With both of my pregnancies I had to have blood drawn bc all my urine tests came back neg.
Stress, exercise, poor diet. It could be any number of things or you could be farther along and the test is no longer reading the hormone that is detected in early pregnancy. Dr is the best route. Best of luck.
Went I had my period missing for two weeks, I took a urine test and was negative, I thought that was stress, I waited more weeks then I took a blood test it was negative, then waited more weeks I took another blood test and again it was negative. Finally got appointments with my OBG who did a vaginal check and he said I was pregnant but to confirm I have to take a BETA test, then it was positive and in that one also tell you how far are you in the pregnancy. Good luck!
Have blood test done. It could be a tubal pregnancy.
I took several pregnancy tests and all were negative. I ended up in ER because my back was hurting and guess what… I was pregnant.
I don’t naturally ovulate. This causes me to go long periods of time without a period. Then I get it and it’s horrible. Take care!!
Some women’s skip a few months after the vaccine . Or for years I only got it every two months then twice a month. It was stage 0 cervical carcinoma. I would go to the doctor there are many reasons
If you become too thin it can happen
Any lifestyle changes,stress,anxiety, diet changes
What we are trying to tell ya is lots of things can make u late so see your Dr get blood work to make sure Gl.
PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) can also cause irregular menstruation cycles. But get it checked out
If you’re over 40, it could be early menopause
Ask a medical professional not face book. Really
Stress, heavy weight gain. Call planned parenthood- they can probably get you in sooner!
Have you had your covid vaccine??
Thyroid problems can do that.
This happened when my thyroid went crazy. I was later diagnosed with Graves Disease. Definitely get to your doctor.
Stress, birth control, pcos, eating disorders/ very low weight and body fat percentage
THYROID have it checked
Change in seasons can.
Sometimes, you’re just late for no known reason. 31 days is a little early in the game. Take a test a little later like maybe one week late
It just may be a bit early.for results to.come.back.positive…
Defo test for PCOS. I had crazy periods for years before I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries. If it is that and you are wanting to be pregnant, it can stop you getting pregnant so doctors can help get checked ASAP. X
Stress might be the issue.
It just happens sometimes.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?
Birth control can effect your periods, and it takes a bit of time for your body to get pregnant after stopping them. Stress, diet and other factors can also effect or change your cycle. It’s common.
Stress. Thyroid problems
If you’re only four days late it could be too early for a pregnancy test to catch it. I took several with my second child and they were negative until I was about 1 month along
You just got got off the pill. It can take quite a few months to get you on a cycle. This is normal.
How long ago were you exercising? Our bodies react differently the older we get. Give it some time to adjust to being off birth control and the new exercise routine.
Your hormones could just be starting to level out from being off birth control so it could take a few more month before it gets back on track. Happened to me when I got taken off birth control. Also test again when you reach a week after the missed period. Any sooner and it’s probably too soon for the hormone to change the result of the test cuz it isn’t strong enough yet. If you end up not getting your period this month or next month then test again after when your next period is suppose to start. My sister-in-law has always had to wait till the second missed period before it would show up on a test.
People have said vaccines messed with their cycles. Could be stress. Go see a Gyno.
You can also be pregnant even with multiple tests done
Check with your Doctor
It could be the pill that stays in your system a while sometimes. Your body has to readjust. Be patient and try not to get all caught up in trying.
According to my doctor sometimes it just happens
I didn’t have my period for three months
I did the whole lab work girl, even an ultrasounds everything you can think of. And nothing was wrong.
Eventually I got on birth control to regulate it and so far so good.
And let me add nothing has changed in my lifestyle or diet. No stress, nothing.
im kinda in the same boat.
I was supose to start on the 27th of May im currently 22 days late. I had sex on the 13th had spotting on the 22nd and no period on the 27th. Ive taken like 10 home tests and 1 blood test and all negative. Im supose to start this month on the 23rd.
I was on the birthcontrol patch till jan 27th.
Not being rude but maybe you should be asking ur GYN!!!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?
See your Dr not face book
Stress does this to me! But definitely talk with your doc!
I had a negative test umpteen times turned out I was five and a half months pregnant.
This question was just asked 2 days ago and there are 50 answers there for you to reference
It could be because of the birth control. It does take some time for your body to actually be normal after getting off even if you’ve been regular until now.
It can also depend on what tests you are using some test dont show that early, maybe wait another week or so and then re-test i found that the clear blue digital tests where the best to use, but also like others has suggested next step would be to make a doctors appointment they will then get blood tests done good luck with it and i hope you & your partner get to have a baby soon! X
Stopping birth control can make periods irregular for a bit. Working out can cause it as well even if it never happened before. If you are concerned then you should probably call your doctor
There have been cases of the COVID vaccine effecting it…ask your doctor
You said only 4 days late… probably to early
This happened to me when my husband & i were trying for a baby as well. My doc said to give your body at least 2 months before getting pregnant just because all the hormone changes. I got off my BC last June, i would take a test every month and nothing. Finally, first week of December it came back positive.
Have you had the covid vaccine? Someone i know has hers, and it stopped her period… they did tests as she thought she was pregant but no positive tests, and they said it could be a side effect from the vax
Go to the dockters for a test blood test or pregnant
Depends on how long you’ve been on birth control before stopping it. It takes time to run out of you system and I’d assume that’s why you’re not having them.
I stopped birth control in January. Still no period.
Trying seeking advice from a reproductive endocrinologist.
