What causes painful intercourse 4 weeks postpartum?

You have an open, dinner-sized plate on the inside of your body. Your body isn’t healed yet which is why they recommend at least waiting the six weeks

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You should be on pelvic rest for a minimum of 6-8weeks

It’s because you are 4 weeks postpartum. You’re supposed to wait 6 to 8 weeks


Good grief I can’t even … :woman_facepalming:


Just be patient and wait 6 -8 weeks your dr tells you!!! There’s a reason why she tells you that. What’s more important… sex or an infection that could turn life threatening?!

Because you just had a baby.

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Your cervix still prepares for natural birth csection or not.


Your suppose to wait 6 to 8 weeks as even tho you have had a C section your uterus is still open

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Pelvic floor muscles are weak. It happens because the baby weight puts stress on everything

4 weeks maybe too early for you. Everyone’s body heal differently. I was 4 weeks postpartum from all 3 of my csections when I did with my husband. I was fine though.

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The fact that you’re only 4 weeks postpartum is why it hurts… you gotta wait 6-8 weeks it doesn’t matter that it was 6 section your pelvic floor still went through hell.


Girl… you stop asking questions you know the answer to


The reason it was painful is because you haven’t allowed yourself enough time to heal. Despite having a c-section, you still have an open wound inside of your body and an incision as well. There’s a reason why the doctors tell you to refrain from sexual activity for 6-8 weeks.

And btw… I have to ask… why on earth did you even want to??? Ugh, I had no interest that early on…

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Most likely it’s a pelvic floor issue. It could also be stress, pressure on the surgery site, etc. you can try putting something around the site (think corset). Also maybe have a doctors visit to check everything. I had doctors permission after 7 days but that’s not always the case.


Poor pelvic floors. Try doing kegals. I had a C-section and it took me 12 weeks for sex not to hurt.

Because your cervix was still prepared for natural birth.


That’s because you just had a baby and a major surgery. You are supposed to wait a minimum of 6-8 weeks after childbirth/delivery. Just because you had a cesarean doesn’t mean that it didn’t effect your cervix, uterus and pelvic floor.


That’s why they say wait. Ur body isn’t healed. :woman_facepalming:


I’m sorry but stop being so dumb /// like whyd you even ask this question. Common sense.


You don’t state your age…but maybe your hormones are not back to normal and you’re dry. Many moms are back to normal within a few weeks…including me.

It’s been a year today for me and still hurts. (Also a c-section) Probably a pelvic floor issue. But also at 4 weeks your insides are not healed. They say 6 weeks no matter how you delivered for a reason.

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It always does… I’ve had 5 c-sections and the first time is always painful

Umm because your ONLY 4 weeks post… How is this even a question…


They tell you 6-8 weeks for a reason. I had sex at 6 weeks pp. granted women are able to have it at 4 weeks but not everyone is the same so essentially they say 6-8 for that reason.

The baby you gave birth to 4 weeks ago is the cause ahahaha


Tell me you didn’t listen to your surgeon without telling me you didn’t listen to your surgeon :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


Your whole area still dilates and loses a whole lot of blood even with a c-section. You’ve also just had surgery there so the area will be bruised and tender for a while.

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The doctors give you a time frame for the healing reason and fertility reason. You hurting bc you are only 4 weeks pp! They tell you 6 weeks and that’s when you go in for a check up and then that’s when they will clear you for it. :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3: I didn’t do anything for 8-10 weeks after my c section just to be sure bc ain’t no way I’m causing infections and pain to my body that I don’t need…


Listen to your doctors ladies :grimacing:


This is kinda common since u just had a big surgery and aren’t post to do anything sexual for 6 to 8 weeks or u can mess something up or get pregnant again


Holy cow 4 weeks after a c section. And I thought I was brave. You do know sex is the #1 cause of getting pregnant right? I would wait longer only because you had a c section qnd could easily get pregnant again.

You’re supposed to wait 6-8 weeks to heal


Did you fail sex ed or did sex ed fail you?

Uhm, because you’re only 4 weeks pp and csections take at least 6 weeks to start the healing process???

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These comments didn’t pass the vibe check or that even half of y’all passed basic ass anatomy class.

I’d say use your mouth until 6 weeks lady if it’s really necessary :joy::joy:


They say to wait untill you are cleared for a reason…

Your vagina still dilated and went thru the motion of having a baby. The drs give you a time frame for a reason. And then on top of having a c-section :woozy_face: I can’t even imagine the pain. Your husband can wait. Your ‘urges’ can wait. Your body just went thru something traumatic and needs time to heal.

If your breastfeeding that also contributes to the pelvic contracting as well as tummy muscles, and it is normal regardless of natural or c section delivery for ur v-jayjay to hurt

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If you’re breastfeeding it makes it super dry and painful!

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It doesn’t matter that you had a c-section. The reason they say 8 weeks is because you need to heal from the gigantic hole the placenta leaves. Also the c-section incision also needs at least 8 weeks to heal from.


You still have a large open wound inside of you even if you delivered by c section. The risk of infection is still quite high until the 6-8 week mark.

Your body is working to heal itself. I assume that it hurt to have sex because your muscles are slowly working to contract back down, but not a Dr. So it’s only an assumption.

Your supposed to wait 6 weeks!

With A c section u have internal stitches, as well as external, but please be very careful as you could rupture the internal stitches, male and females have different needs as to intercourse

Your body isn’t ready. Doctos suggest waiting 6 weeks for a reason


Because you still have a giant wound that needs to heal also hope you was smart enough to use a condom so you don’t get pregnant again

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Anyone else think it’s kinda selfish of the husband to even consider that after what his wife just went through? Just me? Ladies, the doctor gives a time frame for a reason. You need to let your body heal.


Omg after my section it was terrible i literally waited almost 2 months to have sex for the first time and it still hurt!

No Dr would ever tell you to be having sex at 4 weeks PP!

Are women really still this stupid . You have a huge hole in your body regardless of how you had your baby . There’s many many reason your supposed to wait 6 weeks and dr approval


6-8 weeks is the recommended amount of time you should wait…so that’s probably your answer. :person_shrugging:


Because theres a massive wound in your uterus so everything connected to it is sensitive and inflamed. Its pretty reckless to have sex 4 weeks post c section you could get a reallyyyyyy bad infection

Umm you shouldn’t be having sex

I know your doctor sent you home with paperwork on top of explaining everything to you like they’ve done to everyone. You either didn’t listen or read over your papers from the hospital. Even google would tell you, C-section or not you can’t have sex for at least 6 weeks. Delivering vaginally has nothing to do with the reason behind why you shouldn’t be having sex before 6 weeks. You have a huge wound where the placenta was attached in there that still had to come out via c section. Which still left the same wound.

Because you still have an open wound in your uterus


Ur suppose to wait until healing

Minimum 6 weeks mama.

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6 to 8 weeks to wait for this reason
Use other methods

Everything is going to take time to heal. I took 12 weeks… I’m currently now taking another 12 weeks after a hysterectomy. Look at a YouTube video of what your body just endured and you will be more patient with yourself. As should your husband.

Probably because you should wait 2 more weeks. I didn’t and it was painful.

We clean the vagina to make sure no clots are left behind so that lochia can flow out of the uterus well.

Because your still healing even when you didn’t give birth vaginally it’s needs sometime, go see a doctor

Because it’s not just about your vagina. It’s your uterus, pelvic floor, bladder, everything inside just wen through a traumatic experience. You should absolutely wait to have sex until you’re cleared by a dr. No means no if he thinks he deserves it.

You are hurting yourself. No sex for 8 weeks, means just that! The placenta detach area needs time to heal! Explain this to your man, I’m sure he will understand🙂

Pelvic floor disfunction. Find a PT who specializes in pelvic floor issues.

Your uterus is still healing, there was a lot of stress on your body and pressure in your pelvic area even with a c section. Wait another few weeks. It may still be painful then because your body is adjusting but hopefully you’ll be healed at that point. If you’re BF, it can make you really dry as well.

Why TF would you even try? He should be ashamed for even suggesting you do anything. You are the mother of his child. This could cause a severe infection to your body. Doesn’t matter how you actually gave birth. That whole area is sore for a reason. I have had c-section and natural births. They 6 weeks for a reason. Dear Lord. Smh


Maybe because your not supposed to have intercourse yet ?


It’s driving me bananas that some people are suggesting that the husband is at fault here… Did she suggest in any way that he wanted this? When I was 5 weeks postpartum I was climbing my husband like a tree and he was fighting me off like the plague.


It hurt even after waiting 6 weeks it takes time heal. Be careful you’re super fertile now


Because you have a WOUNDS INTERNALLY you cannot see. That’s why it’s always 6 WEEKS.


I was told to wait 6 weeks

I was gonna say ummmm I thought a vaginal delivery was 6 weeks and c section was 8 weeks??


Ummm…. You’re honestly lucky you’re not hemorrhaging… they tell you to abstain from sex for a MINIMUM of 6 weeks vaginal delivery. CS can take 8+ weeks to get the go ahead and even then still extra painful until your uterus can actually heal/scar tissues calm down.

Cause you are 4 wks pp.


Well you did just pop out a child.


Too early to have sex… Took 9 months of change for ur body & somehow we’re supposed to heal completely in 6 weeks??? Doesn’t work like that

Well maybe bc ur not supposed to be having sex. You have a DINNER SIZED PLATE OPEN WOUND INSIDE OF YOU. So much risk of infection and also,4 weeks??? You’re probably still bleeding out ur hooter! Give that thing a rest

Wait a little longer and when do it again go slow and don’t be afraid to use lubricant. Your insides will be sore still for a while. You can do kegal exercises until then to help your body strengthen again and it can help too.

Even after my 6 weeks it still hurt and that’s when lube became my best friend

Because it’s only been 4 weeks


You’re not even meant to be smashing right now you need to wait til you’re cleared from your dr.


Maybe because you just had a MAJOR abdominal surgery? Likely dilated some before they did the C…


After all clear on your 6 week check.


Intercourse causes it


Because you have a wound the size of a dinner plate. Should always wait after 6 weeks atleast. Even better to wait until cleared by your doctor.


Ummm maybe because you’re supposed to wait 6 weeks or you can chance dying because you have a giant open wound in your uterus lol


Because the Drs gave u directions to not do that and u didn’t follow


I made the mistake of having sex too early; it felt like pins and needles. We waited a few more weeks and everything was fine. Regardless of how you give birth you still have injuries to your cervix and vagina from your body preparing for birth. All will be well in a few weeks.

Well you’re supposed to wait until six weeks for a reason :woozy_face:


Having intercourse 4 weeks post parting is what causes that…. :no_mouth:
And you had a c section so you DEFINITELY shouldn’t be having sex already.

That’s way too soon. Your body is still recovering. Owwies!


Yeah it’s because you’re having sex before you’re cleared. You don’t have to deliver vaginally for it to hurt lol

Ok I literally waited for the bleeding to stop and I was fine. I delivered vaginally all 3 times. I’d be willing to wager the difference is the surgical incision and surrounding abdominal trauma is radiating thru that entire area. Especially if your partner wasn’t exactly gentle enough.


What the hell is with these questions today?! First, someone wants to know if she should stay with her husband and keep raising her husbands kid, even though he has blatantly told her he has a side piece that he has no intentions of dropping and now this one asking WhY dOES sEX hURT FoUR wEeKs aFtEr hAvInG a BaBy…

Are you people stupid?!?

Your vag still dilates even if you have a c section, usually just a bit. But regardless sex hurts after a c section too, your stomach muscles are obliterated. Still supposed to wait 6 weeks or until cleared

Halie J Snodgrass look at this mess. WTH is wrong with people :joy:

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You shouldn’t be having sex yet until you get the doctors okay at your 6 week appt. A C-section is MAJOR SURGERY. It’s DANGEROUS to have sex afterwards without the doctor checking you and giving you the green light. You’re not healed enough, that’s what hurts.

Is this page trolling the people following it? This is the second stupid “fan question” I’ve seen.