What could a headache on top of the head mean?

My 7 year is complaining of headache especially on top of the head. The pain is from yesterday. She vomited once. Tomorrow i have appointment at her doctor but i need some opinions. Thank you


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What could a headache on top of the head mean?

Sounds like a migraine

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Could be a migraine, how is her eyesight?

My son had headaches for a long time. He needed glasses. Hope this helps.

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I think she might need to go to the emergency room since it was a headache and vomiting together


I would guess migraine. I started getting them around the age of 5

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My daughter has/had this. I was due to her eyes. She needed glasses. It for the most part helped. :grin: Good luck.

Migraine or May need glasses. I have both

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Some of my migraines are only top of my head.

Could she have hit her head and gotten a concussion?


The vomiting with the headache sounds concerning I would take her to her doctor quickly. Look at the head for swelling too.


Tension is usually a common factor

The list can be endless

Migraines, if she hasn’t hit her head anywhere.

Check for Covid . That’s where I got the headache when I woke up and felt like I had been hit with a bat on the head. I vomited all day from the pain.


Not sure where you are, but depending on how hot it was outside, sun stroke.
Get ur child to wear a hat during the day and drink lots of water.

Did she hit her head? Migraines can cause the vomiting as well.

Needs glasses
Sinus head ache (weather changing everywhere)
Try some Tylenol and give some allergy med that should help the headache and bring them in

Does she look down at a screen a lot? I get headaches there a lot when I get too much screen time or dehydrated

I’ve never hear of this

A headache and vomiting?
I’d get her seen. That’s not good together.
Hope she feels better! :pray: :hugs:

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Don’t take advice from fb. Take her to the drs!!


i had mirgains like that and vomiting.worse headache ever. and had a brain bleed

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I puke when I have migraines. So does my boyfriend. I really only get head aches if I keep my glasses off too long.

Unfortunately a head anywhere in the head can be cause from many different reasons.

From medication, posture, eye strain, dehydration, tension, stress/anxiety, sinus, sleep deprivation, and it can be the start of a migraine.

A migraine is mostly associated with vomiting and not a headache.

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Im going to agree with Teri Shinn. I suffer from migraines and while vomiting due to the pain and sensitivity of a migraine could be the cause, a child suddenly having both of these issues could be a sign of something else. Migraines in my experience as well as clinical(pediatric nurse) are generally not located at the top of the head. Getting little one checked out wouldnt hurt.


Unfortunately a head anywhere in the head can be cause from many different reasons.

From medication, posture, eye strain, dehydration, tension, stress/anxiety, sinus, sleep deprivation, sun stroke and it can be the start of a migraine.

A migraine is mostly associated with vomiting and not a headache.

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Could be a sinus infection build up of pressure wishing you well might need an antibiotic avoid all dairy if it is sinus it really helps

Could be the flu. My 7 year old kept saying that, I took him to ER, had the flu . He was also vomiting.

I agree that it could be a migraine. Those make a lot of people super super nauseas.
Peppermint candy and oils sometimes help both migraines and nausea.
Get her a cool rag for her forehead. Lots of water. I personally do both Tylenol AND ibuprofen (when I don’t have migrain meds).
But most importantly you should probably take her to the DR

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If she hit her head, a bad headache and vomiting together could be a sign of a serious concussion. If you don’t think she hit her head, it could be a migraine, especially if she is sensitive to light. Definitely a good idea to see her doctor and make sure everything is okay. Until then I’d just make sure she stays hydrated and keep an eye on her for any signs of disorientation.

I would make a Drs appt for the lil one. Don’t rely on other ppls opinions of what could be the reason for the pains your lil one is having. Better to be safe than sorry by treating what you and others think it is and find out from a physician of what the true cause is.

I puke when I get migraines. Definitely when that happens hydrate max dose of Tylenol cold rag on the floor ahead and go lay down. I would definitely bring it up to the doctor though. Because as the years have gone mine have gotten worse into debilitating and mimic strokes 

My sister got them like that as a kid . We now know it was allergies causing it . She too would be sick . Now she is on seasonally allergy medication.

I definitely suggest using ibuprofen for the pain in case something is causing inflammation leading to the head ache. Make sure she’s drinking plenty of water and let her sleep in a dark area. See if that helps for the time being until she’s seen by the doctor tomorrow.

Did she hit her head at all? Cld me a concussion…

Doctor is it good. Prayers she’s ok.

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Top of the head is typically related to stress or blood pressure. Being dehydrated, overheated, or certain medications can cause an increase in cranial blood pressure. Drinking water and relaxing in a cool environment should help. Definitely talk to your child’s doctor about any medications they are taking and seek urgent care if you can’t alleviate the pain with home treatment.

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Motrin cause of vomiting my son has bad head aches from his chronic ostosis media and chronic allergies.
Def try Motrin as well
And get her a Dr appointment

Me and my son had a viral illness, not covid or flu we were tested, that gave me the worst headache I ever had in my life.
Him as well.
Motrin helped us both more than anything else

I have an 8 yr old that started migrains at 7. Her dad and aunts have migrains.

My son (7) gets quite a few migraines after surgeries and he seems a headache specialist in Baltimore and we currently have him on a slew of vitamins that are supposed to help prevent migraines. As well as noise canceling headphones, and I give him caffeine at the start of a migraine

As long as you know she didn’t bump her head, I’d agree with migraine. And definitely get her eyes checked. I’ve had headaches from both migraine and eye strain, neither are fun.