Who wants to talk about this on Facebook???
Best advice is to get a blood test just know sometime cycles do Change especially if you just got off birth control
I have read it can be a side effect from vax, even if u havnt personally had it- I’ve read just being around ppl who’ve had the vax can cause period issues.
Stress, anxiety, exhaustion…could be different things
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?
You could be pregnant and your hormones just weak. Make an appt for a blood pregnancy test, it’s better. Good luck😊
All of my home test came back negative. I would definitely talk to your doctor.
You should contact your doctor. My 3rd pregnancy blood test and home test came back negative but I just knew. My doctor waited a week did blood work and an ultrasound and baby was there. He still doesn’t understand 6 years later. Praying it’s a pregnancy for you
Call your doctor and get a blood test. I got negative results for a month. But knew I was pregnant.
Go to your doctor just in case…address your concerns and ask questions…if your dr gets annoyed cause you’re concerned and asking questions then you might need new dr…with Me i literally just had mine for only like 2-3 days and i hadnt had one since i gave birth to my son back in August last year…same thing happened with my daughter (i didnt have a period for 4 years)…I didn’t have cycles due to me having cysts on my ovaries (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and my hormone levels being off…could be exactly whats going on with you right now but your dr is best person to tell you whats going on
Thyroid issues, severely anemic. Best to see the doctor and find out what they think.
If you have pcos it is vary common to skip periods however if yours are normally consistent I’d call your doctor have a blood pregnancy test done and have your hormone levels checked if you arnt pregnant
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?
Working out can do it
Working out can do it, the BC could have finally affected it after removing yourself of it, could still be too early to test, could be diet change if you’ve done any. Honestly it can be a number of things.
Working out messes mine up!!!
Working out your not stressed but your body is and is trying to adjust but still be mindful
My period was a week late before it would show up on a test just saying
Diet, stress, weight gain, weight loss.
Stress, an underlying condition
You can feel like you arent stressed but, your body or mind could be processing something you haven’t realized yourself yet. Also if you have started any new meds it could effect it as well. And testing at this point would be too soon. Dont let the missed period stress yourself out cause that can super affect you too
Maybe you were very regular because you were on the pill? Working out CAN affect your cycle.
Mine finally showed up 16 days late. I think it’s my thyroid messing with mine.
Stress is a big one. Lots of things can cause a missed period.
If you been off birth control your body can just be off, it takes sometimes 6 months from your body to re regulate after.
Stress is my big factor
Psos , stress, being over weight
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?
I missed a period back in November, first time that’s ever happened to me. I went to see my obgyn, terrified I was starting a super duper early menopause or was pregnant. She said it’s most likely stress but also said something about thyroid issues and tested me for that. I worked on dealing with my stress and got my period the next month, but late. When in doubt see the doctor always best thing to do
You should definitely go to a Dr. For me it was PCOS. I tried on my own for 9 years then did 3 failed rounds of fertility treatments and got pregnant with triplets on the 4th time. They told me I’d probably never get pregnant without treatments but I was done lol… Flash forward 10 years into a pandemic, I started to feel terrible. I thought I had Covid and felt sick for a long time:woman_shrugging:t2: went to the ER and found out I was pregnant (5 weeks according to the Dr) 2 days later I learned I was 33 weeks along One month after, I had a healthy baby boy.
Ask for a blood, pregnancy test… your hormones may be to low to show a positive on a urine test
By cystic ovaries I think you mean PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). I have it as well. Your periods will be late or you may not have one at all. On average I only get 3-4 a year which sounds great, but it’s not healthy for the reproductive system and as a result you are very likely to have complications when trying to conceive. A side effect of PCOS also means you will grow facial hair. I need to shave my upper lip and chin every other day. It also causes weight gain so your best defense is a proper diet and good exercise. That’s how I have the two beautiful children I have today. It doesn’t go away and you cannot get the cysts removed because they will just grow back. Take my advice and you will be fine. Your periods may even start to become regular. This a very common thing amongst women. I found out at 16 because at 15 I still wasn’t getting my period
There is tons of stuff that can cause your period to be lost. Change on environment, stress, weight gain or loss. Heavy lifting. Water intake. So much can be the reason. I would talk to your doctor at your next appointment
Sounds like PCOS. I’ve never had a regular period.
Mine was a hormone imbalance. I also had extreme weight gain for no reason and thats what my dr told me it was.
Sounds like PCOS. I’ve always had low progesterone, periods are never on time and it’s hell to try to get pregnant.
A lot of things can contribute to no period.
Stress is a huge factor.
My periods tend to switch up on me. Beginning of the month… then end of the month.
If you are working or around other females, your period could be syncing to theirs too.
Sounds like you might have PCOS. That can cause your periods to be weird. I was diagnosed with it after my first child.
I didn’t have my period the month before I got pregnant. When I got the ultrasound I should’ve been 8-9 weeks and was only 5. And my periods were never regular before either!!
Have you had previous children?
Tender breasts? Frequent urination? Easily exhausted? Classic signs of pregnancy
This sounds weird, but make sure you are taking a red dye test! They show lines better and the blue dye test leave horrible evap lines. I’d also try getting in for a check up at your OBGYN and ask if you can have a blood test.
Weight and nutrition
The 3rd of every month. Really?
PCOS. I had regular periods since I starter my period. 15 months after I had my son my periods became irregular. I’d have 1 every 3 months or so. I haven’t had 1 in 15 months now. I was diagnosed with PCOS.