You’re kidding right !?!? Why would you ask this kind of question on Facebook!
You may need a hysterectomy…this happened to me
I had changed like that after getting my tubes tied. Everyone passed it off as being from the tubal. Finally found out it was Ovarian Cancer. Definitely get checked. They let mine spread to Stage 3 before being caught
I promise my daughter’s birth and recovery was so different from my son’s, I blame the hormone difference…
Low iron I had issue with endometriosis which made me bleed heavy painful cramps. I was anemic also so I bled so much I needed blood transfusions. Passed out. Until I got a hysterctomy. Nomore monthly’s
Best advice…go to the Dr .
I had cyst on my ovaries… lost my left tube .
It’s possible ur suffering from after labour labour, I’ve had it before, but I would still go see a doctor
Those were my symptoms but 30 years ago. . I’ve had a full hysterectomy. Endometriosis. Don’t get your help here or advise …Go see your Docter. . If you have endometriosis, a test can tell your Docter that …
That’s how I was when they told me I was full of endometriosis
I had those same issues. I had a uterine fibroid that was precancerous. Thank goodness my Dr did a Hysterectomy! Get aggressive with your Dr about removing your uterus. Best surgery ever. I was back to normal a week later. Felt a 1000% better.
I would call your doctors office and make an appointment. It might be endometriosis
Endometriosis, PCOS, Ovarian Cyst ect. Good luck. I suffered for years before at a young age I had to have a hysterectomy
I would call your OBGYN immediately. If you are bleeding that bad and never have before you may have something mote serious going on. Go to hospital if it’s too much blood. I habe nwver had a live birth my daughter was adopted but I did have endometriosis for years and the cramps were so unbearable. But definitely call your doc and go to hospital if its too bad.
Endometriosis is very painful and causes heavy flow until I got a hysterectomy and then it went away
You can live with endometriosis if you would like another child
I had 10 and let me tell you my third was the worst. I remember sitting on the basement steps hunched because I couldn’t make it up the stairs. I was about 26 and I thank God I don’t recall it being so bad again until my last with a C section and tubal done. My periods have returned to normal she’s 5.
Pamprin Max Strength in the pink box it does wonders for me
Endometriosis, or thyroid issues. I just has an endometrial ablation 2 weeks ago and hopefully feel better soon.
Cbd / thc suppositories could assist w endometriosis pains and also those painful cramps Find a local dispensary !!!
Could be a number of things, definitely see your doctor. I have fibroid tumors and take Aygestin to control my bleeding. I barely have a period every few months that lasts about a day. Made the mistake of taking too long to request a refill a couple months ago and had the worst period of my life. Bled for 12 days, flooded my pads every time I stood up (I only use heavy overnight pads), left a puddle of blood in the hallway at work 1 day and went to the ER a couple days later because I was exhausted and still cramping, lightheaded, shaky and cold sweats. They said my blood counts were fine, I was just dehydrated. Never again will I run out of medication.
Pamprin was the only thing that ever helped me!
Ask doctor not Facebook.
Fibroids, go to the doctor
Drugs mask the problem,
Dr’s either prescribe drugs or surgery…cramps are caused from blocked nerves…the cervix is getting mixed signal’s to open/close…find a good kineziologist that will message your nerve nodules so the message is no longer interrupted…
Pain is an indication there’s a PROBLEM!
FLO VITAMINS. Have been a life saver. Help with my periods and moods. And I have recommended them to friends who absolutely love them!!
Endometriosis or PCOS. I had both. I ended up getting a hysterectomy at 37
See your gynecologist.
Did you get your tubes tied? That’s when mine became bad and I’m 50 now!!
GO TO YOUR DOCTOR…if you are post partum, maybe you need a D and C… make an appt to be seen
Could be after birth cramps. Increase in discomfort after the birth of each child
Get to your gynecologist. Something isn’t right.
I agree to go to your Dr. I was masking the pain and bleeding with pills and exercises. Turns out I have severe endometriosis and are now looking at ways to reduce the pain and bleeding thanks to a specialist.
