What can we do to keep our toddler distracted so we can have alone time?

Um… wait until he goes to bed? :face_with_monocle:

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You will NEVER have alone time again. My oldest is about to be 18. I still can’t pee in private. But in all seriousness, wait until he goes to bed. At 2 years old, he should be going to bed between 7-8. That should give you and dad some alone time before bed time for the two of y’all. I wouldn’t be leaving my 2 year old unattended at all, ever. They’re curious at that age and any number of things could happen when left alone even for a few minutes.


Get a sitter.go on a date go home when sitter has him asleep

Have a quickie or wait for him to sleep :joy:

I feel like this is a troll question lol


This must be a joke lol

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Um… wait til he sleeps? :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:


Why are you leaving your 2 year old awake and alone to have time with your so??? Wait till he’s asleep… maybe instead of alone time you need to check your prorities…


He’s 2, that’s what nap time and bedtime are for. Never while they up would i leave a 2 year old in house alone…just saying.


Is your kid like that little girl from the ring movie? I mean, do they not sleep? That might be a bigger issue :flushed:


Woah everyone is so judgmental! They all must be Perfecttt shew!


He’s 2 lol. Wait for him to be asleep. Don’t leave him alone lmao. If you don’t like to be interrupted you should have thought about that before kids lol.


I rarely post in here and love the different opinions so for me to say this after Only quickly reading a comments… Man y’all awfully harsh today’. To the Mama who wrote this I wish I had a answer for you… BUT I don’t Because I lived by ALOT of these comments and While they’re Not wrong. Neither are you for wanting spontaneity in your sex Life with your husband. I Hope you find a way to make it work. A playpen Maybe???

Maybe wait to be intimate once he goes down?
Or with you guys is so spontaneous that you two literally have the urges to get intimate right after lunch or something like that?


Try again when hes 18


Wait till he goes to sleep…like normal parents


How about waiting until he goes to BED. WOW.


Try waiting until he goes to bed! Don’t leave your child unattended so you can have sex!

Are you joking have your fun when he’s asleep in bed, not whilst you’re all awake!!! Jesus christ you went through labour etc without sex I’m certain you can wait now!! I can’t believe you’ve asked this :roll_eyes:

Wait til he’s in bed???


You didn’t know sex stopped after kids?

So even if you can get a sitter, what will you do? Call her when you are in the mood and tell her to run over?


You do not leave a two year old alone to have sex. Does the two year old never sleep?
Not today SATAN!

Uh. Wait till he goes to sleep? I’m really confused why it has to be during the day while hes awake.


Live without sex until he sleeps. Cosleep? Live without it until he’s older. 🤷

Surely he has a bedtime and naptime. Yall can’t work it out around his sleeping schedule? Am i nuts or is that not what most couples do? I have a toddler but i also have preteens. I am not gonna go have sex with them chillin in the livingroom. That seems odd to me.

I’m just going to go out on a whim here and assume that maybe mom didn’t articulate herself correctly here. I’m also going to assume that they co-sleep with their baby and that’s probably why they can’t have sex when he’s sleeping. I have a toddler who has not and will not sleep unless I am “nap trapped” I completely understand what it is like. To the parents who’s kids sleep 12+ hours a night and also take a nap, I just want to say that you guys are very fortunate. I’m not one of those parents, my child is not like yours so I do feel for this Momma. Having a very attached child and also not having a support system (grandparents, family, etc) is so so incredibly hard, add PPD to that, it makes life even harder. Being rude to mom’s like us does not help our situation. So I’m just gonna be here and let any other mom reading this post and the comments know that you are not alone, there is nothing wrong with you or your child. I know exactly how you are feeling and sometimes it feels like we aren’t even human because we are giving 1,000% of ourselves to our littles. I know it doesn’t help in the moment but it does get easier.

My tip, if you do co-sleep, try rolling off of the bed after your little is asleep… Head to the living room or a guest room. Time is of the essence so don’t waste too much before you get busy with your partner.

The only time I have a free moment or free hands is usually during meal times but I won’t recommend doing it then because you’ll be too distracted to make sure your bub doesn’t choke while eating.

Unfortunately bed/nap time is probably your safest time to get it on but like I said, don’t waste time.

Good luck.

I’m assuming maybe he still co sleeps and that’s why you’re having issues? Intimacy and alone time is SO important in relationships. If he’s still co sleeping id recommend working on getting him out of your bed. It’ll be hard for like a week and then he’ll get used to it. If co sleeping isn’t the issues…wait until he sleeps?? Lol


Simple when he sleeps

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Wow. What the fuck? Is this serious?! Welcome to being a parent. Wait till your child is asleep. I can’t even believe this is something a real person asked. Are you that selfish? Trust me I understand the value of intimate alone time but being a parent you need to work around your child’s scheduled. Wtf is wrong with night time???

I’m not comfortable having sex with my child in the house, let alone AWAKE. Wait until he/she goes to sleep and then go to the bedroom, if he/she cosleeps, go to the bathroom or the livingroom.

Maybe the dad work nights for those asking why not do that when the kid is sleeping?!?