Give ibuprofen and keep hydrated until her appointment. Go to ER or Urgent Care if symptoms worsen

My 9 yr old daughter gets this frequently, hers is normally because she hasn’t drank enough water and/or she over exerted herself, it also happens when she gets really upset and cries/screams for a bit. I have her drink a bottle of cool but not ice cold water and give her a dose of ibuprofen plus have her lay down in a dark room with a fan on medium. Definitely see a doctor because something else could be going on though

Has it been sunny and warm where you live? Dehydration and or heat stricken and cause a headache and vomiting.

Allergy get some Claritin at the pharmacy 24 hour one break it in half its kinda big but it works.

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Sounds like it might be a migraine.

This isn’t a wait till tomorrow thing.

My daughter has always threw up with allergies and sinus headache take a 24 hour Claritin before bed she will wake up with a crisp head.

I would take her to the ER especially if she’s vomiting. That’s nothing to play around with

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I’m a nurse and if this were my kid I would take to ER with headache and vomiting better to be safe.


I have the same problem I found out I have fluid on my brain


Best thing to do is take your child to the Er so they can do the proper treatment and Scans on brain and stuff for the child especially with throwing up that’s not a good sign for any kid praying for your child to get answers soon and will feel better…Now not bein mean but get off of here and route yourself to your local hospital


My son complained of the exact same thing this morning

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Migraine began for me at age 7, ended with menopause at age 50, so obviously hormones were a factor…43 years from hell. New treatments include epilepsy meds., brain wave patterns are similar. Triggers for me were nitrates in food, barometric pressure changes, light sensitivity, too much caffeine, but sometimes caffeine helped. Being able to sleep at the onset helped, but usually not possible in a classroom, or at a job, or with a house full of small children.

Migraine. I’ve had them since I was 9. Awful things

Nope. Please don’t wait until the dr apt. She/he needs to be seen at ER before then to rule out any underlying issues. Then go see the pcp afterwards. The top of the head could mean multiple things. When this occurs with a child or an adult time is of the essence.


Migraines (especially when vomiting is involved). You could try vitamins and iron. I started taking a liquid iron & B vitamin supplement (Geritol). It has cut down the length and severity of my migraines.
Hopefully you can find help. :heart:

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I’ve had headaches that were a sharp pain in the top of my head. I told my dr that it felt like an ice pick was being driven in my head. He said that they were called ice pick migraines. Maybe what is happening with the little girl. Best idea is to see dr as soon as possible

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Allergies… I get it all the time, my son too!! Sinus problems suck btw :disappointed_relieved:

My son gets migraines, he’s 11, and they started when he was about 7. I have suffered from migraines for the last 16yrs.

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Sounds like a migraine

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Have her vision checked. Mine has the same issues and it’s her vision causing the headaches

In my opinion if she’s throwing up and complaining of her head hurting she needs to be seen at the ER.
That sounds like what my son had been complaining about when he was that age turned out he was having migraines.


give her some Midol & body armor.

Could be she may needs glasses top/front of the head could be from eye strain.

See a neurologist however if it gets to bad go to ER.


Vomiting from a headache is usually a sign of a migraine. It doesn’t necessarily happen in one certain spot…right, left, top or all over for me…just depends on the day.

Def get them into see their Dr and ask for some additional testing/Ct scans.

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My hubby had migraines as a young child.

Get her to er, and have them do a cat scan or MRI,my daughter had headaches whet she was young,the Dr. said it was just a part of a growing ,I don’t want to scare you but my daughter didn’t make it,she had a undected aneurysm.


She needs to be checked for Diabetes as well That causes headaches until it is under control Dr will do all the checks tomorrow anyway Hope everything goes well

Ocular migraine. But I wold see the doctor, maybe do an eeg.

Did she hit her head? concussion?, Iwould not wait.

As a precaution take her to the ER vomiting could be a sign of head trauma. It’s better to be safe.


My daughter started getting migraines when she was 7 including vomiting :relieved:

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Get her eyes checked

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has she banged her head? any other symptoms? maybe a bit of concussion

Sounds like a migraine poor baby cool dark room try to keep her quite n pain meds

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Could be sinus related.

Take her for an eye exam.

Head pain and vomiting should be an automatic trip to the ER


Dont ask people on here they will scare you they shouldnt be telling you the bad things it could be and what happened to them ,see your Gp,it sounds like a migraine to me with the sickness dont go panicking with some of the stories you are being g told :heart:


ER!! Could be a migraine but it could be something serious!

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Migrain or from the heat. Lay down and put pillow on head.


Listen to the doctor tomorrow and forget all these BS opinions which no - you do not need and which can cause your daughter even more problems. Midol to a 7 year old!!! Give me a friggen break!!.

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Give kid a cool, dark quiet place to lay and take to dr when they open

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As a nurse THAT COULD MEAN MANY SERIOUS THINGS. As a mama usually it is just a migraine or a viral thing.


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Have eyes checked also

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Does she wear her hair in a tight ponytail?

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The doctor will tell you.

Sounds like a migraine, maybe even a simple virus. Don’t panic at some of these suggestions.