Possible pcos or endometriosis. Had both and a total hysterectomy at 31.
Red raspberry leaf tea.
Have your dr check for fibrouds
This has happened to me from the start of this year. I have had an ultrasound; both an outside & internal one & they found nothing. I am having endometrial ablation next month. Book in to see your doctor & get a referral to a gynaecologist. And don’t let them blow it off; saying it’s just your body re-adjusting itself after having a baby. My doc put it off for 4months before he booked me for an ultrasound. We know when something isn’t right with our bodies.
I have also read & heard on the radio that up to 2/3 of the world’s menstruating population have/are experiencing a big change in their cycle since the start of the pandemic.
Go to your Doctor! Until then, Take a long tube sock, fill it with uncooked rice & heat it up in the microwave until it is warm. Line it up to your pelvic area & lay on your stomach on top of it. The heat works wonders. You can also use it as a massager if you pack the rice in tight enough.
This is asked all the time. If its not nirmal for you. Call. Your. Doctor.
Yes sweetie go to your gynecologist, worst pain ever but they sure can help you after taking ultrasounds, a fibroid can also be a cause of this, I feel you, GOOD LUCK !!!
Fibroids…my uterus was the size of a woman being 7 mos pregnant when they took it out. Severe Anemia from the blood loss I was on 1000 mgm of iron a day to build blood count before surgery.
My mom needed an oblasion after my brother bec she was nearly bleeding to death each month even with her tubes tied
Pamprin! I use the one w/out caffeine for my horrible cramps, and it works great!
I had to have a partial hysterectomy … Same symptoms…
Stop asking medical advice on Facebook…go see a doctor!!!
I see a lot of adds for “Flo” vitamin gummies.
Also, I had a prolapsed uterus that caused me a lot of trouble. I had to have a partial hysterectomy. The doctor had to do an exam with me standing up to properly diagnose it.
Did that n had shots to slow n stop but not much help did dnc finally just scheduled hysterectomy wasn’t having no more children so best decision ever !!!
Get to your doctor but for now you can use a heating pad for your cramps and try taking some Aleve but take it with food.
Is iron or hormonal problem, after giving birth. Maybe your girl took all off your iron or changed your hormonal balance. Go for blood test and hormonal check up
See the doctor before you run out of blood.
Could probably be a lot of things but I was having those issues and I had pre cancer cells that had to be scraped off my uterus, and then later same issues, I had a volleyball sized tumor on one ovary. I had a hysterectomy a year ago and it was the best thing I ever did.
Low iron could be the reason of heaviness
Get your thyroid checked and get checked for PCOS. You could also have left over placenta in you
I would say it could be caused by a variety of things but would definitely suggest going to see your GP to be certain it is just a heavy period and nothing else x
A few reasons Hormonal imbalance. Hormone imbalances between estrogen and progesterone can cause heavy menstrual bleeding.
Bleeding disorders. Von Willebrand disease.
Structural problems.
Get checked!
Leftover placenta, fibroids, pcos, or just a change in cycle are some of the possibilities.
Get checked for uterine fibroids, anemia and vitamin D levels
See a dr tell him what you just said. See if they can help.
Girl yes I’m bout to be 4 months postpartum on the 10 and I’ve been bleeding for 21days now.
Call your obgyn and get checked out to make sure everything is ok
an old mexican grandma’s remedy… boil some epazote and piloncillo together and drink like tea.
If you’re finished having children, you can do what I did after suffering for years. Have a NovaSure Procedure. It’s a uterine ablation and it was the best thing I could have done for myself.
They said to take three days off work to recover, but I returned the next day! No regrets whatsoever.
You should go to your doctor & see if there’s a lot of scar tissue building up…
Being around people who got the j@b
Endometriosis hugely increased my issues. I even felt it when ovulating. I used to think people made that shit up. Lol
There are a lot of things that could cause it. I had heavy bleeding and pain since I was a teen and it got worse with each pregnancy. After my 3rd baby I wasn’t able to even conceive again and they didn’t know why. In 2019 I had an ablation (I don’t suggest it). They found endo during the surgery. That stopped the bleeding, but it caused it to back up and cause more pain. So just had a hysterectomy in June. Sometimes the actual reason is never found. During the hysterectomy, nothing looked unusual. There wasn’t anything the doc could point to and say for sure what had caused all this. Best to see a doc and work through all your options which can range from simple birth control to obviously surgery.
Having worked on an OBGYN practice, it is not unusual. We told our clients to take Ibuprofen 800 mg every 8 hours round the clock for the length of their period. It made the period flow lighter and took care of cramping too. Good luck!
I was recommended by my doc to get on the depo because of my harsh cramps i used to throw up an was given suppositorys to help now my 14 year old has the same problem ill be getting her the depo as well smh
Hormonal Imbalance is what my gyn. told me. Said to get a depo shot or birth control to solve it. That never worked for me but maybe it will for you.
I’ve always been that way. It only got worse. 10 days of bleeding. Like 8 pads a day at times. My Mother went through similar and needed a hystectomy. I finally got my tubes tied and had an ablation done. I have a period for at most 4 days and go through maybe 2 pads. They had to rule out a lot though to get that done, childbirth was horrible where I almost died twice bleeding out. I chose tubes tied and ablation cause it was only the best thing for me. Maybe you too.
I would bleed horribly and cramp so bad…I would be rocking myself fetal position. Hot and cold flashes. Stomach ache, sweating ect. It was terrible. Nothing helped me!
Sounds like me with perimenopause. That usually starts in your 30s. Makes you WELCOME menopause! One thing I found that helped cramps was to eat way less.
Did you have your tubes tied after your daughter? I know after my daughter and having my tubes tied my periods only got worse and I read on a lot of post that this happened to a lot of people. My periods were always bad but after having my tubes tied it was even worse where I couldn’t even move
Under active thyroid, b12 deficiency, vitamin deficiency. Get some CBC labs done.
After my youngest I got my tubes tied and it’s been like this for me ever since. Doctor said it’s not uncommon, but I sure wish it would stop!
Call your dr and if you’re soaking more than a pad an hour go to the er- you’re hemorrhaging.
I have PCOS and mine is like that when I actually have one.
I was always told that the more kids you have the worse your cramps and period get usually.
Hormonal imbalance birth control should help
Please make an appointment
I have been dealing with that for a few years now… I had a uterine ablation and it only made it worse… so I have a Dr appointment tomorrow to discuss a partial hysterectomy… good luck mama
Call your doctor. If this is not normal for you, get it checked out.
Could have a cyst go get checked
Heating pad or a hot water bottle.I hear ya,been there horrible cramps glad them days are over
That’s how I was after I had my daughter they told me to call my doctor if I was changing my pads more then 3x an hour… losing too much blood… almost had to get a blood transfusion
This is DEFINITELY gyn question. There could be many reasons for the heavy bleeding/cramping.
I was that way all my life but especially after my tubal. Please look into an endometrial ablation! It’s a simple procedure and I am telling you my only regret was waiting so long.
My tubes are tied I’m the same way my dr put me on this medication it helps a lot with heavy flow
Try pamprin the pink pills not the purple. That helped me alot more than midol and a heating pad always worked wonders for me as well.
Get to the doctor. There could be many reasons you are bleeding so heavy. Extra lining, fibroids, etc.
You could have a blood clotting disorder.
An IUD may do you wonders. I’ve had the Mirena for three years and have to had a period in three years😍
I have uterine fibroids when I had those symptoms
Just get to the Dr. Sometimes birth control pills help this situation.
I was doing the same thing and had to have a hysterectomy please consult with your obgyn
I developed endometriosis after having my baby…
There can be so many reasons behind this. And the only way to know for sure what is causing it is to go be seen by your provider.
Consult your gyn, not dr. Facebook.
You need to see a Dr. There may be something really wrong!