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Put him in his room and shut the shut the door. I’m a SAHM and my son sleeps in his own room,when I have stuff to do around the house,I shut him in his room and turn a movie on and he plays while I do what I go to do. He has his own room and knows when it’s bed time so me getting it on isn’t an issue even during the day. My son wakes around 9am comes out and plays and runs around the house to goes outside and then he eats lunch and goes and plays in the his room and takes a nap and then when he’s taken a nap he comes back out and roams around till bed time.

He’s 2 of course he doesn’t want to be left alone with your door shut. Just shag when he’s in bed ffs, it’s life when you’re a parent!


So no one thought about the fact that maybe the kid sleeps in their room? Not everyone has seperate bedrooms available for little ones. Lol


Some of y’all are so mean :roll_eyes: she’s desperate asking for help, not y’all’s rudeness!!


After the baby is asleep, get the baby monitor on, close the bedroom door and go for it! Knock off everything in the house!! You may be interrupted but that’s life! Stop and take up later when the next opportunity arises. :blush:While the baby is awake, and in need of attention, no, it’s not ok. As a couple you can take that time to get eager about it, that’s it. :wink:

Asking a question like this in a public forum is like leaving a roast chicken on the kitchen table and telling your pet dog to guard it while you go out for a bit.


I have a 3 year old and since he was born my husband and I get intimate time when he is asleep.


Wait till the poor baby is in bed!! It’s not possible to have alone time when ur toddler is awake, I’m lucky if I get to use the loo!!

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With a two year old, only when they are sleeping. I would also have hubby asked people, he worked with for babysitters they use. Maybe a date night. Seriously you need someone to babysit in case of a emergency. I have always lived beside family & friends, so had plenty of babysitters.

Do it while he’s sleeping

By crikey look at all the Karen’s on this post​:woozy_face: Can’t a mama get some advice without the judgmental comments​:woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:


My 4 year old sleeps in our room. If we weren’t able to somehow do it during the day then we wait till she’s asleep and go to a different room for intimate time. It’s really not that hard if you have self control like…

Ummm wait till he goes to sleep! Good luck - there’s not a lot of “Me” time when you have kids! But it shouldn’t be a problem to wait till he goes to bed!

How about you screw around when the child is asleep 🤷

So baby don’t sleep at nights…


Try when he’s sleeping. Idk if you allow him to watch tv. Maybe a movie in his room with some toys and a baby monitor to keep an eye on him. Also what do you guys do when you go out alone?

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lay down with him in his bed and then when he falls asleep go on the other room for hankey pankey


Give him some juice and put on his favorite show, but the whole day prior, give him water and no tv time. It will keep him busy for a bit. No snacks because it will be a choking hazard, especially if you’re not keeping an eye on him while eating. Good luck, mamas hope that helps.

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The heck he should have his time 2 not 2 be rude but quit coddling him…

I mean….that’s what them going to bed is for…and it’s kinda weird that you’re trying to do it while he’s up…


Leave a 2 yr old to fool around? Really!! When he’s asleep :sleeping:


Bedtime or naptime. Tire him out in the afternoon so maybe he will go to bed earlier. But don’t leave him alone he will only be more afraid to be alone

Your child has too sleep like anyone else. Use your common sense mumma…


When he goes to bed x

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The purple dinosaurs show…or a SpongeBob marathon

Is this for real? Obviously when he’s asleep at night time/nap time!! There’s no reason ever to leave a 2 year old alone to “fool around” :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


Omg can’t you both wait til he’s in bed asleep???


Seriously is this for real? Like I wish I had alone time . But not for this … I really hope you don’t have anymore kids . Cause you obviously don’t comprehend, that you don’t leave a two year old unattended… just so you can do the hanky Panky… it’s called wait till your child is asleep at night … to do that … once you have children you make sacrifices for them … and having alone time is one of them… your seriously crazy to think it’s ok to leave a toddler alone to do that . While your ass is doing that they can seriously hurt themselves… or get outside. By themselves anything could happen . Think your child should be more important than sex . There’s a time and place for that … please don’t have anymore kids till you grow up and realize what’s important your kids . D ** k can wait .

Sarah-Jayne Elkins so part of what you said was encouring, only to end with a jerk off comment about laying back with legs open. I’m assuming your children were only conceived at night while your other children were in bed, well good on you. Intimacy is a huge part of keeping a marriage alive and toddler years are tough and yes sometimes the fun has to be done after the kids go to bed or nap, but you didn’t have to call her behavior disgusting as maybe she’s concerned with her level of intimacy with her husband. So again, glad you are such a great mom that you would never dare to distract your child for a few minutes to have time with your husband. I’m going to assume your husband might not be the happiest in the intimacy area, but I could be wrong, just pointing out you have no reason to be so snippy and critical. So you might want to watch your judgements and assumptions of others just because they do things different than to you’re liking. I’m disgusted by your behavior cause you’re just a nasty individual and maybe some alone time with your husband might rearrange that nasty attitude. Just saying. Have a blessed day! :kissing_heart:


You could do TV time with a favorite show or something new that they’ve never really seen. That seems to work fairly well. Have Pots and pans with a little water to play with at the table as long as you don’t mind cleaning a bit of a water mess afterwards. This may sound bad but of your door locks :woman_shrugging: and it’s just a good ol fashioned quickie idk.

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Bedtime is the best but sometimes I know you probably wanna go to bed. TV favorite show or movie or tablet with learning games

Do it while he sleeps like normal people! :joy:


Um he’s 2, you shouldn’t be leaving him alone while he’s awake anyways. If it’s an issue bc he cosleeps with you, then be intimate while he’s sleeping in another room and also work on getting him out of your bed and into his own.


When he is asleep??? Leaving a two year old unattended for any amount of time seems like a bad plan.


How bout nap time n bed time pretty easy fix.

For 16 years I’ve been a mama and never in that time have my husband or I left toddlers whilst awake to have our special bed time!! It’s not acceptable hun! When he’s asleep, you have to work around his schedule.


Intimacy is definitely a must. If yall co-sleep (which sounds like yall do) try getting him into his own bed (or another room) for bedtime. Its ok to need adult time. Don’t let anyone make you feel horrible you need it.

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How about when he is napping or sleeping? That’s what most parents do…


Dude. He’s 2. Good lord

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Does the child not sleep…?

When he’s asleep like everyone else does?


wow!! you decided to become a parent and clearly have no idea that your alone time doesn’t exist!! wait til he’s asleep in his bed before you have time to do the deed ffs stupidity at its finest


Wait until bed like normal people? Leaving a 2 year old unattended isn’t okay at all


A lot of y’all are so judgmental! Eww!! Maybe her husband works night shift and isn’t there for bed time. Just because we’re parents doesn’t mean all the fun, excitement, and attraction from your partner is supposed to just disappear once you have a child? I’m sorry but if I wanna get railed in the middle of the day by my partner because we both want it, imma go get railed by my partner. I’m sorry but being judgmental is not a good color on anyone. To answer the question tho, put a gate up that you can make into a circle, give toys, books, and a drink, put on tv, and get a baby monitor and put it up so you can see baby while in the bedroom. Have your alone time with your hubby and don’t feel bad about it. Doesn’t matter what you do or how you choose to parent your child, there will be Karen’s everywhere to say something about what you do and how you parent because if your not doing it their way, your a failure or a horrible parent :roll_eyes:


I had to shake my head and seriously re-read your post to see if I really read what you posted! And you really asked those questions! Unbelievable! Wth are you thinking? Of course he panics…he is a baby! You don’t leave a 2 year old alone for ANY reason! Esp to have sex! My God! Why did you have kids? It is also so beyond wrong to just sit your child in front of the tv or computer or whatever for a babysitter! YOU CHOSE to have a child! Grow up and act like a caring, loving, RESPONSIBLE parent! It’s on you if that child gets hurt!!!

And btw - to answer your question about a safe way to distract your “BABY” while you have sex…there are NO safe ways to distract your baby while you have sex! Wow!

You don’t 🤷
Maybe get a babysitter :+1:

I’m sure he sleeps… that’s when you get it in!!! You’re welcome!


Man I’m sure this mom wasn’t expecting 800 comments and opinions lmao

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Geez, she needs advice people, not crucifixion.


Wait until you put him to bed for the night and have your all’s alone time then like most parents


Wait, parents get alone time without distractions and interruptions?! :astonished:


Uhm…. Wait until the baby is asleep……??
Why would you leave him unattended during the day just to sneak away and have sex?
What the heck

Maybe they cosleep?! My 3 year old absolutely will not sleep without us! Also maybe the father works at night and isn’t home. No reason to judge her🙄


Umm wait until your child is asleep!!


What the absolute F? This is a joke, right??? Your complaining that your 2 year old doesn’t want to be left alone in the living room so y’all can go have sex… Is this correct? You have no idea what your doing to this child. Do it during nap time, or when he’s asleep. I would have never ever done anything like this. My babies would of freaked out, of course he’s scared and upset. Girl, get a clue. I foresee a few CPS visits in your future honey.

It must suck having a kid that is awake 24/7! I mean that sucks. No naps and doesn’t sleep at night. Scary

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Wait until he’s asleep. Thats what we do.

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My twins are like this, just wait till after bed time but don’t waste time :rofl: within an hour or two one of them always wants me back

Wtf, he’s TWO!!
Do it AT NIGHT. Like everybody else god dammit

I believe most parents wait until nap or bed time. Once you become a parent “alone time” doesn’t happen often.


Some of these seriously have to be fake :joy:


Doesn’t he sleep? Ever? :woman_shrugging:t2:


Imagine only having sex at night lmaooooo some of yall are something else, seriously. I don’t imagine they’re having a full out bang sesh :rofl: I have no ideas about distracting baby tho :joy: maybe cocomelon my niece loves that show she’s almost 8mo. Be warned it’s kind of annoying :roll_eyes: :joy:

Ever heard of “wait til the kid sleep”

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Alone time??? What is that??


Wait times hes asleep

Wait until nap or bed time

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Can you wait until he sleeps? Unless he’s sleeping with you guys, then get him in his own bed and you’re all good.