What causes irregular periods?

Listen to your dr when u go

I have always had irregular periods. Like exactly how you described. Sometimes it’d even skip 3 months. It was all over the place. All my blood work and everything checks out normal so they just diagnosed me borderline pcos which makes sense bc I have extreme fatigue and weight gain/hard to lose weight, don’t ovulate all the time even with periods, ect.

Stress really does it to me. I’m not giving any medical advice but if you’ve been really stressed out it definitely doesn’t help.

Could be hormones, could be abnormal cells on your cervix. Get a PAP to rule that out!

This happened to me almost the exact way with all birth control. I switched to the pill and bled for 6 months straight. I had doc visits and ultrasounds to see what the issue was and nothing. I quit birth control I. General and i went back to regular periods however in the last month it’s gonna back to irregular bleeding which is always. Still have no answers! I’ve thought maybe implantation bleeding but I’m not pregnant that I know of. I have no symptoms so it’s weird. Good luck I hope you get answers!

Like you before I had my first child, mine came every month but i never knew when. I had my daughter and got pregnant with my 1st son 3 months later. After having him my periods went back to doing the same thing. I got on the ortho patch and controlled my periods. I stopped the patch in 2012 and then my periods started going all out of whack like you said, sometimes i would go 3 months without one. It was scary and confusing but it all boiled down to the birth control still being in my system, stress, weight, etc. I had my 3rd child almost 2 years ago and ever since, my periods come every month but still at different times. I have an app called Maya that helps a lot. Good luck!

Hi …you mite need a D. In C.its to clean you out…from having irregular periods…ok…

Go to your gynocologist. Now.

Seek dr advice dear. You might just ask if there is any possibility of endometriosis. As I know some women have that issue.

Yep I unfollowed the page. Only van see these comments bc of my comment

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I had fibroids and had them scraped out. Easy procedure and fixed the problem

This is a lot for Facebook, isn’t there 1-800 ask a nurse.

not even a nail page anymore :roll_eyes: smh :woman_facepalming:t3:


Stress is a big factor. And from what I heard sometimes the clips don’t work…I would go get check at the doc just to be sure.

Talk to your doctor dummy


this should be called news and questions to die for :woozy_face:


Only followed because of the nail designs. Guess this ain’t no nail page anymore :unamused:


I have enough of these fan questions… let me unfollow :v:

Leaving this page again not even about Nails & designs


I don’t think that has anything to do with it. I had my tubes tied back in 2009 and my period was actually normal up until about 6 months ago. Most likely hormonal or stress related, but definitely make an appointment with your gynecologist to rule out anything major.

This page has lost it. Now its a Dumb questions page??


If you’re sterilized, you no longer have periods. If you release an egg, it can be fertilized.

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Omg omg omg i got my tubes cut and severed biggest mistake my periods were horrible then my menopause was worse big time horrible biggest and worst 10 yrs of my life…


Why ask that HERE???

There are groups for that!!!


Maybe consult a doctor rather than a nail page :woman_shrugging:


Pcos caused my irregular periods so can stress cause irregular periods too

I don’t understand what happened to this page??

Did I miss something??

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Is this a health page now? Girl ask your doctor


Unfollowing!!! I wanted to see nails not this Sh*#!

I’m unfollowing ,unlikeing where’s the nails

Peri menopause perhaps


I got my tubes done the same way, my periods were so bad for yrs to come after. Next was a partial hysterectomy, that was the best thing I ever did.
I messed me up when I had another partial done. Flung me straight into menopause.

Depends on your age but could be the start of the menopause.

Endometriosis did this to me, also early menopause,for all I got sterilized they put me on the mini pill (pop) to help

Yes I started tracking my with an app bc I thought I was going crazy

talk t0 your Dr not face book

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Not my post… but… To those that respond with: Stop asking Facebook, could you be ever so kind to just skip over the post and not respond at all?

Some people do not have health insurance to see a physician. Some people work outside normal business hours and do not want to clog up their local ER with a non emergency. Some individuals have searched google and received conflicting information and have decided to reach out to other women who may have experienced the same issues.
It’s really no different than if your friend stopped by for lunch and started to describe medical issues and you offered your own advice to them… Respond with your experience and maybe at the end suggest NICELY to see a doctor if they are that concerned.

Sometimes snippy comments makes someone never want to seek out help again, even anonymously. Remember they can see what you write. Be kind.

I have thyroid issues and that causes irregular period. It could be that. You can have your thyroid checked

I don’t think being sterilised would interfere with your cycle, could be menopause, other health issues resulting in hormonal problems. Have a chat with your GP if you’re worried. Hope you’re ok

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This is something you need to consult with a GYN about because it could be a vast amount of things.

I could see why it would mess it up, isn’t that what the purpose of birth control is, is to stop the reproduction system? It’s the body tricking itself, thinking itself is pregnant when it’s not, that’s the way they explained birth control in high school, so I guess your body after sterilization is guessing, “oh I’m pregnant, oh no, I’m not! “:woman_shrugging: continually…

Yes n then had crazy heavy ones do just asked dr how about hysterectomy ? Best decision I made

Genetics, stress, PCOS, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, ovulatory disorders, thyroid disease & other auto immune diseases can all cause irregular cycles.
Hypothyroidism screwed up my cycles in the past.
If you are concerned about the root cause of irregular periods, go to the dr for testing. The birth control pill or hormone therapy (some women go on them to regulate cycles) is just putting a band aid over the real issue.

I noticed after I got my tubes burnt and clipped in 2018, my cycles are longer, they are always a few days early, I get menstrual migraines a day prior (that’s how I can tell its on its way). I guess its my norm now, also my is affected easily by stress now and it was never like that before.

