What causes toenails and fingernails to randomly fall off?

Thanks for sharing .

I have heard covid can cause this side effect. Doesn’t mean it is/was that.

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Take them to a doctor


Allergic reaction to the glue used in their shoes? My daughter went through it. We started buying different shoe brand and it cleared up

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Low iron and b12
Happened to my brother

Wow I didn’t know HFM caused nails and toenails to fall off!:flushed:

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Consulting your pediatrician is the best thing to do.

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You need to be asking your Dr.


Why are you asking a random Facebook page this? Take your children to the doctors! :woman_facepalming:

Get them to the doctors ASAP I’m a nurse we cant diagnosed here. They need medical attention

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Do your children have psoriasis by chance?

Look up hand foot and mouth disease

I had an allergic reaction to a medication when I was about 4 and it cause my toe nails to fall off.

Have you considered seeking professional medical help?? :woman_facepalming:

Have they had hand foot and mouth disease at some point. My daughter had it a few years back and lost some toe nails and finger nails which as I was told by a dr can happen in extreme cases after the actual disease has cured

Fungus? Which would also require a medical treatment

It could be a number of reasons, some more serious than others.

Thyroid…see a dr…could be a number of things

Kids need to see the podiatrist about feet n toes issues. Definitely something going on if it’s happening in the first place but 2 kids?

For sure see a doctor, asap.

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My 10 year old daughter has the same issue since she was walking, as long as it grows back & there’s no pain it’s normal

Lmao what :joy: maybe take them to a doctor?

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Did they recently have hand foot and mouth. Nails can fall off after that

Definitely not normal. Take to pediatrician or podiatrist.

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Need medical attention big time!!!

Claudette Cardinal you know more about this.

Something like this should be brought to a doctor not the internet because as much as we can guess what it is they need to be diagnosed by a doctor so they can get the proper treatment


Auto immune disease. I have seen it.

I had hand foot and mouth and my nails only fell off after the blisters had dried, it came with a fever of 103 for both me and my son who was 3 at the time. Super miserable.

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A doctor would know :woman_facepalming:t3: I hope you made an appointment before asking Facebook

A doctor. Facebook is not a doctor. Just go.


My son’s did this a couple years ago, the doctor said it was due to low iron, they told me to give him flintstone vitamins.


Hand foot and mouth can cause it, but it would be good to have it checked out

Fungal could be the most likely culprit but I would still make an appointment with your children’s pediatrician.

Go to a doctor not Facebook


I would go to the doctor for sure

My Granddaughter has this happen after having Hand, foot, & mouth( She had the worst case I’ve ever seen)

Hand foot mouth or possible covid side effects


Definitely a doctor for blood work.

this happened to my son when he was about 2 or so. called the health link. apparently if they have hand foot mouth this is an after math that can happen. he didn’t have any other signs of HFM except his finger / toe nails falling off

The whole nail? Could be calcium deficiency maybe I’d check with your doctor

Calcium deficiency… happened to 2 of my daughters when they were younger.


This happens even up to 6 months after having HFM disease

If you are not here to help and give advice then then don’t comment maybe she has an appointment set you don’t know this page is the worst for moms tearing down other moms this page should be deleted I have never seen anything nice in the comments


I’d take them to the dr.

Hand Foot and Mouth can cause this


I would check with their pediatrician.

Hand foot mouth sickness

Happened to my son when he has hand foot and mouth disease and it’s highly contagious so would make sense if both children are experiencing the same symptoms. Need to take them to the docs.


Fungal infections, really any infection. Please seek medical care.

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I never heard of it happening with hand foot mouth but what there mouth look like inside

Take them to a doctor it could be a fungus infection

But it happened to me I had to see a specialist

Some of my sons finger nails came off when he was at preschool, after he’d had hand, foot and mouth. It was awful :cry: had to put plasters around them. His nails were absolutely fine afterwards and have been ever since. He’s 9 now

My kids had some big pieces peel after a particularly bad virus/fever. They grew bck and have been fine since.

I’ve only seen this with hand foot and mouth disease

It can also be caused by vitamin deficiency or thyroid issues. Something to check out.

No I haven’t, but I would check with a doctor as I’m sure you will. Good luck.

Hand foot and mouth or a fungus

Mine was from thyroid issues, just not known at the time.

I thought hand foot and mouth when the same happened to my daughter but it was actually a fungal infection

Since i can remember my toenails just fall off every summer.
My mum and dad said its always been like it since a kid, a new nail is always half grown under it. Ive never had any issues :woman_shrugging:t2:
Been to the doctors and been treated for fungal infection, also had my thyroid checked and neither worked.
Doctor said as long as it doesnt hurt to just leave it alone.

It happens to my dad… they told him chemical imbalance/ vitamin deficiency was what was causing it…


Hand foot and mouth will cause a disruption in the growth of nail beds, causing the nails to fall off. Did not hurt my child when they came off, but a new nail should be growing underneath.


Did they have a minor case of hand foot and mouth disease. That can be an after the fact situation. It’s so weird


I remember it happening to my brothers fingernails, when we were really young. It was only with like one or two fingernails, and it happened a couple of times. Idk if we ever did find out why it happened to him, though.

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Hand foot mouth disease if severe enough will cause a disruption in nail bed growth, causing nails to peel up and fall off.

My baby had that happen when very young.

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This could be a few different things. Ie. Vitamin deficiency or fungus or exposure to harmful substance. Go see a doctor right away! The fact both of them have this happening is even more alarming.


This happened to my nephew when he was very young, later in life he was diagnosed with celiac so who knows?

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Just take them to the doctor, this should have been your first move instead of asking us. It’s good to hear suggestions but they need professional help and like last week if not earlier. Please call a medical specialist, Pediatrician or Dermatologist.


This happened to my daughter. The doc said sometimes they regenerate due to unseen damage

Yes its called Hands and foot disease or something similar, you may want to Google it, I believe it comes from a virus


This is not at all normal. They need to see their doctor right away.


When things like this happen, its good to remember that am actual doctor who can inspect your child will always give you the most accurate, and safe, answer to respond to a medical problem. Please consult a doctor and then look through comments for simmilar situations and solutions

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My daughter toenails and fingernails fell off after hands foot and mouth. All of them and her skin blistered all over the deep
Blisters are what caused them to fall


Have they had hand foot and mouth recently? The nails can come off…but no worries…they will grow back healthy!

Leave a message for the pediatrician. She will let you know if your kids need to come to the office.


Have they ran a fever lately? My son at age one ended up getting hand foot and mouth. His fever was so high he ended up loosing all his fingernails and toe nails. Was told cause fever caused the nail beds to burn. They ended up growing back and are fine now

They may be biting them behind your back and could have pulled them back too hard.

Has to be something going on inside their body I would definitely use holistic or herbal remedy

My son had Hand, Foot and Mouth one time and a few of his nails fell off. But that was like a side affect. Was he sick beforehand? My son had a slight fever and had a rash mainly on his hands. Just kinda felt run down for a day or two. Then once he felt better was when he started to lose the fingernails. It’s really weird. My daughter had it too, twice, but her nails didn’t fall off. It’s a virus and just has to run its course. But if they weren’t sick it could be something else.


Sounds like maybe a deficiency of some sort, or some kind of infection. Google it and see an appropriate Dr. for the possible conditions you find.

Go see a medical doctor!! This is not the place for medical advice!

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I would go to your pediatrician to check it out. It might be a vitamin decency. It probably is ok,but I would check to make sure.

Best bet to see your pediatrician as both children are experiencing same thing.

Take your kids to a doctor. Why is that so difficult?

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Take your children to their pediatrician ASAP

Fungal infections will also cause nails to fall off

Your thyroid can cause issues like this. Id schedule an appointment with their pcp

These comments are sickening! What is WRONG with you all…that you feel so much anger you have to spew it at people for making a comment?! Noxwonder so many young children are SO messed up and don’t do anything except bully others!! They had the best teachers…in their own moms. You should all be ashamed!

Fungus usually. You can get anti fungals over the counter. The ones that you apply like nail polish work the best.

Back in the day they would have said a vd can’t rember which one but think gonarria can’t spell it or Wich is a bacteria or sifilas

At 73 I have had 2 fall off about a month apart. Same toe on opposite feet.

I was told by a paediatrician that it can happen following a Streptococcus infection

See a doctor. We are not doctors on facebook.

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See your Dr my neighbor had this and it was a type of fungus

Sounds like a vitamin deficiency to me talk to your doctor

Maybe see a doctor for blood test

See a doctor as they need medical attention.

Hope you find out what it is and that it isn’t serious.:pray::pray: