What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?

Stress, weight gain/loss, not enough hcg yet, possibly didn’t ovulate this month (which is perfectly normal) it could be several things. Just wait and take another test.

Don’t trust those store bought test, go to the doctors, speaking from experience. I took 3 store bought test and they all came back negative but I WAS pregnant

Stress will do it!!! I once skipped a cycle for 3 months and definitely wasn’t pregnant, I went to PCC to test.

It’s going to take 2 weeks to see a positive test , that’s if it’s positive

I spotted and took a pregnancy test the same day of my expected period and the test came back positive. Maybe you need to wait a little longer? Good luck :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

Stress, hormones, infections they’re a number of things even age your best option is consult your doctor

If you’re unsure get blood work done. I took a test the first day of my missed period and it was BARELY positive. Like you had to squint to see it. I thought I was in the clear and imagining the faint line. I waited and took one a week later and it was positive almost immediately.

I didn’t know I was pregnant with my 2nd child until I was just about 5 months pregnant because the test kept coming back negative!!! When I finally got a positive test I was just about 5 months already!!! But that only happened with 1 child! I have 4.

Hcg levels are too low to read on a pregnancy test. Give it a couple more weeks and check again


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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?

Maybe you tested too early


I spotted and had negative results also, I went to doc and was definitely pregnant!! There can be false negatives

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Wait another week or 3 lol take tes again. Stress and weight can also factor into it


Go to a doctor. Early menopause? Stress?

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Stop keeping track you’ll get pregnant then :wink:


Its too early , test back in a week

Could be implantation bleeding. Usually occurs around the time of your period when the egg implants. Wait a week and test again. You have to give time for hormones to build


Too early. I took my test too early, came up negative, took it again a week later, was positive

Stress, just let it be. Whenever it’s meant to be.

I’ve had false pregnancy tests before. Went to the doctor and showed in my blood work that I was definitely pregnant

Are you testing right in the morning that is the best time to test for pregnancy your first pee of the morning.

I was gonna say stress too

Implantation spotting maybe!?!? I had to get blood work as my home tests were jegarive but blood was positive but took longer for it to show up then usual.

Stress makes them late and weight has a lot to do with your period flow as well

Trying to hard,relax it will happen

Stressing about it can make it take longer and throw off your cycle. Even if you don’t realize you’re stressing about it you could be subconsciously but typically implantation can take up to 12 days and then it can take a few days for hcg to build to detectable levels so that’s still a possibility. Also use fmu to test with. If you haven’t gotten a positive test or your period within the next couple of weeks go see your doc. Some people don’t metabolize hcg like normal so it doesn’t pick up on pee tests or blood tests. I know someone that had negative tests until they were 9 weeks along.

Alot of things can cause that. Stress, hormone changes. I suggest seeing your doctor…

Wait a couple weeks test again!

First time I got pregnant this happened to me. Read where the spotting can be normal in relation to the embryo attaching itself to the uterine wall. I’ve had 4 kids and it only did that with my oldest.

Omg. This is asked once a week. Get a clue.



Ask a doctor or your hair stylist

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First of all wait one week of missed period. Then take the test with the first urine of the morning. This happened to me. I did this exactly and got my positive.

Just went through something similar. Didnt get a period for almost 2 months, which is NOT normal for me. Doesnt always mean you are pregnant.

Wait 1-2 weeks then test again. Its possibly implantation bleeding. I had the same thing happen to me. I thought it was a period :joy: boy was i wrong lol

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Implantation bleeding?? Wait a little longer then retest.

Perimenopausal, I went 3 months no period, then had it, then 2 months none, had it, then 3 months none…it happens

I’m going on my 4th month without my periods. still waiting on it…and I’m not pregnant.

I tested negative twice at my drs office and had to get blood work because I was so early but was in fact pregnant… when in doubt get blood work then you’ll know for sure!

I had to actually get a blood test both times I was pregnant, the home ones always said negative even after I was like 6mths pregnant I tried it and still it showed negative

Stress and hormone imbalance can throw off a menstrual cycle. The HCG levels could be too low for a stick to pick it up. Blood work to know for sure if you’re concerned

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If you’ve had your covid jab it can make your periods go up the wall a little bit a few women have said now

Stress and trying too hard.

Depends on whether or not you are on birth control there are specific days you may spot I would suggest a period tracker and it will help to see where you spot some woman spot 2 weeks before their period and some up to a couple of days it really depends. I personally have polysyctic ovarian syndrome where I have a hormonal issue in my body causing cysts on my ovaries it’s very difficult to get pregnant. You can easily get checked by your doctor.

Also…. I go months without a period sometimes and I won’t even spot and weight is very hard to come off it’s a very difficult disease (Pcos) ask your doctor about it. Drastic weight change whether it goes up or down can cause late periods and spotting as well. Rough sexual habits can also cause a little spotting and cramps. There are many factors you need to be seen it can either be serious or nothing at all

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?

Blood test. Then you’ll know for sure

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Wait a little longer and test again or make an appointment to see what’s going on.


You can spot while you ovulate.

Hormonal problems. Need blood test to know

Not sure if it is applicable to you but the COVID vaccines are causing delayed periods as well

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Wait longer babe with two of my children I knew for ages I was pregnant but it took some time to show up on the test… retest in a week to be sure :heart:

U can have false negatives on the tests! I didn’t know I was pregnant with my second one until I was able to know the gender. And then my third one I have negative tests on too.

Stress ovulation could be off and you could have tested to early. With my first I couldn’t get a pee test to register even qt the dr office until 30 weeks

A luteal phase after ovulation is normally anywhere from 12-14 days before a period. Are you sure you ovulated when you thought so? If you ovulate later in your cycle then that also makes your period delayed too. Otherwise wait a few days and retest. Goodluck!

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Either stress or to early I’d wait a few more days then retest

I didn’t test positive until I was almost 8 weeks. I knew I was pregnant though. Kept getting negative tests. Good luck!

Test again in a week or so first morning pee

I ovulated four weeks after my period, I don’t know why after having constant 28 day cycles, because I was testing every single day starting at 3 weeks after my period and it wasn’t until six weeks after my last period that I got a positive because I ovulated two weeks late for whatever reason :woman_shrugging:t2: just keep testing every other day or whatever you feel comfortable with ! Beat of luck :heavy_heart_exclamation:

It could be stress causing your period to be late.

Or, possibly, you could be pregnant, but it’s too early for the test to detect. Sometimes women may experience a minor “period” or some spotting when they become pregnant, due to something called “implantation bleeding.”
Basically what it means is that if you were somewhere in the last 2 weeks of your cycle, and your uterus had a decent amount of blood built up to support implantation to the uterine wall of newly formed zygote/fetus, that act of it implanting itself displaces a small amount of that built up blood lining, and it comes out as spotting. Couldn’t hurt to see the doctor, though.

Stop worrying about it. Relax. Imagine it happening joyfully.

Stress, too early to test positive, or could be a slight hormonal imbalance

For me low vitamin D and low iron. Also my hypothyroidism.

I would wait a few days and test again.

U could use ur blood too on a pregnancy test… I think it’ll show up early too

My daughter has PECOS.

Stress, any kind of bodily change, etc.

Your not pregnant and your stressed

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Could be PCOS. Have your Ob run some tests on your hormones.

I would make a doc appointment to be safe! My best friend wasn’t trying, spotted during ovulation and then had 8 negative tests. She was pregnant. I don’t want to get hopes up but better to be safe!

Stress, hormones, a number of things, actually. Talk with your doctor. I missed a few and found out I had PCOS from my doctor.

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They usually say it takes a week after your missed period to test positive so personally I waited a week or two past when I should have started and then I tested. However, as others have stated you could also miss for other reasons, but if that’s not normal for you then it’s a good chance it is implantation bleeding. That happened with my youngest. And it lasted 2 or 3 days so I thought it was just a light period and didn’t realize until the following month when I missed all together

Best advice ever stop stressing stop trying and enjoy that is coming from a mother of 5 here in a month 6. Do not think just go with the flow it is hard yes but stress doesn’t do anyone good it happens when it happens

I would say maybe a little to early to test.

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Stress can cause your period to be late too

My tests came back negative with my daughter. I couldn’t keep food down or anything so I just shrugged it off thinking it was a bug. (After testing 3 times) Then a few weeks later I had to go to the OB anyways and they did a blood test and sure enough I was 6 weeks along lol.

Try using the basil temperature check instead of a calendar. Your body doesn’t always ovulate exactly when your supposed to. Check your temperature 2 to 3 times a day. At least in the morning before you get out of bed and at night right before going to bed.

Wait another week and test again. I’ve spotted when my egg planted in my uterus with both pregnancies.

Your hcg levels could be too low? Maybe too early to test?

Stress is possible or problems

I was pregnant for 3.5mo and CONTINUED to test negative for pregnancy… I was TOTALLY preggo. Very rare (I was told) but a possibility. I too had spotting

Bitch ass people stressin you out

Same thing just happened to me had a ab normal pap was seen by a oncologist now having g leep done yo see if it’s cancerous not trying to scare ya but im been trying for months

I spotted the day before my pregnancy started day 1 week 1 me and my ex thought it was my period starting I bleed for a day and then stopped 3 months later we found out I was pregnant

Comments arnt loading for me so I’m not sure what’s been mentioned. But plenty Of things could be happening. Stress, hormones, could be pregnant but not able to be detected yet. I knew I was pregnant with my last 2 and I took maybe 50 tests each😂 but eventually clue blue digital gave me that pregnant +

Apps can be wrong. They should be used as a guide only, along with tracking your bbt etc.

Lots of things can cause a late period. A late ovulation, stress, hormone imbalances, medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, pcos, endo etc

Or you could be testing too early for your hcg to show up

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?


You can get false negatives if you are taking the test too early. Sometimes it takes a while for thr hcg to be detected. Wait a while and retest or get a blood test. Good luck


Hi I had been diagnosed with polystistic ovaries , taken 5 tests was under infertility clinic they took a blood test i was pregnant then started bleeding …she’s now 24 and I had another two after her . 4 in total not bad for someone that wasn’t fertile . They come along when they should . Go Drs ask for blood test to check HCG levels you’ll probably be surprised. Let us know xxxx

If you are older, sometimes your ovaries “go through the motions” but never actually release an egg. Or you may be pregnant, but your hormone levels have not gotten high enough to be detected by the test. Good luck.


You’re only four days late. Go get a blood test or wait a little longer and take another test. It’s still pretty early and you could be getting a false negative. You could also just end up getting your period a little late.


May be to early to test wait a few more days do you are at least a week late and test again with your first morning pee, or go to Dr for bloodwork.

Hormones, stress, sometimes it’s random. My periods were always 100% perfectly predictable and now I can have the most random odd things happen. I just experienced being 23 days late and I took multiple tests. And the in may was a spotting for most of the month :woman_facepalming:t2:

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That happened to me. Late period no positive test. I was devastated I waited till next month no period but positive test! I just ovulated late!

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This happened with my first. Saw the doctor and I was pregnant. Take good care of yourself.

U cam spot sometimes when u ovulate its quiet common an some woman have to do several tests before a positive pregnancy test, mine wasn’t positive till the 5th test at 20 weeks, doc says happens often

Stress, anxiety, life changes. Anything really if you’re not on birth control

You may be pregnant but it’s too early for a positive test result. That’s what happened to me . I waited a couple more weeks, still no period , then had a positive test .

Too early. I had a negative test and because my stomach was queasy I had it done again. I got my wish: a daughter. I had 4 brothers and my husband had 6 brothers. Too have a daughter was a prayer come true.