What causes painful intercourse 4 weeks postpartum?

I still hated my husband at 8 weeks postpartum let alone at 4 weeks! :joy::joy::joy:


Vaginal birth requires 6 weeks and c-section requires 8 weeks. Your body is literally screaming at you just wait a while longer hun


Intercourse 4 weeks postpartum.


I’d talk to your Dr everyone is different I never had a problem about 4 week’s pp but I also delivered naturally is definitely speak to your Dr about it

My last son was born in 1986 did they change the 8 weeks to 4 now??? Cause they’ve changed a lot of other thing!!! :woman_shrugging:t2:

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4weeks is too early mama


Ur not fully healed yet. Eventho it was a csection the required wait is still 6 weeks thats why u are hurting


You need to heal more but if you really want to get pregnant again right away….


It’s your vag telling you to wait 6 weeks like the doctor suggested


I waited for months after I had my cesarean. I couldn’t fathom having sex.

I wouldn’t let my man near me after my c section lol :rofl: surely the doctor told you to wait at least 6 weeks :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: is this question for real tho


Cause you didnt follow the doctors rules. Thats why. Just wait its gonna hurt, you had surgery.


You had major surgery that your body is recovering from. Even with a csection you have an open wound inside.


You have a big hole the size of a dinner plate in your stomach it takes 6-8 weeks (a year to fully heal from a c-section) why you shouldn’t have sex at 4 weeks your not fully healed even more a c-section you can bust your insides up, and cause a infection… mom of 4 all c-sections btw.

Um, that you’re only 4 weeks post-partum!
Vaginal delivery is still trauma to your body.
C-section is even worse!
There’s a reason why your doctor told you (or should have) to wait 6 weeks!


There’s a reason they give you patient education before you leave the hospital :woman_facepalming:


Girl you need to let yourself heal at a minimum of 6 week post baby.


Um bc ur supposed to wait 6to8 weeks and check with a Dr. … u just had a baby


Shameful how everyone wants to degrade. Education is key. Your estrogen levels are down and it causes vaginal dryness and thin tissue of course friction would cause pain. Give yourself more time. Altho standard is 4 to 6 weeks.


:unamused: there should be mandatory reading for pregnancy :woman_facepalming:


Bitch you had a baby wait a little bit damn

Women should not be having sex directly after having children I have to say if your man can’t respect your body enough to realize you literally just gave him a kid and the suffering and destruction that your body just went through to do so there’s something sick about a man looking at a woman and expecting to screw around with them after just popping out their kid

You still prep for vag birth… your body still acts like it did… you still bleed… and are “open”… you need to wait let things, close and heal, inside.


Just a guess - but probably the intercourse?
I had a c section… 4 weeks in I still had a hard time going from sitting to standing. I couldn’t even imagine that.
Just because you didn’t deliver vaginally doesn’t mean your insides didn’t expand etc.

It’s also very dangerous to get pregnant within the first year after a c section. You could tear the inside stitching with the growth of the new baby.


Yeah cuz you’re not supposed to do that ….


6-8 weeks girl. Give yourself time to heal


send him to the self-serve


Y’all. This will make you cringe even more……I’m in a hysterectomy page and the MINIMUM is 6 weeks. There are people in there having sex at 2-3 weeks post surgery. You just had a major surgery with an organ removed and all you can think about is getting laid. Then they get a cuff tear and wonder why. Then they need another surgery to fix it and then the clock starts over again.
Why TF can people not wait?! It’s FORTY TWO to FIFTY SIX days (roughly!!) it’s not forever after birth and after surgery.
-a nurse

Even though you had a c section. You have a plate size wound where the placenta used to be as well as internally everything’s still raw and healing from carrying the baby. I haven’t had a c section but they did cut through several layers just above your vagina. Pain might be radiating especially if you the sex position hit the incision. Try a different position, more lube if you cant wait or waiting until cleared by your doctor

You had a major surgery. Multiple layers were cut open to remove a baby out of you. Skin, muscle, an organ; then stitched back up; all done while awake.
It’s a trauma that your body went through. It seriously needs time to heal. At least 6 weeks or more. Not only are stitches outside bit inside too remember. :confused:


There’s a dinner plate wound inside of your uterus. Semen is full of bacteria and can cause an infection in your wound. This can cause an infection and infertility. You could be in pain because giving birth takes a toll on all of your female bits regardless of how you birth your baby and everything in that area is connected. If you’re still wanting to do the deed, I highly recommend using condoms for health reasons and because you’re extremely fertile right after birth. I think your body hurting is trying to tell you something. That’s it’s way of usually saying somethings wrong or healing.

I’m sorry you have had so many people belittle you over this.
It is more than likely your hormones babe. Are you breastfeeding? That can throw them around a little too. There is no real standard time frame as all of our bodies are different. I would have a chat with my doctor, a friend of mine needed some help balancing her levels out :kissing_heart:


Oh my lordt love!! You brave :clap: :raised_hands: because ain’t no way in all the days ain’t no way he coming any where near me before 8 to 10 weeks.
Your body needs time to heal you just made an entire human and brought into the world. Your lady parts need to rest and heal! So from one woman to another tell hom to settle down and you’ll try again in a few weeks. Otherwise you are at risk for vaginal prolapse, infection and pregnancy! None of that sounds appealing at 4 weeks post partum! So bless you!!


Def supposed to wait 6-8wks friend!
I had 6 c-sections!! Hope u heal up completely very soon & get to feeling like yourself.


Cos your 4 weeks post partum.


Did you get induced? I had a c-section but got the balloon induction beforehand and sex hurt for me until about 6 month PP, but I’d give yourself more time, plus you’re super fertile so keep that in mind :relieved:

Because you’re not supposed to have sex 4 weeks after you have your baby. It doesn’t matter if it’s c-section. Your body needs at least 6-8 weeks to heal. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Honey. No. You have an open wound inside you. That’s why they tell you to wait the 6-8 weeks. Then, you had a c-section so you have even more healing to do on the outside all the way through to the inside. Wait a couple more weeks.


Its to early 6 to 8 weeks dam girl you gone get another baby in there


Too soon after baby regardless of how you delivered 6 weeks minimum may be longer for C-section for healing time.


Are you cray cray? You are out of business for at least another 2-3 weeks. Ouch!


Don’t feel bad girl, my husband and I made it 4 ½ weeks postpartum after my c-section. Your hormones are running wild. But take it slow! Your body just brought a whole human into the world. Also make sure yall are using protection because you’re fertile mertal right now.


Everyone is telling you 6-8 weeks like you didn’t know already. We don’t always do and follow what they say we should so I get it. I tried at 4 weeks after a C-Section and had no pain at all. At your postpartum check up, I’d be honest with your doctor and mention it. I’m sure it’s normal though.


I’m know your hubby is rearing to go, but your body just went thru one hell of an ordeal! The pain is your body’s way of telling you that’s its not ready to ride the hobby-horse just yet! Direct your hubby to the vaseline jar, because you need more time.


They say recovery from a non-surgical birth is 6 weeks. I have 2 c-sections, minimum recovery is 6 weeks but the prefer that you have an 8 week recovery period. 8 weeks, not 4. Not only do you risk infection, but you have internal stitches after a c-section that you risk tearing.


It’s way too early that’s why. Listen to your body.


Nope not today Satan :walking_woman:t6:

I had a friend do that, and at her 6 week checkup, she was pregnant. Please be safe and wait mamas and congratulations on your new bundle of joy love!


You need to heal girl. Not just your wound but as well as your inside. Creating a human being takes a lot out of you. Let your body heal.


That’s why they tell you too wait til 6 to 8 wks


Um you’re supposed to wait 8 weeks


I have never seen the word dinner plate so many times in all my life :rofl:


Probably because your uterus was cut open 4 weeks ago


Could be that your not supposed to have sex four weeks postpartum? :woman_facepalming: there’s a reason your doctor tells you that, stop being ignorant.

I am sorry but their needs to be a w.t.f. emoji sometimes right?


Pretty sure vaginal delivery they say wait 6 weeks c sections 8 maybe i dont remember You just birthed a whole human your orgasm arent even settled back in place yet you have a serious open wound inside and out listen to the doctors they are medical professionals congrats


It hurts because you are supposed to wait at least 6 weeks. Your body just had a human. You need to heal


It’s your vagina yelling at you to not put anything in there after having a baby.

If per chance you were in labour first before the c section …that stretches wether you use it or not …no worries tho…it’s very resilient… problem probably resolved itself by the time you read all our comments …you all good :+1:


Maybe the surgery that cuts through three layers of skin, a layer of fat, and a layer of muscle but idk for sure I’m no expert :rofl::rofl::rofl: wHy dOeS sEx HuRt AfTeR mAjOr AbDoMiNaL sUrGeRy wHeN i DeCiDeD nOt To WaIt UnTiL iM hEaLeD. Y’all cannot be this out of tune, I refuse to believe it. So many women do this it’s asinine. And then wonder why you have weak pelvic floor control. Fix it jesus

You just gave birth. With my first I didn’t have sex till like 4 months later because it was still painful :persevere::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:

There’s an actual medical reason that doctors tell you 6 weeks at minimum. People just literally do whatever they want and then don’t understand when a problem arises :woman_facepalming:t2:


6 weeks til sex, do anal or wait

Because you only waited 4 weeks and you’re not healed… it doesn’t take a rocket scientist


Is this real life? Imagine being this stupid, and thinking “I’m not stupid”


I recommend not having sex until your doctor says you’re in the clear to. Maybe give them a call and let them know?

Ok… I’m pretty sure you’re asking why your perineum feels like it’s tearing even though you had a c-section. I waited the 8 weeks (was cleared at 6 by my ob) and I’m currently 9 weeks postpartum now. It still feels painful and it’s not from lack of wetness. I’m assuming it has to do with the muscles tightening after birth to return to normal but I honestly have no idea.


If you don’t sit tf down for 6 weeks……….


Because you’re supposed to wait AT LEAST 6 weeks. C section or not.


Oh my God seriously :neutral_face:


You delivered a baby your placenta tears from your uterus leaving a giant gaping wound! Your uterus flexes while screwing hence the pain.


Are you breast feeding?

My vagina still hurts as well and my baby is about 10 weeks.

… 6 weeks. I’ve had 4 sections. There’s a reason it’s 6 weeks for both. Uterine infections, your incisions reopening etc. Follow the advice of medical professionals… let your body heal. The orgasms can wait :raised_hand:


WOW. I’m just saying, so many of y’all are a bunch of bitches. Why can’t you just answer her question? She is asking WHY it hurts. Educate, don’t hate. Didn’t realize there were so many ugly hearted people in this group. Jesus
Hopefully you hateful ass moms aren’t raising hateful ass kids.
I’m not good at explaining things like this, but it’s because of your estrogen. It’s low and it makes “down there” dry and it makes it not as stretchy or strong. In time, things will return to normal and you will be able to have sex again. When it feels better down there, like when it’s time for your first time since having your little, take your time and use plenty of lubricant. Ignore the rude people with no manners Mama. :yellow_heart:

Don’t be mean, she might not have any moms or aunts or mother in law to teach her these things. We aren’t all experts and we don’t all prepare for having a baby.
I hope you heal soon, stop the sex for a few more weeks.

I had 4 c sections, the first I had the same issue even waiting more than the amt of time the doc gave me. It was hormonal for me, unfortunately it lasted for about 6 mos with a lot of pain. Good luck.

Your coochie isn’t ready :joy:
If you don’t let the healing process take place.


People are so mean. How about we inform instead of belittle. Just a thought! :woman_shrugging::purple_heart:

Here’s your postpartum anatomy lesson:
Because even though you had a C-section, that is not the natural course the body takes for childbirth. Your body, whether your mind knew it or not, didn’t know it wouldn’t be pushing a baby out of your uterus and instead surgically removed. Your uterine lining where the placenta is attached is susceptible to infection in your early postpartum days. As you know your placenta is an organ. It had blood vessels and was attached to you. When it comes out, it leaves an open wound. Your body needs time to heal. It’s a big part in why you bleed so much & long after having a baby.
That’s main reason #1 why you should wait 6 weeks to have sex.
With that said, I would assume your vagina hurts with intercourse because of low estrogen levels. It takes time for your body to get back in business (aka heal) and low estrogen causes less blood flow and makes your vaginal tissue thinner and more delicate, easier to tear. It also means less lubrication your body creates. Your vagina is an ecosystem and a storm just passed through it. Right now is MAJOR damage control. Be mindful of what your put in/near it for a while.
Your cervix also takes an estimated 6 weeks to close completely, even after a cesarean. That means it will likely be uncomfortable for intercourse, and again, you’re risking infections.
With intercourse your vagina contracts. Your body just did so much work contracting, that’s bound to be uncomfortable and, well, painful for a while.

Put simply, your vagina and entire reproductive system is in shock and hasn’t fully healed. Give it some more time. :slightly_smiling_face:

And honestly… My child is turning 3 and sex has never been the same for me. Childbirth just changes things sometimes, regardless of how you delivered. You’ll figure out what works for you soon enough.

My ob cleared me at 2 weeks postpartum :woman_shrugging:t2: so maybe she got cleared. Maybe don’t assume stuff . Weather you wait a day or 20 weeks it’s still going to hurt


All the girls that have sex before 6 weeks are reading these comments like :eyes::flushed::joy: Yes, I understand why the medical professionals say to wait but y’all need to chill on attacking this lady. More people then you know have intercourse before 6 weeks. Wether it’s a good decision or not is irrelevant. She asked why it would hurt even though she had a C-section. Not for all of you to come on here and call her stupid. Smh

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These questions just blow my mind!


I only waited two weeks and I think I f<@*ed s&>t up but I was well aware that it was my own dumbassery and didn’t look to fb for answers :rofl: these responses are cracking me up though.


Please don’t be one of those irresponsible people that think just because they just had a baby they can’t get pregnant right away because incase you didn’t know you can.


Standards say 6 weeks but I’ve had specialists say once the bleeding is stopped your fine. We only waited 2 weeks after each of our daughters. Especially with the 2nd being still born full term birth size. Our dr said once bleeding stopped sex was encouraged if we felt OK for it to help us heal emotionally as a couple and feel bonded in such a tragedy.

Our bodies actually heal alot quicker than you think. I was completely healed by the time we had sex at 2 weeks both births, docotrs confirmed. It Really depends on the OB honestly and your body, everyoneis different. All of ours locally say when bleeding stops and take it easy if it hurts stop amd wait a little longer.

Hormones dont care which way you give birth lol


Because you are suppose to wait six weeks… Need more time I would go another month.


Are people that horny after birth omg I must be the only one put off sex or anything to do with that area for a long time !! :joy::woman_facepalming:

The fact you had a baby four weeks ago is what causes it! Your supposed to wait until six weeks for more then one good reason. It’s literally to stop you dying and prevent infection or causing injury to you. :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


…because you’re only 4 weeks pp…and why they tell you not to…


Because you didn’t follow direction? This didn’t go the way you expected, did it OP? This post made me say “what” so many times Samuel L. Jackson just shot me

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Your doctor should had explained this one to you.


Um ur uterus is still the size of a small dinner plate, open to serious infections. There is a reason why they say to wait til 6 weeks until your post partum exam. It can cause major pain and issues. Smh


Your body doesn’t give a shit if you delivered vaginally or had a c-section. There’s a reason doctors tell you that you have to wait ATLEAST 6 weeks to have sex.

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Being 4 weeks postpartum


Lol cause it’s only been 4 weeks …


Lol I mean you can do other things but the vagina is a nono hahaha

Well for one you aren’t supposed to have sex for 6-8 weeks, regardless if it was vaginal or C-section, because there is a giant whole inside your body. Which is at very very high risk of infection. Your insides are not properly or completely healed, esp after a C-section.

You had sex too early.
It’s gonna hurt when you have sex again anyway, because you carried a child in your uterus for 10 months and then had the baby, but you can severely hurt yourself by having sex too early. Don’t do it before 6-8 weeks and cleared by a dr. Some women take longer, but you need your dr to clear you. Your dr probably explained this to you, and you should have listened.

But people get too horny and excited and put that above their health. Sounds like what you did. It’s not worth it. Pain, possible infection, risking death… is the consequence. Don’t have sex again for a month and until your cleared.

Um, 6 weeks is the minimum amount of time you should wait. Everything is still healing, give it a little more time. I know this can be challenging!


You just explained it yourself. Your 4 weeks post partum. And very fertile. Try waiting at least a couple more weeks at least til your check up