With my c section they told me 8 weeks and I think I waited more like 12.
Because you’re 4 weeks pp…
U said it yourself self … 4 weeks pp
Because you didn’t listen & had sex too early
Umm… probably not waiting the full 6 weeks. For such an invasive surgery I might even go 8 wks just to be extra careful, but that’s just me.
4 week is most likely the problem…there a reason they say 6
Wow that was the last thing I wanted to think about 4 weeks pp, ouch and a c section too, girl let yourself heal!!
man i waited till my child was 6 months…i was too scared and wasn’t even thinking about sex
Uhm, the fact your 4 weeks postpartum and not healed? This is not a good question… 6 weeks😳
I never waited barely 2 weeks never had any issues
She didnt ask whether y’all think she’s irresponsible. Jesus. We get it. It’s only be 4 weeks. Why don’t you guys tell her again in 30 more comments in case the OP didn’t catch your judgement
cuz you have a gaping wound inside of you
Wtf! You are 4 weeks pp and you are Wondering why you are having painful intercourse? Yikes.
Your body is still healing from having a baby. Doesnt matter Csection or not.
Your 4 weeks post partum, its gonna hurt when you don’t follow a doctors directions. You’re supposed to wait until your doctor clears you. You still have a platter sized open wound inside of you and being intimate could cause a serious infection.
What is wrong with you
The placenta is about the size of a dinner plate so that is the size of the gape in your uterus. Plus the contracting of your uterus to go back to its original size. This takes about 6 weeks. A caesarean can take up to a year to fully heal. It’s actually not recommended to have another baby for at least 2 years. Best advice is to give yourself more time to heal. And ask your doctor if you’re still concerned.
Omg bro. She’s asking why it hurt her VAG when she didn’t deliver VAGINALLY.
You have a gapping hole that is trying to heal. You were told not to do anything for 8 weeks bc of the c-section (6 for natural)
All bodies take different amounts of time to heal, child birth us a very traumatic experience. Your body prepares the whole ready for a baby to come out c section or not that area is affected. Also the epidural given before c sections so you don’t feel pain can cause other issues like minor nerve damage which could affect your feelings down there. And your body continues to have some contractions of sort for a little while after having a baby putting everything back together where it should be.
Give it time, take it slow, relax, it’ll get easier.
Cause you’re not supposed to be having sex…
people need to stop being negative about 4 weeks, every one is different, shit I was 3 days and delivered naturally, so what it’s recommended 6 weeks blah blah she asking if happened to anyone else not you’re opinion if it’s to soon
Lordy lol the girls horny and you all are attacking her. I did the same thing sis and it hurts for abit as its still healing but if it isnt painful enough that its stopping you from getting off its pretty normal but im no doc just going off myself and i had a vaginal delivery feel free to msg me if you have any other questions as i am very relatable and some of these girls are a bit hehaw
Even though baby came out via the sun roof still means your body has to heal. No dick for 6 weeks. You may have a UTI? Go to your doctor but they will tell you it’s far to soon.
Your body is still healing from having major abdominal surgery through having a baby.
Any of you ever heard the saying “if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing”? Honestly as women & mothers some of you really need to check yourselves.
I didn’t have a oroblem after my c section except for the incision on Mt stomach. I would check with my obgyn if I were in that much pain.
Welllll thats why they say wait atleast 6 weeks so…
Ummmm you aren’t supposed to have sex that soon and what about the incision
This is why the doctors tell you 6 weeks you’re doing more damage to your body sex can wait
You are banging on a not healed uterus… careful you could start bleeding…rip out internal stitches…never be able to have more children in the future… infection…rule of thumb…if it hurts…stop doing it…
It could be many things… Breastfeeding contracts your stomache muscles and uterus and they may still be healing from the csection so swelling would put pressure towards your intimate areas… Another is your body’s hormones are reregulating after childbirth so you may naturally be adjusting in that area (ready for your monthly etc). A third option could indicate an infection. The problem is the are too many options to narrow it down and you should go speak to a doctor or midwife even who will know the answer.
You are suposed to wait at least 6 weeks after giving birth or any thing like that…not only can you get pregnant much easier but it takes at least y weeks for all of your organs to go back in place after carrying a child and during pregnancy, all your organs get pushed back and moved around as baby grows…you might have to wait a little longer than 6-8 weeks with a C- sec,…consult your OBGY for corect answer…very important
Not supposed to be having sex until 6 weeks.
Your still healing I would wait till you had 6 week check up discuss that with GP x
Call your dr. You have two more weeks of healing before sex…I was told to wait 6 weeks. I waited 8 because i still was uncomfortable. A c section is a major operation it’s tough to recover. Give your self time. Hunny can wait a little longer. You just got your body back after 9’months. Heal and rest.
congrats on the new baby and kudos to you btw. I didn’t even want looked at at 4 weeks PP, let alone doing the deed! He would’ve had a frying pan upside his head
I didn’t after my c section until after my 6 week
Post op check.
Even tho you didn’t deliver vaginally. It has still caused a “trauma” to the area. Your still going through PP bleeding etc. it will ALL be tender for a few more weeks yet.
You suppose to wait 6 weeks…you are no where healed…you are gonna rip everything back open…
You just need a little more time to heal. Tell hubby to hold on a little longer with the sex and get the ok from your doctor!!
People on here are so harsh . Thought we are supposed to give helpful advice of our opinions. Smh …
I’ve had 2 c-sections. Doc says you must wait 6 to 8 weeks on the low end.Get to doc asap.
You need to relax, the dick ain’t going anywhere.
There’s other ways to pleasure your husband .but 4 weeks is too soon …he needs to understand and to work with you
The placenta leaves a wound the size of a dinner plate on your uterus lining when you deliver a child, no matter if its vaginally or a cesarean, at 4 weeks it has likely not healed yet and sex can cause you pain x
Hormonal changes suppress natural lubricants, so your vagina may feel uncomfortably dry. However you won’t re open I doubt it very much I had sex 2/3 weeks after section just take it slow and use plenty of lube
Are you serious for asking this question?
There is a good Reason for have to wait 6 weeks at least
Read your post op instructions… then follow them
Supposed to wait a minimum of six weeks or until Dr release. I had to wait 8 weeks
Heal Mama Heal, Whats the rush
There’s a reason your dr says to wait six weeks your risking ever getting pregnant again by doing this because you can get a pretty bad infection. You know dinner plate sized wound and all
Now I know your doctor sat you down and explained the 6 week rule…uterus still wide open
Hmm…probably that gaping wound still in your body. That’ll do the trick.
Ok stop bashing her for asking and sharing. Let’s not condemn anyone that’s why people shut down and shut off. For you mama, talk to your dr and you decide and maybe however you decide then take things slow and easy. Be safe!! God bless:heart:
Why on earth would you be having sex 4 weeks out after a C-section? Goodness I didn’t want my husband to even look at me during that time. Lol:rofl:
On a serious note, I would call my OBGYN and possibly go in for an appointment. Congratulations on your new baby.
Uuuuufffff and I thought I was brave at 7 weeks PP, and I gave birth vaginally.
I can’t even imagine after major surgery.
Not me, sitting here remembering my last c-section SPLITTING OPEN 8 weeks PP.
Girl you brave.
But isn’t that too soon?
I’m no expert… But probably the fact that you’re 4 weeks post partum
Thats amazing but painful your experiencing that may need to let the shewolf heal a bit longer if its causing you pain hun
There is a reason why you supposed to wait at least 6 weeks pp. even with C section, the baby was there pushing down on everything, now baby is out and things are getting back to normal so things still hurt, and first sex after having baby is always painful I think. Also if it hurt and still hurts than you should check with your doctor on your 6weeks pp check up .
Your doctor definitely told you specifically not to do that
The fact that your body hasn’t healed.
There’s truly a reason they say 6 weeks minimum for vaginal and 8 weeks minimum for c section.
You have a dinner plate size wound inside of you, much less the c section incision!
Let your uterus heal first
Ignore all the judgy comments… I never waited the time the doctors recommend. Do it when you feel comfortable. Unfortunately at the minute for you, your body’s just not quite as ready as your brain is. You’ll get there, I’m sure you can figure out how to have some fun for the two of you You’ll get there xxx
Ummm probably having intercourse. You are told to wait for a reason
They advise the 6 week vaginally and 8 week c section wait purely because u have a wound the size of a dinner plate on u and recovering from a c section itself. Some people yes have intercourse before those times and it’s fine but they still risk infection and or further damage. Some people’s bodies take longer to heal than the recommended times u now clearly know your body isn’t ready yet so just wait for it to heal properly. From someone who didn’t wait and ended up with 18 months of pain, scar tissue that still hurts to this day if caught wrong (nearly 7 years on) it’s not worth it. I waited a lot longer 2nd time around. I learnt from my mistakes just give your body time to heal correctly first and have fun in other ways
Wouldn’t you still have that big wound from where the placenta was implanted into your uterus ? You still have to heal from that
They mostly advise to wait 6 weeks because you’re most fertile and in that window more prone to infection and miscarriage, but not a problem of pain if you’re ready… that’s not the reason but if your body is telling you no and it’s painful just of course hold off til your six- eight week check up. Heal and enjoy relaxation and take a full body massage!
No of you are the perfect mum/women so not sure why any of you are being judgemental. She didn’t ask for your personal opinion
I can’t even judge cuz I’ve been there with both my babies. But as the Dr explained it your uterus is still wobbly after having a baby. With all the erm lets say motion it will be painful at times. If your body is saying no but you insist my advice is to go extremely slow and careful.
Because it’s been FOUR WEEKS…,
Uterus still has to heal and shrink to it’s original state hun
I’ve had 2c-sections it’s usually 6 weeks unless it’s changed over the years not sure.You should wait until then you’ll be able to do it again hold off being nasty and let your body heal up.Actually your inside takes about a year to fully heal you feel fine on the outside but inside still healing.
Because you are supposed to wait 8 weeks
6-8 weeks just do oral till then
You have a wound the size of a dinner plate inside of yourself…
Why they say not to do anything until after your apt you can get some major infections hope you’re ok! Get it checked
Probably because you needed to wait 6-8weeks.
I tried early and it was so raw and dry just knew it wasnt ready yet
CALL YOUR DOCTOR! Follow the instructions they gave you. For the future social media is NOT your doctor. You’re a mother now, you’re gonna have to be calling doctors and other appointment for a very long time so you should get use to it now. I repeat to you and the rest that think this is okay. Social media is not your doctor! Even google is better then asking thousands of people about your medical health. But again the internet is not really the place to find out what’s medically wrong with you. Like any hospital you got discharge papers I suggest sitting down and reading them.
Your suppose to wait to heal
Because you’re supposed to wait? Obviously???
Bc its way too soon. U have a huge gaping wound inside u.
i thought its like 8 weeks at least or it used to be when i had my kids
Can’t believe I’m reading a post as such‼️
Gezz let it rest back to normal at least 6 to 8 weeks…
Well you have a gaping wound in your body…
99% of these anonymous questions have GOT to be made up! JESUS PEOPLE!
Just because you had a C section, doesn’t mean your uterus/cervix doesn’t need to heal. It’s still soft and needs to “shrink back to normal” there’s reasons you’re supposed to wait.
Intercourse causes painful intercourse at 4 wks pp
3 time csection mama here.
I waited 3 weeks pp each time. No weight on my belly and went super slow…
MY experience was fine.
But not advisable, cuz it goes against recommendation from doc.
If I had severe pain vaginally or at all, I’d be calling my doc and fessing up and getting medical advice/attention
You are supposed to be having sex just yet. The standard of care is 6 weeks. Also i had a section 5 years ago and in certain positions it still hurts. When it is recommended to restart activity try a different position
U should prob let him lick that before he trys to stick u you can just have sex raw without u getting nice
I hate the internet so much sometimes
It’s almost like they tell you to wait for a specific reason
Is this a trick question?
You can prolapse your uterus having sex too early, like it’ll fall down and try to get out… I’d get in to your obgyn to make sure you didn’t do any damage.
Well you do have a huge wound in your body!! Give your body time to heal dang
Girl, put your panties back on and let your dang body heal. I know damn well that doctor told you to wait 6 weeks, and here you are at 4 weeks wondering why it hurts!
I’m assuming you are a first time cesarean. My first one I didn’t know much at all, and it was emergency and I was young. I didn’t even fully understand why I bled so much when I didn’t deliver vaginally but 3 later I know it all. They tell you to wait 6 weeks for proper healing. You are still sore internally near the vagina because of the cutting, pulling, and so on. When you have a csection they cut your muscles down there which are in connection in other areas as well. Internally there’s alot going on still even if they didnt go that route. Alot of people don’t wait the full 6 weeks, just remember for a few months you’ll still be sore and to take caution. You will not close quickly especially with extra curricular activities. Keep an eye on your wound!
Because it’s WAY too soon! 6-8 weeks is the norm