I have started having a period 3 times a month since having my tubes removed

Vaccinated? Or close contact time with somebody who has been?
Vaccination AND Shedding is causing MANY world wide and recorded issues such as this.


Stress? Please go see a doctor.

Stress caused mine to go crazy & Energy Drinks

Is this what this page is about now ? Periods and miscarriages?! I’m out if that’s the case

I’ve had my tubes tied for almost 19 years. My cycles are often irregular and are extremely heavy.

Stress, thyroid issues, fibroids… food, medicines,… there’s a lot of stuff

Lots of stuff from stress to diet changes to medical issues to menopause.

Why all these kinds of questions on this page now???

You should speak with a medical professional just to be safe.

Endometriosis maybe???

I have polyps and fibroids

That just happens when you cycle…

I’ve always been pretty regular and started a week early this cycle…

I had fibroid,early menopause
Very painful periods

I had my tubes tied & clipped 7 months ago. It looks like a murder scene down there every month since! And the pain!!! I suggest speaking to your doctor. I’m currently living off painkillers…

Almost anything can cause irregular periods… seek medical advise

Keep in mind what you think is irregular just might end up be normal for you. When doctors say irregular periods they are talking about period that they miss for months, get it 2 days stop for a week get it back an so forth. That is how the doc explained it to me. Mine was done in 2005 and 5 years later I bleed for months. Found out I had PCOS. Period is my normal and I don’t take nothing. So if it bothers you get with your doctor

Is this s Drs group?


Bodies change, i wouldnt worry unless really heavy or you have pain. Or it lasts longer than 10 days.

Have you had the c0vid vakseen or been in close contact with someone who has? There have been many, many reports of women’s periods that have gone weird because of that


Have your thyroid levels checked. Levels being off affect many things in the body

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Sterilised 7 years ago, about 2 years ago my periods became horrendous, followed by pain and irregular bleeding, got check out and had pre cancerous cells 18 months before smear was due… go get checked!

Lots of things, body weight and hormonal imbalance to name a couple.

Stress, menopause, hormonal imbalance, certain medications… Many things can make your periods irregular.
If you’re concerned about it, you should probably speak to your doctor :slight_smile:

Getting your tubes tied messes up your cycles. They don’t tell you that until after tho


an iud is not sterilization


When did this page become a forum for birth control, menstruation, pregnancy, fertility questions?? WTF!!

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Use a period after every sentence and use a comma in the middle of the sentence. Then you have period comma period comma. Then you won’t be irregular!!


Go see a gynaecologist and not use Facebook for medical advice.
If I didn’t do what I had too I’d be most likely worse off rather than on the mend.

Just getting older causes changes. There is so much crap on the Internet that people get all alarmed about things that are natural. I remember asking my doctor does my wonky cycle mean I’m going into menopause and she said if you go a year without a period that’s when you’re in menopause. I got one six months after that and I was so disappointed! Lol.

Weight gain, weight loss, stress, diet, cysts, endometriosis.

Wait untill you hit menopause lol I bleed for 28 days straight had to have a d+c!! Cramps from hell,never had cramps in my life!! Good luck on your journey,what we woman have to go threw🤣

Some times periods fluctuate cycles, are you working or around other women, cycles seem to sync after being close for some reason. Diet, stress, thyroid issues could also cause this.

It’s actually a thing happening right now to 1000s of woman. Hmmm

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So many things can cause it. You need to see your doctor.

After I got the clips I went from every 30 days to 24 days.

Mine were messed up until I got it all out at 48. If it’s an option now, do it if your comfortable with it.
Best of luck💝

I had a tubal ligation during the c-section with my youngest daughter in 2013. Before that, my periods were 3-4 days, light, minimal cramping, no clotting. After. They progressively got worse, lasting anywhere from 7-15 days with severe bleeding, cramping, clotting and whole body aches. I spoke with my GYN and was requesting a hysterectomy. During my pap, unrelated to the tubal and related issue, she found cervical cancer, so treatment delayed a hysterectomy, but at the time of my surgery, she inserted an IUD. I had some sort of bleeding/discharge for 73 days straight after, but that was from the surgery. Once that stopped, I haven’t had a period at all and the only thing that I get is some mild cramping and tender breasts around the time that my period should start each month but it doesn’t last more than a day. I know that I’m not the only one that has had issues like that. Please, speak to your doctor.

I had my tubes completely removed almost 10 years ago and my periods got so much lighter and last 2-3 days.

Could be PTLS. Pretty common and it’s something I think a lot of doctors don’t mention.

Clips are not a permanent solution to birth control. They can come undone as well as your body can actually heal from things like that. The only permanent solution is hysterectomy.

I haven’t had my period since March 19 and I’ve taken pregnancy tests all negative :joy::woman_shrugging:t4:

Mine were like that. Also very painful. The dr ended up giving me a hysterectomy 11 yrs ago.

Can be alot of things usually it’s the simplest answer stress. Stress is usually what makes your period out of whack. It could be hormone levels. I’d speak to my obgyn. Right now I have mine I have gotten it every 2 weeks for 2 months now. If it goes to a 3rd month that’s when I contact my obgyn

Take a pregnancy test

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Stress, not ovulating.

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Did you change elevation a lot when you went on vacation? A big change in elevation will make you start when your not supposed to or not have a period when you are supposed to. Not personally experienced, but a lot of my friends have said this

I’m 21 3 kids and this exact thing happens to me and I got diagnosed with pcos!

Definitely sounds like PCOS

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I have endometriosis that caused mine.
Stress can cause it too.


Around the same age this happened to me. My dr.put me on meds to “jump start” me. Just beware, they made me CRAZY. Good luck. Hope you get it figured out!

Have you taken the covid shot? Many women have had menstrual issues after receiving them…


My periods are really irregular too. Found out I have endometriosis

Might be endometriosis