There is tons of stuff that can cause your period to be lost. Change on environment, stress, weight gain or loss. Heavy lifting. Water intake. So much can be the reason. I would talk to your doctor at your next appointment
Sounds like PCOS. I’ve never had a regular period.
Mine was a hormone imbalance. I also had extreme weight gain for no reason and thats what my dr told me it was.
Sounds like PCOS. I’ve always had low progesterone, periods are never on time and it’s hell to try to get pregnant.
A lot of things can contribute to no period.
Stress is a huge factor.
My periods tend to switch up on me. Beginning of the month… then end of the month.
If you are working or around other females, your period could be syncing to theirs too.
Sounds like you might have PCOS. That can cause your periods to be weird. I was diagnosed with it after my first child.
I didn’t have my period the month before I got pregnant. When I got the ultrasound I should’ve been 8-9 weeks and was only 5. And my periods were never regular before either!!
Have you had previous children?
Tender breasts? Frequent urination? Easily exhausted? Classic signs of pregnancy
This sounds weird, but make sure you are taking a red dye test! They show lines better and the blue dye test leave horrible evap lines. I’d also try getting in for a check up at your OBGYN and ask if you can have a blood test.
Weight and nutrition
The 3rd of every month. Really?
PCOS. I had regular periods since I starter my period. 15 months after I had my son my periods became irregular. I’d have 1 every 3 months or so. I haven’t had 1 in 15 months now. I was diagnosed with PCOS.
If you’ve had the COVID vaccine recently, it’s screwing with a lot of peoples periods
Sounds like Polycystic Ovaries or PCOS. That causes irregular periods and infertility among other things. Call your doc and let them know they will like need to run some more labs. I was diagnosed 20 yrs ago .
I think it’s by the moon
Time for hcg blood work
It can be stress aswell! And if you trick your mind thinking you’re pregnant you can get pregnancy symptoms no period,cravings, etc you can ask your dr that and he will tell you it’s true. It’s kinda like manifestation but a difference ya know?
Pcos causes weird periods. I once went 2 yrs without one.
I spent 9 m without a period after loosing around 6-7 kg
Which is not a lot
Home pregnancy tests can show false negatives for a variety of reasons
Periods have a hundred and one reasons to be late or skip etc … Includinging stressing cause you haven’t had your period …
I really don’t understand this group sometimes. Stop asking for HEALTH advice from strangers. Your doctor should be the first person you call or ask questions.
When in doubt go see your primary
Omg. Not sure why are you turning to a Facebook group for medical advice ? That’s dangerous as hell. Just go the dr
Fertility drugs among other medicine will definitely do that as well as stress
I haven’t had a period since February…I was told by my GYN that I have at least 10lbs of Calcified Fibroids…they couldn’t believe I carried 3 children and birthed them naturally…now I’m going thru Menopause …but I still get the cramps, back aches, and bloating
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?
I had two negative tests when I was pregant with my second son. I found out at 4 months!
Stress can be a large factor as well
Going off birth control will cause loss of periods
Have you gotton a covid shot. Both of my girls have messed up cycles now!
The extreme physical activity of basic training stoped my period the whole time i was there, was a virgin at the time so not worried i was pregnant. I was glad i didn’t have to deal with the inconvenience of a period during an already stressful time
Get your finger out of it!
Four days late could be too early for a positive test. When I ended my birth control, my periods were weird for several months while my system figured it all out. Add that to working out and that could effect it as well.
Blood pregnancy tests are usually more sensitive at detecting an early pregnancy.
Maybe you should consult with a doctor
There us a endless number of answers see your Dr
Ask your doctor not face book. Get the correct answers not facebook answers.
That’s tha adult thing to do
Could be that your body is still regulating from getting off birth control. Stress, diet changes, exercise can effect it too. Mine also was off when I found out I was pregnant after taking 13 home tests that were all negative. However I had a miscarriage a couple of weeks later. Now 7 years later I have fibroid tumors that have changed my cycle where I was having non stop period for months. Went to doctor and was put on birth control to stop it and then a different one to help regulate again but it’s still not perfect. Never know. Check with your doctor. I’m 44 and in perimenopause. Good luck!
