it alone and let the children have some normalcy and comfortability. Who knows, they may get to a stage where they want to figure out a name together.


I just saw Caitlin Jenner speak to this. His 2 daughters with Kris call her Dad with proper pronouns. She likes it that way as that’s how the girls have always known her. She is very touched and feels respected ever so much at the use of proper pronouns.


My kids call me mommy/mom and they call my wife Mama. When they want something they call me mama and when they’re mad we’re both MOTHER :joy:

Edited for an explanation: my wife’s name is maranda, that’s where mama comes from. It just happened to be in her name and already a word.


My partner’s kids call me Jess. We have two kids together and they call me Mommy. It’s whatever you all feel most comfortable with :slight_smile:

Maybe have a look at what they call Mum in other cultures. Some of these terms are beautiful. Good luck xo


Whatever is most comfortable for your family. Other ppl can’t dictate what’s right for your family. It’s not a straight answer that covers everyone. Do what’s best for yall hun.


How does your partner want to be addressed? What does their relationship look like? I wouldn’t expect them to transition to a name similar to mom immediately if they have been using dad. Maybe a term of endearment that doesn’t reflect gender would work.


It depends on the relationship and how long you have been with… And what everyone is good with… My 1 set of step kids call me momma… second call me by my name…


I mean, my grands call me that but I know several people that their nieces and nephews call them Mimi, so I don’t see why step children couldn’t

My bonus kids call me B-dogg and my kids call their bonus dad Z-dogg :laughing: it all started with a goofy shopping trip at hobby lobby… and it stuck. Let them come up with something on their own is my suggestion

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I have a trans dad and I still call her dad. She will always be my dad even tho she is trans. This works for our family


My buddy or even by their name. My son calls my husband (who’s not his biological father) Terry or mate. Perhaps even a nickname might work.

Welp, if was born male , they call him he, sir, if they want to, dad. But if she’s born a female, she, her, mam ,miss,and if they want to, mom. Dont confuse the children into making them feel like they have to say one or the other. Maybe let them choose


My daughter called me Mom/Mommy and my (now ex) wife Mommy Heather (and just Heather as she got older).

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I call my mom boss lady, jefa (boss for a female in spanish), jefita (cute version of boss lady)…


I know it’s different situation but my daughter has a stepmom. She calls myself Mommy and her mom. Just an thought!

My son called me babe :heavy_heart_exclamation::rofl: his dad called me that so he thought it was my name


My step son calls me by my first name and he always has since I came into his life at age 2. He’s 22 now


Ask them and her what feels right for them. That’s whet we did when my bonus kids were trying to navigate this topic.

Honestly there are lots of variations on “mother”. Mom, mommy, ma, mama, mother, Mama(insert name here) and then of course other languages too.

So what I’m getting from other comments is that this is their biological father. Have they expressed they don’t want to be called dad anymore? And if so I would probably start looking at other languages for mom. Or make up a name. We all used to call my grandma Nami and it came from one of the kids not being able to say grandma.


I had a child in my class who had one “mama” and called the other “mommy”. They would cal each other as such so as not to confuse the child.


Who is laugh reacting this? Seriously, grow up.


At my house we use mom (me) and mama (them). Works for us.

Good luck it’s hard and amazing journey. Not for everyone.


How old are they? Old enough to pick a nickname? My brother couldn’t say my name when he was little so i became Nene. Now most of my friends kids call me that. Does dad have a name that is easy to turn into a nickname?

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A friend of mine is in the same boat and she has 2 kids 4 years and 7 years.
7 year old calls dad madad so it’s like ma dad so it’s like mam and dad in 1.
4 year old doesn’t understand it so much so calls them mad so again a combo of mam and dad z

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Mommabear is what my step kids call me or momma, if they say mommy we know they are speaking about their birth mom


Pick a special nick name that only the kids can call your partner. Get them to come up with it. Something that has a special meaning to just them that they associate with her.

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I’ve never been in this situation so I can’t give a definite answer, but I would like to think I would let the kids decide. It seems like it would be special that way.

My daughter calls my fiancé Momma Chels, and my son just calls her Chelsea. We don’t force anything on them. It’s all with what they feel is right and sits right with them

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Why not just leave it as dad? They already have a name, why change it.


I know it’s not the same thing but my stepdaughter is always called me by my name and it has never offended me at all because it was what she was comfortable with! I think just let the children decide

My daughter when she was 2 going back between my house and her dads would always get confused when she came home or went to her dads and she was always mommy ah daddy, or vice versa and for about a year ended up calling us both moddy :woman_shrugging: it worked and it was cute

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Normally they will come up with there own names. My daughter was 3 months old when me and my so got together and one day she just called him da

Bobci is mom in polish. My great grandmother was polish . I thought it was her name growing up but it meant mom

What do the kids want to call her? What does she want to be called? If she is the kids’ biological parent/they’ve been calling her “Dad” for a long time, it may be best to think of something close to that. The transition would be hard on the children (not that it’s not hard on you and your partner), so I would do whatever the kids want, at least until everyone gets more used to everything :slight_smile:

Star would be a good one. It doesn’t have to be the traditional mom related name unless that’s what she wanted!

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You Mom & Your Partner can be called MaMa & what ever his or her Name is!

Honestly…whatever they come up with. I’m a stepmom. Known my stepdaughter since 4 yrs old. She’s 13 now. Been called mom, Shan-Shan, Shawnin… Mostly it is “Shannon.” :blush::hugs::raised_hands::cupid:

My boys call my husband by his name he’s not their dad but my oldest son calls him father sometimes lol I know that probably doesn’t help

I have taken in a 7yr old and a 10 yr old biologically not mine but are now had them since 1.5 and 4 they call
Me by name which is fine never teyin to replace thier father

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If the kids have always called and known him as dad I can’t imagine the conversations that have to take place to convince them/ train them to now see “dad” as a completely different type of human. Are theses dad’s biological kids? And what ages are they? I mean swapping out a dad for 2 mom’s has got to be a rough situation in the middle of an already established family dynamic. I guess just keeping in mind the kids come first and their comfortability takes precedence over everything else should be a good guide to go by.

My nieces call their mom mom/ma and their aunt who’s like a second mom, momma honey

My daughter started calling me now husband DD all on her own. She coukd always try calling your partner Dee or Em.

My son calls me Moogie. Any Star Trek Deep Space Nine fan might recognize that as what Ferengi mothers are called.

I like on the show 911, the female couples kids called them mum for the birthgiver and mama hen ( as in her name not the animal) for the other

Love, Honey, Boo, or shorten their actual first name into a nickname

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Make up a pet name. Something cute, or Sassy, sporty or funny. So long as it’s respectful and all agree on it.
My granddaughter changes what she calls me regularly. It use to be Nannie or NaN, then as she’s getting older it’s been Nannie plumb, gangster Gran, or Gramma.
Usually and mostly it’s NaN. I love whatever she calls me so long as it’s not disrespectful. :sparkling_heart::two_hearts::cherry_blossom::hibiscus: