I have three children, two boys and my last is a girl. I’m 4 1/2 months PP. I have never really experienced cramps, bloating too bad. But let me tell you…. My periods now are terrible. I’m bending over in pain, bleeding like a running faucet, moody AF. I tried Midol, Tylenol, Motrin to take the uncomfortable pain away, but it’s not helping. Can anyone PLEASE HELP!
Hello. I’m sorry you’re having such a difficult time. I wonder if your flow is extra heavy or heavy and passing clots?
Possibly endometriosis. I suffer with it and I have all of that. It’s gotten a lot worse since giving birth. I get pain during sex, ovulation, bloating like I’m 9 months pregnant and basically have to have a strict diet to try and avoid flare ups. It’s a big battle with the GP though, I’ve been on their asses the past 5 years!
Use a heating pad on your belly for about 20 minutes when you have cramps.
You need to make an appointment with your gyno and if you are soaking your pads or tampons too quickly you may need medication while you’re on your period. I have endometriosis and have the same issue. See your doctor babe! Sending you good vibes💕
I would go see your doctor, there’s a chance something has changed and you should be checked.
Please please go see your Dr!!!
The doctor can help!
I uses to never cram, bloat etc… I started to after my first pregnancy but it was mild. After each additional pregnancy it would get worse. After my 3rd it horrible like you are describing. I finally went in for a uterine ablation. Best thing I have ever done. No more periods and all the nasty stuff that goes along with it. And since they don’t remove anything I don’t need hormone therapy. If you are done having children I definitely recommend it. It’s been 15 years since mine. Still no problems
Cysts can cause those symptoms. Call your doctor.
I had this problem and come to find out i was 100 percent endometriosis and had to have emergency surgery to get right ovary and 19cm cyst removed this past may!!! I feel alot better and periods are getting to normal! I could have died if I didn’t catch it…PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEASE CHECK ON IT
I had same it was endometriosis had a hysterectomy because pain got too much for me
Magnesium supplements! I swear to God that works. I take it 3x a day when I’m on my period when it first starts and cramps are the worst.
This happened to me as well. I had my son and 3 years later lost twins. It got so bad that I had to have several DNC’s. When that didn’t help I got a partial hysterectomy.
Please please please go see your Dr. I did this too but it’s because I had etopic pregnancy
Fibroid tumors did that too me
My daughter uses feminax there fantastic for her x
Definitely talk to your doctor and gynecologist asap! I dealt with this for about 3-4 years and 9 years ago I finally got partial hysterectomy. My tubes were tied 26 years earlier and periods gradually got worse each month. Wishing you luck on your journey!
U might hv fibroid tumors
If you’re going through a tampon/pad in less that two hours, it’s recommended you go to A&E to make sure you don’t have an infection, and to prevent anaemia and dehydration. Hope you feel better very soon.
You need to see a doctor. I had pains like that after three days of delivering my last son and I had to stay in the hospital for five days from an infection that made me be on 21 bags of antibiotics. Note: I was having trouble getting out of bed due to how bad the pain was and I had to try my hardest to block the pain due to having three kids that needed attention
I had terrible periods found out I had endometriosis ask your gyno to check
Make a appointment to see your doctor. Really warm showers along with ibuprofen might ease the pain until you can see the doctor.
Uterine Cysts and fibroids can cause it
I had this same issue after my third child and found cysts and polyps on my ovaries and in my uterus. I had an endometrial ablation and now I don’t have periods. I have spotting sometimes but that only lasts a day or two.
Heat for sure and marijuana creams help me. I have endometriosis so i know cramps all to well
Call your Dr you could be experiencing fibroids which is why I had a partial hysterectomy due to all my blood loss
I’ve had the same recently after three kids and went to the doctor. Soaked up everything, I never wanted to go out in public. He prescribed me a medication to take the first three days of my cycle to help with the cramps and more importantly the heavy flow…HEAVY!! Goodluck.
Did you by chance get your tubes tied? I was fine before that, but everything changed after
Sounds like fibroid tumors…
Take a birth control might help slow it down
Sounds like wot i have polycystic ovaries
Go to your obgyn. If you’re not on any birth control you may need some just so your periods can go back to normal. This happened to me after I had my son and the birth control pills worked wonders and very quick. I waited so late to go back to the doctor till when I did go I had to get a transfusion I had done lost so much blood. Go to your doctor or ER.
Go see your doctor. Same thing happened to me and I found out I had fibroids. May not be the case with you but definitely get checked out.
Check for infections in your body. There are lots of things which could cause your problems ( from hormones imbalance, stomach h- pylori infection, thyroid, adrenal glands and few more). Ask the doctor for blood test to exclude all the above. It could also be stress related. Good luck honey. I also had so bad but the reason was my Thyroid, after fixing my Thyroid problem , everything went back to normal. I wish you all the best .
I had the same thing 28 years ago and it was cervical cancer they took out part of my cervix and I’ve been fine since
I had similar problems, so went to the doctor and they booked me in for a transvaginal ultrasound. I ended up having something called adenomyosis, which is when the outer walls of your uterus grow on the inside instead, so you have lumps like cysts. It causes heavy bleeding, severe pain, and can make periods irregular too.
Do you exercise? That can help with pain
You need to call your Doctor ASAP.
Try a mensural cup a lot of people have less cramping using them
Time for a hysterectomy
Get yourself to the doctors ASAP, and the medicine you’re taking is making you bleed more, it thins your blood so naturally you’re gonna bleed more
Talk to your OBGYN asap. It can be a sign that something is wrong.
also ask for prescription strength Naproxen for those cramps lol. I had shity horrible periods from age 12 till age 25 when I got a hysterectomy.
Ectropion cervix? That’s what I’ve been diagnosed with, among other stuff that’s still unknown
See your gyn and make sure they know the amount of pain you are in. Also the bleeding they should run test or try something to help. Otherwise see another Dr.
It could be ur Birth control
I have PCOS and that is the cause of these symptoms for me unfortunately , been that way my whole life since the very start of my periods years ago and never changed .
You did not state your age premenipasal stage ??? Just to say I had my daughter at 40 and boom everything changed ask your mom how old she was some women start that early too
Talk to your dr FB people can’t help you we don’t know about the problem. Explain it to your dr he/she can help better
Use heat. But also I urge you to go to the obgyn. Do not wait any longer.
Ibuprofen every 4 hrs. I do 800mg the first 2 days. My doctor actually recommended it. It slows it down. And it actually works every month. Also vitamin c to help the uterus shed all the nasty stuff faster…
I had really bad ones after my 2nd baby. He’s 21 months now and they are back to “normal” make sure you’re doctor is aware.
Did you have a tubal ligation after your last? I swear my period was worse after that. I never had cramps until then.
Mine cramps got bad after I got my tubes tied
Hot water bottle!!
Been a heavy bleeder since I was 9 years old and got worse after having my baby. A hot water bottle and a warm back helps a tonne with cramps.
As a 12 year old I took cyclokapron it’s a hormone to help thin out your bleeding. Never did work for me but may work for you!
No way I am pregnant… I had a bad time as you have described… now I do not have periods… I am not yet in menopause… the dr said… come in and we will give you injections to start your cycle… umm hell no, I am good…
I’d definitely check with a doctor but if dr says all is normal I suggest trying a menstrual cup. Ive suffered from horrible cramps since shortly after I began having my period. My cup is a HUGE game changer worst I get now is just an annoying crampy feeling it’s uncomfortable but doesn’t hurt and it’s not every cycle either.
Ur Doctor or Gyn… Soon
Sounds so weird but changing to cloth pads was a life saver. My periods are lighter and shorter. I am on no birth control. It also helped my 15 year old cousin who has zero kids and on no birth control.
This is a question you should be asking your doctor. That’s the ONLY qualified person to answer. Make an appointment
What does this have to do with nails?
I had really bad periods too. I would take Tylenol religiously and never helped. Pamprin is a life saver!!! If you can figure out a diva cup that helped so much because it holds 3x as much than a tampon or pad does! Seriously pamprin helped me so much!
Go get checked for Fibroids. Those were my symptoms for years and soon as I got married my wife referred me to her ob and that was the diagnosis. Dealing with horrible cramps and sometimes month long periods since I was a teenager and that came to be the reason.
You might have polycystic ovarian syndrome PCOS.
Sounds like fibroid. I’ve had them twice.
Talk to your doctor!
What does your OBGYN say?
I’m in same situation as you right now, had scans/mri done & confirms of fibroids & cysts on my ovaries & am being cornered into a hysterectomy but please get yourself checked out
Contact your doctor!!
Bahahaha welcome to every month of my life
Did you get your tubes tied? This happens to several people I know after they did.
Ket your doctor know!
Contact your doctor! That is NOT normal. I had a hysterectomy because of that. Please go to a doctor, I had to have a blood transfusion!!
I was like that when I had fibroids.
Sounds like endometriosis… but I only say that because it sounds like exactly what I went through years ago. I would definitely contact your ob doc
Let your doctor know. Try a heating pad. It usually helps me
I just went through this…for the last several years it has been HORRIBLE. I did not know… until I ended up in the ER that I had fibroids all over my uterus…underwent an emergency hysterectomy and needed three units of blood.
GYN could probably tell you.
Please go to see
Your OB GYN. Nobody in here without a doctor’s license should give you advice on this matter.
Mine got worse after my first(only) feels like im bein hit with a hammer in my goutch(between the cootchie & bootyhole) heat helps me, but i remind myself its just 1week and my first couple periods after i bled alot the doc put me back on the pill & said it was normal
Fibroids would be my first thought
You need to see a GYN
No one on here is a Dr so don’t panic, if the bleeding persists go to the Er or wait till tomorrow and see your Dr…
Go to ON GYN…fibroids likely the culprit… I know as a pre menopausal my periods when they come I could be normal or bleed for a month. Have a golf Ball size fibroid and contemplating ablasion or complete hysterectomy
Welcome to my world.Your obgyn can give you many options to end this nightmare,like I call it.Definitely see the Obgyn.
Could be a hormone imbalance. It happened to me
Might be fibroid. Hormonal imbalance
Many years ago I had major pain and bleeding, I had a cyst in one of my Fallopian tubes they think that caused all my pain
You either have developed Endometriosis or Fibroids
They gonna let you bleed like that for years before they give you an ablation or something like that.
Yes, you should contact your doctor, maybe beginning the change
Endometriosis! See your gynecologist
Why did you change your name?
Really, call your doctor. No one here should diagnose a medical problem, and you need medical help
My heavy periods turned out I had a bleeding disorder
If you got your tubes tied that will happen, they dont tell you before hand that your periods will change it will feel like contractions instead of cramping and the 1st 2 3 days is a war scene. If you didnt, it could be a number of different thing from cysts to endometriosis. If it continues def call your obgyn. Anything not normal or raises a concern always call your doctor.
She can look in a book just like they do.