Stress is a big factor… If it continues I’d ask your doctor to see if could be some serious if it continues. I wish people would stop asking fb for medical advice.
Have your thyroid checked. Couldn’t get pregnant for 10 years because my thyroid was off.
Consult your doctor. Not appropriate for FB
Check again after a week.
Leave a message for your ObGyn. Ask how long should you wait before getting an appointment.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?
For your sanity, I would go do a blood draw just to ease your mind on pregnancy test, but yes…could be literally anything!
Prayers for you
PCOS. very common to have irregular periods.
Call your doctor…it’s very common with PCOS
Thyroid issues, cyst, pcos, fibroids ext… Tons of stuff cause it.
Yes, call your doctor
A million things could cause it - stress, environment, hormones, age, being sick, etc. PCOS (since you have cystic ovaries) will also cause late and irregular periods.
Its normal, especially being off BC now. It took me almost a year to get pregnant after stopping my combo pill. They say people can get pregnant immediately after stopping some forms of birth control, which is true you can but you shouldn’t. I had a chemical pregnancy because I hadn’t been off of my birth control long enough, and someone that I know had a miscarriage because she was not off of her birth control long enough.
Stress of trying for a baby may not feel like stress to you but that is exactly what’s causing it
Stress, change in diet unhealthy sleep schedule…literally so much stuff
Your 4 days late. To early for a test. Wait 2 weeks
Mine finally came 16 days late. I also had a tubal ligation 5 years ago and was always regular. Just found out that Im anemic and low vitamin D. That’s cause for irregular periods.
you couldve had an early miscarriage to make it not able to show up on a test. you can miscarry so early that your period can still be regular. if it doesnt come in a week take another test. this has happened to me and i had a very faint line and 2 weeks later my period started
Shut up and keep taking that dick.
I actually had something similar recently. But mine was from a pap. It caused mine to be about 5 days late, and extremely dry.
For one, talk to your OB and not a bunch of internet strangers lol That’s the worst way to get medical advise.
That being said, we’re girls. Literally anything can upset our bodies lol I wouldn’t get to worried. Anxiety and stress won’t help out your situation any. You simply freaking out over it could be why your periods are messed up. That being said there could be something you weren’t expecting causing it like Cysts. I’d talk to your OB. You may have to be very pushy about it and demand they look into things. A lot of my old OBs just tried to push birth control first but don’t let them. Demand they look into it and be persistent.
Anything, stress, thinking you’re pregnant, exercise. Etc.
So much can cause it. Stress can be the hugest factor.
have them do a “blood” pregnancy test
Sitting and waiting for it to come then stressing if it will show always makes mine late
Hormones, weight gain, menopause, PCOS, stress. The list goes on and on.
You have PCOS. That’s the #1 sign and symptom of it.
Well, ain’t your Aunt Flo a reliable lil B! I think a lot of us would give anything to know exactly what day without having to count on the calendar, just because it’s typically 28 days but only one month has 28 days. This could signal a problem for you, or not. It could mean you’re pregnant, or not. Without knowing exactly what causes your fertility issues, but knowing, because you said, you do, it’s not surprising that your period has gone AWOL for a bit. When you get your period depends on when you ovulated. Even when your body has been respectful for years, it still knows it does not have to show up when you expect and it can be quite normal for it to take a little vakay and not tell you. I actually think it’s unusual for a woman to never experience an unexpectedly early or late period, at least once during their pre-perimenopause years. Everything depends on your hormone levels, and many factors can cause fluctuations in those, most of those being entirely benign and incidental. You could, absolutely, give your fertility doctor a call. Probably should. None of us can really tell you if you should be concerned or not. Only your doctor can tell you that.
Also, if you aren’t using first morning urine I creases the chances of a false negative. OR, if you are drinking a lot of water to make you pee, you can dilute your urine enough to cause a negative.
Call doctor. There are a number of issues that can cause this
Not sure if you have recently had your covid vaccine but they can affect your periods.i completely missed 1 period and then the next one was really light
Bless your heart. As ladies above said, PCOS (if you have that, cystic ovaries) causes irregularity. Your doc can get your cycle started after a few days of progesterone (if memory serves right).
PCOS, cysts on ovaries and lack of period! I have it. I didn’t have a period for 8 months and I wasn’t pregnant. I lost weight and made some changes and now it’s normal again.
It’s took two and a half months before my pregnancy tests read positive. The month I conceived I went and even got my blood tested for hcg levels, and it came back low and negative. And spotted in between before my period was late. If you are already having issues with your hormones that can affect pregnancy test results.
Stress could cause your period to be late.
Hi I have PCOS I have irregular periods and fertility issues I had to take fertility meds to conceive my 1st child i took clomed . If u call ur doc and do a blood test they will be able to tell u for sure also they can give meds for u to start called pro vera. Start there if u do have PCOS u can dm me and we can discuss things further if u want I’m currently pregnant with my 3rd child and I was able to conceive on my own.
Plus look into vaginal progesterone suppositories. If your progesterone is low they will help you carry a baby until the placenta can take over making it at about 12 weeks pregnant. You start them at day 16 of your cycle until your period starts or to 12 weeks of pregnancy
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?
Stress and sexual activity can both cause late periods
It normally takes up to two weeks for a positive pregnancy test at least for me but like Vicki said stress and sex can cause a late period
Ive heard the weather can cause it to
If you are on birth control it can cause late periods or stress can cause late periods or if you are having to much sex it can cause late periods.
And some times when you hit you’re 50’s it can be late.
I would wait a couple more days and see what happens.
If you don’t start by the end of this month .
I would make a doctor’s appointment and find out why you’re period is late.
Depending on age … Fibroid tumors in the uterus … ( happened to me )…
My period never came last month and all negative tests.
I tested negative with a urine test but was postive with a blood test. Also told me how many weeks I could have been. Blood is more accurate with detecting pregnancy hormones.
Stress, cyst causing the egg to not be released resulting in not having a period, could be pregnant but the hormones are still low for a pregnancy test to detect ( that was the case with my youngest, I waited a little longer and boom pregnant), etc.
Ive had a negative test then was prego because i took the test to earliy wait another week or so and test again
Have your blood taken, my cousin had 6 negative test and went to the doctor and was pregnant
I had 3 negative test when I was pregnant with my first. Not always right lol
Wait 7 days after the first day of missed period. If it comes out negative and a week later you still haven’t had a period test again and if it still comes out negative the wait it out till you’re suppose to start your next period and test again if you haven’t had one yet. Sometimes it takes a little longer to show up due to hormone strength. My sister-in-law had to wait till her second missed period for it to show up on a test.
Stressing about missing a period could also cause it to be super late. Happened to me. I’ve had mine be 3 weeks late one time. At first it was cuz I wanted to be pregnant so bad that I tricked my body into thinking i was pregnant but then when the tests came back negative the stress of wondering why I hadn’t started continued to make it worse.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?
Ovulating late, an anovulatory cycle (no ovulation happened that cycle), stress, diet changes, exercise changes…these are just a few. There’s a million things that can throw it off…I’m currently 3 weeks late but haven’t had any sexual activity since October so I know it’s not that…I’m assuming mine may be hormonal for some reason.
I would request pregnancy blood work from your health care provider.
PCOS, hormonal, imbalance, birth control, antibiotics, weight loss or gain.
This happened to me too. She’s 11 now…
Give it another few days abd text again. Good luck!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?
You can wait a few more days. Mine was late and tested negative until about two weeks after my missed period.
have you had the covid vax? I’ve heard from a few who’ve had it that this has happened to them, or other period issues. Not saying that’s the cause of your issue just something to consider
Wait a few weeks and test again…for now treat yourself as you are…watch the meds you take (over counter) and stay away from alcohol right now.
It’s happened to me. If the test is a true negative, you probably just ovulated late.
Usually I’d get my period around the 24/24. I completely missed May and got it on June 1st.
But I’d say if nothing by day 14, test again and go to the doc to test
If you’re trying to get pregnant & not sure when you ovulate… I would get the Premom app with Premom ovulation strips (super affordable on amazon & the app is free) good luck!!